The 26th Question - Needs testers - CLOSED

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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby stevedirt » Thu, 16Jan28 20:23

Loving the feedback so far.

With 93 plays by 9 people, it appears to have had little affect on my monthly bandwidth; so I am going to post the link for anyone to try. I'll keep it up until I reach my limit.

Please let me know any way to improve it.

I can handle negative feedback, so let me know!


- Steve
Last edited by stevedirt on Tue, 16Feb02 21:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby bartux » Thu, 16Jan28 21:57

thanks for your nice project.

I enjoy playing it. it has a long replay time.

It would be nice , if we could replay a girl (and only one) after completed the game once.

Also during the date, a girl is requesting to go further, if you agree, you can't do more with the next girls. (on the same day), why ?

tipos during:

date with aubrey in the pool house : "Go you believe in god"

with the masseuse "Oh shit, it's so big! You don't we switch to doggy-style." (missing Mind)

with jayne : "I tend to me a wall-flower, do you attend many gatherings?" (to be)

juliet : Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? (for your age)
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby shaffinaaz » Thu, 16Jan28 22:18

Hi Steve,

Thank you for the game. The screenshot looks good and the ladies too but the text are really small on the my phone and it is hard to choose a question unless I zoom in.

There are some markup errors as well. You decide to use the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DOCTYPE (which is fine), but you forgot to close your tags properly, i.e. <br> should either be <br></br> or <br/>. One good point of markup and style errors is that browsers will let you get away with it and not yell at you or just reply SEGFAULT every time an error occur.

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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby kexter » Thu, 16Jan28 22:33

bartux wrote:Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? (for your age)
I think the original sentence aims for a different meaning than what you think it does. It presents three options, the last one being "act according to your age". It doesn't ask "Do people tell you that you act older or younger for your age?" but instead it goes "Do people tell you that you act older than your age, younger than your age, or according to your age?" in a condensed form.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby bartux » Thu, 16Jan28 22:52

kexter wrote:
bartux wrote:Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? (for your age)
I think the original sentence aims for a different meaning than what you think it does. It presents three options, the last one being "act according to your age". It doesn't ask "Do people tell you that you act older or younger for your age?" but instead it goes "Do people tell you that you act older than your age, younger than your age, or according to your age?" in a condensed form.

thanks kexter. When I read again you're totally right about this ! nevermind for this :)
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby stevedirt » Fri, 16Jan29 00:39

shaffinaaz wrote:Thank you for the game. The screenshot looks good and the ladies too but the text are really small on the my phone and it is hard to choose a question unless I zoom in.

The game really isn't designed to be played on a phone. It really is too small even for a tablet. 1280 x 800 is the lowest screen resolution I would recommend.

Up to 596 games played by 79 different people in 24 hours. I may have underestimated the popularity of this board.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby hughx » Fri, 16Jan29 07:11

I had a list of the typos I found and thought that I PM'ed them to you, but I don't see it in my outbox or sent. Hmm. I see someone else caught many of the typos already. There are several statements by the girls that end with double punctuation ".!" or ".!" I'll have another run through again to see if I can list them again. Sorry that my PM was eaten. It was late at night, perhaps I hit preview instead of submit.

The good news is that as you can already tell, there doesn't seem to be any function bugs. I didn't find any. I tested on Mac OS X 10.10.5 with Firefox 44.0, Safari 9.02 and Opera 34.

I enjoyed the game. Honestly, I wasn't sure I would like the concept, but it was very good for the initial play through and the replays. The girls look really, really great. The only criticism I would have is the pool date intro screen. The table looks somewhat like it's hovering in darkness without the legs visible and the floor so black.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby master110 » Mon, 16Feb01 01:52

Hi , I played it on chrome 64 bit windows 10. Game ran fine. This game is great. I think you could easy make a few of these type games. Really enjoyed it thanks.


The only problem I have with the game is the last day you have two girls without taking them on a date so you just pick one of them. I think it would be better if the final day is a date between the last two , then pick one for marriage.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby evilgrim » Mon, 16Feb01 13:51

just played through the game for the first time , i enjoyed it very good game , gonna play through it again as i did see one mistake but for the life of me cant remember it , it's only a small mistake
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby karrek » Mon, 16Feb01 15:40

Haven't noticed any mistakes yet.

