medusa's curse | sexandglory - lopteam

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Wed, 12Dec05 12:43

meanwhile i played the game here is some information on ending 4

have sex with everyone you can and buy the best gear
you need to keep to gold dagger tough
don't know if it's overdone or not

small review
in general the game was OK

storyline was more or less guessable if you know the myths [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
and is mostly used for a binding between the different sex scenes

rpg elements:
the rpg elements where kinda weak IMHO:
only one general monster at every place plus a encounter
more items could be cool (spears,armor,bow and arrow etc...)
rpg elements like lving up, team members, stats are missing

sex scenes:
kinda obvious what you need to choose for getting the scenes
animated but not interactive

good in some cases better then my expectations

small bugs:
the sound when fighting a monster gets interrupted with the background sound and vice versa
sometime is you keep the tab open for a long period of time the sound just dies

Result: B / B-
Kinda overhyped

i prefer the lopgold series more the have are more interactive, have a better storyline
and imho the best games are out on the websiet eg living with britney which has a storyline
which is probably the flagship of lopgold. It has interactive sex scenes, a storyline
and more rewarding (achievements) and you feel you actually have to do something to get
a reward. Well mabey i'm just more fan of the sim like rpg adventure (living with britney and outcast academy - naughty girl sim)

@Agrippa totally out off-topic got any information about the release dates on the upcomming games of lop
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Dole » Thu, 12Dec06 00:05

I heard the German translation have mistakes aso spelling mistakes. Words and sentence that give no sense in German or no German would speak or write so (like the Shark games here as example it is a poor/bad German).

Can´t say much more because I haven´t played it.

I think it is good for the awareness that you can play a Game in more languages. For the future I hope lopteam will take for the endgame proofreader or fantranslator with the translate homelanguage.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Squeeky » Thu, 12Dec06 03:27

Dole wrote:I heard the German translation have mistakes ........ (like the Shark games here as example it is a poor/bad German).

I would like some understanding here please.
You make a claim that the German in Shark's games is poor. On what basis do you make that assertion? Are you a native speaker?

The German translations had been done by Arnulf whose German would have been influenced by being Austrian.
The more recent ones are brought to us by spitzertyp who is German.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Dole » Thu, 12Dec06 10:59

Squeeky wrote:
Dole wrote:I heard the German translation have mistakes ........ (like the Shark games here as example it is a poor/bad German).

I would like some understanding here please.
You make a claim that the German in Shark's games is poor. On what basis do you make that assertion? Are you a native speaker?

The German translations had been done by Arnulf whose German would have been influenced by being Austrian.
The more recent ones are brought to us by spitzertyp who is German.

Shark games

For translations you can only use Germans from Europe or moving peoples from there and not for example Germans from South America for example Germans from Argentinian they speak/write German around 1900. Sure it is German you can understand it the problem is no German speak or write anymore so.

The Word "Fräulein" would no one use anymore. It was used in the 1950-1960 Years and was used for the official speaking to not married womans (for example the woman can be 18 or 80).

for example "Wendy Birthday Party 1" it is in all Shark Games.

zu Beginnen
Normal you will call it "Start" or only "Beginne" (or "Beginne das Spiel").

So wird gespielt
You can say this normal is "Spielanleitung".

Kenny, was für Freude, dich wiederzusehen! Diese Party hätte keinen Erfolg ohne dich..."
Normal "Kenny, was für eine Freude Dich wiederzusehen! Diese Party wäre nichts ohne Dich ..."

Es liegt an mir, dir zu danken, Wendy. Es ist wirklich sehr lieb von dir, dass Du mich zu deinem Geburtstag eingeladen hast.
Normal "Danke für die Blumen, Wendy. Es ist wirklich sehr lieb von Dir, dass Du mich zu Deinem Geburtstag eingeladen hast.
Nobody would use this anymore "Es liegt an mir, dir zu danken". "Danke für die Blumen" is a Figure of speech and you can´t translate it directly for the sence.

