here, you can speak about shark's games. (comment, need help...)


Postby tsu72 » Thu, 14Dec25 01:33

mantacore wrote:why don't you try and find out

I have tried plenty of times and have not found thats why I asked
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Postby LRM » Thu, 14Dec25 02:20

tsu72 wrote:
mantacore wrote:why don't you try and find out

I have tried plenty of times and have not found thats why I asked

I shotgun click. When I see the cross hairs disappear, a little investigation reveals what action (actions) are necessary. If that spot leads to a bad end, i go back and find the other (less obvious) click point.
Shark hasn't given the help word yet (he will), you may also find parts of the following helpful.
For the record... the help word doesn't work for the bonus. I'm uncertain whether any word works with it!
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Postby mantacore » Thu, 14Dec25 12:17

Hint words only work on main Games not bonus parts
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Postby lucky loser » Thu, 14Dec25 19:48

After finding the hint word (hint: it's definitely an easier guess than most of the other games), I missed a fair amount of the bad endings. Now I'll have to go back & find them too!

Thanks for another excellent game, Shark!

P.S.- Imagine what would happen if Wendy & Nanny visited... mmmmm!
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Postby FlxCat » Sat, 14Dec27 17:30

La morale et la solution trouvée par Akimi sont excellentes, et c'est la "bonne fin" qu'il fallait à cette histoire.
Je disais juste que ça aurait pu être à nous de trouver la solution (dune manière ou d'une autre) et qu'on aurait pu s'attendre à ce que d'autres tentent de faire tomber Akimi dans de mauvaises pratiques.
La scène du restaurant est juste (à mon gout) trop linéaire, sans piège, alors qu'elle est effectivement la réussite de l'histoire d'Akimi.
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Postby katakana132 » Sun, 14Dec28 04:35

I must agree with tsu72. I have played through many times and I have even discovered the secret word...however I still am not sure if there is an alternate or "Bad" ending to the restaurant/businessmen dinner scene. I enjoy this game very much and I feel like I've found almost all of the other bad endings, but this one still eludes me.
Not really a spoiler but
Once I she agrees to go to the dinner in the wine cellar, there are no more clickable actions until that portion of the night is over.

Any small hint would be helpful.
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Postby katakana132 » Sun, 14Dec28 07:13

From reading through this thread again (and using Google translate to bridge my language gap) it seems like there is no alternate restaurant scene? That is disappointing, possibly a bonus scene to cover that? The current bonus is good but doesn't push the envelope the way we've seen in past games like Jungle Call, nanny's day and even as recent as Teasing Holidays.

Great game, that would just make it superb.
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Postby Squeeky » Sun, 14Dec28 09:51

One needs to understand Shark's storyboard plan:
1. An introduction where the main characters are generally met.
2. Three events which offer bad endings.
3. An Ending which may be across more than one setting.
As download speeds differ around the world, Shark is seeking to provide as much value as possible by restricting the file size of his games (yes, some of us may not be concerned about our download time but it is a pain when a "small game" seems to take forever!

As to a double bonus? I wouldn't count on it.
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Postby katakana132 » Sun, 14Dec28 21:59

I don't want my reaction to come across as ungrateful, I enjoy this game and all the games Shark has released immensely. Being a writer of games of this sort and a novice with 3d technology, I appreciate the difficulty of these projects.
I just think that most players assumed there would be some path that led to an "unfortunate" climax including the businessmen, the stories we've played through in the past have had that type of situation play out many times (Whakawai, Whakawai under the Lights, Late night @ the office etc) so we looked for it.

It doesn't change the fun and quality of this game, and I for one am a loyal subscriber who looks forward to more adventures including these new characters.

Great job as always!
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Postby jancsi » Sun, 14Dec28 23:10

katakana132 wrote:I must agree with tsu72. I have played through many times and I have even discovered the secret word...however I still am not sure if there is an alternate or "Bad" ending to the restaurant/businessmen dinner scene. I enjoy this game very much and I feel like I've found almost all of the other bad endings, but this one still eludes me.
Not really a spoiler but
Once I she agrees to go to the dinner in the wine cellar, there are no more clickable actions until that portion of the night is over.

Any small hint would be helpful.

i am looking for the alternate "click" in the cellar, but didnt find it...
is it confirmed, that there is a "bad" ending in the restaurant?(would be great... :D)
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Postby ace4 » Mon, 14Dec29 07:10


The game is good but not in the extension as the games before ave been.

The quality of the game is as usual high but i hope that there are different ending, not only the bad ones.

Thx a4
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Postby Squeeky » Mon, 14Dec29 08:31

I am seeing some issues with how this game ends, particularly with regard to the dinner with the businessmen.

It should be very clear that the businessmen understood exactly the role of the traditional geisha. She is trained to entertain, yes, entertain, not someone to gratiate someone's sexual desires (oh, in history, that did happen). No, here there is respect shown for the pure form of the tradition.
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Postby FlxCat » Mon, 14Dec29 10:51

Definitively, I want to support Shark's work and the morale chosen for this game that is the most appropriate.
As some others, I was looking for a bad ending in the restaurant because the things seem too simple for Akimi after the cellar.

Nevertheless, we are not aware of all the different constraints he has to deal with when making such a game.
The size of the file, the pressure we put on him to release the game as quickly as possible, are some of them.
The game released is the best compromise of all this.

Shark, You make a very good job and your fans will always be unsatisified.
Take these remarks as an incentive not as a cristicism
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Postby luke » Mon, 14Dec29 14:49

johndoe77 wrote:Je n'ai pas été autant bloqué dans un jeu depuis nanny dans la cave dans "wendy's birthday". Là je suis bloqué dans la partie 2 a essayé d'évité que l'héroine mette une claque au mec qui veut qu'elle accepte de monnayé son corps et d'aller au restaurant. J'en viens a essayé de cliqué partout pour me débloqué mais "partout" sa doit pas comprendre l'endroit qu'il faut lol

Apparemment, personne n'est encore venu t'aider. Donc, non, tu n'as pas cliqué là où il fallait, parce qu'il y a évidemment une bonne suite à cette scène. La solution vient de la 3ème personne de la scène qui doit intervenir. Hum... quel est l'endroit le plus facile où intervenir ?
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Postby jancsi » Mon, 15Jan05 23:01

is it worth to look after a bad ending in the restaurant scene? (i think that there is no different way there... but would be nice to know it for 100%)
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