share the videos you like

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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 19Jan18 01:14

Greebo wrote:I guess that sort of filming is why in the early 2000s I was no longer allowed to even video my son in BJA Judo Competitions -- the BJA was concerned about the exploitation of the videoing of youngsters of both sexes! It's one thing when the participants are aware and in agreement but this sort of voyeurism is just wrong!

Well that video was taken in 2016 and Winifer Fernández was 21 then, so an adult, so that is not the cause of You being unable to video your son when he was a child, taking into account the fact that Winifer Fernández is a truly talented athlete, which she is, she is also stunning looking and that video is known as the video that broke the internet.

She stated she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Greebo » Fri, 19Jan18 01:52

I think you missed my point -- it doesn't matter what age someone is when it comes to videoing them and editing to put aspects of the finished article in a salacious light. Unless the videoing, filming or photography are done with the full consent of the person portrayed for the express purpose of tittilating the intended viewers, IT SHOULD NOT BE PROPAGATED! This is obviously true of this particular edit since you yourself point out:
PinkVendeta wrote:She stated she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing.

It could easily have been edited more sensitively, but whoever did it deliberately chose to do it that way.

As far as BJA Judo Competitions are concerned, I think the BJA went a little far when their video camera rules intended to discourage would-be paedophiles made it difficult for parents and relatives to record the activities of their own children for future reference, but I guess they were just erring on the side of caution.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 19Jan18 03:32

Greebo wrote:I think you missed my point -- it doesn't matter what age someone is when it comes to videoing them and editing to put aspects of the finished article in a salacious light. Unless the videoing, filming or photography are done with the full consent of the person portrayed for the express purpose of tittilating the intended viewers, IT SHOULD NOT BE PROPAGATED! This is obviously true of this particular edit since you yourself point out:
PinkVendeta wrote:She stated she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing.

It could easily have been edited more sensitively, but whoever did it deliberately chose to do it that way.

As far as BJA Judo Competitions are concerned, I think the BJA went a little far when their video camera rules intended to discourage would-be paedophiles made it difficult for parents and relatives to record the activities of their own children for future reference, but I guess they were just erring on the side of caution.

I didnt miss your point at all, age clearly matters when videoing someone, videoing children and teens matters, and should not be allowed unless all parents are present and all give consent for videoing to occur, I can understand why it was banned if pedos were using it to profile children and teens at events.

Videoing an adult playing a game of sport where TV cameras are also present videoing them also, along with everyone else who owns a phone, good luck trying to police that and stop it :lol: and stop people from editing their own videos also.

Winifer Fernández is not tall, she is tiny, her frame is very petite, she would have tried on a few different pairs of shorts prior, jumped about in them off court and knew her cheeks would be on show 99.9% of the game, along with the shape and outline of her vagina once her legs were spread when she either bent over or was on the ground, I have seen many games where females wear much much longer shorts, so the preference of shorts and length of shorts would be up to the female to decide on, and Winifer Fernández choose hers prior knowing her ass cheeks would be on show for all to see as well as other parts also.

So when she stated: she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing, she is fully entitled to say that, but at the same time, if she does not want videos like that, change how she dresses aka, do not wear shorts that are clearly way to small for even her tiny frame.

It all comes down to the old saying, if a female wears a push up bra, and a really low cut top which exposes her breasts, and say high cheek shorts which constantly expose her ass cheeks, and other parts also and men and women stare constantly, does the female have the right to be annoyed cos people stare?.

If people do not want videos like that made, choose what You wear with good thought prior.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Greyelf » Fri, 19Jan18 20:43

PinkVendeta wrote:...does the female have the right to be annoyed cos people stare?.

Yes, because except for situations covered by public decency laws & required dress codes a person should be able to dress in whatever style makes them feel good, and people around them should have the manners not to stare or treat them like a sex object/performer.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sat, 19Jan19 05:22

PinkVendeta wrote:So when she stated: she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing, she is fully entitled to say that, but at the same time, if she does not want videos like that, change how she dresses aka, do not wear shorts that are clearly way to small for even her tiny frame.

She needed to say that to avoid heat from those with an agenda. On the other hand, if this helped with her merchandising I don't think she would complain about that. :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 19Jan19 11:07

Greyelf wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:...does the female have the right to be annoyed cos people stare?.

Yes, because except for situations covered by public decency laws & required dress codes a person should be able to dress in whatever style makes them feel good, and people around them should have the manners not to stare or treat them like a sex object/performer.

Here Grey, read this :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 19Jan19 11:17

Joe.Pizza wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:So when she stated: she did not like the video and would like to be remembered for her playing skills and not her looks or how she dressed while playing, she is fully entitled to say that, but at the same time, if she does not want videos like that, change how she dresses aka, do not wear shorts that are clearly way to small for even her tiny frame.

