Something's in the Air

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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Danos1975 » Tue, 13May14 21:57

Felix wrote:It has been hinted here before by Danos1975, but there is a huge easter egg to be found at the Coffee Conversation scenario.

Wow nice, was I really the first person to mention that easter egg? Cool!

Ariane I have a question about your writing process. did you outline the entire scenario with a timeline for what was going to occur when and then just slot the player in? Or did you write each storyline and just add the stuff that made them interact after the fact? Seeing all the hints for the other ways the story can play out because those characters are still talking the same actions in the background was very cool.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Tue, 13May14 23:05

redle wrote:I certainly won't blame Paula for seeing, one person died and there is a looming threat to all of humanity, and choosing to focus on the second.

So the end justifies the means?

redle wrote:As for the death... When Leatherface went around killing everyone with a chainsaw in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, did the inventor of the chainsaw say, "Oh God, what have I done?" Did the inventor of the pickax blame himself for every mining tunnel collapse? Did the first eye-gauge from an umbrella in an umbrella-drink cause the inventor endless nights of sleeplessness and a forbidding of anyone to make use of his patent for all eternity?

Also, false equivalence much? A better example would be Thomas Midgley, who came up with adding lead to petrol to prevent knocking, and later with chlorofluorocarbons as a substitute for the toxic chemicals used in refrigeration. Good intentions, but unintended consequences.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby naularry » Wed, 13May15 02:31

First i would like to say that it's a great game and it show that you put a lot of work into it.
Played many times a date with Ariane.
Here is my comments:

- was a bit down after the goth girl was kill. I know she was a bad person but i never wish death on someone. I'm probably too nice and i maybe an exception for that. Understand why it's there but still sad.
- felt off that Ariane would remove her shirt at the party. Having a similar, what society would call "defect", of liking to get naked in public but with only a small chance of getting caught, getting topless where there is a camera felt for me a bit off. I also played the ending where she said she don't really want to get caught before the one at the party. But it's your character so you probably know her best.
- Like all the Bonnie ending. Very original and entertaining.
- Understand the softer sex and don't really mind. My imagination can finish the rest [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
- Really fun to play, don't have all the ending but I never was really good at these type of games. I'm not giving up and hope to find them all (but i may cheat a bit [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] )

Hope to see more of Paula in the next game. Probably far but I'll wait and play this game many many times until then

Thank you for sharing your work with us
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Wed, 13May15 11:36

naularry wrote:- felt off that Ariane would remove her shirt at the party. Having a similar, what society would call "defect", of liking to get naked in public but with only a small chance of getting caught, getting topless where there is a camera felt for me a bit off. I also played the ending where she said she don't really want to get caught before the one at the party. But it's your character so you probably know her best.

That felt out of character to me as well, but I think I have a semi-plausible explanation. I suspect that like Rachel, Ariane knows exactly how these kinds of parties work. However, where Rachel preferred to deconstruct the party (presumably to demonstrate that she's above that kind of thing), Ariane decides to play along to help her friend (if the PC asks why she's topless she says "Just supporting my friend Lana"). It makes for an interesting contrast between Ariane and Rachel's characters.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Micky20 » Wed, 13May15 13:57

Hi downloaded the the windows file but cant seem to open game, anyone know a program that could help me with this. Any help would be great
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Rikwar » Wed, 13May15 15:08

Micky20 wrote:Hi downloaded the the windows file but cant seem to open game, anyone know a program that could help me with this. Any help would be great

If you already have unziped the file and have Win7 right click Somethings In The Air.exe and choose run as administrator !
You can always try compatibility mode. Right click Somethings In The Air.exe, select properties and then the compatibility tab. Choose either windows 7 32 bit or XP.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Micky20 » Wed, 13May15 18:59

Many thanks for your help
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Rikwar » Wed, 13May15 21:09

Micky20 wrote:Many thanks for your help

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby gfw » Wed, 13May15 22:45

lagoonfish wrote:
RobertBelesme wrote:"From looking at the images in archive.rpa . . ."

How did you manage to do this? What software tool did you use?

Ren'Py is open source, so people can analyze the code... ;-)
Search the web and you will find a sexy python script that can do the magic ;-P

Have no experience with Ren'py. Mind giving a small tutorial for how to extract .rpa file?
Last edited by gfw on Tue, 13May21 17:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby redle » Wed, 13May15 22:46

ExLibris wrote:
redle wrote:I certainly won't blame Paula for seeing, one person died and there is a looming threat to all of humanity, and choosing to focus on the second.