Ich danke dir sehr, dass du gekommen bist, Anna. Wendy wollte so sehr ihren 19. Geburtstag mit einer Party zu feiern, aber sie kannte nicht so viele junge Leute aus dem Dorf. Glücklicherweise hat Franck versprochen, einige seiner Freunde einzuladen.
Normal "Danke dass Du gekommen bist Anna. Wendy wollte so sehr Ihren 19. Geburtstag mit einer Party feiern, aber sie kannte kaum Gleichaltrige aus dem Dorf. Glücklicherweise hat Franck versprochen einige seiner Freunde mitzubringen."

and so on it is a very bad German translation for all Shark games and I mean only the translation and not the grammar (I have aso problems with them). Normal you need a very good Person in german for example school grade/mark from "1 or 2" (the best mark in German is "1") from the best school (Gymnasium) .
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Agrippa » Thu, 12Dec06 12:17

Venom, regarding your review, I agree with most of it, I just saw the same elements from a more positive angle (notice I said it had "some nice RPG mechanics" and clarified that the game was mostly about the sex) and geeked out about the mythology, that's why I added the "biased" label to my mini-review :)

The next Lopgold game shouldn't take that long to get into the public's hands, but take into account that I need to finish the script and then it needs to be implemented, which is quite a lot of work (and I am quite glad not to be the one doing it). I would say the overall process may take about three weeks, but that can be an optimistic or a pessimistic estimate. It depends on a lot of factors. Also, seeing as you now have a Sexandglory account, may I make the selfish request of asking for a review of "Abyss: Rise of Cthulhu"? I honestly would like to improve on the worst elements of the game (in the dialog and the plot, the interface was suficiently discussed and, to quote Von Braun, "not my department"), and feedback is key to that. It would be much appreciated.

Dole, I am quite unable to judge any German text whatsoever, but you sound like someone who cares about language and knows what he's talking about. Right now, multilingual versions are not a priority (I asked about Spanish some time ago) but you can always send an email to Leo if you would want to be an editor on the German texts that get produced.

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Thu, 12Dec06 14:45

@Agrippa yeah i'm somebody who get right to the business most of the time to some people that can look as over critical. But as somebody which has a IT background i can say endusers will mostly talk about the negative points. Anyway like i already wrote i find the RPG elements quite basic.

About Abyss: Rise of Cthulhu i check out the website and the blog writing about. I do like the dark setting there is probably bdsm and domination in it (nazi storyline). The main part that really knock my off is the weird alien (sex experiments???) that are going on.

But what would you mainly like to know besides the obvious what do you think of the story, gameplay, scenes etc...


About the German version i can read some german and in some points it's probable a little to literal translated like Dole mentioned. But why making a translation in the first place English is the language of the interwebz.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Dole » Thu, 12Dec06 16:06

[quote="Dole, I am quite unable to judge any German text whatsoever, but you sound like someone who cares about language and knows what he's talking about. Right now, multilingual versions are not a priority (I asked about Spanish some time ago) but you can always send an email to Leo if you would want to be an editor on the German texts that get produced.


I heard the Game is in English and you can aso play in German.

My German is to bad for a pay side (only when you will have a correct German from around 80-90% [fantranslator].

I think it is good for the awareness that you can play a Game in more languages. For the future I hope lopteam will take for the endgame proofreader or fantranslator with the translate homelanguage.

Normal you need a very good Person in german for example school grade/mark from "1 or 2" (the best mark in German is "1") from the best school (Gymnasium) . The best normal is a German Teacher for a Game.

Games in homelanguages give most new customer/payers what use do you have when the translation/language writing is bad. For example the old Hentai Game "True Love" you can play it aso in German. The German is so bad that you as German play it in English because to understand the sence from the sentence.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 12Dec07 01:54

For translations you can only use Germans from Europe or moving peoples from there and not for example Germans from South America for example Germans from Argentinian they speak/write German around 1900. Sure it is German you can understand it the problem is no German speak or write anymore so.

