Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure 1.04

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Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure 1.04

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 15Dec06 23:13

Hello all

Himeros Hotel - an adult game with elements of text adventure, rpg and dating sim made with Adrift 5.
The story is written for a trilogy of games with a connected story. Containing a lot of sexual content ranging from sexy teases to full hardcore and kinky sex. I am not much of an artist so am using a lot of photos to tell the story. The games will be released free but any support will help speed up releases.

This is the first game in a planned trilogy. Himeros Haven is the 2. game and can be found in the in this forum as well. Horizon will be the final game.

Content for Game 1 is 11 paths. 40+ scenes and 300+ events.
Version 1.02 is first release with editor corrections for the first hour or so of gameplay.
Version 1.03 adds an aspect ratio fix. Every image has been squared so you no longer need to set your ratio ingame more then once.
Version 1.04 large update of walkthrough. Fixes errors on two days, plus added L: tracking for easy tracking for newer players. Updated game version to match.
- This increased the gamesize a bit.

Known issues:
Spelling, grammar and structure. The editor is working on this and minor patches will be pushed out to fix these over time.

You can get the game at:
Standalone v1.04 and Walkthrough:
Patreon Free

Regarding blorb version. There are so many changes in different Adrift versions that the game won't run on any other versions of Adrift then the version it was creadted on so unless a future Adrift version fixes this there won't be a blorb version. Sorry Linux guys.

Thanks for your time and enjoy

P.S. Any feedback is more then welcome
P.P.S. For anyone wanting clarification of content/themes/genre.
The game will contain:
Solo (Masturbation), B/G. G/G, Threesomes+, Gangbangs, BDSM (Consensual), Voyeurism, Fakes, Incest (Not sure about this yet. Have a story line that would be fun to explore with consensual and adult incest).

The game will NOT contain:
Rape, Underage, Mind control, Monster, Beast, Zoo, Morph, Expansion, Gender swap or cross gender, B/B.
(This list is only an indication of what fits with the story I am telling. Not a comment about acceptable fetishes or even my personal tastes (Nothing like a gender confused catgirl with changing breast size and tentacles to liven up your day :)). The exception are the first couple as these are not in any way cool in my book.)
Last edited by Seztworks on Tue, 18Dec11 07:06, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 00:52

found your first typo/bug/misplacement

in the basement hallway - a door to the east leads into your room --- your room is west

not progressed that far yet, playing something else at the same time. But gotta +1 for posting it in the projects, still sometimes i see people posting WIP games in the finished sections
Doggy style (noun)
A sexual position which allows both participants to watch TV.
My weakness a deviant Redhead: http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8&start=4425#p97335

Seen anything wrong, a typo, to ask, anything else? PM me.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 00:59

Woo first constructive feedback. Fixed for the next release. The first reddit feedback was a bit more harsh. I am aware there are a lot of text/spelling errors and any corrections are more then welcome. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Dec07 01:08

Seztworks wrote:Woo first constructive feedback. Fixed for the next release. The first reddit feedback was a bit more harsh. I am aware there are a lot of text/spelling errors and any corrections are more then welcome. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

you mean the
The English in this game is just terrible.
thats not harsh, thats just stupid and no feedback at all. If he wanted to provide feedback, he would have told you exactly what was wrong.

One more thing, could you add in the Help section what the S.E.X. stand for and the L at the bottom. My guess is the E is energy cause i thought i seen it drop from 5 to 3
Doggy style (noun)
A sexual position which allows both participants to watch TV.
My weakness a deviant Redhead: http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8&start=4425#p97335

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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 01:17

Was debating with myself about keeping the counters secret but will at least add info about S.E.X to the next release.
S: Score
E: Energy/endurance
X: eXperience

Energy as you noted is the most used stat and is the only one that you need keep an eye on as such. At least in this release.

The L counter is for character Love/Lust/Loyalty and more for my debugging use. But if you can decipher it no harm done [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Oryxo » Mon, 15Dec07 04:13

hrm I can't seem to find how to progress:

so far all I've done is work and buy the laptop from the janitor. I then placed the laptop in my room but I'm not sure how to do anything useful with it.

I can't seem to find anything that will trigger a response from anyone.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 04:26

Noted. Have added more clear use commands in next release.
Start by turning on the laptop
use internet or surf porn (only works at a specific time of day)

There are a bunch of events that will only trigger when you are at a specific location at a specific time. I would try checking the rooms open to you during different hours. In some cases when you would normally work.
It can seem a bit random right now. But later when more storylines are added the chances will be greater to stumble across these.

Hope this helps. Thanks for feedback.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Oryxo » Mon, 15Dec07 05:42

well I'm stuck again:

Celeste told me to clean my room and I removed the mold in it but now nothing else is happening
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 05:50

Progress :)
You will need help from another employee.
There is an event in your room sometime before lunch that should move things forward a bit.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Oryxo » Mon, 15Dec07 06:18

well made some progress but:

now I can't find how to get the pictures for Scruffy.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 06:33

You are getting close to the end of the current content in that path. No idea if you have startet the storyline of the first girl yet :)
You already have the pictures. Scruffy has mentioned something about recording pictures earlier and you only need to share them with him.
When you are in the same room as him
share pictures (other keywords work as well..but share is hinted at in the text)
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Oryxo » Mon, 15Dec07 06:49

Seztworks wrote:You are getting close to the end of the current content in that path. No idea if you have startet the storyline of the first girl yet :)
You already have the pictures. Scruffy has mentioned something about recording pictures earlier and you only need to share them with him.
When you are in the same room as him
share pictures (other keywords work as well..but share is hinted at in the text)

I talked with Zoe a bit near the beginning about the groceries and meals but nothing else
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 15Dec07 07:01

Zoe is a bit more tricky and will not be fully unlocked until later. Same is true for most of the staff. But she can open the path to another.
She can be a good source of info about guests. There should be one guest that you don't know by name.
This will open a chain of events. But again can be a bit tricky to stumble across right now.

