Master of the House 1.5

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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby minterlint » Tue, 14Sep16 01:08

Okay, let me take these questions as best I can.

How can we look inside objects ?
When I type "X in drawer" or "x in closet" answer is always "... no such thing".

In ADRIFT, if you just 'x object' when it's open, it will tell you if there's anything inside it. If it doesn't say anything, then the object is empty.

ok who is after paige? and how open envelope to danni?

Hank comes next. A key component of this game (and the reason why it has such a linear progression for your conquests) is that each new slave is supposed to somehow point you in the direction of the next person. In Paige's case, you may have noted that you couldn't use or get or open anything in her room when you first met her. Now that she's joined your harem, find something in her room to help you out (in particular, there's something to USE.

As for the envelope, just hold onto it, you'll give it to the person who's looking for it later in the game.

I am after Paige.
I founded a video camera (in Abby's room), but I can't find a camera to photoshoot Tara

Good, you'll need the video camera for Hank (along with one other item). The camera is in your attic somewhere, but you'll need to get into the attic first. Another key command to remember is 'search object,' as it will help you find some items that are hidden.

I also applaud those of you who may be playing a fully text-based adventure for the first (or second or third) time. I know visually based stories are becoming much more popular nowadays, but these are the kinds of games I 'grew up' on and always wanted to create. I've learned a lot with this first attempt at writing one and my next one (which is in development mode right now) will hopefully be much improved because of it.

There will also be a full walkthrough completed shortly (another gamer is trying to compile all the kinks and Abby fun scenes together on another site) and that will be able to help guide you through if the frustration grows to be too much. I'd be interested to hear about what you guys (or girls) think about the story as a whole when you've finished and seen the various endings--because we all know the plot is the most important part of these types of games....
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Postby Hero1 » Tue, 14Sep16 17:56

I finished the game and quite liked it. Sure, being linear has it's perks (especially for the person writing ;)) but I would have liked the game better if it would have been more nonlinear, because sometimes it gets a little bit frustrating if you are missing one item to seduce the next person and you can't take your mind off your current objective by simply pursuing another person. I guess the "Abby fun" is designed to lighten it up a bit, but here is the fun taken out of it because there is no real conquest, you already "own" Abby and it's just a matter of finding the right object or the right spot to use or search.
Which leads me to my biggest peeve, the search mechanic. It really is annoying sometimes that "search" something doesn't find anything, but "look at" does (e.g. in Abby's pantry: "search left shelf" -> "You search the left shelf but find nothing of interest" while "look at left shelf" leads you to finding the screwdriver and you know what :p). So if you are stuck the game bogs down to constantly typing "look at [x]", "search [x]", "open [x]", "search [x]" again and again.

Because I don't want to make it sound like to much nagging (too late, I guess :crazy:), I really liked the dialogue/scenes, they were almost always quite nicely written and I don't really mind the rather sudden development of the character and his assertiveness.
I also liked the puzzles (especially the password for your own computer [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]) and they were all quite logical. Most of the time the problem with progressing was based on missing the right object rather than having it and not knowing what to do with it.

I really hope you keep making these games and if I remember reading it correctly, this was your first foray in writing AIF, which I liked very much. With a bit more confidence in your own ability to write scenarios and puzzles I am sure they will keep getting better and bigger.

Lastly, I am sorry that the part with the criticisms seems longer than the praise, I just think you would like the feedback more to hear what could have been better. Although the first part of the post is longer than the second, I liked the game far more than I disliked it, I really only hated the mentioned part about the mechanics (sometimes).

Keep up the good work! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Postby redle » Tue, 14Sep16 21:09

Hero1 wrote: It really is annoying sometimes that "search" something doesn't find anything, but "look at" does (e.g. in Abby's pantry: "search left shelf" -> "You search the left shelf but find nothing of interest" while "look at left shelf" leads you to finding the screwdriver

Thanks for the tip. I had been searching for a screwdriver for ages in this game and basically gotten tired enough to give up and maybe come back in a week or two fresh. Apparently "searching" was exactly my problem. Wonder how many other objects "search" has caused me to overlook (I know it works on at least a few objects).
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby SpikeTheGoat » Tue, 14Sep16 21:48

I initially had the same problem. I understand the idea, that looking is just that - seeing something (You see a blue feather pillow here; you see a drawer full of junk; etc) while searching is more in depth (you look in the pillowcase and find a ring!; you dig through the junk drawer and scrounge up some loose change; etc).

That said, it might make it easier I suppose if you do a search you will automatically find anything you would have with the look command, since you are after all doing a more thorough job. I can see just glancing at the shelf that you would see a screwdriver, but even if the shelf is empty, if you are taking the time to really look it over, under it, etc., it should reveal it as well. What saved me here is the fact that I like to 'look' at everything I run into, even if it seems pointless. Then I happened to be searching everything as well because of the readme mentioning it being so useful.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby avantissimo » Wed, 14Sep17 18:44

Excellent game, well done.