She needed to say that to avoid heat from those with an agenda. On the other hand, if this helped with her merchandising I don't think she would complain about that. :lol:

It sure as hell didnt hurt her merchandising thats for dam sure, and for any man to assume she did not wear those on purpose, really needs to wake up to what we girls/women wear on purpose for the shock value alone :lol:

Just how many times have a Dad, Mom, both, said to a daughter, go back up stairs and get changed, there is no way You are leaving this house dressed like that :lol:

When we want stares, we want them only from men within 10 years of our set age, anyone older stares, well they are just sick old perverts for staring and for clearly sexualising us girls by staring :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sun, 19Jan20 01:21

PinkVendeta wrote:Just how many times have a Dad, Mom, both, said to a daughter, go back up stairs and get changed, there is no way You are leaving this house dressed like that :lol:

Yep. Been there, done that with my daughter. Glad she's married. :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Wed, 19Jan23 17:35

Joe.Pizza wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Just how many times have a Dad, Mom, both, said to a daughter, go back up stairs and get changed, there is no way You are leaving this house dressed like that :lol:

Yep. Been there, done that with my daughter. Glad she's married. :lol:

I know right, its like, those dam parents, stopping us girls from EXPRESSING ourselves by leaving home with all our wears on showing, dressed like sluts, its, its, like parents actually know better than girls what is best for them somehow, who knew :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Joe.Pizza » Thu, 19Jan24 03:08

PinkVendeta wrote:I know right, its like, those dam parents, stopping us girls from EXPRESSING ourselves by leaving home with all our wears on showing, dressed like sluts, its, its, like parents actually know better than girls what is best for them somehow, who knew :lol:

Well, if you were her mother, you would be trying your darnedest to try to protect her from herself. She is a very sweet woman, but not blessed with a lot of common sense which left her open to many creepy controlling guys. We had to let go and pray she would be safe. Thank goodness she finally found a guy who loved her instead of himself. Those crazy years were hard, but dancing with her at her wedding is something I'll treasure always.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 19Jan24 21:57

PinkVendeta wrote:... those dam parents, stopping us girls from EXPRESSING ourselves by leaving home with all our wears on showing, dressed like sluts...

It's amazing how the history of the older generation(s) reactions to the younger generation(s) changes in acceptable dress styles seems to repeat itself over and over.

... leaving home with all our neck & ankles showing, dressed like sluts...
... leaving home with all our lower arm & lower calf showing, dressed like sluts...
... leaving home with all our collar bone (no-cleavage), upper arms, & knees showing, dressed like sluts...
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 19Jan25 01:23

Greyelf wrote:It's amazing how the history of the older generation(s) reactions to the younger generation(s) changes in acceptable dress styles seems to repeat itself over and over.

... leaving home with all our neck & ankles showing, dressed like sluts...
... leaving home with all our lower arm & lower calf showing, dressed like sluts...
... leaving home with all our collar bone (no-cleavage), upper arms, & knees showing, dressed like sluts...

There are tons of clothes for females to wear Grey, but there are 3 main types, which cover all female clothes types:

1/ Clothes which are designed to both look classy and make You look classy, without exposing flesh aka breasts, ass and other places, which can be worn by young girls, young teens, young teen adults, young adult women and adult women.

2/ Clothes which are designed to allow young girls, young teens, young teen adults, young adult women and adult women to express them selves without exposing flesh aka breasts, ass and other places.

3/ Clothes which are designed to be totally see through, also clothes designed to expose as much flesh, breasts, ass, vagina, in young girls, young teens, young teen adults, young adult women and adult women, as the laws in whichever country will allow, and most laws are very lax when it comes to big companies, pop stars and celebs, sexualising female children aka young girls, young teens, young teen adults, through clothing lines and slogans which are totally wrong and should be banned period, but some governments in the world are fine with female kids being sexualised and this is where the major issue arises and why so many assume it to be normal to leave home in today's world dressed like prostitutes.

Any parent with brains chooses options 1/ & 2/ always, and instills in their female children, big self confidence, big self esteem and the knowledge to know a simple thing like, which type of clothing will keep them safe and which will lead to bad shit happening at some point.

I always choose options 1/ & 2/ always, but, that is also down to my Eastern culture and upbringing by my parents and knowing never to be gullible and sucked in by what any pop star, any celeb, any big clothes company, any government, any man and any amount of peer pressure, says I should be wearing.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 19Jan25 13:22

We all seem to have gone miles off topic here, maybe Mods could move all the off topic into the General Chat thread and we can continue to chat about this all there.
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sat, 19Jan26 04:03

PinkVendeta wrote:We all seem to have gone miles off topic here, maybe Mods could move all the off topic into the General Chat thread and we can continue to chat about this all there.

True, but is digression the spice of a comment board? (Nothing like completely messing up an old saying). :lol:
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Re: share the videos you like

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sat, 19Jan26 04:09

OK, back on topic.

I heard this classic song playing on in Taco Bell tonight. It's not really my style of music; but the guitar riff is epic and I like the funky bass lines. WARNING: This song can give you an earworm. [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]

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