A Glorious Tease

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A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Tue, 16May24 07:58

Hey all,
I had announced on other threads that I had written a story called A Glorious Tease, posted to Literotica.com. It currently has three chapters, and I'm proud of them. It has been over a year since I posted the last chapter (I think), and I get asked sometimes if another chapter is coming. The answer is yes, and I will be posting it probably within the month. It is the concluding chapter, so I want to get it right. I will post again here once I have uploaded it.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 16May24 09:25

Can You pm me the link please, interested in read it.
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby Buck » Tue, 16May24 12:20

Great! I can't wait, it's a great story! Keep fighting the good fight :)
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Sat, 16May28 21:53

PinkVendeta wrote:Can You pm me the link please, interested in read it.

Hi Hannah,
I saw and responded to your criticism of "Get me Pregnant" but I haven't seen any feedback on "A Glorious Tease" since I PM'd you the link. Did you read it? Did you rate it? I am curious what you thought. I'm writing chapter 4 right now and it is difficult. All feedback helps.

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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 16May28 23:54

iksanabot wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Can You pm me the link please, interested in read it.

Hi Hannah,
I saw and responded to your criticism of "Get me Pregnant" but I haven't seen any feedback on "A Glorious Tease" since I PM'd you the link. Did you read it? Did you rate it? I am curious what you thought. I'm writing chapter 4 right now and it is difficult. All feedback helps.


Dont wanna go off topic in your thread here, Get me Pregnant, I gave You constructive comments with praise, as I believe both go hand in hand, your story, I only began reading today as I have been very busy in RL, but I will drop You a PM when I am done.
I Am Not speaking From Experience - I Just Have A Vivid Imagination

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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Sun, 16May29 08:09

PinkVendeta wrote:
iksanabot wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Can You pm me the link please, interested in read it.

Hi Hannah,
I saw and responded to your criticism of "Get me Pregnant" but I haven't seen any feedback on "A Glorious Tease" since I PM'd you the link. Did you read it? Did you rate it? I am curious what you thought. I'm writing chapter 4 right now and it is difficult. All feedback helps.


Dont wanna go off topic in your thread here, Get me Pregnant, I gave You constructive comments with praise, as I believe both go hand in hand, your story, I only began reading today as I have been very busy in RL, but I will drop You a PM when I am done.

Bah! I was drunk last night. Don't let me rush you.

I appreciate your comments and praise for GMP and look forward to your feedback on AGT.
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby Buck » Thu, 16Jun23 13:47

iksanabot wrote:Hey all,
I had announced on other threads that I had written a story called A Glorious Tease, posted to Literotica.com. It currently has three chapters, and I'm proud of them. It has been over a year since I posted the last chapter (I think), and I get asked sometimes if another chapter is coming. The answer is yes, and I will be posting it probably within the month. It is the concluding chapter, so I want to get it right. I will post again here once I have uploaded it.

Thanks for reading.

The month is almost over ;-) Pls pls :-)
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 16Jun23 17:17

Thanks for your anticipation.

It's almost ready. I worked on it for three hours last night, and I want to have it posted on Literotica for July 1 (to give it the full month to accumulate votes and possibly win the monthly competition). I would be super psyched if something I wrote about Emma won a writing contest :)

Maybe I will post an excerpt here before July 1. I'll see if I can identify a good excerpt for that purpose. Stay tuned.

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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 16Jun23 18:52

Alright, this will do as an excerpt. Please realize some of it might change between now and when I post the full story. I hope you like it.
“‘I’ve been writing again.” I surprised her. Her sudden excitement showed and then was squelched as she tried to control herself. But she needed to know more.

“You wrote another fantasy?” She swallowed.

“I wrote more than a fantasy. I wrote about us. I wrote about everything about us. It’s about how I feel about you, and it’s about how things developed between us. I had this idea that I could write the story around those e-mail fantasies. The story is kind of about how that writing acted as such a catalyst between us.””

“It sounds really interesting.” Emma wanted to read more from me so badly, but was struggling, trying not to want to.

“It’s not done yet, but when it is, I want you to read it. You inspire me to write in a way that I find exciting both physically and mentally. I’m really proud of the way I write for you. You’re my muse.”

She broke just a little bit. “Mike, I want to, but I shouldn’t read it.”