I'm not in a position to make any judgements but I did ask if you were a native speaker of German. You seem to suggest that by your examples but you suggest to Agrippa that your German is not good for a pay site, I don't know how to understand that.

I understand what you say about European German or immediate immigrants. Arnulf was Austrian and I believe he spoke he official language, German. Why he may have used "outmoded" forms as you suggest, we will unfortunately never know. If you have issues with newer versions, where spitzertyp's name is in credits then please consider a dialog with him in a PM.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Dole » Fri, 12Dec07 11:19

Normal I said it to this Game because you must pay to play it and the german translation have a lot of mistakes.

The translation is better or higher as the shark games (from that I heard) despite the errors.

These mistakes (from them I heard) normal makes no german so I think it must a person from east europe and have had german in school. For a foreigner it is good german and for a german it is bad german this is it.

When you have really interest to translate Games in homelanguages you need proofreader that means persons that are good in his homelanguage.

I have no interest to translate Games and my knowledge is aso to bad for this. When lopteam are really interested in a good translated Game then they need a proofreader to correct the mistakes in these Game and maybe for future Games.

Shark games

I played all the games and in my eyes the Games aren´t good (Game mechanic and so on) the German is so bad that you think the translator is from France or East Europe and no German. The mistakes are so often and so serious that can´t normal be a German or Austria person. When it is really a German then he must be in the lowest school in german (I said before I don´t think it is a real German).
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Agrippa » Fri, 12Dec07 12:44

Venom, as I said, I agree with most of your review, why would I ask for the opinion of someone whose criteria I did not understand? :) On the other hand, if you don't enjoy cosmic horror stories, it would be a bit pointless for you to review "Abyss", it's just that the team invested quite a bit in the project and we would like to know what went wrong with it (the lesson we seemed to get from the whole thing was that we needed to put more sex in our next games, but there were quite a few scenes already and we did not want it to devolve into mindless porn... we have already done our share of that) and what, despite everything else, went indubitably right. We are all learning with every project, but feedback sure does speed the process up.

Also, keeping the spoilers to a minimum, no "alien sex experiments" in the game. Really.

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Victor » Fri, 12Dec07 15:42

Even thou I am not Venom (and you dont know my criteria etc.), I used to have LoP Gold account and I played Abyss.
What I do like about it:
- many various endings.
- I am a huge fan of H.P. Lowecraft, so I really enjoyed the chilling plot and "mysterious, kinda not really closed" storyline.
- It was a big game, compared to many others.
- Personally, judging from those sex scenes I saw, they were really good.

But.... I only finished three different endings and then I said I dont wanna waste my time with the game anymore. The main reason for that was:
- The game is long and linear. I do realize that even in the first chapter (day 1), there are choices that matters, but lets face it - I dont enjoy playing that from 90% linear and completely the same day 1 and day 2 again and again (especially when I dont wanna make any different choice then I made previously) just so I can make different choice in day 3. I counted it - if I was zerging trough those first two days as fast as I was able to, it took me 15 minutes of time, I was NOT enjoying, of the time that made me bored like hell, to get to the interetsing part. I really wanted to have sex with that strange woman that came on board of the submarine with the nazi led by female doctor-professor, but I simply didnt want to spend another freaky 15 minutes óf boring hell with that game.
- All that could have been solved by adding: Save your position here. Or... You already finished the game, do you wanna start again from day 2/3? If so, please make these choices: .... ...... (important choices normally made in day 1/2) and enjoy the game!
- Also, as a huge fan of HPL, I enjoyed the game storyline, thou I do understand, that those who arent familiar with his work may be confused why is the storyline so weird.
- The number of sex scenes was pretty ok in my opinion. I would prefer maybe a little more... But really, I had no problem with that.

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby iksanabot » Fri, 12Dec07 19:18

First, anyone want to throw me a hint as to how to avoid the bad ending with Perseus at the end. I assume there is a way for me to fight him, but I never get teh chance. I don't want to keep trying over and over, just like Victor explains in the previous post.