Good luck. Support will be offline for a few hours. Work calls. :)
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby Rexxx » Mon, 15Dec07 09:18

Who is the girl that has the complete storyline ?
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Alpha Access

Postby redle » Mon, 15Dec07 09:25

The first thing I notice... one download file is spelled Himeros and the other is spelled Hemiros.

Next, examples of how much an editor could help are abundant. There are the spelling mistakes (collage -> college, too -> two, uncles -> uncle's, etc), sure, but they are minor in comparison to the flow of the story.

The first thing the player sees:
"You told the lawyer that you could get by on your own. After your parents died in a car crash the lawyer at the will reading handed you a letter from your uncle. He wanted to take care of you but you where stubborn and wouldn't hear of it."

is a bit jarring and backwards.
The way this is worded, it comes off as... I was speaking with a lawyer and I told him to leave me alone. I want no part of him or anyone else. Some time later, my parents died. I was listening to the will being read when that same lawyer showed up and gave me a letter. Don't worry about what was in the letter. It's not important. The lawyer wanted to adopt me, marry me, or kidnap me. I don't know which, but as nice as that sounded, I refused anyway.

(I realize I'm taking that interpretation to an extreme, but that's to try to get the point across. The plot you are trying to portray is followable, just not particularly well written. It doesn't really improve from there.)

Two weeks into college you were still high on your new found freedom when the call came. A car crash. Both parents dead. Details were sketchy, but however it happened, they were gone. Legal documents, forms, lawyers, they flooded your life, but only for a little while. You don't really remember much of it now. The one thing you do remember clearly is a single envelope.

The letter inside was from your Mom's only brother, your uncle. It was an offer to come live with him. You've never met the guy. Never talked to him. No birthday cards as you grew up. For a long time you actually thought he was dead. Mom occasionally brought out the old photo album from her childhood filled with plenty of pictures of the two of them together. When you were younger, that was the only time he was mentioned.

One day in your teens you saw his name in the paper. A week later you heard it on the news. It started showing up more and more frequently in the media. Every time it was in conjunction with the same new specialty hotel chain. You started to wonder if this was your uncle. Mom ignored it completely. So eventually you did too, and gave up on the idea.

When you read that letter after they died, you no longer cared. You were alone, but that was okay. You sure didn't care about some long lost uncle. As an adult you would make it on your own.

Well, it turns out tuition can drain away an inheritance faster than one might think. Excessive drinking and partying to cope with the loss probably didn't help either. So here you are, packing your few belongings; leaving the University, Astronomy degree unfinished; lack of funds forcing you out; and no plan or place to go.

Thinking back to that letter was your last ditch hope. As little as you paid attention to it at the time, you are sure that letter was written on Himeros Hotel stationary. You wasted your last minutes on your prepaid cellphone being passed off from one flunky to another in hopes of reaching your Uncle. You don't know how many people you tried explaining the story to, but none forwarded you were you wanted to go. In the end your minutes ran out. Now your lease is out. And you're walking out this door for the last time. As you exit the building you see a slick SUV sitting there. Its opulence is a fitting, mocking counterpoint to your destitution.

As you're about to trudge off, the SUV's rear door pops open and a mechanized voice says, "In." A bit dumbfounded, you stand there gawking as the same voice rumbles out of the car again, "Get in!"

It takes a while to decide you aren't dreaming. As a more insistent, "Now!" resonates from the car, you notice the Himeros Hotel logo in discreet print on the front door. You practically leap into the backseat, not caring what might happen. The door slams shut the moment you hit the seat and the car pulls away from the curb with nary a driver in sight.

Many hours later the door pops open in front of a gorgeous building. During the drive you found a letter explaining that you were being given employment and lodgings at the top tier facility within the chain. It also mentioned instructions to look around the place upon arrival and to ask the receptionist about job. With a bit of relief and uncertainty you try to put a smile on your face and step through the front doors to see what your new life holds in store.

(I don't claim to be the best of writers, but the above is a possible rewrite)

Also you use words like "reclusive" and "hermit" in the same paragraph where you speak of the man spamming letters and emails. This is a major contradiction. The former paints the picture of a man that wants to be left alone. The latter is a person reaching out for social interaction. Not to mention I don't understand all the mention of pictures. Bit creepy if the guy just starts suddenly sending lots of pictures of himself.

I could be wrong but,
I'm assuming at some point it will be revealed that the janitor is our Uncle. With all the pictures, not sure how we wouldn't recognize him.

The East/West problem was already mentioned in the basement.

During the intro, descriptions keep being given with various exits that aren't available yet, and the game doesn't give real clear instructions what the player is expected to do. It creates a bit of a feeling of being trapped until the player stumbles on the 1 action that is unlocked.

Also, I've only given 1 attempt at a playthrough so far, and I got utterly trapped.
The player starts with 5 energy. Working takes 2 energy. After working twice I am left with 1 energy. The game won't let me work because I don't have enough energy, but I can't sleep to regain energy because I am not at 0.

Typing help also told me of the "eat" command. That doesn't seem to work either because apparently I can only eat in the kitchen, and don't have access to that area yet.

I'm guessing that either the laptop that was mentioned already in this thread has some 1 energy tasks (although after working twice, the janitor seems to have vanished so I can't actually buy the laptop now), or I need to "wait" until late enough that maybe I'll suddenly become tired. Regardless, I can't find any task that works to drain a single energy in the current playthrough.

Maybe I'm missing something, but seems it shouldn't be so hard to reach the next day.

Anyway, it's intriguing. I'm not far enough in to say much more than that.
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