So the end justifies the means?

Not at all. In the face of 2 tragedies, one already having happened, and one potentially happening now, mental effort and action is much more productively spent on the one that can still be prevented (as well as being the 'bigger' problem). Self-recrimination and punishments are only useful for teaching one to act differently in the future. We didn't even see how Paula reacted when she first heard the news. We only see her when we find out about it and after she has had time to build a psychological barrier rationalizing and blocking out the memory. I'm not saying it's the best reaction. It is, however, quite a common reaction for PTSD. "Shut up. It's fine. Don't talk about it." For the moment there are more important matters. She can get to her therapy session after it's all over.

ExLibris wrote:
redle wrote:As for the death... When Leatherface went around killing everyone with a chainsaw in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, did the inventor of the chainsaw say, "Oh God, what have I done?" Did the inventor of the pickax blame himself for every mining tunnel collapse? Did the first eye-gauge from an umbrella in an umbrella-drink cause the inventor endless nights of sleeplessness and a forbidding of anyone to make use of his patent for all eternity?

Also, false equivalence much? A better example would be Thomas Midgley, who came up with adding lead to petrol to prevent knocking, and later with chlorofluorocarbons as a substitute for the toxic chemicals used in refrigeration. Good intentions, but unintended consequences.

And yes, the Leatherface comment is very much an apples and oranges, thrown in in an attempt at levity. The other 2 are very much inventions being used as intended that result in unintended consequences. A pickax is a tool for tunneling sideways through earth. Without something of its ilk, people mine what is close to the surface or dig downward with shovels. Mine collapses are very much a happenstance caused by tunneling. The umbrella was invented for look and atmosphere. The drink should be consumed either after removing the umbrella or drinking around it through a straw. However, people generally take many drinks from the same glass before it is empty, and often while their attention is otherwise engaged. As a result, they forget that a foreign object is in their drink and can be injured from it. (At least Paula only slightly adjusted the current balance of naturally occurring phenomena, and not even outside of the ranges that are reached quite frequently by natural means. Both of your examples are of someone directly adding poisons to the environment.)

As a matter of fact, we don't even know that the lightning strike was as a result of her experiment. Yes, we have alternate-reality timelines that we have supposedly lived through, and we weren't made aware of lightning strikes in them. That being said, lightning can happen without rain and rain without lightning. Also, lightning is a result of charged particles in the air being discharged. In fact, the player is the only one who increased the ionization of the air. So, while we don't know who killed the girl while you were hanging out with her, the day you read about it in the paper, if anyone caused it, it was you.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ArianeB » Wed, 13May15 23:14

Brigma wrote:
wagner wrote:
M wrote:
ExLibris wrote:Is it just me or is Paula way too dismissive of the fact that her experiment inadvertantly killed someone in the "Do You Know Any Gymnasts?" ending?

I thought that too, but then she was apparently completely cool with conducting credible weather control experiments in the middle of a population center so she's obviously not that worried about human consequences. I kind of figured that the people who were after them were just the cops or the FBI or something.

Oh come on... weather control machines are totally within the realm of "evil genius". Civilian deaths are just icing on the cake for a successful test firing... [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Whats the worst she could be charged with here? The girl who was struck by lightning didn't seem the type to worry about weather forecasts so she would have been just as likely to be killed by a regular storm as opposed to an artificial one. My guess would be that whatever university/research group that was funding her would face a wrongful death or negligent homicide at worst and settle out of court for an infinitesimally small fraction of what the potential profits of the device would yield. In all likely hood the damage to the hydroelectric plant would end up being more costly, but hey that's the world we live in.

As for the population center argument can be explained. While the city the story takes place in is not disclosed, I'm assuming its a city similar to NYC who has unpredictable wind patterns due to the large buildings. Performing the experiment there would be a worst case scenario thus proving the method could be replicated anywhere.

Evil genius might be miss-categorizing Paula. While the road to hell is paved with good intentions, she did state her goals for the projects as being peaceful ones. It's not like she's Dr. Doofenshmirtz with a Weather-Control-Inator.

I'm toying with a possible plot to resolve the cliff hanger at the end of story 4, and these discussions about Paula are helping. Thanks!