Agrippa wrote:Venom, as I said, I agree with most of your review, why would I ask for the opinion of someone whose criteria I did not understand? :) On the other hand, if you don't enjoy cosmic horror stories, it would be a bit pointless for you to review "Abyss", it's just that the team invested quite a bit in the project and we would like to know what went wrong with it (the lesson we seemed to get from the whole thing was that we needed to put more sex in our next games, but there were quite a few scenes already and we did not want it to devolve into mindless porn... we have already done our share of that) and what, despite everything else, went indubitably right. We are all learning with every project, but feedback sure does speed the process up.

Also, keeping the spoilers to a minimum, no "alien sex experiments" in the game. Really.


I don't know if you know this, Agrippa, but I'm currently writing a script for Leo for another LoP gold game, so I will learn soon enough how hard it all is. With that in mind, I hope I don't seem to callous when i say that for me, the sexandglory games suffer BECAUSE of the attention to RPG gameplay. To me, if I want to play a fun adventure game, I go to a big studio game with huge production money and play those games. I come to Shark's Lagoon to play erotic games. I want them to be sexy and immersing. But when I say immersing, it's the sex that I want to be immersing, or erotic elements of the plot, not combat and other RPG elements outside of the eroticism. When I'm fighting a giant crab in Medussa, I'm not excited, and I'm not feeling like roaring in triumph when the crab dies (whereas in some major RPG games I do get that excited in combat). I think there is really no way that the LoP team could produce an adventure game with adventure on par with what the big studios produce. But you can produce really hot images and put los of hot-looking sex in your games. So I think the focus in LOP's games should be about developing a story line that is highly erotic, and then putting in lots of interactive sex scenes that are as immersive as possible. That's my goal for the game I'm writing for Leo, but we'll see if I fall short. Anyway, this is coming from a fan who bought a subscription to sexandglory TWICE, and probably will again. And by the way, the graphics on both Abyss and Medussa's curse were fantastic. I especially think the girl by the sea is insanely hot.
Thanks for all you do.
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Fri, 12Dec07 21:28

Agrippa wrote:
Venom, as I said, I agree with most of your review, why would I ask for the opinion of someone whose criteria I did not understand? :) On the other hand, if you don't enjoy cosmic horror stories, it would be a bit pointless for you to review "Abyss", it's just that the team invested quite a bit in the project and we would like to know what went wrong with it (the lesson we seemed to get from the whole thing was that we needed to put more sex in our next games, but there were quite a few scenes already and we did not want it to devolve into mindless porn... we have already done our share of that) and what, despite everything else, went indubitably right. We are all learning with every project, but feedback sure does speed the process up.

Also, keeping the spoilers to a minimum, no "alien sex experiments" in the game. Really.


I just took a quick look at the general page and i saw some kinda of alien thing came out on of the chick mouth so i assumed it was alien or some kind of demon or evil spirit possession.
Anyhow sci-fi and horror games are not really my cup of tea. I rather mess around with a good RPG/SIM. That is probably why i find living with britney and naughty girl sims the best
games lop brought out so far.

Anyway for the people who want to play abyss found the possible endings in a topic on this forum:
adriaa wrote:There are 8 endings:
Blow up the station
Escape with Lulu
Let the "nightmare" use your voice
Kill Otto
Kill Sofie
Kill Liza
Do nothing or say they shouldn't open the doors
Listen the voice of the girl that came with Sofie (whatever is her name)

However, none ending is the "good" one :-)

So if it true that there is no good ending that can be kinda frustrating for the enduser (player) however i can add to dark theme of the game
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Re: medusa's curse | sexandglory - lopteam

Postby Agrippa » Sat, 12Dec08 18:10

Actually, in two of the eight endings the main character saves the world. Of course, he does not do it in a "happily ever after manner" but taking into account the source material, it was quite difficult to remain faithful to the Mythos and make the game any brighter. In fact, one of my inspirations when writing the project was "Saya no Uta", a lovecraftian visual novel in which the most romantic and heartfelt ending involves
a lobotomized ex-girlfriend, all of humanity turned into cosmic aberrations and the death of the female romantic lead. And yes, it was quite a tear-jerker. A sick, disturbing, yet sweet, tear-jerker.

