Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure 1.04

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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Oryxo » Mon, 15Dec07 10:44

redle wrote:During the intro, descriptions keep being given with various exits that aren't available yet, and the game doesn't give real clear instructions what the player is expected to do. It creates a bit of a feeling of being trapped until the player stumbles on the 1 action that is unlocked.

Also, I've only given 1 attempt at a playthrough so far, and I got utterly trapped.
The player starts with 5 energy. Working takes 2 energy. After working twice I am left with 1 energy. The game won't let me work because I don't have enough energy, but I can't sleep to regain energy because I am not at 0.

Typing help also told me of the "eat" command. That doesn't seem to work either because apparently I can only eat in the kitchen, and don't have access to that area yet.

I'm guessing that either the laptop that was mentioned already in this thread has some 1 energy tasks (although after working twice, the janitor seems to have vanished so I can't actually buy the laptop now), or I need to "wait" until late enough that maybe I'll suddenly become tired. Regardless, I can't find any task that works to drain a single energy in the current playthrough.

Maybe I'm missing something, but seems it shouldn't be so hard to reach the next day.

Anyway, it's intriguing. I'm not far enough in to say much more than that.

You don't have to get to 0 energy to sleep, you can only sleep at night (I think 21h is the earliest). Also, to eat you have to go to the employee's room but again you can only eat at specific hours for each meal.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 12:17

Lovely comments redle. Thanks for taking the time to write that. Almost everything you mention is on point.
An editor would help no doubt and I might just have to find someone to do that. This is my first attempt at writing anything of this size and scope. My background is in the more technical side of game production and it is easy to see when compared to your example that I lack a lot of flair with the English language.

Hopefully I can improve and adapt over time with the input you guys are so kind to give me. Compared to your example I would most likely settle on a slightly shorter adaption and most of the exposition is intended to be a bit lacking in info or clarity. The major events of the story don't make complete sense before the end of the trilogy. But given that you are more then right about it being lacking and the plan is to give everything a good once over before moving on to the next content additions.

Regarding the identity of your uncle and his strange ways. I can't confirm or deny anything at this point.
Regarding the term recluse. I am trying to describe someone who won't be seen or meet people in person (because of reasons) but does not have an issue communicating via other media ( was thinking Howard Hughes a bit here, if that makes sense). If there is a better word for it please help.

I have added info to the help file about the eat command and yes it is so far only in the Employee Lounge. Celeste mentions in the intro that the Restaurant/Kitchen food is off limits for staff.
Same clarification in help about sleep. Anytime after and including 18 the sleep command will send you to bed. If you run out of energy before 18 you can use "wait until xx" to either jump to the evening or jump to a time that would allow energy refill.

Your options in the beginning are very limited and I am writing down a few more pointers for help and ingame hints for progress until the player gets a hang of the basic gameplay. A lot more options open up over time as the rpg elements start to kick in.

Thanks again. Even if your comment means the most work in my future :lol:
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 12:57

the things i found

- i am not going into spelling and grammar, thats not my thing. Only thing i mentioned earlier in a post was the east and west in the basement. Wich is more a mistake
- wanking, i am unable to wank (ingame) except for at 1 specific time a day. Girl there and it shows i know her name, while i do know her name i never met the girl so how can i place a name with a face i never seen before
- tutorial, while help shows do this and this in a basic dashion i think the 1st couple of days you could get a tutorial done or something. Something that shows the player around in the right directions.
- work, i need to do work 2x 4 hours. When facing Celeste her task imo that is work. I am doing a job for my boss in quite a time period. Still Day after i get punished for doing a task she gave me. If my boss gave me a task during workhours and then afterwards he tells me i am not getting paid cause i didn't show at work. Well i wouldn't take that.
- Hints on what to do next. Work work, yeh waiting to see other times but not getting anything and then wasting a couple of hours not working and getting punished, will make people undo/save scum. Also i found the right click on screen to see if there is a command shouldn't be the way to play. Have details in the text the words etc
- For the 1st task the groceries an easy event could have come instead of randomly going to the 1400 mark and having celeste pop up. Have a couple of days you can and have to eat at lunch time, and then suddenly not being able to eat at lunch time, would be a subtle hint on the groceries task for Celeste
- Scruffy, i wouldn't be and would be suprised if he was the uncle. If he is the uncle some girls should get a oscar for acting performances.
- Laptop, 1st time you notice the laptop you see scruffy with it, you ask about the laptop and suddenly he goes like "you cannot afford it". Thats not what i wanted to know, i wanted to know why he is having the old thing, is it some kind of weird fetish or what. But atleast i know now. Yup i gotta buy that.
- 1500 credit computer, yeh i got that far. When i saw a pic of the computer i thought by meself 1500 a bargain. But thats a me thing. When i got the ability to buy a camera etc. I am thinking to myself yup video-editing is gonna be a thing.
- Pics i am not particulary fond of real pictures in games, it happens gonna deal with it. But imo it will limit pictures on threesomes, groupsex etc.
- plot 2 female clients in a hotel wich is based on "service", where are the men?
- Temp....Stora....oom. Ok This probaly gotta be temporary storage room, still these wording makes me wanna believe the game also will get something supernatural, mc like genres. My Question what are the plans on the "genres" in this particular game?
- Sleeping anywhere, yup you can use anywhere the sleep command, will automaticly get you to your room.
- wait, z command. The standard command for waiting in any AIF game. In here you wait with no effect. You have to "wait until xx" , it could be a great idea to make this command into a 1 hour wait command.

