Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)


Postby kessie8yl » Sun, 14Apr06 12:07

Well I hate to say "I told you so" but I can't help noticing people are now saying the sort of things I'd tried to warn Pusooy about quite a long time ago.

His basic problems have always been that he doesn't see players as customers and assumes what excites him as a development exercise will excite his customers too - So, now we get the music, whether or not it adds anything to the gameplay.

In fact the introduction of music has basically removed all the gameplay. I too play the games with the sound off, and if you read my previous comments about this game you'll see I'd put the lack of interaction down to basic laziness and/or greed. I now realise it's because he's crammed the music files into the download.

Once again it seems to be that Pusooy's learned how to do it so it gets done and, whether the results are good, bad or indifferent, we're expected to shell out our cash just the same. Other developers would introduce such a major change in a free game to test customer's reactions, but not Pusooy.

Sad to say I won't be paying for the privilige of being a Pusooy guinea pig again, at least not unless I see some signs of change. So my next prediction is that Pusooy is likely to end up with a bit of a dilemma, because I'm already seeing signs in this topic of other people feeling the way I do. If that continues there's going to be fewer and fewer customers to post reviews. By the time he wakes up and starts listening to his customers and delivering what they want one or two people we've never heard of may suddenly start posting rave reviews... but will be willing to take the chance?

I have been saddened to see Pusooy continuing down this path because his graphics are always excellent and his back-stories are usually very good (as far as is possible, given that the nature of the genre will always result in a predictable finale). So much of what he does in those areas is way ahead of the majority of the dross we get fed. It's just his attitude towards his customers that lets him down.
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Postby redle » Mon, 14Apr07 01:12

Whether or not he produces enough content that people deem it worthy of the cost he charges is one thing. As for the comment that he shouldn't charge for trying new things (such as the new music), he's one man. If he wants to try something new, he needs to research it, learn how to incorporate it, make a game with it, and release it. The fact that he released it first into the elite section is really irrelevant. He spent all his time trying something new. Wherever he puts it on his site, those paying don't get more content if he would have 'tested' it with the general public. He was still only able to produce that one item no matter where it goes. When he wasn't trying new things but just telling new stories, people were complaining that it was growing stale.

Does the free section of his website need a major overhaul? Absolutely. Does his business model work from a consumer's viewpoint? Only if you wait until enough un-played games have already been created before you donate (or if you donate to encourage with no expectations). There's just no guarantee that anything new will be released in the following timespan before membership expires. Should he have all of his discussions and suggestions about games in the elite section? Definitely not. People willing to pay for his product shouldn't need to pay ahead of time for the right to supply him with input and ideas and then pay again when the product is released. Should he stop trying new things, whether music, or animation, or technology other than flash? Not at all. To improve and evolve there will always be wrong turns and dead ends. Should he listen to feedback to know when others think those wrong turns have been taken? Depends on if he's more interested making what he wants or making an income.
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Postby katakana132 » Mon, 14Apr07 03:48

Personally, I don't think the music is an issue, we can turn down the volume if we want to. But I can see how others would find it an annoyance.

The issue I have with his games is the length of the repetitive motion. I don't mind moving the mouse around to perform an action, but having to do so for 45 seconds or more just to open a zipper, move into position or get to "first base" is annoying. And having to do this EVERYTIME I play makes his games very monotonous and kills the replay value.

His artwork is fantastic, and I generally enjoy the stories (though Beach Party's climax was disappointing, and he needs to expand on the sexual themes) but the mechanics of gameplay discourage me from playing his games more often. For instance, with Gravenstein...I played through part 1 and I assume I missed some possible branches in the story. But I have no desire to go through it again because I just don't want to go through the repetition...the story just isn't good enough to make me do that.
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Postby kessie8yl » Mon, 14Apr07 23:26

redle wrote:Should he stop trying new things, whether music, or animation, or technology other than flash? Not at all. To improve and evolve there will always be wrong turns and dead ends. Should he listen to feedback to know when others think those wrong turns have been taken? Depends on if he's more interested making what he wants or making an income.

I think you've misunderstood my meaning.. I'm talking about good business practice and showing that you care about your customers. The point being that this does not apply to Pusooy as much as it does to other developers.

As for being "one man", that is very much Pusooy's choice. Other devs on this very site offered their help with various elements to take some of the load off but it quickly became clear he wanted no part of that.

Trying new things is fine but basically I question the reasoning behind them in his case and the feeling that the "new thing" becomes what is most important in his mind, at the expense of player's enjoyment of the end product.

It doesn't have to be that way... QED http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3198
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Postby TeineWolf » Mon, 14Apr07 23:48

kessie8yl wrote:It doesn't have to be that way... QED http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3198

That's the best way to put it. I've seen a couple of other new game developers show up. They put out either a decent, or really good game, then start asking people for money to help them. There's a disconnect between customer and fans, developers might not understand. I subscribe to Lessons of Passions, because as a fan I love the work, and as a customer I am asking him to develop more. I did the same with the Elite board, on Pusooy's site. He needs to realize the elite board, is for the fans of his work. Of which I am one of. However if wanted me to become a customer, there's no appeal for me to come back to his site, to pay, or to look for new content.

