Touch or Mouse Control

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Touch or Mouse Control

Postby tlaero » Wed, 14Nov05 06:20

In Coffee for Keisha, I added the ability to control some animations with the mouse (thrusting, undressing, etc). I know some people didn't like the "minigames" you could fail at, but let's ignore those for now and just focus on the non-failable mouse controls.

I've recently added touch support to the tool some of us use to create these dating/relationship/adventure games. With that support, you'll be able to play on mouseless touch devices like tablets and phones.

The trouble is, those two features (mouse control and touch) are fairly mutually exclusive. The current state of web standards is such that controlling animations with touch on a variety of browsers isn't really ready yet.

So I'd like to take a poll.
Which would you rather have in a game, the ability to use a touch-only tablet or mouse control of animations? If you'd like to explain why, that's helpful too.

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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby Vincent » Wed, 14Nov05 07:22

I vote for mouse control. I do own a tablet, but I am not likely to use it for a game like Coffee for Keisha. (I just tried the game, by the way; great stuff! And I rather liked the minigames, and especially that I could skip the harder ones, at least on the easiest difficulty level.) I play this sort of game on my PC. Thanks for asking.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby Greebo » Wed, 14Nov05 11:33

I normally use the touchpad on my laptop, which is unfortunately neither one nor the other -- tends to be a somewhat unsatisfactory substitute for a mouse for long lasting repetitive actions.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby PinkVendetta » Wed, 14Nov05 20:39

Greebo wrote:I normally use the touchpad on my laptop, which is unfortunately neither one nor the other -- tends to be a somewhat unsatisfactory substitute for a mouse for long lasting repetitive actions.

For long lasting repetitive actions, Mouse always, even for shorter repetitive actions, Mouse always, touch screen is no where near what it was like in the Tom Cruise Movie Minority Report if it was the Mouse would be somewhat obsolete by now, and the Mouse will be around for some time to come unless everyone all of a sudden changes from point to click by tomorrow, to touch to click, which is not gonna happen fully within the next few years at a minimum.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby Grizzlyman » Wed, 14Nov05 20:51

I'll add my vote to those in favour of the good old mouse.

The main reason is probably that I'm not very up to date tech savvy. For example the only things I can do with my phone are send texts and make phone calls, which is about as unsmart as you can get nowadays!

I accept that the future may mean alternatives to the mouse, but please not just yet.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby PinkVendetta » Wed, 14Nov05 22:37

Grizzlyman wrote:I'll add my vote to those in favour of the good old mouse.

The main reason is probably that I'm not very up to date tech savvy. For example the only things I can do with my phone are send texts and make phone calls, which is about as unsmart as you can get nowadays!

I accept that the future may mean alternatives to the mouse, but please not just yet.

Trust me, the amount of phone apps now out there, your phone is 95% better off without 95% of them, and most phone related stuff, camera cool, taking and making videos cool, watching movies online on the tiny screen boring, music cool, iTunes not so cool, texting and talking cool, you are not missing out on much by not having your phone filled with endless useless apps most of which spend most of the day tracking you both online and while using your phone :lol: .
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby SoulMate » Wed, 14Nov05 23:24

Altough i would favour the touch version, because i sometimes like to play on the tabled laying in bed being lazy.
But the minigames are really nice, i wouldn't like to miss them.

I think i would go for mouse based on all browsers and touch based on a small range of browsers, whenever possible.

As webprogrammer i'm really interested in why mouse and touch are mutually exclusive.
I can't think of a reason why, but i didn't do any advanced touch based stuff supporting all browsers, so i'm not an expert in that.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby TeineWolf » Wed, 14Nov05 23:45
TeineWolf wrote:Not sure which are this actually belongs in, but I figure someone here might be able to figure that out.

I am seeing a trend from the Japanese Anime games, that moved into the Flash games that Leonizer makes, and Tlaero has done as well. Tlaero explained the timing concept to me, and then it made sense. The problem I had is I was using a gaming mouse, which is a lot more sensitive than a traditional mouse.