Now weirdness this is a personal thing and i gotta know if i am mentally insane. So this is not igname
- I dreamt last night about the new lagoon forums and this game (probaly cause of intensity playing and reading a couple of hours before i went to bed) . And i saw a walkthrough in my dream. at the 9:00 mark i saw a waitress called Cassie or Cassidy. The reason i ask for the as long as i can remember i get alot of these dejavu's about things i dreamt before. And this would be a great confirmation that i am ready to go to a asylum. So Setzworks was there a plan for such a girl and are you like damn how did he know?
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 13:47

Thanks again Skelaturi. Great stuff.
- You are right about that specific girl and the wank command. Will look into that.
- Will flesh out the hints and help in the beginning.
- Celeste is a bitch boss in the beginning. But yes the food runs should count as work blocks. Thanks for pointing that out.
- Worst case scenario you lose some credits and get yelled at. The game is designed to be a bit up hill in the beginning but as there is no time limit (for completion) you won't have to think too much about small setbacks like missing a work shift.
- Very good point about seeding info about events during normal activities.
- Scruffy!! No info as of yet.
- Scruffy moves in weird ways. His sense of pricing is not always rational.
- Real pictures is sadly the only way I can do it right now. I am picking characters/actors based on what actions I want to be able to do with them in the future. Given their work or what good fakes are out there. If anyone wants to commit to 1000+ pictures for this game and the same or more for the next two installments. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img] I would be happy to make a 3D conversion.
- Regarding other men. Some info about that will be revealed later. Make sense it will (So ready for Star Wars).
- Don't want to spoil anything at this point. But the game does have some mystery elements. Anything more then that lies in future releases.
Will add that there are no sudden horror/gore/snuff/beastiality/pedo elements. It will get weird and kinky but not hardcore in that direction.
- Ahh yes the wait command. Adrift did not make it easy. I am still looking into a "wait one hour" command. But I am not using the z function as it does not tie very well into the hour/day cycle. No promises.

Regarding your last paragraph. There might or might not be plans for another waitress. But she is as of now still unnamed. (Had to check my design notes to make sure) I am not going to go Freudian on you but the name would not have been any of those two. Thankfully or you would have freaked me out :)

P.S. You have no idea how stupid I feel right now. I am such an adrift noob. I did not know you could rightclick to see commands until you mentioned it. wow.
Last edited by Seztworks on Mon, 15Dec07 14:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 14:05

Seztworks wrote:Thanks again Skelaturi. Great stuff.
- You are right about that specific girl and the wank command. Will look into that.
- Will flesh out the hints and help in the beginning.
- Celeste is a bitch boss in the beginning. But yes the food runs should count as work blocks. Thanks for pointing that out.
- Worst case scenario you lose some credits and get yelled at. The game is designed to be a bit up hill in the beginning but as there is no time limit (for completion) you won't have to think too much about small setbacks like missing a work shift.
- Very good point about seeding info about events during normal activities.
- Scruffy!! No info as of yet.
- Scruffy moves in weird ways. His sense of pricing is not always rational.
- Real pictures is sadly the only way I can do it right now. I am picking characters/actors based on what actions I want to be able to do with them in the future. Given their work or what good fakes are out there. If anyone wants to commit to 1000+ pictures for this game and the same or more for the next two installments. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img] I would be happy to make a 3D conversion.
- Regarding other men. Some info about that will be revealed later. Make sense it will (So ready for Star Wars).
- Don't want to spoil anything at this point. But the game does have some mystery elements. Anything more then that lies in future releases.
Will add that there are no sudden horror/gore/snuff/beastiality/pedo elements. It will get weird and kinky but not hardcore in that direction.
- Ahh yes the wait command. Adrift did not make it easy. I am still looking into a "wait one hour" command. But I am not using the z function as it does not tie very well into the hour/day cycle. No promises.

