Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

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Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby andPS2 » Wed, 15Sep09 14:35

new free game out at Playforce One!
got all but 1 achievement - the lets do it
can anyone get that?
lagoon predator
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby wicked035 » Wed, 15Sep09 16:40

andPS2 wrote:can anyone get that?

Just get
your friend to do porn with Princess

For free game its quick and nice game with great graphics. Only thing that I find it kinda anoying is that "hotspots" are hard to click sometimes. But for free game its nice. :)
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby chrispool » Wed, 15Sep09 18:13

The game is free so I'm not going to complain too much. But it's a reality that the general qualities of free games have lowered. In no way I'm expecting a premium-quality for free games, however I remember a time when free games (not all, but a good majority of them) were made with better materials.

This game has good graphics as usual, but the writing is not (there are a lot of inconsistencies in the story, the entire first dialogue in the bar has no sense). And one more time, there's no interactivity in the sex scenes (the system of hotspots with only 1 possibility is useless). The recent productions are more visual novels than games, it's difficult to feel involved in the stories.

All in all, the game is free, and it is still better than 90% of the other internet games, but ,yeah, the productions of the last months are disappointing.

I hope, and I'm sure, because the lopteam has proved his talent before, that these issues concerning free games will be solved.
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby Dasati » Wed, 15Sep09 21:29

I may be way off base here, but my guess would be that the main focus is on the next big premium game (Seducing the Throne I think, according to the blog there's another smaller premium game in the works but Seducing the Throne is the next big one). In some respects the recent free games feel more rushed to give players something to do whilst work proceeds on the premiums (not to mention LWT2 and ELE2 on premium)
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby andPS2 » Thu, 15Sep10 07:46

wicked035 wrote:
andPS2 wrote:can anyone get that?

Just get
your friend to do porn with Princess

maybe its a bug u mean the sex at the apparment where princess gives him a bj?
did that but no achivement
lagoon predator
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby chrispool » Thu, 15Sep10 09:28

andPS2 wrote:
wicked035 wrote:
andPS2 wrote:can anyone get that?

Just get
your friend to do porn with Princess

maybe its a bug u mean the sex at the apparment where princess gives him a bj?
did that but no achivement

It's during the meeting with Princess and the 2 men at the bar, when you try to convince your friend to do a porn movie.
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby redle » Thu, 15Sep10 21:25

andPS2 wrote:Only thing that I find it kinda anoying is that "hotspots" are hard to click sometimes.
chrispool wrote:...the system of hotspots with only 1 possibility is useless...

Agreed. The hotspots are just an annoyance. It comes off as the creators doing it only so they could claim more gameplay elements, without actually needing to implement any gameplay. Not to mention the leaders (which theoretically are there to point at the hotspot) often point to body parts that don't match the text and make it harder to find the hotspot when blindly shifting the mouse around to try and locate any such spots.

Also the plot is rather pointless...
Plot: Oh no, I owe some thug a bunch of money, like now. Where can I get it? Can you earn enough? Try now!

Opportunities: meet with 2 separate women and do a photo shoot with each. One can pay you for the job. The other you are paying.

Story failures: What? I need money now, so I'm out spending what little money I don't have? There isn't even any reason given why we think spending money on the second woman might give a return on our investment within the time limit we have.

Oh, and the whole plot seems to point at successfully doing your job well enough to earn the money... nope sorry, that's absolutely not possible.

Solutions: borrow it from your friend. This one seems to be the only "good" solution. It is also the only solution that has nothing at all to do with anything in the rest of the game (other than the game makes you complete everything in a certain way to get the ending, but from the story it has no relevance). It's like calling a game CEO Assassin and having gameplay go like this: you are a highly paid assassin who's just received his next mark. Knock off the CEO of Global, Inc. We thank you for concluding your contract, please enjoy a free ice cream cone with our compliments. Then the gameplay is about trying to lick an ice cream cone on a hot day without letting any drops fall from the bottom of the cone.

The other solution is blackmail. It doesn't really have anything to do with your job either. I suppose it at least involves one of the clients at your job. That said, it wasn't part of your goals, or part of the job. Just at the end of one job there is an option to do other stuff and create a blackmail opportunity that had nothing to do with anything.

I'm not saying the game was terrible. It was more of the typical fare for an LOP freebie. Still, with very little effort it could have made so much more sense and been more fun to play.

1. Why force the blackmail? Even if we go that route, could have a choice (or say the right things to cause)...
A) We blackmail.
B) We ask for our fee and say that the indiscretion will remain secret between us.
C) The sex is determined to be payment. No blackmail or payment.

2. Should be a real way to earn the money. Change the amount needed to whatever works to make this happen.
A) Add more clients until enough money can be earned (I realize this one would be more work and therefor less realistic).
B) Have a twist in the second shoot where continuing or taking a different type of photos will suddenly cost her instead of us paying.
C) Add to the intro that we know a guy "looking for talent" that gives us a referral fee for sending girls his way. Second girl is pliable enough, give us the option to send her over to earn the remaining sum.
D) Change "standard cost of shoot" to be a variable rate depending on number of shots taken and direction of the shoot. Allows increased fees to both/either girl.

3. Get rid of the hotspots or at least create 2 choices (even if it is just cycling through the existing photo set until the player clicks on a finish on one of the screens).

4. Change the hotspot marker so it pops up centered over the hotspot. Having it pop up off to the side makes it infinitely harder to locate. Players see it pop up and move the mouse to where they saw the screen change, and can't get it to pop up again (because that isn't where the spot is).

5. Change the borrow money. I don't mind the concept of borrowing money to pay the debt, it just has no relevance to the story here. Keeping everything as already implemented, simply changing it to... friend replies, I know some guys that would pay to be part of a movie like we just were. I bet I could collect enough money up front so long as your sure you could deliver.

I agree this isn't the same "nice" ending as simply a friend loaning money, but come on, you just tricked multiple people into having sex for a movie and on top of that you had no plans to pay them for it. This game had no nice-guy ending.

Most of the above could have been done with only about 5 extra minutes of production time and a little bit of thinking through the plot. I'm sure that are plenty of other solutions than my examples.
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Re: Playforce One - Call Me Desperate

Postby chrispool » Thu, 15Sep10 22:52

redle wrote:Most of the above could have been done with only about 5 extra minutes of production time and a little bit of thinking through the plot. I'm sure that are plenty of other solutions than my examples.

I can understand that the team gives the priority to the premium games. As many others, I'm looking forward to LWT2 and Eleanor2. But I deplore the low quality of the free games of 2015. Except Hot Wife Story Tara (and it was more a visual novel than a game) the other free games are not very good, with Driving with London and Call Me Desperate being the worst of this period.
Like Leo said, free games are a "show room" for testing new concepts, new artists, new writers,... and for driving people to the premium site. But I'm not sure that someone who doesn't already know LopGold will be tempted to subscribe after playing these games.
I repeat that I understand that they have a lot of work with the big games in production, but release rushed games is not a wise decision. I prefer to have less free games in the future, but better free games. They proved in the past that they were capable of making excellent free games (Jordan 500, Camera Business, College Romance,...).

However, I keep confidence in the team, the premium games coming seem outstanding, and I'm sure something will be made for free games (everybody can have a bad period).
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