Something's in the Air

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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby wagner » Thu, 13May16 01:35

ExLibris wrote:If that's not the case, then the PC doesn't know any gymnasts.

The character had already dated Ariane a week prior to the events in this game, and knew she was a gymnast.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby redle » Thu, 13May16 02:22

ExLibris wrote:Anyhow, I think it's pretty unlikely that either of us will convince the other so this discussion has probably gone as far as it can.

Since we were both simply playing a devil's advocate role to begin with, it was a moot point from the start. The whole discussion is for argument's sake. Though I'll grant you, we went way off topic in debating who has the more accurate analogy near to the point of trollishness.

Your main point seems to be that Paula should have a stronger sense of humanity. I never directly argued for or against this point. My points were
1. I'm not sure we have seen enough of Paula to know her true feelings on the matter.
2. Continuing with her current plan to save the world from the power fanatics that are trying to seize her invention is more beneficial than her curling into the fetal position and crying for a week straight.
3. Unintended consequences happen from every act ever committed. (This seems to be the topic of focus. In reality, I never argued this point either. I merely asked where the line is drawn.) Is there a specific number in a chain of events, where under that number the person is solely responsible, and above that number they should feel no burden of responsibility? To some, guilt requires intent. To others, merely being present makes one guilty.

ExLibris wrote:then the PC doesn't know any gymnasts.

The PC went on a date with Ariane before any of the events in this sequel took place (and possibly did it all over multiple dates depending on prequel settings). I don't recall anything in the ending that implied the other endings actually happened.

ExLibris wrote:Yes, a happenstance, not a consequence.

Lightning strikes happen all the time without resulting in death. If you really want to argue this point, lightning was possibly a consequence, but the woman's death was happenstance.

redle wrote:alternate-reality timelines

My point with timelines was, the alternate histories are the only 'proof' that exists. Assuming Paula isn't aware of these other timelines, her creating a mental denial of responsibility barring proof is not an uncommon response.

And rest assured, if there is going to be a fall-guy for the girl's death and the blackout, the PC is it. Paula gets a slap on the wrist by the company for allowing a non-employee to handle the equipment. They sure aren't going to allow their golden-girl to rot is a prison. The PC gets accused of playing around too much while trying to get the settings right, and pushing the ionization too high; and thus being the actual cause of the lightning strikes. The politicians and police don't want to fight the educational institute with its corporate backing, nor tarnish their town's reputation. All the players quickly decide the PC is the perfect scapegoat. Ten years later the PC walks out of the local penitentiary. His buddy Dave is there to give him a lift. "You look like crap, but I haven't had a good wingman in years. Wanna hit the bars? We'll need to get you some better threads first."
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Kalzero » Thu, 13May16 03:25

Am I the only one that was somewhat disappointed? I've been checking Ariane's blog and waiting for the game for a while.

1. Graphics are really good
2. Ending's are fun to collect

1. I gotten most of the endings(not all), but for me the sex scenes are too tame. There's no graphical intercourse and as a result no interactive sex actions.
2. The renpy engine is ok, but I also kind of enjoyed interacting with the objects and finding new things from the old engine. Although it does seem possible based on the 4th storyline.
3. Besides Ariane and Rachel the other characters stories don't seem to be fully developed or were just low in content comparatively.
4. Although there are 40 endings, there's only a few that "feel" like endings, as in something erotic happened at the end.

Overall I feel like Ariane was catering to a more broad audience with this game with no graphical intercourse and as such doesn't feel erotic. Maybe I need to replay the original though but I could have swore it was more graphic. That said I'm very appreciative that Ariane has made the game, I think my exceptions might have been too high but I still enjoyed the game.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby sociopsycho » Thu, 13May16 03:45

So, I've just got 40 endings, had all the results with bonnie and done just about everything except the diner easter egg as I can't get the date Ariane to go just right the first time around, and I think I should let people know what I think of it.