Regarding your last paragraph. There might or might not be plans for another waitress. But she is as of now still unnamed. (Had to check my design notes to make sure) I am not going to go Freudian on you but the name would not have been any of those two. Thankfully or you would have freaked me out :)

got it
-about my craziness. You think it would have freaked you out?
- found taylor outside of the wank area, not been able to talk
- stuck on a appearantly task for gem now
- no use for computer/ camera yet? or am i unable to find commands
laptop - you don't think you can't get anymore out of this laptop - after surfing porn
turning on computer makes some commands in the rightclick menu change, some with no results
look into hole -> look into wall
Surfing porn -> use internet
wank - wank to taylor
"tried to see other time for the rest" Wank will not work for example on celeste Wank to celeste will work
at 1800 talor appearantly is inside the shower for the 2nd time of the day, wanking still will not work
rightclick menu - lobby studio and apartment.
Last edited by Skelaturi on Mon, 15Dec07 14:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 14:19


- The wank command seems very hit and miss. You are right. Will have to give it a go later to iron out the kinks. :)
- The laptop error is there as a content stop right now. Will add note about it. No more content in that path.
- The camera is needed for some Gem events. No other uses as of now.
- Computer commands might not be intended. Have to look into what commands are there that I did not add. (Noob error)
- Command cleanup will be a major part of the next release. A lot of stuff was added to be changed later and then not changed as I got developer blind.

- Let me know if the Gem path is too obscure. Since you have got the camera I hoped the rest would be pretty straightforward.
- The other girls are there to support Gems path right now. Taylor does not have a lot of actions outside of events with Gem.

Thanks a bunch
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 14:28

Seztworks wrote:Greatness.

- The wank command seems very hit and miss. You are right. Will have to give it a go later to iron out the kinks. :)
- The laptop error is there as a content stop right now. Will add note about it. No more content in that path.
- The camera is needed for some Gem events. No other uses as of now.
- Computer commands might not be intended. Have to look into what commands are there that I did not add. (Noob error)
- Command cleanup will be a major part of the next release. A lot of stuff was added to be changed later and then not changed as I got developer blind.

- Let me know if the Gem path is to obscure. Since you have got the camera I hoped the rest would be pretty straightforward.

Thanks a bunch

i thought they had nothing to do with eachother and the game just had a content stop now before i quited and read this last note of yours. Will see if i can get it to progress. currently at 2300 in the lobby, something about a note and a machine. Not able to accept the task, but not able to progress either
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 14:34

Ahh there we go.
- It seems you have stumbled across the camera before the story intended. Need to fix that :)
- Can see the request from Gem being unclear here. Will change it to an event where you have to accept.
- Ask your boss about the machine. That should help.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 14:40

Seztworks wrote:Ahh there we go.
- It seems you have stumbled across the camera before the story intended. Need to fix that :)
- Can see the request from Gem being unclear here. Will change it to an event where you have to accept.
- Ask your boss about the machine. That should help.

that rightclick menu is mainly the reason for anything to early like the camera
- got to the end, day 153. S.E.X. 1/4/134
- working as a cleaner is boring, hope you will add promotions and such so working can be a bit more lucrative then 100 standard workday and the extra for overtime. Feels a bit grindy. And with the pay for own food, pay fine for not working, it all feels grindy atm.
- the 1800 lookinto wall taylor there, but not being able to wank is odd. Then again odd that she is a 2nd time there on a day. I imagine something off. but for a gym shower i kinda miss Zoe and specially gem in there.
- the L yup get it debugging it is progress really
- i am actually quite excited to see the where this game will lead, keep up the work
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 16:30

Cool. Thanks a lot for your time. Its not easy being a test bunny for unfinished/broken stuff.
Everything you have mentioned have been added to my notes and will be the first on the list of tasks over the next days.
- Promotions are in the works as well as a lot of extra tasks to earn credits on the side and tips from clients.
Had to keep things a bit simple to get the proof of concept out the door.
- Since I wanted to complete the most "innocent" and direct path first with Gem a lot of the work progression got halted as this is linked to the staff story lines.
There will be a bit of grind in the beginning but not as much as you have been through here.

