VDG walkthroughs

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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby thinman873 » Fri, 12Nov09 13:05

ExLibris wrote:I've updated my Rachel walkthrough with the details of the Leilani ending.


can someone give me sci-fi mission walkthrough. i've managed to find one ending, but can't find another.
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby MadDocBoom » Sat, 12Nov10 02:42

Could someone PM me a walkthrough for Zoe? Much appreciated. Thanks. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby AngryMonkey » Wed, 12Nov14 04:28

Is there a walkthrough for Sci-Fi Mission? I did try a search for it and found nothing, so I apologize if it has already been posted.
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby karrek » Mon, 12Dec10 23:52

I'd also appreciate a walkthrough of Zoe. Thanks in advance!
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby shacow » Sat, 12Dec29 01:45

Hi all,

Can someone send me the walkthrough for Zoe?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby srsa51 » Tue, 13Mar05 19:53

I'm also looking for the walkthrough for Zoe 1.0, as well as Katie 2.0. Can anyone help?
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby Halfmastmutiny » Mon, 13Apr01 04:30

Could someone PM me a walkthrough for Katie 2.0, the new one Lisette, Erica Virtual sci-fi, Kelly redux, Nelena and Tammy. I've completed all the other games. These are the only ones I have yet to thoroughly beat. Could really use the help. Please and thank you :)
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby karrek » Sat, 13Apr06 13:50

I'd also like a walkthrough for Lisette, if someone could hook me up. Thanks!
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby hotlynkz » Wed, 13May08 22:02

I would like a maddison walkthrough please [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby hunter001 » Fri, 13Sep20 05:36

Can someone pm me the walkthroughs for Maddison and Jennifer and Katie 2.0? Thanks.
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby Darth Arrow » Sun, 13Sep22 19:45

Here's a walkthrough for Jennifer. It might have some errors as I didn't bother to double check it or anything, but even if there're errors, you should still be able to get through the game by generaly following what I've written down.
”Thanks. I like your outfit.” Kitchen, eat ice cream, drink wine.

Go to mall, upper floor. Buy camera, drink wine. Lower floor, clothing store: “I’ll find something to make you look even more gorgeous.” Pick the robe. “Maybe you should try it on.” “Damn, that makes you look sexy. Let’s buy it.” “Let’s just go back to my apartment.”

Kitchen, eat ice cream (leads to streaking through the streets later on) OR order pizza (leads to flashing to the pizzaboy later on), drink whisky.

Lounge, sit, “Let’s just relax.” “Let’s just talk.” “Are you a morning or a night person?” “Let’s just talk.” “If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?” “Let’s just talk.” “What kind of person do you find interesting?” Stand

Bedroom, balcony, look at the view: “I’d love to take some photos of you against that scenery.” “I can’t think of anything else to wear. This’ll be good.” “Stand with your legs apart.” “How about you open your legs a little?” (You can choose to go to the hot tub naked now, but be aware that you won’t be able to go to the park anymore.) Go back indoors, walk to lounge, walk to doorway, leave apartment: “How about the park?” “I’ll grab the whisky from the kitchen. Might be useful.”

“Let’s hang by the lake.” Kiss her. “Let’s play a drinking game.” Next doesn’t matter. “I dare you to slide down the slide.” “I dare you to surf the see saw.” “I dare you to run home naked!” OR “I dare you to skinny dip in the lake.”

Back at the apartment, if you chose to dare Jennifer to skinny dip in the lake, go to bedroom, sit on the bed: “I think you should change clothes.” “I’ll let you decide.” Next doesn’t matter (you can also get naked by going to the hot tub). If you chose to dare Jennifer to run home naked, go straight to lounge instead of going to the bedroom first.

In the lounge, sit: “Let’s just relax.” “Let’s watch some TV.” Porn. “How would you do it then?” Sit again: “Let’s play a drinking game.” Next doesn’t matter. “Dance on the table wearing only your boots.” “Dare accepted!” Click the table as near the top of the screen as possible. “I dare you to do the sexiest dance you can.” Kiss her butt. Next won’t matter. Next depends on whether you ordered pizza or not. If you did, dare Jennifer to answer the doorbell naked, if you didn’t “Try and catch the bus naked!” “What about the robe we bought earlier?” (I haven’t tried it, but it might be possible to skip the sexy dance part and go to catch the bus before the pizzaboy gets there thus getting both "acchievents" during the same playthrough.)

If you haven’t yet, now’s the time to go through the bedroom to the balcony and show her the hot tub. “Do you want to try it?” Go back indoors. Sit on bed. “Kiss me.” Fuck her brains out.

The only “achievement” you’ll be missing is the one with the water pistols. Instead of buying the camera just buy the waterpistols. The walkthrough pretty much applies as is, but I wasn’t able to get Jennifer to skinny dip at the park or run home naked (you have to do these two to get enough “lust points” BEFORE you ask her to play water war with you). After you’ve got her wet (pun intended), ask her to change her wet clothes, and she should strip.

If you buy the bikini instead of the robes (when she tries the bikini on at the clothing store, tell ther that she looks amazing), you won’t be able to catch the bus naked. Also take notice that if you ask Jennifer to change into the bikinis, she won’t be able to change back to her normal clothes anymore and thus you can’t leave the apartment. The pro-side of wearing the bikini is more sexy poses when you take pictures with the camera (choose the poses “legs & ass”, “cup your bare breasts with your hands”). You can also access the hot tub earlier when she has the bikini. When Jennifer is wearing the bikini, you’ll be able to dance with her in the lounge. You can also sit down to “read” some poetry to her, but it’s unclear to me what the condition is for that to happen.

Hope this helps and feel free to share this around in case someone else needs help!
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby MoonkeeBoy » Tue, 13Oct08 18:28

Thanks for the walkthrough... very much help!!
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby jeff » Thu, 13Oct10 05:05

could some1 please PM me the walkthrough for lisette
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby Budokai » Sun, 13Oct13 02:09

There is a Jennifer walkthrough but it doesn't start at the club... I need one. Could someone help me? Thanks
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Re: VDG walkthroughs

Postby mrgills1993 » Fri, 13Dec13 16:33

Hi! I would love a walkthrough for Lisette, if anyone has one or a link to one, please PM me!
Thanks in advance!
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