Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

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Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Erubyr » Mon, 13Sep16 16:14

Hi all,

I have an idea for my first game but seem unable to get used to DAZ. Does any of you fancy making the graphics? It will be rather extensive but I will provide as much info as I can for each picture and there will be ample room for creative ideas. Most graphics will be in an office environment, a few at home, in a gym and a bar. Protagonist is a male and there will be 9 girls involved.

Please send me a message if you feel like helping me out and I will send more info.

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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby fleet » Mon, 13Sep16 16:45

Congratulations on developing an idea for your first game. It sounds very ambitious.

If I may, I suggest you start with something less ambitious for your first effort.

If you still want to make a story with nine women as your first effort, I suggest fully developing and writing all of the dialog for your story, and then make at least a short demo of your game using hand drawn scenes (use stick figures if necessary). Having a demo will show an artist that you are less likely to abandon the project.
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Wolfschadowe » Mon, 13Sep16 17:17

Hi Erubyr,

I'm glad to see someone getting ready to build out a game. Depending on the overall size of the game for each girl, I'd recommend saving some as "expansion packs." I'm currently working on my first game and I I have 5 girls in it, and it's an incredibly large amount of work to give them all unique characters and interweaving story-lines while maintaining continuity and making each feel like a fresh experience. It's about 10 times more work than I originally thought it would be.

Luckily I planned ahead and left myself several "out's" where I can cut a girl or two in order to shorten the game without degrading it in case I lose interest. I can at least finish the game and have it be good and not feel rushed. Likewise, I also have room where I can add several more to the game later if I finish the game and feel I want to add to it. This flexibility keeps me from feeling trapped or overwhelmed. As an example, when I release my game, I will have another 3 romantic interest story lines I can easily add by changing current supporting characters into main love interests. The hooks are built into the game to make it easy for me to add them later if I want and story elements for them are already present.

I was probably over-ambitious with 5 girls for my first game. If I was to start from scratch, I'd probably only do 3 to start, but that's just me. :)

Either way, remember to have fun with making your game. I look forward to seeing it!

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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Super » Mon, 13Sep16 18:15

Good luck on your project!

However, please cut down on your ambition. Especially since you are t good t graphics yourself. I can't imagine ylull succeed if you go super big at first, sorry. Try something smaller. So, if pure using tlaero's engi e, try writing the dingus and stuff first so that it's shown you can do your work. I also want to make games but suck at art, and I don't think a lot of people who are good t at are available :/
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Erubyr » Mon, 13Sep16 19:06

Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback, especially Wolfshadow. I have three main storylines in the game and will develop them one at the time, but I am ambitious so I am hoping to get it done though I expect it to take me a year to complete. I will be using tlaero's engine and the idea of making simple drawings for now sure is a good idea.

I do hope to find someone at least willing to help develop the looks of the girls but as suggested I will first work more on this and get the storylines in a sheet and work on the dialogues.

Thanks again for the feedback
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby tlaero » Tue, 13Sep17 04:06

Consider this. You can make one game with 9 girls, or you can make 9 games with one girl. Your 9th game, due to practice, will be considerably better than your first. If you make 1 game with 9 girls, you will, on finishing it, have finished your first game. Even if it's great, your next game will be even better. If you're ambitious, then commit in your head to doing 9 single girl games. The end result will be better, and your audience will enjoy it more.

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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Morgwen » Tue, 13Sep17 14:21

tlaero wrote:Even if it's great, your next game will be even better.

Technically yes... but a game lives and dies with the plot and if you are out of ideas you can write as many games as you want there won`t be better that the previous ones.
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby AnotherWannabe » Tue, 13Sep17 17:47

I second all the advice here. My general advice: if the stories between the girls aren't intertwined, there's really no reason to stuff them into one game. I also suggest having the game basically done before you solicit for graphics, because you'll know exactly what you need and not potentially waste the artist's time.
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby ares » Tue, 13Sep17 19:00

AnotherWannabe wrote:I also suggest having the game basically done before you solicit for graphics, because you'll know exactly what you need and not potentially waste the artist's time.