GREAT visual novel Ariane. I really mean that, it's absolutely brilliant. I've played date Ariane to death and most of the games it inspired and have been checking the 'Life in the metaverse' blog waiting for SITA for ages now, and I am definitely not disappointed. Now down to brass tacks.
The music helps add atmosphere without distraction my attention from the novel. I think it's great that the mood is set that way, but it does seem that there are only a few pieces of music that are re-used for lots of different scenario's. I know getting creative commons music is hard and what you got works well.

The artwork is spectacular! Ariane's new look is wonderful and Rachel looks great, both as geek, model and dressed up. I liked the look of Paula and the only disappointment there was that I didn't get to see any more of her, despite her being interested. Veronica looks great for the 'bad girl' character and the body art (both tattoo's and paint) work well, which must have been difficult to do. Kudos. Bonnie is a little rough around the edges, but that actually works for her as with most scenario ends for her you get the impression she picks people up and sleeps with them quite often (or is a drug dealer, either way). Wendy looks good, maybe a little enhanced on the bust for someone who's a trainer at a gym, but I don't see any guys complaining so neither am I.

The overall story of the storm is cool. I like how it always effects the Ariane story, no matter your choices and the same for bonnie and veronica. At first it seemed to kill the story, but when I started playing around with choices and prequels I was happy with it. I liked that no matter what happens with the Rachel storyline the storm doesn't happen (because she's not there to notice the conditions are right) and I liked the crossover aspects (house party no storm with Rachel ect). I enjoyed finding out what was really going on and although the lack of a sex scene at the end of story 4 no matter what I do is a little annoying the only other thing that bugged me was how cold Paula was towards killing the power to a city, and later realising she actually killed veronica, then again this works fine as she points out her Eidetic Memory earlier in the story (if you ask the right questions) and her being cold and detached from the consequences of her 'amazing breakthrough' fit that character mould well.

Another date with Ariane plays out very well for the most part. I like the prequel settings, I like being given a hard time for not calling her if I slept with her last time, and being hung up on if I walked in on her and other little things that would be very true to life. I did feel more than a little railroaded into getting her dress ruined, I tried for a good long while to do anything to avoid that, whether actually getting a formal date or not, but couldn't. All the other activities had choices and options, that was about the only thing that was completely unavoidable, even if it didn't ruin the story. I liked her rant about making bad choices now that she decided to make them, and I liked the character exposition you get from multiple playthroughs. I would have liked a 'proper' threesome with Rebecca (or even Rachel) but hey, I'm male, it's an automatic desire. While some people have complained about the lack of choices compared to Date Ariane I think with a little replaying and getting the hang of it you have almost as much choice overall, it's just not blatant.

I enjoyed the Rachel scenario's the most. Being shot down in the bar repeatedly gave me an idea of how to score points with her once I'd worked it out, the only flaw I could find is that there is almost no allusion to Rachel in Araine's second date. She's not even mentioned when celebrity spotting with Ariane. I know she can't be seen in that scenario as she has to be at the LAN party, but it wasn't until I knew what to look for that I saw her in the background at the bar, and as you leave in a huff no matter what the stories never cross again. I liked seeing Paula in the background, getting soda water off bonnie and getting annoyed at Veronica, surely a small cross-over conversation would have fit the bill? It's not missing, it just would have fit nicely and only needed one or two pictures in the bar or a poster outside the nightclub and a mention. I think fantasy-fest was my favourite scenario with Rachel, especially with the LARP ending, although Gamer Girl and Nude Photo Shoot are all brilliant too. I did feel that these two stories had the most about them and were in depth, story driven without being too fixed and had enough good and bad ending to satisfy everyone.
Magic, Malice and Mayhem had potential, but seemed rather bitty, and could easily have been folded into story four if that was always the intention, or was there a lot of content that was missed out? First of all though, what was with the medusa? It's a porn game and pretty explicit, and until you pause it looks to be going into multiply x territory, why did you start the story off with that? Was it intentional given the lack of choices, to reward the player at the start? It's not a bad scene to watch, and the model used for the medusa is flawless (intentional as she is a god I assume) it just really surprised me the first time played that scenario as all the others had me working hard for my nudity. I would have liked more options with Veronica, and could see a full story with her being repetitive and stereotypical, but even having said that it seemed that no matter my choices I was railroaded to one ending, whether she was about to kill me or sleep with me. Likewise for bonnie, but I didn't feel I was missing out there as when I replayed it I got the alternate endings and could pick out which one seemed best, and with a nude volleyball team in the front room the choice seems obvious.

