sim brothel web browser version

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sim brothel web browser version

Postby somuro » Tue, 13Apr30 08:55

I just found this, seems to be the same game with different girl
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Wed, 13May01 23:45

It's a different game, although very similar - You only get 2 actions a day for one thing.

There's a kind-of "unfinished" feel to the game too... It's like ideas have been put in but not had the edges smoothed off. The game might tell you customers want "dumb" girls but there's no suggestion as to how you might make a girl LESS intelligent, etc...

The outcomes of each action are too unpredictable, especially the one of Talking to a girl. You are told this is a good way to raise your domination level but, at the very moment you need to do that quickly you will probably be hit by a whole series of scenes where the opposite happens. Ok, so luck should play a part but this happens too frequently.

It's also unclear how girls are supposed to earn money since there is no action to simply "work in the brothel". Of the ways to make money I've only seen two options. The first is the Acolyte route but that earns little and risks increasing her Morality so far she'll start to refuse to have sex. The only other way seems to be to work as a streetwalker but surely for a girl working in a brothel that would be an act of desperation? Besides, it uses so much energy most girls need a day or two resting to recover so any profit they may have made is gone. Every other option seems to have a cost attached to it... The cost/earnings ratio needs looking at in my opinion.

The Missions don't seem to be graduated, so you don't get easier missions (with less financial investment, etc) at the beginning. I haven't got very far so I maybe wrong about that, in which case the ones at the beginning are just too much of a drain on resources. You never seem to get back as much as you put in, so why bother doing them?

I'm wondering if this is just an experiment the developer got bored with?
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby Lexavier » Thu, 13May02 10:21

I disagree and agree with some of your points.

I also get the feeling of unfinished-ness, there are a few things unexplained but a little trial and error is needed, and yes, there can be a little more unpredictability about the different tasks. But there is a save/load/autosave feature that you can spam if you really wanted to.

I know you were only using this as an example but the reason it doesn't explain why you cant lower intelligence but that's because you cant yet. And yes, the 'light' tasks only increase/decrease stats slightly but that's to give the game a little escalation.

It seems you haven't got very far, you don't 'own' a brothel yet so you don't have anywhere the girls can work. You have to balance your finances carefully, don't buy too many girls at once because you cant afford to pay them. Use the sliders to lower their pay for a bit, but again, balance their happiness. Once you get a building and can 'whore' the girls inside, raising money becomes a lot easier, and you can unlock features like the dungeon which raises obedience but lowers intelligence.

I actually don't think this is challenging enough, the cost/earnings is meant to make it difficult. Perhaps there could be settings for easy/medium/hard.

You're right, the missions don't get particularly harder or easier. In fact, once you get past the initial payments, there is really no challenging missions at all. But that's ok. I'm enjoying the micro management of the girls, raising and lowering their stats to optimum levels while maintaining the whore house. There needs to be more girls, more buildings, more explanation of 'exploring' the city. But from a first time brothel sim player, it's not that complex with a good save/load function (although the export save button didn't work).
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Fri, 13May03 09:51

Lexavier wrote:I disagree and agree with some of your points.

I also get the feeling of unfinished-ness, there are a few things unexplained but a little trial and error is needed, and yes, there can be a little more unpredictability about the different tasks. But there is a save/load/autosave feature that you can spam if you really wanted to.

I know you were only using this as an example but the reason it doesn't explain why you cant lower intelligence but that's because you cant yet. And yes, the 'light' tasks only increase/decrease stats slightly but that's to give the game a little escalation.

It seems you haven't got very far, you don't 'own' a brothel yet so you don't have anywhere the girls can work. You have to balance your finances carefully, don't buy too many girls at once because you cant afford to pay them. Use the sliders to lower their pay for a bit, but again, balance their happiness. Once you get a building and can 'whore' the girls inside, raising money becomes a lot easier, and you can unlock features like the dungeon which raises obedience but lowers intelligence.

I actually don't think this is challenging enough, the cost/earnings is meant to make it difficult. Perhaps there could be settings for easy/medium/hard.

You're right, the missions don't get particularly harder or easier. In fact, once you get past the initial payments, there is really no challenging missions at all. But that's ok. I'm enjoying the micro management of the girls, raising and lowering their stats to optimum levels while maintaining the whore house. There needs to be more girls, more buildings, more explanation of 'exploring' the city. But from a first time brothel sim player, it's not that complex with a good save/load function (although the export save button didn't work).

You start with a brothel (the inn) - Don't you? When you set the task to "Advertise" the girl(s) stand outside your inn and you get some money... Presumably "the inn" is a euphamism for a brothel otherwise you'd make money from it even when the girls are doing other things - Inns serve food and drink and have rooms for rent, don't they?

The girls prices make no sense since they never actually earn a red cent unless they're streetwalkers.

I've not found a way to buy extra girls or buildings until they become a mission, by which time I'm usually into the negative financially because the only time the girls earn money is by doing the other missions. To be honest I'm not exactly sure how the money gets spent either. I seem to be able to play for quite a while on zero so there doesn't seem to be any costs involved in running the operation either.

The other thing that drives me crazy is the game deciding what girls are allowed to do and when so, even if you have 100% control of your girl you can't send her (for example) streetwalking unless the game makes that box available.

I started a new game yesterday. It starts with no money and one girl (there is no choice which). Her only available actions are Rest, Talk or Exercise. How is she supposed to make any money? As I said earlier, there is no regular income but I've been lucky with a couple of escort jobs who just happened to want the character traits she already has so I've not got about 1000 in credit but the next mission wants her to have more Charisma and the only available action that affects charisma is Talk, which sometimes reduces Charisma by one point. The game has yet to offer me any new girls so I can't just buy one with the required traits (assuming I could afford her). Go figure. :??:
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby maehnenwolf » Fri, 13May03 12:53

First off all check oute the buttons on top.
If you click on "Site" you will be directed to the blog of the creator. There you can also check out the actual version.
at the moment it is 0.6.1 so it's definitely not finished.

