Something's in the Air

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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Felix » Fri, 13May24 23:00

Quite some hints, secrets and easter eggs revealed by Ariane Barnes: ... ly-missed/

I do like the 3D barcode that leads to a real address!
Felix Atagong
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Rikwar » Sat, 13May25 07:03

Felix wrote:Quite some hints, secrets and easter eggs revealed by Ariane Barnes: ... ly-missed/

I do like the 3D barcode that leads to a real address!

Good catch Felix [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby VRaptorX » Mon, 13May27 03:56

OK, I have every ending BUT the one where I need to win the trivia contest. I get every question correct but then she messes up the final. What do I do? Do I need to sabotage them? Get every one wrong?

EDIT: actually...maybe not. Hold up. Here are the ones I have:

ice cream
Ariana and rebecca
phone sex
blackout fun
celeb sighting
house party with ariane
getting drunk at Ariane's place
fuck buddies
in through the out door
makeup sex
safety pullout
rather be reading
dinner with a geek
dinner with a super model
coffee conversations
the amusement park
the loco cola girl
ten of clubs
a man about town
gamer girl
house party with rachel
the bus from rachel's house
the nude photoshoot
concert and after party
costume contest
arch angel
larping with archangel
skinny dipping at night
hard workout
beach run
topless volleyball
pool shark
bad sex with bonnie
new paint job
game over
somethings in the air
do you know any gymnists

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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby VRaptorX » Mon, 13May27 04:09

Oh for ****'s sake. Never mind. I found the one I was missing. I did too well on the photoshoot.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby PapaSmurf » Mon, 13May27 05:46

great story love the novel hope theres more too come the girls are so damm sexy
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Ripe » Mon, 13May27 20:01

Does anyone else have a problem with entering your own custom first date experience? I keep clicking on "Enter Custom" button but nothing is happening... am I missing something?
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby wagner » Mon, 13May27 21:02

Ripe wrote:Does anyone else have a problem with entering your own custom first date experience? I keep clicking on "Enter Custom" button but nothing is happening... am I missing something?

All that button does is reset the date value. The next time you start a game, it asks you to enter a new value.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Ripe » Mon, 13May27 21:34

wagner wrote:
Ripe wrote:Does anyone else have a problem with entering your own custom first date experience? I keep clicking on "Enter Custom" button but nothing is happening... am I missing something?

All that button does is reset the date value. The next time you start a game, it asks you to enter a new value.

Thanks... I though that is where I had to enter code we get from first game. I used predefined settings before so I never noticed game ask you to enter it on the beginning.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Tue, 13May28 07:24

Jerry01 wrote:Second, endings frequently come all too abruptly, and the results are extremely annoying. The prime example (spoiler alert) involves a person, some lightning, and a striking pose with a metallic object. Why?! I was having fun with this girl! She was naked, painted, and holding a sword! And then right when I think things are going to go my way (or not), game over?! I’m sure there must have been some sort of logic there somewhere, but it just felt like a way to quickly truncate a storyline, create fewer images and shrink the download size. Just sort of “I have a deadline, so that’s good enough.”

According to ArianeB the aim of story 3 was to "[s]how some girls that are not as likeable for opposite reasons, and have the player lose control and the dates end badly, because some dates do end badly". From a storytelling standpoint, I think that's a valid objective. But within the context of a game, my reaction was similar to yours.

Jerry01 wrote:In Date Ariane, it was all there. Not ridiculously graphic, but sex was sex and it was celebrated. It was a reward. In SITA it seems that that reward is to be denied. Here’s my synopsis: “Let’s f@%$” “Duh, ok!” (Bouncy bouncy bouncy, the end). I’m begging you, if I’m going in through the out door, let me in! It’s Ariane for Pete’s sake! She’s got the best back door in the dating sim world!

To be fair, the first game was not very much more graphic than SITA. There are three or four shots of penetration and that's it (SITA doesn't have any onscreen penetration, but it does have much more nudity). I think the major difference is that the first game was much more interactive, which SITA can't be since it's a visual novel.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby humbert » Wed, 13May29 09:12

Some belated comments: First and foremost, amazing job- incredibly well thought-out and beautifully designed, and thanks so much for offering something like this on the web for free. You should be getting paid for it.

