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Re: General Chat

Postby muttdoggy » Sat, 16Jun25 01:32

Is this Donald Trump? Not Safe For Work article/pic in spoiler tag... [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 16Jun26 16:01

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Xyzzy987 » Sun, 16Jun26 22:14

Greebo wrote:AAARGH! What is it that makes morons of so many people?

First we have the US Republican party nominating an obvious dipstick, Donald Trump, (or DRUMPF as his family name used to be until they changed it to provide a better image as John Oliver pointed out in one of his cuttingly humorous shows!) as Presidential candidate -- there's a disaster waiting to happen if ever there was one!

Now we have the farcical situation of a small majority of the electorate who stirred themselves sufficiently from watching football, soaps and "reality" shows on the telly forcing ALL of us occupants of the UK to leave the EU whether we want to or not! To my mind anyone who really believes, despite the bureaucratic inanities that tend to be part and parcel of the EU, that we'd be better off out of it is either living in lala-land or needs certifying -- the United Kingdom now seems to be in serious danger of becoming the Untied Kingdom, with Scotland and Northern Ireland distancing themselves from an ever more isolated England and Wales to ally themselves closer to the EU.

I hate what this stupid referendum has done to the country I've lived in all my life, and it was all so unnecessary -- Prime Minister Cameron has only himself to blame for thinking he might get a rational response out of the electorate when all he was really attempting was bolstering his own morale! [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon16.gif[/img]

Well, I was wondering when we were going to see some commentary on the upcoming US presidential elections, and I'm really very happy that it was one of our non-US resident members that made the first move. Thank you, Greebo. Your opinions are always a welcome sight to me. And thank you for that poster, Rastifan, that was a great laugh. I just have a couple of questions. What is a cockwomble, a cocksplat, and a shitgibbon? Maybe we have a member from Scotland who can elaborate.

As a US citizen the election is, of course, much closer to my heart. I keep going back and forth between praying that enough voters can hold their noses long enough to vote for Hillary Clinton, and dreading that The Donald actually has a chance to win. And I really hope that the Libertarians and Independents are smart enough to not waste their votes this time around on a doomed third party candidate. Do you get the idea that I think Trump is a walking disaster waiting to happen? The Republican party created their own mess, and now we may be witnessing its demise.

I don't know as much about the issues surrounding Brexit as I probably should. But just on the surface of it, it seems like a stupid idea. All England is doing is cutting themselves off from a ready labor pool, increasing trade tarriffs they'll have to pay, making it more difficult to close trade deals with other EU member companies, etc. What's good about that. Farage seems like a racist asshole, and Boris it seems is out and out lying to people. But the vote is in, and we'll have to see what the long range effects will be. The short range effects haven't been a rousing success so far, at least in banking, the stock markets, and currency values.

I am interested in hearing from others on these subjects, particularly (for me) the US elections, and particularly from those outside the US. Come on, folks, chime in!
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Re: General Chat

Postby HeyChief » Sun, 16Jun26 23:55

Boy, I am generally quite on this subject. But boy oh boy did Greebo hit the nail on the head. Thank you sir. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Mimailia » Mon, 16Jun27 13:59

Xyzzy987 wrote:
Greebo wrote:First we have the US Republican party nominating an obvious dipstick,

The Republican party created their own mess, and now we may be witnessing its demise.

You guys are not watching close enough. The Republican party has fought Trump tooth and nail all the way. The "party" was merely Trump's vehicle to get votes from those of "us" who admit that politics are broken - badly broken.

I can't stand Trump, he's an idiot, but he's NOT a politician. I don't want term limits, but we need rid of "career" politicians. (He is Ross Perot 2.0)

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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Xyzzy987 » Mon, 16Jun27 18:50

Mimailia wrote:You guys are not watching close enough. The Republican party has fought Trump tooth and nail all the way. The "party" was merely Trump's vehicle to get votes from those of "us" who admit that politics are broken - badly broken.

I can't stand Trump, he's an idiot, but he's NOT a politician. I don't want term limits, but we need rid of "career" politicians. (He is Ross Perot 2.0)


The Republican Party leadership is fighting against Trump, but that only started fairly recently. Earlier in the campaign everyone thought Trump was a joke, and no one took him seriously. It was only when it really started looking like he would win, when it got whittled down to Trump, Cruz, and Kasich, did the leadership begin to sit up and take notice. The republican rank and file are now deeply divided over Trump, and that's the mess I'm talking about. That's what may tear the party apart. This goes back to 1964 when Lyndon Johnson forced through the Civil Rights Act, and alienated the southern democrat block. And while the Republican leadership are trying their best to vilify him, distance themselves from him, and desperately try to come up with last minute rules to deny him the nomination at the convention, many are still saying they'll vote for him over Clinton.

Donald Trump is a lot of things. He's a racist, he's a misogynist, he cannot abide criticism. He has very little idea about how the world really works. And you're right, Trump is not a politician, but make no mistake -- he is also not an idiot. He is an absolute master of media manipulation. Throughout his campaign he has been playing 3D chess with the media, while every other candidate on both sides has been playing checkers, often badly. Like him or not, he has become the only topic of political conversation in the US. He is also a master of persuasion. In very few words he associates his opponents with various tags that make them look bad, and therefore make him look good: Jeb Bush is "slow", Ted Cruz is a "loser", and now "crooked" Hillary. While his opponents are fighting over what Trump is saying, he comes out looking like the only adult in the room. None of this is done by accident. And the very fact that he is not a politician is what has so many people who are fed up with the political system supporting him.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Mon, 16Jun27 19:40

Samvega wrote:so.. does anyone here sail for fun? (I mean literally, sailing the boat on the water)