“You won’t have to get it from me. I never even have to know you’ve read it. I will post it on a website for erotic fiction. You could read it anonymously, and I would never have to know. Maybe that’s a way for me to keep you as my muse, but to keep it from being direct flirtation.”

Emma liked the idea.

“I could even just wait until you moved away from the Netherlands before I read it.”

“Well, my contract goes another two years. But I mean, if you could wait that long, you could wait and read it after I left.”

We both knew she would not wait that long.

“We’ll see,” she said, and walked away.

I watched her incredible ass. I just wanted to make Emma cum.


When it was done, I posted it to Literotica.com as “A Glorious Tease, Ch. 1”. A few days later it had over 10 thousand hits, and was rated 4.6 out of 5 stars. I told Emma immediately the next time I saw her, arriving at the gym early the first tuesday after I posted it.

“I posted the story. It’s called ‘A Glorious Tease’. People really seem to like it.”

The gym was mostly empty. Emma asked me what the website was called again, and then she typed it into her computer.

“Are you going to read it right now!?” I was shocked and excited that she would go to an erotic website at work, in public. I think my voice cracked when I ask.

“No, I just want to see it, then I will read it later.”

She typed and clicked and found it.

“Here it is. iksanabot… I’m…I’m just going to read the first few lines.”

She started reading and I watched her. A minute passed and she was still reading. Suddenly she looked up at me.

“It’s really good.”


She looked around.

“I guess I can keep reading, it’s not busy. But you can’t stand there the whole time.”

“Ok, yeah. That’s cool. I’ll go work out.”

The next 20 minutes were some of the most intense, unique minutes of my life. I watched Emma read my story. I watched her blush, and shift in her seat. I watched her fidget with her clothes, twisting the material between her fingers. I saw her completely entranced, transfixed by my writing. I witnessed her being so absorbed by the most intimate me, that nothing else existed. She didn’t look up once.

I was out of breath when she finished.

She looked at me and smiled, but didn’t hold my gaze like she could normally do so effortlessly.

She looked away, weakly. Like she hadn’t really seen me. Like she couldn’t see anything. She got back to work, doing her routine chores. She was moving so slowly. She was so deep in her head, that every single movement was executed with minimal drive behind it. So, so, so slowly. It was kind of comical, if you could describe something that was also so sexy and emotional as comical.

I went to the bathroom to fill my water bottle, and she followed me in. The lust on her face actually did make me laugh out loud, but nervously, and feeling overpowered by lust myself I reached for her. She shook her head.

“You make me so crazy.”

She turned away from me, half-heartedly brushing my arms away, and leaned against the sink to look at us both in the mirror.

I put my hands on her. Even then, after everything that had happened, with her overcome and coming to me in the bathroom, there was a barrier. She didn’t turn to me. She didn’t hug me. She didn’t kiss me. She just stared at us both in the mirror in desperate conflict with herself.

I was behind her. I had one hand on the lower swell of her fabulous ass, and one hand creeping up her stomach from her hip to her breast. I kissed her exposed neck and she closed her eyes and then opened them again, tortured, and continued staring at us in the mirror.

I don’t know what happened next. I could have pulled her pants down right there and slipped my dick inside her. I’m sure I could have. She was not resisting me, only herself.

And maybe that’s why I didn’t. I was not going to take her, even if she wanted me to: I wanted her to give herself to me. Maybe that was the final, impenetrable barrier. We both wanted it so badly, but also felt so guilty that we wouldn’t take the final step alone.

It had to be both of us giving in completely, and simultaneously.

And so there were those intense sexy moments in the bathroom, but we exited without anything more happening.

However, we were not out of danger yet, because the bathroom was not the ideal place. She and I both knew there was a better place available to us: The room where we had first kissed was empty.

She had a trolley of equipment to return to the storage room, giving her the excuse to go there at any time, for a good amount of time. We could have all the privacy in the world for long enough to do what we wanted, in that room. Ever since that first kiss, I always noticed if the trolley was present in the gym. It symbolized a path to privacy for me.

There was no rush. I continued to watch Emma distractedly go about her job. I watched her, and wanted her, and wanted to be with her. And… I just wanted to know Emma more.