If a programmer/artist needs funds to develop game, people expect a return. If a new programmer/artist wants to start developing from scratch. They are recruiting a customer base, and to do that. They have to realize they are dealing in the business of making games. While they do it for fun, there's others doing it for money. So they need to realize, to compete against those in it for the money, they need a few games to showcase the talent. Then when you have the fans, you can move onto the financial requests for support, of the art.
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Postby ZaphodB » Tue, 14Apr08 00:57

kessie8yl wrote:
redle wrote:As for being "one man", that is very much Pusooy's choice. Other devs on this very site offered their help with various elements to take some of the load off but it quickly became clear he wanted no part of that.

From my correspondence with him I'd say that was very much the case. However, as you said, it is his choice. I think he is concerned that people will steal his secrets or produce games that don't conform to his ideals. I would quite happily have helped him out free of charge of course. BTW I subscribed not really to get games earlier but as a thank you to what he had produced but even so when you see the rate Leo's been turning free games with his colleagues you do wonder. I still love his games though.
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Postby PinkVendetta » Sun, 14Oct05 16:00

I have played all of his games that are offered on his front page of his site, I had to turn off the music on each one that had it as it was awful, and it ruined any sounds from the game/games.

Graphics wise amazing, art work great, beautiful girls and guys, animations so so, fading screens a pain in my ass waiting, had time to go and make a cup of tea and come back while it SLOWLY faded out or into another faded scene, then the Auto Pilot feature is as slow, don't get me wrong here, slow during sex in the real world is amazing, but slow sex in a game = boredom setting in very fast, the hot spots are never where in reality they should be to easily move each game forward, and now an elite side of the site, which as I said to someone on here before, I would have no problems paying for games at all if it was worth it to begin with.

I loved Farmers daughter part 1, even tho it took a bit of work to complete, didnt like part 2 at all, to many time consuming things in the story and game play, I have completed all his games and can say now, been there, done that, have the T-Shirt, Graphics/Art Work/Girls & Guys all beautiful, animation so so, game play less than what I expected looking at the real life looks of the girls & guys.

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Postby kessie8yl » Tue, 14Oct07 00:43

ZaphodB wrote: BTW I subscribed not really to get games earlier but as a thank you to what he had produced but even so when you see the rate Leo's been turning free games with his colleagues you do wonder. I still love his games though.

To subscribe one time as a "Thank you" is to your credit and I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing the same. The kind of person I had in mind however is the kind who has subscribed in the past, possibly several times (like me), and is now paying the full price of subscription in order to play one new game which then turns out (at best) to be hardly a game at all or (at worst) be a guinea pig for untested new "features". It seems reasonable to assume the majority of subscribers are in that category now.

I, like many others, play games with the sound off, so I wouldn't notice. If I want music while I play then I've a huge playlist of my own to choose from. Stripping the game content to virtually nothing in order to add some soundtrack doesn't strike me as a sensible idea. The skills could just as easily be acquired by reworking part of an old game and leaving that on the pay site as a "bonus" for his fans or something. There was no need to produce a whole new set of drawings, etc. That was his choice, so to point to the time and effort it takes is a bit rich. A new game should be the finished article, not a study piece.
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Postby Greyelf » Wed, 14Oct08 01:33

I personally find the idea that someone that Donates or Contribution money to a cause then starts to think of themselves as a Customer or having entered into some sort of Business relationship with said cause quite amusing. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img] But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Though I do wonder if the donating "Customers" will next start to think of themselves as "Investors". :crazy:

If you like the interactive stories he is creating (I would not really call the more recent releases 'games') and wish to show him you like them by donating money then do so, if not then don't. And if you have suggestions on how you think they can be improved then by all means voice them to him but don't be surprised if he keeps making his creations the way he wants.
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Postby Greebo » Wed, 14Oct08 02:14

I must say I haven't been inclined to indulge in anything on Puso's site other than the ever sparser freebies that he has reluctantly been letting out of captivity. It's been years now since my enthusiasm for his work made me seek it out on a regular basis.

Back in the days when "Elite" hadn't entered his vocabulary I gladly donated to assist his hosting costs and encourage his talent, but now I find myself as begrudging to favour him with my credit card as he seems to be to release his art -- it cuts two ways!
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Postby karrek » Wed, 14Oct08 16:39

It's only a donation if you can get the thing for free without donating, otherwise it's a purchase/subscription.
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Postby Greyelf » Thu, 14Oct09 01:50

karrek wrote:It's only a donation if you can get the thing for free without donating, otherwise it's a purchase/subscription.

To paraphrase The Princess Bride "I don't think donate means what you think it does" :)
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Postby PinkVendetta » Thu, 14Oct09 08:11

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Postby karrek » Thu, 14Oct09 17:16

If you're agreeing with me, good! But if you're trying to disagree with me then I'd say those definitions prove my point: they both use the term "gift", and something isn't a gift if you're giving it in exchange for something else. Also notice that both example sentences are situations where the donator doesn't get anything tangible in return.
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Postby redle » Thu, 14Oct09 21:06

Must say I agree with karrek. Pusooy creates a game. Then, if someone wants to play it, they must pay him money to get access to it. Just because a site uses the term "donate" on the button that starts the money transaction process doesn't mean a supplier/consumer contract isn't being created. Pusooy has previously stated what exactly is purchased by spending a specific amount of money.
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