Let me pause to explain my logic, for doing this. I am trying to create a way to rate, review and support the game made by the Adult Gaming Community. There's another debate I am trying to frame next, but I digress. So when I see series of games I like, I try to play them all, and try to see how the artistic, and technical, side of the games as they progress.

This observation is really more for the Flash game developers, and just food for thought. When the target region gets smaller, and it's timing based. Slow, Good, Fast. With a gaming mouse, set for hardcore gaming, will always register as faster, more often, as the target region gets smaller. The answer is obvious, I need to change my mouse settings, and slow it down a little. Then the other spectrum of the mouse speed issue hit me, what if it's a touch pad, or touch screen. Is there a way to make an allowance, like with sound, to make variances of the mouse sensitivity?

When I first saw you incorporating mouse movements, into Coffee with Keisha. I started wondering the same thing. My instinct still is, that it would be a great idea to adapt games, to different environments. Whether it be a computer with a mouse, or a track pad, or a touch screen.

Would it be easier, to make a slightly different version of the game creator software. Allowing it automatically adjust values, as you port it to another platform. The result would be more versions, of the same game. But if it's done a portable, or exportable, concept. It might just be changing scripting values, for the different tolerances.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby LRM » Wed, 14Nov05 23:52

I'll post my preference for the mouse, but I must tell you I can probably count on one hand my experience with touch pads and need no digits for touch screens.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby TeineWolf » Wed, 14Nov05 23:52

SoulMate wrote:Altough i would favour the touch version, because i sometimes like to play on the tabled laying in bed being lazy.
But the minigames are really nice, i wouldn't like to miss them.

I think i would go for mouse based on all browsers and touch based on a small range of browsers, whenever possible.

As webprogrammer i'm really interested in why mouse and touch are mutually exclusive.
I can't think of a reason why, but i didn't do any advanced touch based stuff supporting all browsers, so i'm not an expert in that.
You might have to research it more. But one the fundamental precepts of html, is limited access to making routine calls, on the hosting computer. Specifically not allowing browsers, to interact with the OS. So the browsers sends out kind of generic requests, and the OS responds. Through a security layer. Current browsers might not be able, to handle commands properly from current generation browsers.

Simply, the browser doesn't know how to tell the OS, what to do. It's used to talking to a mouse driver, and the driver for touch screens, might require different calls. Between the browser and the OS.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 14Nov06 00:07

I prefer mouse over touch for these types of interactions, one major reason is that a hand/fingers reduces visibility a lot more than a mouse cursor does. If you move the area that the user needs to interact with to the edge of the screen to improve the visibility then you are reducing the submersion because the user is no longer interacting directly with the things they are controlling. eg the people having sex.

Another issue with touch over mouse is the difference in sensitivity/accuracy of the two methods and the possible need to scale up the size of the hit-box the user needs to touch on.

The problems associated with trying to play these types of games off-line on a mobile device are also a pain but I digress. :na:
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby SYH » Thu, 14Nov06 04:12

I too prefer mouse over touch. The only touchscreen device I have is my phone; a <5" screen does not make for easy playing of games--especially the latest version of DA.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby TeineWolf » Thu, 14Nov06 04:23

Shoot forgot to vote. Mouse all the way! Poor little fella needs some lovin' too.
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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby tlaero » Thu, 14Nov06 05:11

Thank you for the feedback so far, folks. Keep it coming.

SoulMate wrote:As webprogrammer i'm really interested in why mouse and touch are mutually exclusive.

The issue is that mouse control relies on "onmousemove," and there's currently no cross-browser equivalent for touch. There are good solutions coming, especially the pointer stuff, but nothing is yet supported on all of the big 3.

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Re: Touch or Mouse Control

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 14Nov06 06:40

@Tlaero (and anyone else for that matter)

I understand you are using double touch to simulate mouse cursor hover to show tool-tips, what touch technique equates to finding a hot-spot like the way cursor shape change is used in games like the ones by MSP?

(note: I know you can drag a cursor sprite around a scene using touch but the problem is that cursor is under your finger/thumb so harder to see when it changes shape.)
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