whats the best file hosting site?

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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby petuchi13 » Sat, 12Apr07 11:14

[quote="Greebo"]For the time being at least! ...It seems the good old US of A no longer believes in "innocent until proven guilty". It's now "guilty and sentenced until we get around to running it past an American judge sponsored by Hollywood"! And we English have a one way extradition agreement with these shysters? Oops, hush ma mouf, or the Men in Black will be knocking down my little old door! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Here in the U.S., there's a quiet rumor that the seizure of Megaupload will soon desist because it's not relevant to the charges against its bosses. I really don't understand the above quoted comment because the freezing of the assets (which in this case, Megaupload is) of a criminal suspect has forever been a procedure in the American justice system.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby Greebo » Sat, 12Apr07 12:32

petuchi13 wrote: I really don't understand the above quoted comment because the freezing of the assets (which in this case, Megaupload is) of a criminal suspect has forever been a procedure in the American justice system.

On a philosophical note -- why? I can understand restricting the use or movement of funds that might be ill gotten gains or used for criminal purposes, but completely freezing the assets of a person or organisation just because a suspicion has been raised of a degree of criminality seems to me to be way over the top.

Natural justice would suggest that a prosecutor should need to have overwhelming evidence of major criminality before being allowed to impose such a swingeing restraint, and should also be required to recompense in full any organisation found not guilty of any endemic transgression -- what price the wrecking of a major international business with thousands of corporate customers?

Similarly, if a chain of clubs is performing legitimate business for the most part, is it reasonable to freeze the assets of the entire chain because a lot of drug dealing is believed to have been going on in one of the clubs?

If this actually works in the States, how come the mob still seems to have financial liquidity?
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby LRM » Sat, 12Apr07 19:18

We've been lax!
We've allowed our justice system to seize funds, houses, vehicles, etc, thought purchased with drug money. Then the person who's property was unjustly taken must prove the seized assets weren't purchased with profits earned through the sale of illegal drug funds. Enforcement agencies LOVE this!!!
Our civil rights are similarly usurped by Homeland Security. If I am accused of being a terrorist suddenly rights guaranteed by the constitution no longer apply.
We need to stop this erosion of our individual liberties...
Those that willingly cede their rights in the name of security will have neither!!!
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The men in black had best be wearing their bullet proof vests if they want this veteran!!!
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby petuchi13 » Mon, 12Apr09 06:17

I think the logic behind asset freezing is not based in a suspect's potential for guilt or innocence, but rather in the idea that no gainful means be afforded criminal suspects should they become flight risks. I highly doubt that is the case in most scenarios (including Megaupload's), but I believe it's in place as more a precautionary measure more than anything else. However, in both the case of Megaupload and in the case of the club chain example, I think asset freezing is being used more as a "crime of omission", meaning that if organizations know that wrong is being done by a particular part of the organization and don't whistle-blow, then all are circumspect to some degree of punishment.
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whats the best file hosting site

Postby RitaFonDerrick » Tue, 12May08 05:51

Hi guys, I want to know what the best file sharing site out there is so I can get a premuim membership. I used to have rapid share and noticed its not so hot anymore?
is rapidshare still good, am i just looking in the wrong place?
if theres a better one for downloading what is it? mega upload?
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Re: whats the best file hosting site

Postby poisson » Tue, 12May08 11:35

RitaFonDerrick wrote:Hi guys, I want to know what the best file sharing site out there is so I can get a premuim membership. I used to have rapid share and noticed its not so hot anymore?
is rapidshare still good, am i just looking in the wrong place?
if theres a better one for downloading what is it? mega upload?

MegaUpload is dead. The government put an end to it.
Rapidshare is still good, though highly overrated.
You might consider 4shared, and Oron is surprisingly good as well.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby petuchi13 » Wed, 12May16 08:21

Mediaupload, Depositfiles, and Mediafire have been my top 3 fileshare hosts since Megaupload went kaput.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby FOOLK1LLAH » Mon, 13Mar18 08:11

I think you should go with either Rapidshare or Mediafirre. Definitely not Megaupload, now known as Mega.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby ViniCent » Tue, 13May21 02:57

If you're looking for a premium membership to download stuff, I'd recommend a multihostersite like rehost.to.
For a price even below a membership to one site, you gain accsess to 15+ sites, you can download from.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby oncardam2 » Thu, 13Jun20 10:03

I got a free account on Media Fire. When I hosted my game on it and it was getting a fair bit of traffic, they offered a premium subscription at half price.

You can also use dropbox, but they will hit you with a 24 hour lockout of you get too much traffic. Dropbox though seems to have the most reliable uploaded, so I put files there first and then move them over the mediafire.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby kessie8yl » Mon, 13Jun24 14:38

Maybe it's me but aren't these sites contributing to their own problems by charging the wrong people?

As most of us are downloaders why would we commit to paying to use one site when it's very likely that the next thing we want to download will only be available on another one? Therefore the "Wait for the download" is a sensible option, even if it takes a little longer. In these days of high-speed internet I don't usually find the download times inordinately long anyway.

Wouldn't it make more sense to offer downloaders those "superfast" speeds and all the other bells and whistles they seem to think we're desperate for without asking for a payment and instead ask the uploaders for a subscription fee? The uploader is the guy making the decision about where to place his precious cargo, and he obviously wants his product to reach the widest audience. Wouldn't he be the one more likely to be willing to pay a little membership fee for access to what would surely be a huge pool of downloaders drawn to whichever host decided to break from the standard model?

UPS don't just take parcels then ask the addressee to pay for it to be delivered - why should this be any different?
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby Greebo » Mon, 13Jun24 19:39

Why should a free game maker have to pay just so a freeloader can download his/her game?
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby Trucla » Mon, 13Jun24 21:24

That's a really good point, Greebo! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby oncardam2 » Tue, 13Jun25 18:10

Greebo wrote:Why should a free game maker have to pay just so a freeloader can download his/her game?

Why should a free game maker have to buy their own computer, pay for software development tools, graphics editing programs, and so on.
It is what it is.
Paying $25 to MediaFire for a year's subscription means I do not have to answer a whole lot of questions about how to unzip multi-part zip files because the free service has a 200MB per file limit. :(
Yes, a lot of people 'freeload', but others give you something back for your game. They give you feedback, praise, and inspiration at times. I am hoping some will contribute $ in my crowd funding effort.
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Re: whats the best file hosting site?

Postby Greebo » Tue, 13Jun25 19:50

Hey, I wasn't getting at you, I was just responding to the suggestion that the games uploader should bear all the financial brunt, which would be the case if sites like Mediafire started acting like UPS
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