Most importantly you didn't outright hate it [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] . So I will keep trucking.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Kane » Mon, 15Dec07 17:28

Seztworks wrote:Progress :)
You will need help from another employee.
There is an event in your room sometime before lunch that should move things forward a bit.

Wich employee? And what I have to do to ask for help?
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 17:37

Hi Kane
If you enter your room at 9 in the morning you should start the events that lead to room upgrades. With the linked employee (this might require that you have bought something earlier...depends how far you are).

Hope that helps
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 20:14

Seztworks wrote:Hi Kane
If you enter your room at 9 in the morning you should start the events that lead to room upgrades. With the linked employee (this might require that you have bought something earlier...depends how far you are).

Hope that helps

about those
room upgrades, had in my 1st playthrough that scruffie mentioned to come and see him about those upgrades, but only after Celestes office task i could buy cause well she wanted me to clean up. Ialso have no idea how many upgrades you are planning on for the room. But you might want to consider "if possible" and also if there will be another vendor or scruffy for inventory items. A browse menu. BBBen in his PAC games is a fine example. You are in a conversation with the vendor you type browse and you see everything he has for sale and prices. Then you type buy x or buy y and its done

Next is about conversations sometimes asking about stuff makes no sense, maybe a talk to command or just a talk to command to get subtle hints could work. And maybe you could take a look at celeste after you got your uniform on. She says a story, she gives 3 things you can ask her about. Workhours, tasks, employees and when done leave. I thought that was really well done and then for the rest of the game i kinda missed it. That could be a example for all the npc's
Talk to xx - get in that menu - ask things, browse, kiss, hug, flirt, get hints, offer help (get smaller tasks) and leave

But again i do not know or have any experience with the limitations of Adrift, could be crazy stuff i am asking for here
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 20:46

I am just looking into the intro section of the game and yeah there will be more conversations like the intro with your boss. As more complex characters are added. Very good point about talk to commands. Ask is the basic adrift structure as any talk to commands would have to be added as complete events. But not impossible. Might add some of those for hints.

A lot of the steps in the intro show functions that are not used afterwards. These are designed to show and teach with color coded text and such. The first girl is meant the be the easy one and does not require any of those actions but that will change in later releases. This seems weird right now. But some of the future girls will be available at the same time as the first girl and require more tricky stuff such as item use and conversation trees. So having the intro show them makes more sense later.
Right now I have designed room upgrades as pretty linear to keep my head wrapped around what happens when. This might change once I get more familiar with adrift and the plan is at least to have a different system in the 2. game.
You are right the first step requires some steps from both you, Celeste and Scruffy to unlock.
There will be other vendors in the game with a system as you mention.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby redle » Tue, 15Dec08 00:04

On a second playthrough I did make it much farther, as well as figure out "where" to eat. Thanks though, Oryxo.

I glanced at Skeleturi's list of pointers, and I imagine a lot of my thoughts will repeat those. It's easier for me to just list my thoughts instead of constantly comparing while I type this up. Ignore duplicates as you will...

