Nymph's Hotel

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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby thundergod » Sun, 13Sep22 05:04

I also congratulate you on a solid first effort.

I don't mind the "porn-ish" aspect of it, but the one thing that would have been relatively simple to do, in terms of gameplay, was to make some of the paths exclusive. Having sex with one character didn't preclude having sex with another, and it probably should have.

In a more complex game, with more difficult "puzzles" and such, it can be OK to leave all options open, especially as a sort of reward for someone who can navigate the most difficult possible path through the game. But this is somewhat less a game than it is a story -- there are ways to fail with the partners, but since you can just back-button your way out of any sub-optimal choice, they're not very important -- at least some token replayability would have helped. Just as an example, it would have been more interesting if the key to having sex with the owner was not having sex with any of the other girls.

You wrote some variation into the sex scenes, and that's good, and also something a lot of authors don't consider. Even more variation would be welcome, though I know with graphics that can get difficult. For example, while I liked that not all the encounters were a routine oral/vaginal/anal sequence, maybe one of the girls should have liked her sex a little rougher, since that was quite frequently an option. Maybe one of the encounters should offer anal as a finish but with no good outcome if you attempt it (and this should be hinted at somewhere in the text that precedes it). Maybe one of the encounters should only offer a reward (the "achievement") if you stop after oral, no matter how elaborate the scene that could follow.

The story, porn-like though it might have been, was reasonable, but another important thing to consider might be a more fleshed-out backstory for your antagonists. By which I mean: I would have liked a lot more explanation or justification for why the other men in the story were doing what they were doing.

Again, a good first effort. I look forward to more in the future.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Super » Sun, 13Sep22 17:04

Dragonmaestro wrote:
Superawesomemans wrote:Anyway, how much did you spend on 3D sex villa for this, if you don't mind me asking?

Uh... A lot. In fact, twice as much as I expected to spend at first. For the different editing tools (and I don't have them all) about $150. You can add an extra $50 for the scenes and outfits, for a grand total of $200... But I still have some "change" left in my 3DSexVilla account, so I can still add some stuff if I want to... without spending more money. And thrust me I won't cough up more money into this unless I really have to. It's already expensive enough that way. [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]

... Well, guess this wouldn't work for me either. Oh well XD

And sorry if I sounded negative. It is good for what it is, and the sex scenes were fittingly different, even though it may not be what I wanted it to be. But for what it is, yeah, it's good.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Dragonmaestro » Mon, 13Sep23 13:16

tlaero wrote:It's a fine first effort.

The HTML assumes you have your window be a particular size and is wrong on larger monitors. If you're going to continue making games, I highly suggest you check out AdventureCreator. That's the tool many of us use to make our HTML games, and it really streamlines the process. There's more info in the Projects section of the lagoon.


Thanks, I'll have a look at it.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby jfrancois323 » Tue, 13Sep24 19:05

The picture are good!!
The story is nicely done, quite a bit easy!!
A great game for a first try, continue your work & it will improve!! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby donobijuan » Wed, 13Sep25 03:15

Dragon, great job man!

Can I ask you (and I suppose the larger audience) about the legality/morality of using the images from 3DSexVilla like this?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to use 3DSexVilla for my first attempt as well, but I don't want to be accused to stealing or otherwise inappropriately using assets that I'm not really allowed to use. Daz has been a hard slog for me, with little payout, and this seems like an easier entry point. I know you mentioned you made your own models, does that pretty much cover it?

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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby karrek » Wed, 13Sep25 03:20

I liked it a lot, though the fact that earlier parts don't affect the outcomes of later parts does limit replayability.

Really though, great game, and the only reason I mention the replayability is in the hopes that the next one's even better. :D
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby iamystic » Wed, 13Sep25 04:02

using a laptop with no mouse or right click capabilities so cant get to run, looks interesting
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Dragonmaestro » Wed, 13Sep25 13:07

donobijuan wrote:Dragon, great job man!

Can I ask you (and I suppose the larger audience) about the legality/morality of using the images from 3DSexVilla like this?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to use 3DSexVilla for my first attempt as well, but I don't want to be accused to stealing or otherwise inappropriately using assets that I'm not really allowed to use. Daz has been a hard slog for me, with little payout, and this seems like an easier entry point. I know you mentioned you made your own models, does that pretty much cover it?


Well... There is a few points that "encouraged" me to use 3DSexVilla...