On a lighter note... [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
Back in the early to mid 70's I used to race Hobie 16 catamarans (yes, I'm an old guy). Great fun going fast on the water! We unfortunately sold our boat to help finance our skateboard business. Also fun, but ultimately doomed.
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Re: General Chat

Postby HeyChief » Mon, 16Jun27 20:28

Hey Xyzzy987, where did you race Hobie 16"s ?? my brothers did and I got to watch and try my hand when I had leave from the navy.
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Mimailia » Mon, 16Jun27 20:39

Xyzzy987 wrote:The Republican Party leadership is fighting against Trump, but that only started fairly recently. Earlier in the campaign everyone thought Trump was a joke, and no one took him seriously. It was only when it really started looking like he would win, when it got whittled down to Trump, Cruz, and Kasich, did the leadership begin to sit up and take notice. The republican rank and file are now deeply divided over Trump, and that's the mess I'm talking about. That's what may tear the party apart. This goes back to 1964 when Lyndon Johnson forced through the Civil Rights Act, and alienated the southern democrat block. And while the Republican leadership are trying their best to vilify him, distance themselves from him, and desperately try to come up with last minute rules to deny him the nomination at the convention, many are still saying they'll vote for him over Clinton.

Donald Trump is a lot of things. He's a racist, he's a misogynist, he cannot abide criticism. He has very little idea about how the world really works. And you're right, Trump is not a politician, but make no mistake -- he is also not an idiot. He is an absolute master of media manipulation. Throughout his campaign he has been playing 3D chess with the media, while every other candidate on both sides has been playing checkers, often badly. Like him or not, he has become the only topic of political conversation in the US. He is also a master of persuasion. In very few words he associates his opponents with various tags that make them look bad, and therefore make him look good: Jeb Bush is "slow", Ted Cruz is a "loser", and now "crooked" Hillary. While his opponents are fighting over what Trump is saying, he comes out looking like the only adult in the room. None of this is done by accident. And the very fact that he is not a politician is what has so many people who are fed up with the political system supporting him.

Nice post - by idiot, I meant his behavior is idiotic. I, in no way, think he is stupid.

I went sailing with a guy who raced cats once, his understanding of wind and sailing was unbelievable. Hanging off the side of the boat 12' in the air by an 1/8th inch cable was nerve-wracking - but a total rush. He was an old guy, maybe you should buy another boat?

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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Tue, 16Jun28 06:58

HeyChief wrote:Hey Xyzzy987, where did you race Hobie 16"s ?? my brothers did and I got to watch and try my hand when I had leave from the navy.

Hey Chief, read my location in my profile. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img] Chesapeake Bay region mostly, the sailing capital of the world. Though back in 1975 my buddy and I went down to Hilton Head Island, SC, for the Hobie 16 National Championships. What a blast that was, racing with the big boys. And we didn't come last!
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Greebo » Tue, 16Jun28 18:58

Mimailia wrote:I went sailing with a guy who raced cats once...

He'd definitely be on a loser there -- particularly if the cats were cheetahs! [img]kator/smiley130.gif[/img]
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Xyzzy987 » Tue, 16Jun28 22:12

Greebo wrote:
Mimailia wrote:I went sailing with a guy who raced cats once...

He'd definitely be on a loser there -- particularly if the cats were cheetahs! [img]kator/smiley130.gif[/img]

Oh, I don't know, Greebo. Depends on how strong the wind is blowing. Just how fast are Cheetahs on water, anyway? [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Tue, 16Jun28 23:49

Very fast -- they don't like getting their fur wet! :lol:
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Mimailia » Wed, 16Jun29 11:33

Greebo wrote:
Mimailia wrote:I went sailing with a guy who raced cats once...

He'd definitely be on a loser there -- particularly if the cats were cheetahs! [img]kator/smiley130.gif[/img]

Funny! Quite honestly, the only reason I know what "Hobi" is, is because as we were unloading, a guy walks up and says "Woah, nice Hobi." You would have thought the guy called his mother a whore. His boat was a Nacra 5.8, and (in his mind?) was better than a hobi.

He also learned to sail on Chesapeake Bay (Baltimore area) Xyzzy987.

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Re: General Chat

Postby Rikwar » Wed, 16Jun29 12:00

Greebo wrote:AAARGH! What is it that makes morons of so many people?

First we have the US Republican party nominating an obvious dipstick, Donald Trump, (or DRUMPF as his family name used to be until they changed it to provide a better image as John Oliver pointed out in one of his cuttingly humorous shows!) as Presidential candidate -- there's a disaster waiting to happen if ever there was one!

Now we have the farcical situation of a small majority of the electorate who stirred themselves sufficiently from watching football, soaps and "reality" shows on the telly forcing ALL of us occupants of the UK to leave the EU whether we want to or not! To my mind anyone who really believes, despite the bureaucratic inanities that tend to be part and parcel of the EU, that we'd be better off out of it is either living in lala-land or needs certifying -- the United Kingdom now seems to be in serious danger of becoming the Untied Kingdom, with Scotland and Northern Ireland distancing themselves from an ever more isolated England and Wales to ally themselves closer to the EU.

I hate what this stupid referendum has done to the country I've lived in all my life, and it was all so unnecessary -- Prime Minister Cameron has only himself to blame for thinking he might get a rational response out of the electorate when all he was really attempting was bolstering his own morale! [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon16.gif[/img]

Image [img]images/icones/icon12.gif[/img]

John Oliver - Trump on Brexit
I feel for ya Mate ;)

Theres a petiton for a re-do for those who belong to the U.K, the first time I ckecked there was over one million that signed up, as of today theres more than 4 million, I'm thinking quite a few fucked up not thinking before voting [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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