1. Using help shouldn't be mandatory. If a command is used in game, it needs to be reasonably discoverable in game.
2. The eat commands need to be redone to match point 1. You could make examining the kitchen list eating times (or have Celeste directly tell the player). However you want, but they need to exist within the game.
3. Same with wait until... This game currently requires many uses of wait, and so it must been told to the player. If nothing else, put the excerpt about it from the help also into the game intro before the story begins.
4. As was mentioned, "wait" passing a single hour should be implemented. In a game where wait must frequently be used, there is no reason to not use the standard command (even if the additional command which allows longer waiting to occur is also employed).
5. Time references... the game uses the military 0-24 for hour designations. I certainly understand how that makes things easier programmatically. The thing is, the text doesn't always use the same nomenclature. (i.e. Celeste says come to my office at 9, which turns out to mean PM, or 21) Would be best if everything was kept consistent.
6. Laptop usage... These games can already be quite difficult because of "guess the verb" issues. It will become virtually impossible if you add in "guess the noun". I don't mind "use internet" working, but the same thing must be accomplishable by typing "use laptop" (the noun we actually know has meaning in the game). Doesn't matter if this launches a menu system, or if use laptop simply tells us a list of usable commands and we need to then use those commands to make things happen, or how you do it, but no "guess the noun," please.
7. Groceries task has several problems. I'll try to give them each a separate point. Putting the food in the icebox after purchasing them is rather hard to decipher. It would be best if you actually made a Fridge object that can be examined, opened, interacted with. Then just let the standard game mechanics work as they do, and let the player open the fridge and put them inside.
8. Even when there is no active grocery task, the player can still go and buy more groceries. He is then told that the fridge is full. He ends up losing the money from buying the groceries, gets a call the next day from Celeste about failing to do the mission correctly (and any relationship penalties this might incur), and gets fined more money. This all needs to be disabled/cleaned-up.
9. It can be left as is, but I don't like the grocery task being implemented at 14. Even though she says we must go buy food today, there doesn't seem to be an actual time limit. If we accept the task and go buy groceries a week later, everything is considered perfect. That does create some leeway. That being said, she gives a task at 14 that can only be performed at 14. It requires energy which we may or may not already possess, and no way to replenish the energy if we don't already have it. We accept the task then find out it is incompletable (as I said, currently the game allows doing it on a future day, so it is forgiving.... in a rather hacked way). It would be much better if she told us this task early in the day. Then it would be our responsibility to make sure we had the energy to do the task when the time was right (although you maybe would need to mention before accepting the task that it will take 2 energy).
10. Personally, I'd prefer seeing a "bus" show up in the lobby just like people do. Examining it can say something about how we see a bus through the glass entry doors (rather than it actually being inside the lobby). Interacting with the bus object/person would then be how we used it to travel.
11. Task overview command would be excellent. What I mean is, it would be really nice if typing the word "task" gave us a list of currently open tasks we were working on. This could also include any special commands that are required to complete the task which may not be standard commands, if there are any; as well as just a general description of what we are expected to be doing.
12. Sleep should really work any time of day. Now that I understand how eating works, I'll admit that there aren't many likely scenarios where I'd want to go to sleep prior to the last meal of the day, but if I happen to have 0 money, I couldn't eat anyway. There's no real reason to force a player to use wait commands before he can type sleep.
13. Working jumps the player back to the lounge no matter where he was. Sleep from anywhere jumps the player to his room. I don't see any reason currently for eat to also not work the same way (from anywhere). There are reasons why this may be necessary, but just in case I wanted to mention it.
14. The player really should be able to examine the kitchen. Anything that is actually integral to the story should feel like a fully present object. As soon as "examine kitchen" tells me that no such object exists, I treat it like it truly doesn't. That's part of why I had such trouble figuring out how to eat. I knew I couldn't eat in the restaurant, but obviously any restaurant must have an attached kitchen for staff. Since I had mentally erased the lounge kitchen, I felt like I somehow needed to unlock a new room.
15. Not a huge deal, but examining one's self prior to donning the uniform still shows an image of a person in uniform.
16. Meeting Zoe... another trivial detail, but we can ask about her name when we first meet. She makes a somewhat snide remark about it being obvious because it is on her name tag. The thing is, in her picture she isn't wearing a name tag. I know, you are using whatever pictures you find, and telling a story. Everything won't always match up. So as I said, rather trivial, but still a point of disconnect.

Those are the points that I remember at the moment anyway.

I think it might be a RAGS game. I don't recall off the top of my head with certainty. Either way, the exact same image of the waitress was used in some other fairly recent game/alpha and I think her name was Cassidy or similar in that one.

As for the janitor
my thought was that the women don't actually know who he is. He's a janitor that doesn't seem to do any janitoring. He's the only male, in a world full of female workers and guests. The only male we know for sure that has any association with this business is our Uncle. No one is too sure what the Uncle looks like, where he is, or what he does. The hotel branch we are in is considered "his favorite". There are a lot of fingers pointing at him being the Uncle.

The continued use of "crazy" and "odd" leads to belief that there is magic or hypnotism or some mystical extra-normal force being at work here. So it isn't all that far-fetched to imagine that the man of mystery is successfully hiding in plain sight.
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