Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

You found a 3d sexy girl on the net… Maybe you created one yourself … Or then you have an idea for a new pictures series… Be nice, make take advantage off it everybody…

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Grey8Wolf » Wed, 14Jun25 10:20

rkshooter wrote:

This was a test I am resetting a new hard drive

Very nice work!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Wed, 14Jun25 11:29

I hope you've managed to rescue the files from your old drive, RKS.

Beware of large, ubiquitous corporations bearing "improved OS upgrades" -- sometimes it pays to look a gift horse in the mouth! From my viewpoint on the Linux side of the fence, it seems M$ doesn't always have its customers' interests at heart -- Vista, Windows 8, and the refusal to maintain XP or even emulate it properly in newer OSs to aid those with essential legacy software seem to be cases in point.

i'm glad I chose to go with an OS that is free, open, secure, and progresses organically, rather than having major convulsions every so often and morphing into something different enough to drop me into the shit while charging me for the privilege at the same time!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 14Jun25 12:35

....... as he stands upon his soapbox trying to look like a David Cameron (probably not enough hair to be a Margaret Thatcher) ......
.... and espouses a diatribe against multinational greed.

Woh! Don't get me wrong! It's just a pity that Acer, IBM, (whoever) don't give the buyer a choice to install an OS of their choosing, like some phone brands allow their product to be "unlocked" so that your SIM card is transferable. I found that benefit today when my phone (unlocked) died and I replaced it with another [sorry, same brand], but you get the point.

Damn! I'm off topic!
Squeaky is clean, I'm just a tad messy!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Wed, 14Jun25 16:03

How very dare you, Squeeky, accusing me of being a David Cameron! Admittedly I did vote LibDem at the last election, apparently aligning me with that snake in the grass Nick Clegg, who turned out to be a Cameron brownnose, but I'm actually a bit of a radical at heart as my OS choice might indicate.

If I lived in the good old US of A they'd probably burn me at the stake as a Commie bastard, while FaceTiming each other on their Chinese sweatshop iPhones!

(BTW my (Dell) laptop came with Win 7 preinstalled -- all must line the pockets of the Redmond Hegemony -- but that was instantly upgraded to dual booting into Ubuntu with great sighs of relief. I can boot into Win 7 if I actually have to!)

P.S. I reckon the Iron Lady actually had less hair in her heyday than I do now, a rusted steel wool wig covering her rivetted metal cranium!

Off topic? Schmoff topic! It's just a little aside from the rich tapestry of naughty naked ladies portrayed with lovingly lecherous art!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Wed, 14Jun25 16:56

I nearly forgot to say -- nice one coming from your reinvigorated hard drive, RKS, if she's a typical example, I look forward to your future output. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby rkshooter » Thu, 14Jun26 01:32

Well I wish I could say I got most back, but that would be a wishful thinking. I chose to install a new hard drive and then I will once again start trying to get the pieces out of the other drive, I know the files are still on the drive because if I change the permissions of the drive I can see it going by as it resets them. I just cant seem to access them at this time, I have not given up.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Thu, 14Jun26 02:02

rkshooter wrote:Well I wish I could say I got most back, but that would be a wishful thinking. I chose to install a new hard drive and then I will once again start trying to get the pieces out of the other drive, I know the files are still on the drive because if I change the permissions of the drive I can see it going by as it resets them. I just cant seem to access them at this time, I have not given up.

You know I was deadly serious when I suggested sicking your local Linux freak onto the problem. It doesn't mean giving up Windows or selling your soul to Linus Torvald -- Linux has the tools to sort out Windows OS and HDD problems without breaking into a sweat. Even back ten years ago we used to sort out stuff like that when our neighbours PCs crashed badly or got hit by malware. Retrieving data from hard drives tends to be simpler than you think unless the drive isn't spinning up properly -- the problem with using Windows tools for that sort of job is that the OS seems to think that it knows best and does what it fancies, whereas Linux usually does what it's told to do!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby LRM » Thu, 14Jun26 06:30

@ Greebo;
An operating system that thinks what you want to do on YOUR computer is more important than what the operating system wants to do? Heresy!!!
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 14Jun26 06:36

Greebo wrote: giving up Windows


Haha... Sorry :roi:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Grey8Wolf » Thu, 14Jun26 10:26

rkshooter wrote:Well I wish I could say I got most back, but that would be a wishful thinking. I chose to install a new hard drive and then I will once again start trying to get the pieces out of the other drive, I know the files are still on the drive because if I change the permissions of the drive I can see it going by as it resets them. I just cant seem to access them at this time, I have not given up.

Long ago, I learned that I should have at least two backups of the pictures I make...more, two backups of everything stored in my computer. I had read that back in the 90s, and at that time it was very easy, because a hard drive would have around 250 Mb of space. Mb. Then they had 1.3 Gb, 3 Gb, now I have 3 Tb of space , and almost 2 Tb of info stored. Mostly images and music. But , having lost one entire drive years ago , I have almost all the main things in external backup drives. I started using Linux some time ago, it is really a great system. The only problem is there are no great painting programs . GIMP cannot give me all the tools I use . I had only Apple computers for years, but they started to get too expensive. So, I moved to Windows, that is terrible in comparison. This week I was getting a lot of "blue screen" problems because of the video driver. Took me some time to diagnose it...
Well, long story, just to tell that everyone should have at least two copies of each picture in external backup drivers. Or DVDs, but a DVD can store only 4 Gb...
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Thu, 14Jun26 11:53

Mm, we installed a NAS about a year ago, giving us several terabytes of easy access storage space for backups etc., it's been a real boon so far. Even the TV is connected to the network so we even use it for storing stuff like Castle and Big Bang Theory for future watching as well as computer file backups.

One ought really to aim for off site storage as well when files are of particular importance -- personally, I have reservations about the various cloud storage solutions that have been billowing up recently like would be cumulonimbi, the thunderstorm has yet to come and Canonical have already shut down their Ubuntu free version after giving due warning to users. My son has rented a server for some years now to host his website and backup his important stuff -- they have had system crashes, but they have always been able to restore his data and he reckons the cost is reasonable.

So, the solutions are out there, but there is need to be wary of the unproven.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Grey8Wolf » Thu, 14Jun26 13:01

I do not trust in the cloud. I prefer physical media. Many sites that promised lots of Gb of storage, some for free, some paid, are now closed. But you don't know if they respect your privacy or don't save copies of your work for themselves. Suddenly, you can see something that you spent many hours doing appear in some distant russian or chinese site...
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Grey8Wolf » Fri, 14Jun27 00:45

I know that many of you like Ariane Barnes, so here´s another portrait of her:


If you like her, you could also help her to reach 1,000 likes on Facebook:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Mon, 14Jun30 14:22


Elizabeth and Duke Nukem.

Elizabeth - Mr. Duke sir?
Duke - Please just call me Duke sweet cheeks. Usually chicks moan it.
Elizabeth - Really?
Duke - You bet baby. Don't wear it out though.
Elizabeth - Hmm is it true what they say about you?
Duke - Like what honey?
Elizabeth - That you go where you please and you please where you go?
Duke - Care to find out babe?
Elizabeth - Hmmm...

Liz is not the usual Duke Nukem bimbo. The Duke might have to work a bit here, if he gets her to third base at all [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
Last edited by Rastifan on Mon, 14Jun30 14:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Mon, 14Jun30 14:30

Grey8Wolf wrote:I know that many of you like Ariane Barnes, so here´s another portrait of her::

Love the shine on her lips and eyes.
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