To start the game read the tutorial texts. They point out fairly well which stats you have to raise, to advance in it.
First day: Excercise
Second day: Expose and Talk
Third day: advertise 2x
Fourth day: study

You start with a brothel (the inn) - Don't you?

If you follow the tutorial you will find out that you have no building at the beginning. Your girl is actually working on the street.

If you follow the tutorial you will find out that everything is really well explained and after you finish it you will know relatively well how the game functions.

the only available action that affects charisma is Talk

try out "Advertise"
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby Lexavier » Fri, 13May03 13:08

Nope. The Inn, as stated in the tutorial (when it first introduces charisma) is just a place you and the girls are staying in (hence why you make no money from day to day food and drink stuff). When you set your girls to advertise for it, if you hover over the action it states that the owner of the Inn pays you for the girls time.

I think I've realised why you're having trouble. Try hovering over some of the options. It gives you more explanation. But let me try to clear something up. if you click of the girls picture, you see a slider bar of how much you choose to pay her. The more you pay her, the happier she'll be. You can operate on 0 but you're not paying the girls and they wont be able to do very much when their happiness hits rock bottom. Some of the options are greyed out for this reason (hover over and it'll tell you).

Yes, you start off like that because it's a tutorial, telling you about each of the stats. You gotta read what she wants you to do... Go through each tutorial step (exercise, expose and talk, study and advertise etc.) Click the mission button if you forget what it is you're aiming for. When Streetwalking appears, don't just spam it till she's exhausted and unhappy. Let her rest in the morning and streetwalk in the evening. It takes about 15-20 endurance but makes a positive income. Rest a little bit when her endurance gets low and repeat. you shouldn't lose THAT much in profits while not streetwalking and when you're double resting she gets back up quickly.

By Day 25. I've got 2757 and the option to buy another girl. And that is without doing the escort mission.
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Fri, 13May03 16:48

maehnenwolf wrote:First off all check oute the buttons on top.
If you click on "Site" you will be directed to the blog of the creator. There you can also check out the actual version.
at the moment it is 0.6.1 so it's definitely not finished.

To start the game read the tutorial texts. They point out fairly well which stats you have to raise, to advance in it.
First day: Excercise
Second day: Expose and Talk
Third day: advertise 2x
Fourth day: study

You start with a brothel (the inn) - Don't you?

If you follow the tutorial you will find out that you have no building at the beginning. Your girl is actually working on the street.

If you follow the tutorial you will find out that everything is really well explained and after you finish it you will know relatively well how the game functions.

Well I started a new game and tried to follow your spoiler but the options you give for Days 3 and 4 simply don't appear...
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Fri, 13May03 17:35

Just about working this out when girls both have 100 energy but no matter what I task them to do all that happens is they rest.. No reason why and I'm fed up with trying to guess so I'm out.
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby LucaNatoli » Fri, 13May03 17:38

Damn, this game is confusing :??: .
This game seems very similar to others out there that are much easier to use. Great find, but not too sure if i can bothered to learn as the instructions are very bland, and the layout is a tad confusing, took me several minutes to even work out how to change her routine.
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Fri, 13May03 20:15

LucaNatoli wrote:Damn, this game is confusing :??: .
This game seems very similar to others out there that are much easier to use. Great find, but not too sure if i can bothered to learn as the instructions are very bland, and the layout is a tad confusing, took me several minutes to even work out how to change her routine.

Yes and even when you think the game has told you something it turns out that it's wrong. The guy who was looking to buy my girl said she needed a trait to be 78+ which I took to mean 78 or better... Turns out it means >78 ... I'd had the traits all set to the exact levels for a good many days in advance, so increasing them wouldn't have been a problem, but I didn't see the point seeing as I'd already achieved the target scores... When the day came he'd "lost interest". The whole thing is just too vague.

It's a slap in the face to play a game where you are expected to micro-manage every last detail when they can't even be bothered to get the most basic details right themselves.

By the way - I don't know what that spoiler is about but if you try to follow it the girl's too exhausted by Day 4 to do anything... So it seems it's not even consistent from the first go.
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby avantissimo » Sat, 13May04 22:20

When you make the payment to the woman how do you exit this screen?

(The screen has a picture of a girl on the right hand side and a description of the house)
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby kessie8yl » Sun, 13May05 23:18

avantissimo wrote:When you make the payment to the woman how do you exit this screen?

(The screen has a picture of a girl on the right hand side and a description of the house)

No idea what this means. I can't recall a situation where you make a payment to a woman... Each girl has a bar you can adjust to show how much she earns each day but you close that box by clicking on the X as normal...

If you mean something else please tell us where you are in the game because the lack of a reply suggests nobody understands the question...
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby Guntag » Mon, 13May06 00:29

avantissimo wrote:When you make the payment to the woman how do you exit this screen?

(The screen has a picture of a girl on the right hand side and a description of the house)

Don't you have the following events of the day in the top left of the screen (usually represented by the name of the girl) ? If you do, you can click on the next event (usually the name of the girl). Also if I remember correctly, doesn't she ask you if you are a man or a woman ?
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Re: sim brothel web browser version

Postby prayForPlague » Mon, 13May06 04:31

It seems there is a kicks... sorry offbeatr for this project.
Looking at the offbeatr terms for acceptable projects, I guess the game author will have to remove the rape/tentacle rape part of the game.
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