A couple comments: I have a slightly older monitor and sometimes things are slightly darker- not usually enough to make a difference, but there are some things that I just can't see well. The dinosaur game is just a jungle scene to me, random clicking, can't see anything, with or without glasses. The beach at night scene is just a series of black screens on this monitor- can't even see if there are characters onscreen, much less who they are or where they are, literally just a series of black screens with captions and dialogue.

Last one, and this also applies to probably very few other players, if any. I have more or less a learning disability of some kind, my brain processes information differently and some things don't make sense to me without patient explanation (or sometimes even with). The "Ellison Array" thing is like that for me- no concept of what I'm trying to do, just random clicking. The first time I got there, I got lucky and hit the right combination within maybe twenty minutes, not really fun, no idea what I did. To me it's like playing "guess what three numbers I'm thinking of, in the correct order, between 1 and 500". It's a tribute to how interesting your game is that on the second play I tried for over an hour before giving up, never to see that ending.

Don't know if that was helpful, but again, GREAT job, I can really see all the hard work, and thank you.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Brigma » Wed, 13May29 10:54

humbert wrote:The "Ellison Array" thing is like that for me- no concept of what I'm trying to do, just random clicking. The first time I got there, I got lucky and hit the right combination within maybe twenty minutes, not really fun, no idea what I did. To me it's like playing "guess what three numbers I'm thinking of, in the correct order, between 1 and 500". It's a tribute to how interesting your game is that on the second play I tried for over an hour before giving up, never to see that ending.

You are right that game was a touch annoying, even so there is a finite number of combinations and it really shouldn't have taken you an hr to brute force your way through. If you ignore the bottom option for each (since it just resets that modifier to default) there is only 81 possible combinations. I know from experience there are multiple "correct" options, so you should get it by just screwing around randomly. If you prefer a more ordered approach you can count in a trinary fashion:
For example 1 being the top, 2 being second one down, 3 being 3rd one down
1111,1112,1113,1121,1122,1123,1131 etc.

Or if you are just super lazy, here is 1 of the "correct" answers
If you counted like I suggested in the example you'll notice it's the whopping 7th brute force try. Would take all of 90sec to get it.

Worth noting that this combo puts the cursors right in the middle of the green butter zone, jic you're mildly OCD like me
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby humbert » Wed, 13May29 12:34

Wow, thanks...I'll try it again. My mind runs so counter to this kind of thing that I didn't even figure out that the lower buttons were reset. I'm just like a chimp pulling an infinite number of levers with no concept of which one brings the banana. Response much appreciated. And I am mildly OCD, by the way- formally diagnosed.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby humbert » Wed, 13May29 12:57

Still had the window open, and even the combo you posted doesn't work. It seems to be in some kind of infinite loop of not working, as I had suspected earlier. (I did figure out that the combinations were finite, even when I was involving the red ones). Not sure if it's worth rebooting and going through all the dialogue, etc. again. The whole thing seems kind of pointless, but obsessiveness drives me on- to a point. Thanks again, and again, definitely no knock on a really well-conceived piece of work. Nothing's going to be every single person's (or lab chimp's) cup of tea.

Maybe this will make my other comment more helpful: even if a scene needs to be very dark, there are still ways to make characters and objects read better, like rim-lighting, a contrasty-sky, posing characters in front of lit objects or buildings in the distance, or using colored light. If they're on sand, a high camera angle would show them better against sand than they might appear against a nearly black sky. Granted, I'm not familiar with the program used here, and the overall design is great. Just some thoughts.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Jiimbojones » Wed, 13May29 16:23

I tried to write down a solution for that game but it didn't work the next time, so I think that the buttons do different things each time.

Each column does the same thing, just to a different amount, so just try to slowly but surely get all of the sliders into the middle.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Ripe » Wed, 13May29 16:46

Anyone managed to "break" that 3D barcode web address?
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