I had never asked Emma to be Facebook friends, or Google+ friends, or anything like that. I had searched her out many times, but never sent that friend request. Early on I could have asked without it being a big deal, but I guess I didn’t because even early on it would have been a big deal to me.

With a strange feeling of apprehension lurking beneath the surface of a powerful urge to know Emma more, I suddenly wanted to ask Emma to be Facebook friends.

I don’t use Facebook much. but I wanted to look at all her pictures. Even more, into the future I wanted to be able to know her forever, even if I were on a different continent.

I came over to her desk and asked if she was on Facebook. The gym had gotten a little busier and there were eyes and ears attending to us now. We had to act like nonchalant acquaintances.

I told her I always wondered what people found if they searched for me, because I didn’t know how to work the privacy settings. So, right there, with me standing beside her, she found my Facebook page and sat staring at my profile picture: me and my wife smiling as we spoke to someone off camera, and my wife holding our youngest boy, about 8 months old at the time.

Emma was struck by it. I was surprised I had done that. Why had I done that? I hadn’t really been thinking about what she would see, but some part of me had to know she would see my wife and kid and that under the circumstances, that it would hurt.

And now, as I think it over, again, I have to invoke the subconscious part of me that was fighting against my cheating. I was blindsided by myself. The part of me that only wanted to do right by my children reached out to my behavior, and said “I need to remind this son of a bitch that he has responsibilities.”

Both Emma and I were flustered and that ended our Facebook talk.

We still aren’t Facebook friends.

I went back to working out. I was all over the place. Emma was all over the place. We wanted each other so badly, the story fresh in both our minds, and yet even fresher was the reminder that I had a family, fortifying the barrier between us like razor wire.

I went to do cardio and pushed so hard my heart rate hit a new high. I was covered in sweat. I was pushing through the pain. I just wanted to make Emma cum.


Why couldn’t I just make Emma cum?!

Emma had a trip to Venice coming up with her boyfriend. They would be gone together for two weeks, away from me. She had mentioned it before, and we both knew it would mark the end of us. If we had to end, that would be the right time for us to end.

That was probably why she had warmed to me that day.

One last time to acknowledge our feelings before she would never acknowledge them again: Two weeks of romance in Venice with a man she loved would be enough to push me out of her mind, or her heart, mostly.

And so that day, the day that had begun as exactly the right time for us, the day that was now exactly the wrong time for us, became our last day. I couldn’t let us go out like that. I came to her desk to say goodbye.

“I guess I won’t see you for a couple of weeks.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, I hope you have a good trip.”


It was so painful.

“Are you going to return that trolley to the equipment room now?”

“I was going to, but I’ll wait until after you leave.”

She wouldn’t do it. She was not going to do it. She wanted to so badly but I had made it impossible for her. She had seen the people I was hurting, and she wouldn’t let me hurt them anymore. She has been a better person than me through this entire thing.

I left.

I got to the bottom of the stairs, and then I heard the trolley rolling across the floor above me.

She wanted me to hear it. I paused. And then I quietly sprinted back up the stairs and caught her at the door to the equipment room. She had just pushed the trolley into the room, and she turned to see me coming toward her.

She was not surprised.

I plunged into her, wrapping my arms around her and lifting as I kissed her hard and carried her back through the doorway.
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby Buck » Fri, 16Jun24 09:10

iksanabot wrote:Alright, this will do as an excerpt. Please realize some of it might change between now and when I post the full story. I hope you like it.
“‘I’ve been writing again.” I surprised her. Her sudden excitement showed and then was squelched as she tried to control herself. But she needed to know more.

“You wrote another fantasy?” She swallowed.

“I wrote more than a fantasy. I wrote about us. I wrote about everything about us. It’s about how I feel about you, and it’s about how things developed between us. I had this idea that I could write the story around those e-mail fantasies. The story is kind of about how that writing acted as such a catalyst between us.””

“It sounds really interesting.” Emma wanted to read more from me so badly, but was struggling, trying not to want to.

“It’s not done yet, but when it is, I want you to read it. You inspire me to write in a way that I find exciting both physically and mentally. I’m really proud of the way I write for you. You’re my muse.”

She broke just a little bit. “Mike, I want to, but I shouldn’t read it.”

