Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

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Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby leonizer » Thu, 15Apr23 09:11

Hello guys,

Today I want to invite you on erotic date with lovely Gina.


Please let me know if you like this of game - short dating sime with various places to visits and sexy interactions to find.
You can date Gina here:
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby chrispool » Thu, 15Apr23 13:02

Thanks for the game.

The graphics are very good, as usual. Your new artist did a very well job, congratulations to him. Maybe Gina's body seems a little too "plastic"... but it's a detail.

The game itself is a classic dating sim, too classic I think. The whole game is very predictable and it's too kind. In my opinion it needs one or two things to "spice" the story. And I find Gina too passive.

To sum up, it's not your best game, and not your best dating sim. But it's a quality little game, and it's free so there is no need to complain [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] .

One question : what happened to Hot Wife Story Tara ? It's more my kind of game.

PS : last year Tracy won the poll of which character we wanted to see in a sexy date game. Eleanor (3rd place) got her dating game, but since still no news about a game featuring Tracy... Is it still planned ?
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby leonizer » Thu, 15Apr23 13:18

Thanks chrispool for your opinion.
HWS:T was postponed in time a little cause it's rather long project. I decided to release ED:G first cause it was faster to develop. HWS:T will be our next free game.

About pool and erotic dates with Tracy and Lisa. We still remember about that. Right now YamYoda, who is responsible for those characters, is busy with LWT2 and other, top secret for now, project so he isn't able to prepare visuals for this dating games.
But erotic date with Tracy (and later with Lisa) will be developed - and the way we gonna develop it will cause your jaws to fall on the floor :) I promise.
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby chrispool » Thu, 15Apr23 13:56

Thanks for the answer Leo.

I can't wait to play HWS:T. Seems very promising. Hot Wife Story Michelle (the free game) is one of your best games.

Glad to know that the sex dates with Tracy and Lisa are still planned. I understand that you have a lot of work ahead you with LWT2 and all the other projects. Take all the time you need, and give us another masterpieces.

Keep up the good work.
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby stcro1 » Thu, 15Apr23 14:08

seems like interesting game,i will check it out when i get home
but it's great to hear that date games with tracy and lisa will be made,in my opinion two hottest lop girls
i see that there is a lot of games to come so keep up with great work,can't wait for them
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby athossico » Thu, 15Apr23 19:47

If you go on design lady like this..... :crazy:
maybe next can be a little bit normal? [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
As usual a good game with a good graphics: thanks to you and to your staff
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby john milton » Thu, 15Apr23 22:07

a great game, i've had quite a lot of fun playng at it!!
probably one of the best of this period...
thank you!


i've seen the v4 version of living with temptation 2... awesome man i'm so happy to see that you decided to go on with the original ones, great, great choice!!!
can't wait to see it...
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby jipp » Fri, 15Apr24 02:24

Nice, simple game.

I liked the graphics too this time. It seems those are hit & miss for me in LoP/SaG games, it's as if you have two different teams doing them, one which I like, another that I dislike (don't know if that's actually true).
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby xravensfan » Fri, 15Apr24 06:17

Hmmm.... I got all of the achievements except the blackmail... what am I missing?

Got it...
Great graphics. Short story. But the graphics are superb. Love the rubbing with the dress. Nice touch. More then just fuck me...
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby wagner » Sat, 15Apr25 05:43

xravensfan wrote:Hmmm.... I got all of the achievements except the blackmail... what am I missing?

You took things just one step too far.
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby redle » Sun, 15Apr26 01:15

As ridiculous as it sounds, took me longer to get "Not the best idea" than the entire rest of the game took me. Feel like achievements should have a separate category for those that are meaningless, obviously wrong, and really don't show any new content. When I play these games, I do like to see all the major plot lines. Also, I like to figure out the strategy of how to win. When the game flat-out tells me, "Hey, you did this section perfectly," hardly makes sense for me to click something that clearly removes my perfect.

Anyway, game's graphics were quite nice, as always. Was nice that the destinations could be swapped order at least a little to vary what options were successful to make it feel a little less linear. Suffers a little from the common flaw of these games, where the only way to know which clicks are good and which bad is to click them and remember for future games (some of the clicks are predictable, but plenty that are unknowable).

Wish the "replay game" button was back. The early games all needed the page to be refreshed (possibly re-downloading the game depending on the browser and such). The last few had finally gotten a button to restart the game without reload. This one went back to the old way.

A few bugs/plot comments:
If she goes straight to the dance club and is offered champagne, she claims she's already had too much to drink (apparently she got drunk before meeting us for the date?).

Buy her a drink at the bar and the bar ends. It's intentional, so it isn't technically a bug. That said, you brought her to the bar on the pretext of buying her that drink. Who goes to a bar, hangs out and does various activities, and only when they are ready to leave goes and orders their first drink? Just a plot gripe. It should read, "Pay the bill" or something to indicate that it's an end, rather than making the player click on it to find it's an end and need to remember that for all future playthroughs.

On plot points, her telling us she likes to dance is great when we go to the bar first. It feels rather out of place if we've already been to the dance club.

Pill should be singular. She isn't on the pill rather than pills.

Those are all I remember off the top of my head.
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby bigchief » Sun, 15Apr26 16:37

Regarding the replay button - it is there but requires you to click on your ending first. Ending opens in a new window, instantly close it, replay button is visible. Not ideal I agree but it was there :)
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Re: Erotic date: Gina by lessonofpassion

Postby redle » Sun, 15Apr26 18:06

bigchief wrote:Regarding the replay button - it is there but requires you to click on your ending first. Ending opens in a new window, instantly close it, replay button is visible. Not ideal I agree but it was there :)

Well, yes... Point taken.

Although part of the complaint here is the need to continually re-download the same thing (I've mentioned in previous games that I'm not a real fan of how the endings are separately spawned. Figured it's an already covered topic, but making the ending button required is the same as removing the replay button from a bandwidth perspective). Launching the ending in a separate window is already a forced re-download. When I know I've messed up; already seen the ending it's going to show me; and just want to start over... I shouldn't need to download something again. Perhaps one could say that I could block the new window from spawning and get to the replay button (thereby avoiding downloads). Shouldn't need to do tricks to accomplish a task that the devs could easily supply us.

Besides the wasted bandwidth, strict cookie settings/cleaning can cause a loss of achievements on a reload. Yes, developers are aware of this and continually trying to make their data not disappear. The thing is, strict settings are generally turned on intentionally. Finding loopholes in the cleanup isn't the ideal solution either.

(As I mentioned in my first post, I had seen all the endings and gotten all the achievements but 1. Was going through trying to brute-force find the missing one. So I was clicking through the same things many, many times. An easier to reach replay button would have helped, but I appreciate letting me know it was there in case I missed it.)
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