Story 4 was better. I liked the puzzles, even if the raptors drive me insane every time and leave me clicking randomly. The coin puzzle was better and Paula's appearance worked well, but again it was railroaded. Surely I could have turned her down there (and therefore lost any chance at sex later) and been greeted by her at the meeting with a 'told you so' glare? That would have felt less forced. I like the in joke of Rachel telling her she could be a model all the time and playing with the guild a bit, and the weather control puzzle is good fun and easy. The only flaw is the lack of a sex scene no matter your choices. Oh, and I heartily compliment the character costumes in 'Elemental Realms' They are just shy of scandalous and completely ridiculous to anyone who goes into combat, just like every video game ever, perfect!

Overall, excellent game, amazing levels of detail in backgrounds and unimportant shots. The amount of work that goes into each picture still surprises me, and then I see the crowd scenes at the house party, a relatively unimportant scene that is quite hard to get to and far from pivotal, and all I can say is thank you for putting in that much effort. Keep up the good work, take my (minor) criticisms with a pinch of salt, the game works brilliantly on it's own.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby M » Thu, 13May16 03:50

People keep mentioning some kind of diner Easter egg?
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby hrmf » Thu, 13May16 06:00

Minor nitpick with the trivia contest: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel, not a short story.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Thu, 13May16 08:39

wagner wrote:
ExLibris wrote:If that's not the case, then the PC doesn't know any gymnasts.

The character had already dated Ariane a week prior to the events in this game, and knew she was a gymnast.

Good catch. I completely forgot that that ending requires "Did It All!!". However, the most that Ariane actually says in the first game is "Later in high school I did a lot of gymnastics. I am still pretty good at it.". This game retcons that to "I was a gymnast in college," which I guess is the new reality.

EDIT: And given the requirements for that ending, the player will also know that she was a gymnast, even if they haven't played the first game.
Last edited by ExLibris on Sat, 13May18 06:32, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Thu, 13May16 09:07

Kalzero wrote:Con's
1. I gotten most of the endings(not all), but for me the sex scenes are too tame. There's no graphical intercourse and as a result no interactive sex actions.
Overall I feel like Ariane was catering to a more broad audience with this game with no graphical intercourse and as such doesn't feel erotic. Maybe I need to replay the original though but I could have swore it was more graphic. That said I'm very appreciative that Ariane has made the game, I think my exceptions might have been too high but I still enjoyed the game.

The first game is slightly more explicit, in that there are three or four cases where penetration or oral sex occurs onscreen, compared to none in SITA (there is oral sex at the house party, but it's obscured). There's a lot more nudity in SITA (almost too much IMO), but very little of it is in a sexual context. I think the major difference is the greater interactivity in the first game, combined with the fact that sex was just a bigger part of that game.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby kessie8yl » Thu, 13May16 12:04

redle wrote:
ExLibris wrote:Anyhow, I think it's pretty unlikely that either of us will convince the other so this discussion has probably gone as far as it can.

Since we were both simply playing a devil's advocate role to begin with, it was a moot point from the start. The whole discussion is for argument's sake. Though I'll grant you, we went way off topic in debating who has the more accurate analogy near to the point of trollishness.

I don't want to labour on this too long but surely the girl only gets killed is if the PC meets her in the bar because if she went to the party alone she wouldn't have the PC there to trigger the chain of events that lead to her waving a lightning-conductor around in a thunderstorm (if a fictional character could be nominated for a Darwin Award, she'd be a good bet). Therefore if the PC is up in the tower helping to create the storm she wouldn't be dead and there would be no reason for him to be a fall-guy.

Whether anyone would actually think that a heavily populated area is a good place to conduct such an experiment is the part that probably requires the biggest stretch of the imagination but the fatality cannot be attributed to the PC.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby kessie8yl » Thu, 13May16 12:10

wagner wrote:
Depending on your decisions up to that point, she was about to cut you down with a sword...