Did you know there are very strict international regulations regarding weather control technology that does not even really exist? The only thing that comes close is cloud seeding, and it is very unreliable compared to the expense.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby realkane » Wed, 13May15 23:33

Just made it to all 40 endings.
My thoughts on the game:

Graphics: 5/5 a new and very high bar to reach for others, great fresh graphics.
Sound: 2/5 not much sound or music that i really liked, also no sexy sounds ;-)
Storyline: 4/5 very impressive storyline and also cool how a lot of things come together and to see characters returning in other story lines.
Gameplay: 2/5 a lot of text sometimes and almost no clicking and finding, its just choosing options which is nice but sometimes also a bit boring.
Replay value: 4/5 its very cool that story 4 appears after a while, and the bonnie endings were sometimes very funny! sexy lady....
Sexy content: 2/5 i must admit: i, like many others, mainly play these games for the adult content (addiciting!) and let's face it, there is some nudity involved but almost no real adult scenes, a blowjob in the background and looking at womens faces while you have sex, it's just not adult/wicked/horny/sexy enough; but i also see that ariane wasnt going for that in this game which i personally think is a big miss. A lot more adult content would have made this game in the genre your going for unbeatable.

Overal 3.5/5

As always thank you so much for putting all your time in creating a free adult game, they are hard to find these days, very much appreciated.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby ExLibris » Wed, 13May15 23:35

redle wrote:Mine collapses are very much a happenstance caused by tunneling.

Yes, a happenstance, not a consequence. Also, mining is hardly the only thing a pickax can be used for. Quarrying rock and, much earlier, agriculture come to mind. And as a weapon for that matter.

redle wrote:As a result, they forget that a foreign object is in their drink and can be injured from it.

So the inventor should be blamed because they're not using the invention correctly? Again, that's not a consequence that naturally follows from the invention, although to be fair umbrellas can be lethal (especially if they're wielded by agents of the Bulgarian Secret Service).

redle wrote:Yes, we have alternate-reality timelines that we have supposedly lived through, and we weren't made aware of lightning strikes in them.

Except for when you see Victoria struck by lightning in front of you. Or when there's a blackout during the storm. So, in the three storylines where the storm takes place, someone gets killed in two of them and in the other we know that lightning strikes the hydroelectric dam. Also, the storm takes place without warning ("We are changing a clear night into a rainy night") at exactly the same time in those three storylines. It's not a huge deductive leap to say that the cause we see in one storyline is also the cause in the other two (the fact that the storm doesn't occur in the fourth storyline also supports that conclusion). Finally, the ending "Do You Know Any Gymnasts?" strongly implies that all of the endings occurred (Groundhog Day-style). If that's not the case, then the PC doesn't know any gymnasts.

redle wrote:Both of your examples are of someone directly adding poisons to the environment.

Except that unlike lead (which Midgely had good reason to know was poisonous), CFCs weren't known to be dangerous to the environment until well after his death. It's hardly impossible that ionising clouds will do something unexpected to the weather (like everything else mankind has done to the atmosphere). And that's exactly what happened. Paula wanted rain, she got lightning as well and that lightning killed someone.

Anyhow, I think it's pretty unlikely that either of us will convince the other so this discussion has probably gone as far as it can.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby Greebo » Thu, 13May16 00:08

ArianeB wrote:Did you know there are very strict international regulations regarding weather control technology that does not even really exist? The only thing that comes close is cloud seeding, and it is very unreliable compared to the expense.

Does anyone recollect an SF story, possibly from collected tales by someone like Ray Bradbury? It is set in a future where "weather ships" can enter the outer atmosphere of the Sun and based on complex calculations, seed it in such a way as to control Earth weather to a high degree of accuracy by means of solar flares and the like.

A famous man is on his death bed in a warm tropical area that has never known snow and his last wish is to see and feel snow again, and this seemingly impossible request is put to the weather men. The apparent impossibility of doing this without damaging the weather patterns in the rest of the world causes the request to be almost rejected out of hand, but someone figures out a way to affect a single square mile in such a way as to be able to grant the wish (I believe the production of a vertical weather front was suggested!), and the man dies happy with snow falling around him.

It may seem a little off topic although it was the way discussion has gone that reminded me, but I'd appreciate it if anyone can satisfy my curiosity about this story and its author.
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Re: Something's in the Air

Postby wagner » Thu, 13May16 01:24

naularry wrote:- was a bit down after the goth girl was kill. I know she was a bad person but i never wish death on someone. I'm probably too nice and i maybe an exception for that. Understand why it's there but still sad.

Depending on your decisions up to that point, she was about to cut you down with a sword...

On that note, a bit of dark humor could include a Highlander reference.
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