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Re: Rivalries

Postby ezekiel » Sat, 13Feb02 11:19

well i played it alot of time till i found "the" end, the only hint i can give you is,in the end just one of the girls have to gain all the points, even when there is an action where someone looses on point...other way to surely find the ending is, take a pen and write every point for every scene, after paying through you woulg hav to know wich way is the way!

i hope you'll unstand my english as it isnt my 1st language, and i hope i could helped you ;)

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Re: Rivalries

Postby GalaxyTurbo » Sat, 13Feb02 14:08

I just started Part 2 and I'm stuck right off the bat. Angelica wants to swim and she's supposed to take her swimsuit off. But I can't do it. I've even tried to use the "help" word but there is only place to click and all she does it try to untie her suit. I've tried this many many times and even clicked on other parts of her but nothing happens.

What should I do? Am I in the wrong scene cos' I just can't figure this out.
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Re: Rivalries

Postby shark » Sat, 13Feb02 14:41

There is one spot only but there are 2 movements to hang together.
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Re: Rivalries

Postby ezekiel » Sat, 13Feb02 14:58

as i have getting known shark's games, there are "only" these way's to get into actions:

1 klick - something happens
1 klick and hold - something happens
1 klick and hold, then move in the x-axle - something happens
1 klick and hold, then move in the y-axle - something happens
1 klick and when cross appears a second klick - something happens (at this action it is possible that you've to klick on same OR at an different point, but intime ;) )

think thats all,or?
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Re: Rivalries

Postby GameLover » Tue, 13Feb05 09:21

GalaxyTurbo wrote:I just started Part 2 and I'm stuck right off the bat. Angelica wants to swim and she's supposed to take her swimsuit off. But I can't do it. I've even tried to use the "help" word but there is only place to click and all she does it try to untie her suit. I've tried this many many times and even clicked on other parts of her but nothing happens.

What should I do? Am I in the wrong scene cos' I just can't figure this out.

Sometimes you have to click and wait awhile... Then some other actions are available, like mouse movements...
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Re: Rivalries

Postby hrmf » Thu, 13Feb07 00:48

(Edit: removed mention of something by request of moderators)
Last edited by hrmf on Sat, 13Feb09 02:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rivalries

Postby asd7530048 » Fri, 13Feb08 03:17

Hay, does anyone know when walkthrough-videos of Rivalries is coming out?
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Re: Rivalries

Postby aidanspa » Sat, 13Feb09 05:03

Love this game! Played a few times, and finally got all points for Lola (0-4-0). Very happy and hot ending. Nicely done!
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Re: Rivalries

Postby ezekiel » Sun, 13Feb10 16:45

is there any hope that a 2nd part of rivalries,getting programmed some day?
for me it is the best game you've done shark, i really appreciate the different choices of cheating and exploring ;) and therefore the different endings...
...as best with lola's mom in one of it's role's....and a grown up evelyn mayby
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Re: Rivalries

Postby lexalpha » Mon, 13Feb11 07:18

Hi all

I enjoyed (and still enjoy) the game very much. Very nice women to chose from ;-)

Now I want to be sure that with the various endings you all mentioned, I am correct.

There is one with Angela (somebody called it a hot and happy ending, although her last words are "stop, it hurts".. he hoes on anyway.. And Lola is unhappy in the end (ok, I guess this in inevitable)...) - correct, at score 4-0-0 (or maybe any other where she's in lead) this is the only possible Angelica ending?

There is one with Evelyn, occuring whenever Evelyn is in lead. It is happy for Evelyn, Lola is frustrated (again, inevitable) and Chris is not sure what to make of it... - no happier one than that available, right?

And there is one with all of them, the unhappiest of them all (or the happiest - f**king three girls in one scene), occuring whenever neither Evelyn or Angela or in lead... - correct?

And last but not least, the happy ending with Lola, when she has 4 points and the rest nil (more than 4 is not possible, is it? how can one score in the lesbian scene?)...

Especially - there's no ending where all three ladies are happy, right?

Thanks for any replies.
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Re: Rivalries

Postby luke » Mon, 13Feb11 14:15

You're correct.
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Re: Rivalries (New Priv-Box Game)

Postby lexalpha » Tue, 13Feb12 07:14

Thanks for the clarification, Luke.

Now a clarification request to Lucky Loser...


lucky loser wrote:
frizzy wrote:could anyone pls tell me if its possible to get a +1 for lola in the lesbian-scene? im stuck... have the 3 *bad* endings but not the *good* one...

I've gotten to this point too, and still can't get there. Arg.

Angelica 0
Lola 5
Evelyn 1

EDIT: Got it. You have to do one thing that's not intuitive. Good luck!

you wrote you got it...

Did you mean the "have to lose a point to win" thing, or DID you find a way to have a lola+1 in the lesbian scene, too?
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Re: Rivalries

Postby lexalpha » Fri, 13Feb15 19:29

Did you mean the "have to lose a point to win" thing, or DID you find a way to have a lola+1 in the lesbian scene, too?

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Re: Rivalries

Postby jfrancois323 » Sat, 13Feb16 06:57

lexalpha wrote:
Did you mean the "have to lose a point to win" thing, or DID you find a way to have a lola+1 in the lesbian scene, too?


your goal is to be sure that only Lola has points, so if the fact to lose 1 points prevent the others to gain 1 points, im pretty sure that is a success !!
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Re: Rivalries

Postby lexalpha » Sat, 13Feb16 07:05

ok, thanks, it just sounded that there would be a positive ending to the lesbian scene, too.
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