“You won’t have to get it from me. I never even have to know you’ve read it. I will post it on a website for erotic fiction. You could read it anonymously, and I would never have to know. Maybe that’s a way for me to keep you as my muse, but to keep it from being direct flirtation.”

Emma liked the idea.

“I could even just wait until you moved away from the Netherlands before I read it.”

“Well, my contract goes another two years. But I mean, if you could wait that long, you could wait and read it after I left.”

We both knew she would not wait that long.

“We’ll see,” she said, and walked away.

I watched her incredible ass. I just wanted to make Emma cum.


When it was done, I posted it to Literotica.com as “A Glorious Tease, Ch. 1”. A few days later it had over 10 thousand hits, and was rated 4.6 out of 5 stars. I told Emma immediately the next time I saw her, arriving at the gym early the first tuesday after I posted it.

“I posted the story. It’s called ‘A Glorious Tease’. People really seem to like it.”

The gym was mostly empty. Emma asked me what the website was called again, and then she typed it into her computer.

“Are you going to read it right now!?” I was shocked and excited that she would go to an erotic website at work, in public. I think my voice cracked when I ask.

“No, I just want to see it, then I will read it later.”

She typed and clicked and found it.

“Here it is. iksanabot… I’m…I’m just going to read the first few lines.”

She started reading and I watched her. A minute passed and she was still reading. Suddenly she looked up at me.

“It’s really good.”


She looked around.

“I guess I can keep reading, it’s not busy. But you can’t stand there the whole time.”

“Ok, yeah. That’s cool. I’ll go work out.”

The next 20 minutes were some of the most intense, unique minutes of my life. I watched Emma read my story. I watched her blush, and shift in her seat. I watched her fidget with her clothes, twisting the material between her fingers. I saw her completely entranced, transfixed by my writing. I witnessed her being so absorbed by the most intimate me, that nothing else existed. She didn’t look up once.

I was out of breath when she finished.

She looked at me and smiled, but didn’t hold my gaze like she could normally do so effortlessly.

She looked away, weakly. Like she hadn’t really seen me. Like she couldn’t see anything. She got back to work, doing her routine chores. She was moving so slowly. She was so deep in her head, that every single movement was executed with minimal drive behind it. So, so, so slowly. It was kind of comical, if you could describe something that was also so sexy and emotional as comical.

I went to the bathroom to fill my water bottle, and she followed me in. The lust on her face actually did make me laugh out loud, but nervously, and feeling overpowered by lust myself I reached for her. She shook her head.

“You make me so crazy.”

She turned away from me, half-heartedly brushing my arms away, and leaned against the sink to look at us both in the mirror.

I put my hands on her. Even then, after everything that had happened, with her overcome and coming to me in the bathroom, there was a barrier. She didn’t turn to me. She didn’t hug me. She didn’t kiss me. She just stared at us both in the mirror in desperate conflict with herself.

I was behind her. I had one hand on the lower swell of her fabulous ass, and one hand creeping up her stomach from her hip to her breast. I kissed her exposed neck and she closed her eyes and then opened them again, tortured, and continued staring at us in the mirror.

I don’t know what happened next. I could have pulled her pants down right there and slipped my dick inside her. I’m sure I could have. She was not resisting me, only herself.

And maybe that’s why I didn’t. I was not going to take her, even if she wanted me to: I wanted her to give herself to me. Maybe that was the final, impenetrable barrier. We both wanted it so badly, but also felt so guilty that we wouldn’t take the final step alone.

It had to be both of us giving in completely, and simultaneously.

And so there were those intense sexy moments in the bathroom, but we exited without anything more happening.

However, we were not out of danger yet, because the bathroom was not the ideal place. She and I both knew there was a better place available to us: The room where we had first kissed was empty.

She had a trolley of equipment to return to the storage room, giving her the excuse to go there at any time, for a good amount of time. We could have all the privacy in the world for long enough to do what we wanted, in that room. Ever since that first kiss, I always noticed if the trolley was present in the gym. It symbolized a path to privacy for me.

There was no rush. I continued to watch Emma distractedly go about her job. I watched her, and wanted her, and wanted to be with her. And… I just wanted to know Emma more.

I had never asked Emma to be Facebook friends, or Google+ friends, or anything like that. I had searched her out many times, but never sent that friend request. Early on I could have asked without it being a big deal, but I guess I didn’t because even early on it would have been a big deal to me.

