Vdategames: Maddison II

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Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Super » Fri, 12Nov23 17:41

No, it's not out yet, but I thought there should be a thread about it anyway. Forgive me if there shouldn't be.

Anyway, it seems like he's finally taken some criticism to heart- namely, he's working on the sex scenes before the end (saying that the reason the sex scenes were so horrible was that they were the last thing he did and he jsut wanted it out the door), finally breaking out of his trademark cycle of three sex positions and getting into some real eroticism. He says there's over 150 pictures in the ending, and that sex is divided into four parts (foreplay, sex position 1, sex position 2, orgasm). Also, there are sexual "Bonuses" if you do the sex minigame well, giving you other positions and acts (he gives the example of Anal) if you do well.

You are also able to select your race and gender. Yeah, you can be a lesbian in this if you so choose.

It's still up in the air if his writing will have improved or not, but he's finally making his sex scenes, well, erotic. Being able to choose your gender may not change a lot of the actual game, but it definetly will the ending. He posts some new pictures every Friday, he's currently got 12 up, so take a look if you haven't.

Well, what do you think of it? Worth twenty dollars (It's a members only game of course)?
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Morgwen » Fri, 12Nov23 20:17

Can you add a link for the lazy people... ;)
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Super » Fri, 12Nov23 21:18

Uh, alright, I guess.


Just croll down to see everything.
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby ExLibris » Fri, 12Nov23 22:12

Superawesomemans wrote:Well, what do you think of it? Worth twenty dollars (It's a members only game of course)?

Despite the fact that Chaotic is finally listening to the feedback he's received (hopefully including proper testing), $19.99 for a 2 month subscription (during which 1 new game will be released, maybe) still represents horrendous value in my opinion. If he released the games individually for say $3.99 each, I could just about justify it to myself, but not at the current price point.
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Franco » Fri, 12Nov23 22:36

This looks good, but will mean little unless Chaotic puts more effort into eliminating the bugs in his games. I gave up on his games a long time ago; because of the bugs, they're unplayable. And I agree the price is unreasonable for the poor quality product he offers.
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby tlaero » Sat, 12Nov24 02:09

I'm glad he's going to make his erotic games more erotic. I know you folks don't like the bugs, but I think the eroticism (or lack thereof) was a bigger problem.

Still, Maddison? <sighs> I wish he picked a human character for this.

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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Werehunter » Sat, 12Nov24 02:20

Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of Maddison in previous games. Though she was the winner of the poll he ran about people's favorite character, with Rachel coming in second.

Oh and Libris, he does have the option to buy games without using offsite. Though they are bundled. The full pack is 8 games for about $20.00.
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby TheBrain » Sat, 12Nov24 02:33

Werehunter wrote:Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of Maddison in previous games. Though she was the winner of the poll he ran about people's favorite character, with Rachel coming in second.

Polls can be manipulated. I, for one, find it hard to believe that's a "true" result.

As for the game, I've learnt to mistrust Chaotic's promises a long time ago and I certainly wouldn't recommend putting money down for it.
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Super » Sat, 12Nov24 02:38

Yeah, I don't think I'd even pay that much if they were all Christine/ Keeley quality :/. Especially the recurring thing, though the offsite pack is at least a better deal...
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby tlaero » Sat, 12Nov24 04:20

I'm mindful of the poll we did here where human sized breasts won by a huge margin. But the lagoon has always had a higher class of fish than most places on the net.

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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby lucky loser » Sat, 12Nov24 05:04

I've been a member for a long, long time without having to be re-pay. Shhhhh!

(I'm looking forward to a revised erotic game too)
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby phreaky » Sat, 12Nov24 05:10

Don't know how the game will pan out, but madison's breasts look very fake to me

Not my type of girl, even with keeley (not as big as madison of course), I spent hours to try to make the breasts natural and not too 'ridiculous'

As for the sex scenes, really glad if chaotic finally make some improvements, they're usually quite boring
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby Rikwar » Sat, 12Nov24 07:49

Simply put I lost all interest in chaotic's games, no storyline, girls look more like meetnfuck meets chaotic !
plus the coding being bad...so paying $20 to be a beta tester for him ' as many lagoon members have done' then chaotic renaming is game versions as 1.1 etc..no thanks

Where lucky to have top quality games in the Lagoon by Tlaero and phreaky , followed by Cugel , Fleet with is vn's, sportd 'even if is game isn't still completed 'wink' ..also Dukatis
is coming along very well for is first game..so to all of them I say thanks, [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
Sorry if I forgot others that offered us there games !?

Well so much for the Simply put ;)
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby P-Slayer » Sat, 12Nov24 09:26

Yeah.....I'll believe it when I see it. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but I just don't think Chaotic has it in him to make a great game.

The virtual date genre has pretty much been taken over by Tlaero and Phreaky. And good thing too, their games are actually good!
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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

Postby kessie8yl » Sat, 12Nov24 19:36

Werehunter wrote:Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of Maddison in previous games. Though she was the winner of the poll he ran about people's favorite character, with Rachel coming in second.

Oh and Libris, he does have the option to buy games without using offsite. Though they are bundled. The full pack is 8 games for about $20.00.

$20.00 really? What a coincidence it turns out to be the same price as you may have paid for a subscription some months ago, so if you buy the bundle now you're getting nothing new for this $20. OK, so if you've never subscribed it's true you'll get the other games but the bundle doesn't yet include Madison and probably won't for some time.

This doesn't seem to be the bargain you seem to think it is, you'll still have to pay $20 for each subsequent new game whichever option you choose.

It would make more sense to unbundle the games and offer them for about $2.50 each - although I guess by now most people know that if you've played one of his games, you could say you've played them all.
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