General Chat

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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 15Aug21 01:08

Xyzzy987 wrote:Hey, Rastifan, there's at least one picture you've attributed to both Pedro Perez and to Dean Yeagle. Neither is signed (as most of Yeagle's stuff seems to be). Care to help clear up the confusion? I love both sets, by the way. Excellent work.

Yea I noticed. Gotten one or two confused. Had to head hunt the pics all over the net :crazy:
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 15Sep04 05:03


I was asked if I believed in horoscopes. So I made this. Should answer that question me thinks^^
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Fri, 15Sep04 08:04

That may be the best horoscope I've ever seen, Rastifan.

I knew astrology was all just bunk and hokum when I found out that Richard Nixon and Joan Baez have the same birthday.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Fri, 15Sep04 10:55

Xyzzy987 wrote:That may be the best horoscope I've ever seen, Rastifan.

I knew astrology was all just bunk and hokum when I found out that Richard Nixon and Joan Baez have the same birthday.

As represented by diamonds and rust? :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Sat, 15Sep05 04:11

Xyzzy987 wrote:That may be the best horoscope I've ever seen, Rastifan.

I gave no quarters to anyone, including my self. I am Libra [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Fri, 15Sep11 21:10

Greebo wrote:
Xyzzy987 wrote:That may be the best horoscope I've ever seen, Rastifan.

I knew astrology was all just bunk and hokum when I found out that Richard Nixon and Joan Baez have the same birthday.

As represented by diamonds and rust? :lol:

Sorry, Greebo, didn't understand. Diamonds and rust?
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Re: General Chat

Postby Mimailia » Sat, 15Sep12 11:13

Xyzzy987, thanks for reminding us how old we are.

Still give me chills.

I can't figure out how to use the signature!
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Sat, 15Sep12 11:30

Xyzzy987 wrote:
Greebo wrote:As represented by diamonds and rust? :lol:

Sorry, Greebo, didn't understand. Diamonds and rust?

Look it up! "Diamonds and Rust" is one of Joan Baez' best songs (and that's saying something when you consider her excellence -- a rare diamond of a singer!) To my mind Nixon is the rust -- corruption where there should have been iron! [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

I think in actual fact that it was an expression of her emotions at the end of her relationship with Bob Dylan
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Sun, 15Sep13 04:39

Greebo wrote:..."Diamonds and Rust" is one of Joan Baez' best songs...

Thanks, Greebo, I had no idea. I wasn't much of a fan of her music, and by the mid-70's I was much more into Yes, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull, Frank Zappa, etc.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Sun, 15Sep13 13:28


Probably true and then some :D

Artist is Dean Yeagle.
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For whom the bell tolls

Postby Maurice » Sun, 15Oct25 11:25

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

by John Donne

I found this while doing some research for feedback I wanted to give on some of the games on this site.

The first lines and the last five lines I think I can comprehend quite well (I'll give my interpretation under the spoilers) but I am unsure about the meaning of the part in between. Can anyone help?

(kind of an exerpt from 1624 Meditation 17, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions by John Donne)

For whom the bell tolls

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.

A person can only be completely him or herself by interacting with others

Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.

Together we make up something that is bigger than ourselves which in turn makes us into what we are ourselves by ourselves.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

And even when the tiniest piece of the whole is taken away (it will alter the whole and by extension ourselves)

Europe is the less.

Fom hereon I start to get confused.
The whole becomes less, but why would an Englishman use europe in stead of Brittain?

As well as if a promontory were.

Is a promonotory here a piece of land resembling a pier or jetty?

As well as if a manor of thine own

Am I to imagine here the loss of a piece of land containing my home and livelyhood?

Or of thine friend's were.

And here, am I to imagine the loss of my friends home and livelyhood or the loss of my friend himself/herself?

Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.

For me (John Donne) it means because I myself am part of a bigger whole the death of every man or woman (because they are part of the whole) takes away something of myself.

Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

So dear reader, and the following might surprise you, whenever in the vicinity of a funeral, and you hear the tolling of a bell, it tolls for you.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 15Oct29 19:22

Good grief I laughed. Mass Effect hilarity. This is to funny. Male Shepard as few have seen him:D

Creepy Shepard! 0:30 will give you nightmares.

Hilarious Shepard!

Shepard - The Rebirth!

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Re: General Chat

Postby Skelaturi » Thu, 15Nov05 23:18


Doggy style (noun)
A sexual position which allows both participants to watch TV.
My weakness a deviant Redhead:

Seen anything wrong, a typo, to ask, anything else? PM me.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 15Nov13 04:53


Me and my buddy Nahka's custom warrior woman Elena. She is not all there^^
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 15Nov13 04:57


Elena again. What are the odds indeed [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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