To be clear, it's not bad being ambitious but you need to be realistic. Doing such a game will take a lot of your time, even if you are not doing the graphics. So, if you are decided to do it, I would suggest:

1.- Plan all the stories with as much detail as possible before you start programming.

2.- Take Wolfschadowe advice and design modularly. If you have 3 stories try and see if you can make a game with just one of them and fewer girls. Write the script for that game.

3.- Post a teaser, like Wolfschadowe did. Maybe the script for a couple of scenes. This will allow people see that you have a clear idea that may appeal to potential colaborators. You will also get useful feedback.

I hope you can find someone to do the graphics and start a collaboration. I think that is the way to go if one wants to produce quality work as tlaero and phreaky prove. However, I guess that in order to find someone willing to do the graphics, and being this your first work, you will first have to show yourself that you are capable of finishing the project. No one likes to waste time and it is a fact that the majority of projects that are started are never finished.
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Erubyr » Tue, 13Sep17 19:08

This first sentence was written after Anotherwannabe's reply
Very good points, but to the contrary to your advice.

The story's with the various girls do intertwine and hence I am reluctant to reduce the amount. I have been doing a lot of thinking and planning today and reduced the amount of girls to 6 (moved two to a supporting role and scratched one altogether) but think that reducing it any more will reduce my drive to make it. It is a dilemma, I know you all are right that I should start small but the idea I have has been big for over a year now and I finally want to do something with it. With today's thinking I can set up the various screens that will be needed and the dialogues.

But as a few of you suggested, I will first make the game and then again determine if I need help. There is an abundance of people with ideas who easily build games with Tlearo her tool and a shortage of people with artistic skills to fill all the images so I will also see if I can wrestle my way through DAZ so I might determine if I have enough artistic skills myself.

IF you hear from me again, it will be when the game is finished, with or without graphics in it.

You are right, I will first have to prove myself before I have the right to ask for help
[/edit] **Me making syntax errors, dang**

Thanks all for the feedback and support :)
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 13Sep18 01:27

Erubyr wrote:{edit}
This first sentence was written after Anotherwannabe's reply
You are right, I will first have to prove myself before I have the right to ask for help
[/edit] **Me making syntax errors, dang**

I understand that your "[edit]" tags are meant to highlight certain of your thoughts. If I understand what you wanted correctly surround your text with square brackets and then highlight the text using "font color",
eg [This first sentence was written after Anotherwannabe's reply]
(In edit mode that looks like: [[color= #BF00FF]This first sentence was written after Anotherwannabe's reply[/ color]] except that I've added spaces inside the tags otherwise I'd be duplicating the colored sentence.)
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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby tlaero » Wed, 13Sep18 01:42

Erubyr wrote:IF you hear from me again, it will be when the game is finished, with or without graphics in it.

I'd like to suggest that this is the wrong approach. Much better to work with the community and get feedback and encouragement than to go dark and possibly lost. I recognize that I personally don't follow this advice, but when I need encouragement, I go back and reread the threads on my previous games. Another reason why 6 games are better than 1.

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Re: Someone fancy making the graphics for my first game?

Postby ExtraStiffy » Wed, 13Sep18 04:15

My own two cents' worth here is... Keep in mind that YOUR brain is going to think in terms of 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C, and the brains of your prospective audience/players are going to think in terms of monkey, guava, and forklift. (In other words, their brains will spiral off into directions and realms that you had not EVER imagined they would go, from what you thought was such a simple puzzle.)

With one PC and 9 NPC variables, there WILL, perforce, be a TON of variable plot lines that you MUST chase down to their ultimate ends, rewarding or otherwise.

I can't help you with the programming or graphics, but I have LOADS of experience in designing scenarios/campaigns for multiple human players.
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