A little help please....

What is the phrase used near the end of the game to get the others to help with Bill?

What item is needed to seduce Haley?
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby bigchief » Wed, 14Sep17 19:07

avantissimo wrote:Excellent game, well done.

A little help please....

What is the phrase used near the end of the game to get the others to help with Bill?

What item is needed to seduce Haley?

#1 -
'name' help with bill

#2 -
I dont think there was one, you just need to tell her about each person you've seduced

I'm stuck right at the end of the game, clearly being a dumbass

got Leila tied to the table, just had Danni licking her pussy and can't work out what to do next. Everything I try says 'not yet' or 'while it was enjoyable, it's time to do something else'. What have I missed? Lick ass just says I can't move her higher off the table but I also can't remove her ropes.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby avantissimo » Wed, 14Sep17 19:23

It says I'm missing a key piece of equipment.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby minterlint » Wed, 14Sep17 19:57

I'm stuck right at the end of the game, clearly being a dumbass

Just because her hands are tied doesn't mean she can't use them....

thanks,It says I'm missing a key piece of equipment.

After finishing with Bill, he says that he thinks Haley has the same tendencies as Abby. What did you first use with Abby and where might you search for them?
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby rabbie » Wed, 14Sep17 21:12

Man... this game sure is awkward to play. I was thinking it was due to just lack of programming skill until i saw that you would have abby along with you... every problem that looked fixable now seems a lot harder.

Only fix i can think of is having Abby's actions requiring her name (like "x Abby's ass") and having everyone else be (x ass) you would have to set looking at Abby's body parts to a lower priority so other actions run before hers in the engine.

Or i dunno... maybe make Abby just a voice in your head. This is why i would never give the player a hot companion, its quite a hassle.

You do write really well though, to me it makes up for the playability issues.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby xeron » Wed, 14Sep17 21:27

Is there any pics in that game or only text ?
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby minterlint » Wed, 14Sep17 22:16

Man... this game sure is awkward to play. I was thinking it was due to just lack of programming skill until i saw that you would have abby along with you... every problem that looked fixable now seems a lot harder.

Only fix i can think of is having Abby's actions requiring her name (like "x Abby's ass") and having everyone else be (x ass) you would have to set looking at Abby's body parts to a lower priority so other actions run before hers in the engine.

Or i dunno... maybe make Abby just a voice in your head. This is why i would never give the player a hot companion, its quite a hassle.

You do write really well though, to me it makes up for the playability issues.

You hit the nail right on the head with this. The game would have been tons easier to code, especially for my first one, if I didn't have Abby trailing behind the player every step of the way. But I felt that the story demanded that she do so since she was helping the player build his harem (and she was a bit of an expositional tool as well) it allowed for a lot more threesomes. Art driving the artist I suppose.

I'm glad the writing helps make up for the other issues, although I have to give a lot of credit to the great set beta testers that really helped me refine and polish everything. They went through everything with a fine tooth comb and offered many great suggestions that helped improve what I already had.

Is there any pics in that game or only text ?

I'm old school AIF, this is text only. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img] Plus I'm complete crap at using any sort of 3d rendering so that limits me a bit, I suppose.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby rabbie » Wed, 14Sep17 22:23

I would most likely of chickened out and had Abby talking to you through an ear piece for the most part and only having her join you when she is strictly needed.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby Nezumi » Thu, 14Sep18 00:32

This is both a highly enjoyable game and an incredibly frustrating game both at the same time. Your sex scenes are very well written, so much so that the lack of art work that we have become accustomed to is no detriment at all to the images in my own head, I can see Abby and the other characters just as vividly as if they were rendered and put into the game.

The frustrating bit is that it has become a bit of "Look at this, Search that." with some very big "NO's" while wandering around. For example, while wandering around the houses and getting a bit lost in what to do next, in an attempt to do something proactive sometime you just have the urge to grab a handful of Abby but the game says "You need to do something else right now" A better way of wording this might have been "Abby giggles and says "As much as I would want to continue this Master, perhaps we should just concentrate on our mission first"" But that could just be me.

All in all though, a great game, especially as it is your first attempt, I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Now that I have said all that, I need a bit of help, I'm stuck with Danni

I am assuming that is who is next after Hank. I have given her the Envelope and seen the nudie letterbox run, I have given her the watch and seen the makeup sex between her and Hank but she still is not ready to be seduced. I am assuming that I need another item for her to display her exhibitionism but can't find it.

Nevermind, found it but stumped on where to go next. Too many things to open, look at, search
Last edited by Nezumi on Thu, 14Sep18 02:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby ChrisX1 » Thu, 14Sep18 01:35

tried to download it it wouldn't work it came up as a taf file
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Re: Master of the House 1.5

Postby ltpika » Thu, 14Sep18 02:53

Yeah, I have the same problem with this game. well written but so poorly designed. The pzzle element is there with the items you have to find so why restrict player choice to the point where it's non existant. Game should be renamed NOT YET
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