1 - I saw an other game by an other programmer who was also using 3DSexVilla.
2 - Like this guy, I made it clear that I did use 3DSexVilla for my game and I even gave links to their web site at the beginning and end(s) of my game.
3 - The models were all made by myself, the only thing I used that really was from them was the places and outfits.
4 - My game is totally free, I'm making absolutely NO money from publishing it.
5 - If ever 3DSexVilla contacted me (with hard evidence of who they are :D ) to ask me to not use their "stuff", I will gladly remove my game(s) and shut down my blog. (Although they'll have to give me a damn good reason as to why they let an other guy use their stuff but won't let ME do it.)
6 - Creating/editing models and positions is easier in 3DSexVilla than it is in any other tool I saw.

I hope it answers your question.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby donobijuan » Fri, 13Sep27 00:46

Thanks Dragon, that does answer a lot.

I was looking at it for the same reasons and I would like to avoid any inappropriate usage, or accusations of "theft" if I use that tool.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby ltpika » Fri, 13Sep27 04:47

Dragonmaestro wrote:
donobijuan wrote:Dragon, great job man!

Can I ask you (and I suppose the larger audience) about the legality/morality of using the images from 3DSexVilla like this?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to use 3DSexVilla for my first attempt as well, but I don't want to be accused to stealing or otherwise inappropriately using assets that I'm not really allowed to use. Daz has been a hard slog for me, with little payout, and this seems like an easier entry point. I know you mentioned you made your own models, does that pretty much cover it?


Well... There is a few points that "encouraged" me to use 3DSexVilla...

1 - I saw an other game by an other programmer who was also using 3DSexVilla.
2 - Like this guy, I made it clear that I did use 3DSexVilla for my game and I even gave links to their web site at the beginning and end(s) of my game.
3 - The models were all made by myself, the only thing I used that really was from them was the places and outfits.
4 - My game is totally free, I'm making absolutely NO money from publishing it.
5 - If ever 3DSexVilla contacted me (with hard evidence of who they are :D ) to ask me to not use their "stuff", I will gladly remove my game(s) and shut down my blog. (Although they'll have to give me a damn good reason as to why they let an other guy use their stuff but won't let ME do it.)
6 - Creating/editing models and positions is easier in 3DSexVilla than it is in any other tool I saw.

I hope it answers your question.

Is there a good in-depth guide floating around the net explaining how to make good images/movies with the program. i have the "censored" demo but can't get anywhere with it. The tutorial and help section only cover the bare bones.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Brigma » Fri, 13Sep27 06:52

There is a completely user generated version of the game available online known as Klub 17. I'd provide links but the group is borderline paranoid and changes urls frequently enough that even I don't have the most recent location. If you can find it, it has all the available content of the actual game plus a ton of user generated content.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Dragonmaestro » Sat, 13Sep28 15:30

ltpika wrote:Is there a good in-depth guide floating around the net explaining how to make good images/movies with the program. i have the "censored" demo but can't get anywhere with it. The tutorial and help section only cover the bare bones.

Well, personally I just needed their video help page here :

I think they cover most of what there is to know. I think if you need anything else, you'll have to find it yourself... As I don't know more, myself.

Brigma wrote:There is a completely user generated version of the game available online known as Klub 17. I'd provide links but the group is borderline paranoid and changes urls frequently enough that even I don't have the most recent location. If you can find it, it has all the available content of the actual game plus a ton of user generated content.

I knew about it... But I never managed to find a working link to it. The downside with 3DSexVilla is that if you want to share your stuff (or use other peoples' stuff) you have to pay $30... and the creators of the said stuff don't receive a single penny from it.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby Franco » Sat, 13Sep28 18:27

I suggest that instead of using Sex Villa for game images/animations The Sim 2 be looked at. It is IMPORTANT you choose The Sims 2, NOT The Sims 3. The Sims 2 base game can be purchased on Ebay for less than $20. You can probably get at least one expansion with the base game for that price. Or can be bought on Amazon (Sims 2 Double Deluxe containing base game plus Nightlife and Celebration Stuff for $19.74). Then on Sexy Sims 2 (http://www.sexysims2.com/) and other sites you can find many mods for your sims to engage in a variety of animated sexual activities. There are only a very few sex mods for The Sims 3 (plus it will cost a lot more). That's why it is very important you use The Sims 2.
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby xravensfan » Tue, 13Oct01 04:49

Great first effort! Do not take the above suggestions harshly. People are excited!! Great job!
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Re: Nymph's Hotel

Postby DarthMelkor » Tue, 13Oct01 20:02

Pretty good effort. Keep it up.
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