That's only in one scenario - in another she's intending something quite different... and probably much more pleasant.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby redle » Fri, 13May17 00:40

kessie8yl wrote:I don't want to labour on this too long but surely the girl only gets killed is if the PC meets her in the bar because if she went to the party alone she wouldn't have the PC there to trigger the chain of events that lead to her waving a lightning-conductor around in a thunderstorm (if a fictional character could be nominated for a Darwin Award, she'd be a good bet). Therefore if the PC is up in the tower helping to create the storm she wouldn't be dead and there would be no reason for him to be a fall-guy.

Whether anyone would actually think that a heavily populated area is a good place to conduct such an experiment is the part that probably requires the biggest stretch of the imagination but the fatality cannot be attributed to the PC.

I don't recall the article mentioning who died, other than "some female". For all we know, it was someone other than Roni that died since we weren't there to cause her to raise the sword.

My claim of blaming the PC had nothing to do with him being present at the scene of the lightning strike. People were talking about legal ramifications and fault being distributed for 'creating lightning that resulted in death'. One game that the PC plays is manipulating the weather controls to get conditions 'just right'. One of the atmospheric conditions he is directly controlling is ionization (and he increases it to make it lie within the green). If anything directly caused the lightning to happen, this was it (yes, under the direction of the scientist who supposedly knows what she is doing). So the PC created the lightning that killed the girl.

(if, on the other hand, you are saying that no one dies if you don't meet Roni at the bar... then apparently you haven't seen the final ending to story 4)
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Fri, 13May17 03:20

There are three stories in which the storm happens.
In all three of those stories, lightning strikes the hydroelectric dam and causes a blackout.
In two of those stories, we're either told about ("Some girl got struck by lightning and they are blaming us for her death") or witness first-hand someone (Veronica) being struck by lightning and killed. We don't know if anyone was killed in the other story, but it seems more likely than not.
In only one of those stories was the PC directly involved in the experiment. In the other two stories the experiment occurs without him, with similar results.

Since the lightning happens with or without the PC, my conclusion is that the fault really lies with whoever decided on the settings, along with whoever decided to perform the experiment in a populated area and whoever decided than an undergraduate, someone she'd just met, and the guy who runs the computer centre were the right people to assist with the experiment. That's not to say that the PC wouldn't make a convenient scapegoat, but he's got less reason to feel guilty than others.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby lagoonfish » Fri, 13May17 16:16


Things I'd like to suggest as an improvement for the final version:

- Add sexy sounds (e.g. moans) for the intercourse parts
This will add a *lot* of (erotic) atmosphere to the game

- Add animation to the sex scene with Bonnie (similar to Ariane and Rachel) not just only still images
Since Bonnie story is not branched and very short (although there is potential for expanding the story, e.g. the 4 some with Lexi and Wendy) it should IMHO have at least an animated sex scene (the different endings are a good idea, btw)

- Extend timeout for Rachel animated sex scene
It's too short to "enjoy" looking at her Face and bouncing boobs (which is a very neat animation, I like it!) ;-)

- Add a sex scene to story 4
While sex scenes are included in all stories but story 4 I think at least a bit of a sexual scene should be there (e.g. a blowjob from Paula before Rachel shows up in her office)
I understand that story 4 is necessary to bring for the plot to fit all together, however for an (erotic) dating game I feel it is kind of unsatisfying if there is a story without any more erotic, sexual scenes or endings involved.

So overall, please *more sex scenes*, it doesn't need to be very explicit (just as Rachel and Ariane animations is fine) but at least there should be more in the game (it's really a pitty you decided to cut off the 4 some... :-( ) !

Overall I like this game, thanks for sharing!
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby benjees82 » Fri, 13May17 18:17

I haven't been able to get the 2nd date with Rachel. I have tried a ton of different combinations at the amusement park and still no luck. Can anyone help me please?
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby lagoonfish » Fri, 13May17 18:44

benjees82 wrote:I haven't been able to get the 2nd date with Rachel. I have tried a ton of different combinations at the amusement park and still no luck. Can anyone help me please?

Did you tried the walkthough from here?

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