Victor, again, I must agree with the reviews posted in this topic. So far, a bit more spot-on than Meta-Critic. I am glad you enjoyed the ambience, because being true to the Mythos was our top priority during production, as for your concerns, I agree that in games of such length a saving system or at the very least a "skip till next choice" feature would markedly improve the players' experience, but it is out of my hands. I am taking some coding courses, but right now I am only useful as a typing monkey and, occasionally, an ideas boy.

Iksanabot, first of all, welcome to the team! I had no idea we had a new writer on board, but it sure is a relief to know I can goof off on my assignments and have somebody else pick up the sla- I mean, always nice to have another comrade on the projects. I disagree a bit with what you say about sex games having to focus on the sex to the exclusion of other mechanics, as some of my favorite sex games have other elements of gameplay and their story focuses elsewhere. I still remember fondly "True Love", "Knights of Xentar" and others, and, even in these forums (fora? I always get confused with those) we have "Arianne Dating Sim" which was quite light on the sex side and is recognized as the whole inspiration to the virtual date genre. Also, in Sex and Glory there's only one game with RPG elements and I wasn't involved in it in any way besides beta testing... but if I've got any say in the matter, it won't be the last one :).

I am looking forward to your game. Always nice to be able to play a LOP game without obsessively over-analyzing the end result to the point of neurosis and, as a typing monkey, your gratitude is much appreciated (although I am sure Tokage and Leo will appreciate more than me the compliments on the graphics ;)).

Ah, one last thing, to avoid a bad ending with Perseus, you should
retrieve the magic item hidden in the cave.
Good hunting.

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Re: medusa's curse | sexandglory - lopteam

Postby iksanabot » Sat, 12Dec08 22:58

I wouldn't call myself a member of the team yet - I think the jury is still out on that. Leo liked my brief and asked me how long to write the whole thing. I said three months (this is me trying it out as a hobby), and I think he's waiting to see if that happens. But I'm making progress and holding out hope I'll finish it and it will be awesome.

I may have overstated my case regarding excluding other mechanics in favour of sex, but not so much that I can restate my case and not be in disagreement with you. Where we definitely agree is that Arianne is awesome, (I never played True Love, or the Knights game you mention, but I'm curious). To me Arianne may be light on sex, but it's not light on the "other erotic elements" I mentioned. That is, the date is an erotic situation. I don't think it would be as popular if the majority of the game was the player and Arianne fighting crime, with just few avenues toward actually having sex with her. But that would be kind of funny to see.

I think the games can be light on sex and still be very erotically charged as long as sex is the goal, or at least, sex is a major "reward". I guess this is the best way to describe what I mean. When I'm slaying a crab in Medussa, it's meaningless key-pressing to me and when it dies it means nothing except that I'm a tiny step closer to a sex scene. In contrast, when I'm trying to say the right thing to seduce Arianne, I'm thinking about my choice and I'm literally excited when she has a positive reaction to what I'm doing, and when I get a sex scene with her, I'm really aroused by it (at least the first time I played). So yeah, I think the focus of sexy video games should be on that kind of play: The story creates an erotically charged situation, and the play is about navigating social interactions, with the semi-challenging goal of having sex with those characters you have social interactions with. Greek mythology is great. I totally want to fuck a Greek Goddess, but I want to be challenged by the Goddess herself in my quest to blow a load on her face, not challenged by clicking on the sword button 6 times in a row at a few different points along the way. Shit, I kind of sound like a dick there, but I don't mean to be. I totally respect you and your work and the work of everyone at LoP. As I said before, I'm a paying fan. I'm just trying to get my point across, and I know many people don't share it. Maybe I'm just writing my sex-video game manifesto here... :)
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