Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

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Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

Postby tlaero » Thu, 18Jan04 01:27


In March of 2015 I was approached by a then unknown artist named "Mortze" who offered to do the artwork for my games. I was blown away by the sample images he sent me and eagerly started making games with him. I had done a number of games at that point, but decided that with a new artist, I should take them in a new direction. So I sat down and plotted a high level storyline that would span four games. The first three garnered a fair amount of praise, and Mortze, who started out great, just continued to get better and better.

Today, Mortze and I are happy to release the conclusion of the series: Saving Chloe.

Saving Chloe assumes you played the first three games. So here they are.

Dreaming with Elsa
Redemption for Jessika
Finding Miranda

And here are the four publicly released short stories that take place in this universe. It's not necessary to play them for you to understand Saving Chloe, although Royal Guard and Dream Master do give some useful background information.

DwE: Learning to Fly
DwE: Royal Guard
DwE: Dreaming with the Dead
Dream Master

And, finally, here's the link to the new game.

Saving Chloe

As always, I'm the writer and programmer, and Mortze is the visual artist. We've worked longer and harder on this game than any of our other ones. For me it was roughly 10 to 20 hours a week, every week, from May to December, and then wildly varying hours in December. I suspect that Mortze puts in even more time.

Edit: The current version adds a Spanish translation by Moskys and Sirio. Thanks folks!
Edit2: The now current version adds a French translation by Marco6661. Thanks Marco!

We hope you like it!
Last edited by tlaero on Mon, 18Feb05 04:26, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby BloodyMares » Thu, 18Jan04 01:59

Wow, I was just going to bed but decided to check the forums one last time. Didn't expect it to be released so soon! New Year sure is happy.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby EscapeEvade » Thu, 18Jan04 02:13


Thank you so much. I cannot wait to play this. You both have made, by far, the most interesting and complete stories. I'm sure the last chapter will be amazing.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Marco6661 » Thu, 18Jan04 05:26

Quel bonheur de se réveiller ce matin et de découvrir que la dernière réalisation de Tlaero & Mortze est mise à disposition sur le forum.
Merci à vous deux, je m'en vais de ce pas plonger dans l'univers d'Elsa et de ses amis.

What a joy to wake up this morning and discover that the latest achievement of Tlaero & Mortze is available on the forum.
Thank you both, I'm going to plunge into the world of Elsa and her friends.

Last edited by Marco6661 on Thu, 18Jan04 10:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Hoboy » Thu, 18Jan04 06:21

At last! I get my Chloe fix - I have been looking forward to this since the start of the cycle - love redheads, freckles and "bad" girls...hoo boy...
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby 3dtab7 » Thu, 18Jan04 08:40

The two of you have OUTDONE yourselves! Your best work to date! Congratulations! You both should be very proud of yourselves.
I just finished all the paths/achievements/bonus....damn! All the different stories were immensely satisfying and the canon and bonus, just epic.
Tlaero and Mortze, I salute you and thank you very much! I'm proud to be your patron!
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby moskys » Thu, 18Jan04 10:31

Off to work ;)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby L1nk1980 » Thu, 18Jan04 12:40

you have done it

what I great game this is. the different paths are all great. the story was great as always. the questions I had at the end of the other games answered

Looking forward to your next games
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Brocho » Thu, 18Jan04 12:44

Wow, what a pleasant surprise. I didn't realise the game would be ready this early in the year. I've downloaded it and I'll probably devote this evening to playing through it.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Rexxx » Thu, 18Jan04 13:39

Good surprise.
Probably it's your best game.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby BloodyMares » Thu, 18Jan04 14:26

Alright, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what triggers the canon path. I did the first six with relative ease (they are awesome by the way) but no matter what I do to continue the story (not picking the path that leads to the first 2 achievements) I either end up on path 3 or 5/6. I thought I explored every option. What am I missing? Can someone give me directions? Without spoilers if possible.

EDIT: Nevermind. Silly me, didn't even consider the importance of the VERY first choice. [img]images/icones/icon8.gif[/img] Bravo, Tlaero, very subtle . [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Oh, and I found a sort of a plot hole in one particular branch. If you go to work, then find out the truth but then decide to go meet Chloe and from there go towards the Three achievement, the scene starts as though you didn't learn the truth. I wonder if it's a minor oversight because of so many branches out there (totally understandable) or just a technical issue that only one variation of the scene plays out.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby bishop083 » Thu, 18Jan04 15:38

I love this game. It's been super interesting to see everything this one explored so far. I just have 2 achievements left, only one of which I'm unsure of. Looking forward to figuring it out tonight.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Brocho » Thu, 18Jan04 16:59

I've had a chance to play briefly while I had some free time, and I've found a couple of the secondary endings, and I must say that I'm blown away by the game so far. When you announced the new format for this particular game, I was intrigued but unsure how well it would work. It didn't take much gameplay to see that it works beautifully, and gives a new element to the series which we haven't seen before. It's probably too early for me to say, but from what I've seen so far, this could end up being my favourite game in the series. I love the artwork on the menus too, and looking at the images on the achievements page makes me even more excited to play through the rest of the game.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby thereaper27 » Thu, 18Jan04 18:59

already finished, great game but...

i hate all the paths things, what i loved from DWE or RFJ was the story and the involving of the player as the character but in SC having to restart the game or reloading it for every end kind of bored me, when i play your game i wanna play your game even if i like getting involved i want to see what you created.
i also have an awkward feeling by taking the xara road,
because you take her just by messing with chloe and not because you want to, it's really awkward i think

but i really love this game (less than RFJ though) but great game, i hope you keep doing games like this
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Nightshade09 » Thu, 18Jan04 19:01

No spoilers.

Haven't gotten a chance to play yet; very busy, but will do so this weekend.

Did take a peek at the images though. Fantastic!! Just as I envisioned Chloe's story would look like!

I must say though there is a very interesting story twist I did not expect in regards to Morland! That will be interesting to read.

All the old favorites are back together and united for the cause! So fans of the previous games will not be disappointed. I do notice the absence of Marc and Sara though. All the rest of boyfriends are there giving support for their girlfriends. But Marc only pops up as fleeting dream??

SaraB though unaware of the spy aspect of the story. Could have been a cool add. It would have been cool to see SaraB kick the butt of Crow. I think SaraB would be lethal in a Catfight/Girl fight even up against a trained fighter... hehehehe She just has that look! :)

All and all looks FANTASTIC can't wait to get a chance to play.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all your hard work guys!
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