Advice - new game building for novices

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Advice - new game building for novices

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 16Jan27 06:46

Many of us have an idea for a game but we lack ...
Yes, seriously we lack.

At best we have an idea but lack many skills, or else don't know how to organise them.

Having an idea is insufficient. Our creators would emphasise that having a coherent plan is essential; that doesn't need to be detailed, but it does need to have a logical flow.

With something solid in mind one needs to consider:
1. Who will be my audience? [This will determine how you will publish.]
2. What imagery do I need? Can I create it, and how, or do I need to access it elsewhere, and may there be a cost?
3. What software will I need? This will range from how you build and edit your scenes through to mode used to present your game.
4. Is a collaborator appropriate? An illustrator, editor or someone just to review may be worthwhile.
5. How will you publish? #1 and #3 will have some impact upon your decision.
......HTML, Flash, RAGS ...
6. Where will you publish?
......Some ISPs give you a limited space because of your subscription, but then you may find free hosting elsewhere.

I invite anyone of our community to address any one (or all) of the points above. If necessary, please create a separate thread to develop a "bigger idea", with a link back to that point, so that we keep this thread as simple as possible.

Note: This thought was initiated by panther50, and yes, his pleas are of self-interest, but many of them however have been echoed outside this specific Forum one way or the other.
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Re: Advice - new game building for novices

Postby panther50 » Wed, 16Jan27 13:44

Lol, you were actually quite fast, even if you didn't understand what actually my query was. :D

Plus this thread may not work as its same as what skelaturi have already made, my topic is a little different more based on story instead of overall game

Thanx for creating the thread though,

I wanted to create a thread where many of the guys who actually have a stories and ideas in their mind can get advice from our game creators on how can they present their story on paper. We all play games which consists of dialogues and narations. But how was the story of the game before it was made into a game? Because what you do for a story to become a game is make a script from that story. Or you guys directly create a story which contains all those dialogs and narrations? these are some things i wanted to know.

In case you have a good story and want to collaborate with others, what you present to them first? a general overview of the story and or a descriptive and well made script?

I don't know if some of you get my point on what i want to ask, but there are many such questions which starts popping up in my mind when i start to think about what should be the initial steps i should take if i want to create a game. I might or might not create any game at the moment but i have a lot of curiosity over knowing all this.

Hope you all understand my point here
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Re: Advice - new game building for novices

Postby Mortze » Wed, 16Jan27 15:56

I think I do.

My process in designing a game comes from my experience in gamemastering tabletop RPGs. When I have an idea, in the shower or while driving, I keep thinking about it and constructing from it in my mind.
When I think I have something substantial, and not just one cool scene I think about the characters and the places. What's their personality, thir overal background and what's the theme of the settings.
Then I open a text editor and make a very short layout of what the game should be.
After this I start designing the characters and places in DAZ. When I'm happy I start rendering.
That's when I put into paper what the dialogues are for each page.
But sometimes I just keep rendering with a mental idea of what the characters are saying and put the dialogues after. It depends.
Lastly, I use AC and mount the html files.

I do this process scene by scene. I don't write all the dialogues of the game, then render the pictures of all the game and then put it all in AC. No, I do it scene by scene, because sometimes things change. One dialogue might have to change or even a set of events acording to a particular visual format I discover in the moment.

Everybody has his method of course.
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Re: Advice - new game building for novices

Postby fleet » Wed, 16Jan27 18:14

Mortze wrote:
I do this process scene by scene. I don't write all the dialogues of the game, then render the pictures of all the game and then put it all in AC. No, I do it scene by scene, because sometimes things change. One dialogue might have to change or even a set of events acording to a particular visual format I discover in the moment.

Everybody has his method of course.

I use a similar process, except that I'll use a word processor program write all the dialog first, then go scene by scene with the art and programming. I will change the dialog as the game building progresses when I see a need for a change.
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Re: Advice - new game building for novices

Postby panther50 » Wed, 16Jan27 20:10

well, on this matter, i also get many ideas and i can sometimes construct a story on it too..but i know one thing that if i start writing it, i won't stop.

in my case , i first think of the main character, his attributes, behavior, etc., then i think of what story i can make on that character. Generally i fantasize all these stories in my mind on how the character will react, what he/she will do in a particular situations etc.

Then, all character related to the story and settings just start adding up like pieces of a puzzle. Its just that i never write these things on paper.If i write them, i am sure i can construct stories from it because ideas like these keep coming to my head whenever i am free.

but the problem is most of the time i am not free because i only get the night time to explore through new languages,these games, new softwares and daily news.

thanx for sharing on how you guys work and give shape to you projects.Few questions answered and many will be answered if this topic get some more replies
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Re: Advice - new game building for novices

Postby Squeeky » Thu, 16Jan28 03:20

No, I think that I understood your query correctly but saw a means to use it as platform which probably better addresses the essence of what Skelaturi had intended.
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