Is it only possible to have one sexual encounter per day?
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Waiting for Response...

Postby wildride » Mon, 16Feb01 20:03

After taking half an hour to simply get through the introductions of each girl I thought it best to post.

This is looking good and so far my only gripe would be having it web based only. Its the same gripe I have with Mortze's Pandora, his one is offset by a planned downloadable version for backers which I believe is fair.

The reason why its a problem is the load times, while the pages load pretty quickly there seems to be a huge bottleneck simply connecting to them (waiting for response) approximately 1 minute each page before I start receiving data. This is often a problem beyond anyone's control, simply rush hour on the net, even my 200mbps connection is operating at 36 currently. What happens however aside from the delay is assets are not loaded properly, ie a picture doesnt load 100% or some other stuff like that.

Are you planning on making a downloadable version? (zip file)
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby Taylor Strutt » Mon, 16Feb01 23:32

I really enjoyed the game and the concept. You clearly thought out each woman and gave them different personalities, which I appreciate. I definitely had a couple girls that I "connected with" more than other by simply playing as myself. Also it was fun to play again an try to solve what the different women were into.

I do have a couple small complaints. Some of the questions seem completely arbitrary. For example Tabitha-

when in her office you bring up that you know one coding language and get points, but the next question you lose points if you ask her about her favorite. Sometimes there you lose points with answers that seem should at least be neutral.

My second complaint the 6th day (the one with the three dates) is so well written, the next day is a real let down. It just didn't have a satisfying end. Two ways it could be improved- Either cut the last day and have you make your final decision at the end of the previous day from the final three girls. OR keep it the same length have the girl you have a lower score with visit you in the middle of the night to try to convince you to pick her.

These are small complaints and I enjoyed the game.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby tsu72 » Tue, 16Feb02 04:37

I keep getting an internal error message on the 1st night when I am suppose to send the 1st woman home
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby zekek » Tue, 16Feb02 06:23

The player character looks so bizarre.

The ending felt rushed, just choose whoever with no scenes if they accept.

The website is terribly slow. It took an hour to complete the game. This was with 35down 4up so it wasn't my end.
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Re: The 26th Question - Needs testers

Postby redle » Tue, 16Feb02 08:56

I can't really rate the game as a whole. After I asked a round of questions and they were asking questions of me, the connection timed out or had some sort of internal error. All I could do was reload, and this took me back to the beginning of the game. Each page was having some delays in loading throughout, and I wasn't really willing to go through it again to likely die part way through again. Maybe when the game is finished, and certainly if it is downloadable, I'll give it another go.

Technical issues aside, the images were looking good. As for actual gameplay, it is a bit more rote memorization/bookkeeping of information than what I prefer. The start of the game is basically a ton of facts thrown at us about a bunch of different girls. It's a bit of an overwhelming and dry start to the game.

As for the interface of asking questions of the girls, since it is pair-matching, I think it would be nice if it was formatted that way to make convenient for the player. What I mean is, currently I'm shown a girl. Maybe it's one I'm less interested in, or forgot her facts. Well, I blindly pick any of the answers for no good reason, because I have nothing else I can do. Now, the next girl shows up. Her, I am interested in (and possibly do know everything about her). So I think, "Oh, the one that best fits her... oh shoot... it's the one I randomly used on someone I don't care about." If, instead, I could see the 8 girls and 8 questions, and then pick both the girl and the question, I could match the ones I felt good about. The girls I'm not going for, or don't care about that round then get the leftover options, instead of stealing the options I later find I need. (obviously another option would be to remove the no-repeats requirement)

Also, would be nice to have an indication of which questions had been used.

Anyway, not to be discouraging... these types of games tend to build as you get deeper in, and I wasn't able to get to that point. Also, as I mentioned, the type is lower on my list of preferred games than other types (but we all have different favorites). The game still showed promise with what I saw.
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