With a strange feeling of apprehension lurking beneath the surface of a powerful urge to know Emma more, I suddenly wanted to ask Emma to be Facebook friends.

I don’t use Facebook much. but I wanted to look at all her pictures. Even more, into the future I wanted to be able to know her forever, even if I were on a different continent.

I came over to her desk and asked if she was on Facebook. The gym had gotten a little busier and there were eyes and ears attending to us now. We had to act like nonchalant acquaintances.

I told her I always wondered what people found if they searched for me, because I didn’t know how to work the privacy settings. So, right there, with me standing beside her, she found my Facebook page and sat staring at my profile picture: me and my wife smiling as we spoke to someone off camera, and my wife holding our youngest boy, about 8 months old at the time.

Emma was struck by it. I was surprised I had done that. Why had I done that? I hadn’t really been thinking about what she would see, but some part of me had to know she would see my wife and kid and that under the circumstances, that it would hurt.

And now, as I think it over, again, I have to invoke the subconscious part of me that was fighting against my cheating. I was blindsided by myself. The part of me that only wanted to do right by my children reached out to my behavior, and said “I need to remind this son of a bitch that he has responsibilities.”

Both Emma and I were flustered and that ended our Facebook talk.

We still aren’t Facebook friends.

I went back to working out. I was all over the place. Emma was all over the place. We wanted each other so badly, the story fresh in both our minds, and yet even fresher was the reminder that I had a family, fortifying the barrier between us like razor wire.

I went to do cardio and pushed so hard my heart rate hit a new high. I was covered in sweat. I was pushing through the pain. I just wanted to make Emma cum.


Why couldn’t I just make Emma cum?!

Emma had a trip to Venice coming up with her boyfriend. They would be gone together for two weeks, away from me. She had mentioned it before, and we both knew it would mark the end of us. If we had to end, that would be the right time for us to end.

That was probably why she had warmed to me that day.

One last time to acknowledge our feelings before she would never acknowledge them again: Two weeks of romance in Venice with a man she loved would be enough to push me out of her mind, or her heart, mostly.

And so that day, the day that had begun as exactly the right time for us, the day that was now exactly the wrong time for us, became our last day. I couldn’t let us go out like that. I came to her desk to say goodbye.

“I guess I won’t see you for a couple of weeks.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, I hope you have a good trip.”


It was so painful.

“Are you going to return that trolley to the equipment room now?”

“I was going to, but I’ll wait until after you leave.”

She wouldn’t do it. She was not going to do it. She wanted to so badly but I had made it impossible for her. She had seen the people I was hurting, and she wouldn’t let me hurt them anymore. She has been a better person than me through this entire thing.

I left.

I got to the bottom of the stairs, and then I heard the trolley rolling across the floor above me.

She wanted me to hear it. I paused. And then I quietly sprinted back up the stairs and caught her at the door to the equipment room. She had just pushed the trolley into the room, and she turned to see me coming toward her.

She was not surprised.

I plunged into her, wrapping my arms around her and lifting as I kissed her hard and carried her back through the doorway.

[img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] Great! You have perfectly described the dilemma about eating the forbidden fruits. As Oscar Wilde wrote: The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself...

Go on, don't stop with writing after this story!

I can't wait for the 1st of july and for the spicy parts :)
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby Buck » Mon, 16Jul04 11:50

WOW! Worth waiting for! Great, just great! Hat's off to you!
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby Dasati » Mon, 16Jul04 15:43

Saw the final part was released earlier, going to do a full re-read before hand though so it's all fresh in my mind.
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby iksanabot » Mon, 16Jul04 17:34

Thanks guys,
Yeah, I submitted it in the evening of June 30 but it didn't get accepted/posted until today. Was waiting to see it online before I announced here, but you guys beat me to it :)

I'm at a cabin in Canada right now so I don't have much internet access, but please enjoy, and I'll look forward to seeing feedback and votes (mostly good, I'm hoping) on the literotica site when I get back to civilization in a week.

Best regards, iksanabot
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Re: A Glorious Tease

Postby junior366 » Wed, 16Aug31 03:24

Good stuff, I really liked the way the story built up all the way to chapter 4. I gave it 5 stars on every part! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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