Re: Getting to Know Christine

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby danigonz » Wed, 11Mar23 23:13

First: Loved it! Really exciting and fun. Maybe she is very direct, but I appreciate that, because the games usually tends to have shy or difficult girls, so a "hardcore" baby is a good change.

The checkpoint system is an advance, but only if you manage to gain all hit points.

I've finished it in hard mode, with the hot foursome at the beach and 110 points. But reading this, I've known that there is a bonus ending. Can anyone send me via PM a hint regarding hoy to find it?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby nvtsbamf » Wed, 11Mar23 23:21

this game is about as good as you get without going non-linear ;)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby TornadoXIII » Thu, 11Mar24 00:07

Took some work, but finally got both the "best" and "secret" endings. Well worth the effort!

Wonderful game, thank you so much! Christine is an amazing girl :)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby LRM » Thu, 11Mar24 00:15

I enjoyed it. Well done to you both.
When you meet any checkpoint during play how about a pop-up displaying:
"You achieved ?? points of a possible ?? points."
or something similar.

If not possible to progress to he next checkpoint that should also be displayed.
"You achieved ?? points of a possible ?? points. You cannot progress to the next checkpoint with the total you have."
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby ttant » Thu, 11Mar24 00:36

Awosome game ! i really enjoy it !
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby phreaky » Thu, 11Mar24 03:41

Yeah, I thought about that, too, good idea ! Maybe shoild inclue that, thanks for the suggestion
As you see, the tools tlaero developed also evolved along the creation of this game, so any new idea is really appreciated

And also thanks to all for the inputs on christine's personality and story.
Well, again, like it or not, that's just how christine does things, even though it seems bad at times

To me, if I prefer a nice lady, there's always keeley :D

But seeing so many comments about her makes me think even more that tlaero really succeeds portraying her the way we wanted :)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby dryheave » Thu, 11Mar24 04:15

This one is increadible. I love it all. Maybe add the thing about showing how you are doing with points, and maybe have it go back to the the last checkpoint in which you still had a chance to advance all the way.

I love a more aggressive woman like Christine and have run into some like her. They are what they are.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby blue68 » Thu, 11Mar24 04:43

Imho it's the best ever dating-sim. I've just registered to say thanks to the creators of this superb work and I'm also a little bit sad to read that the next game will not be that big. I for one would wait a very long time for having this much fun and this kind of storytelling in a game. Though I understand the reasons for not creating such a large game.

Btw whats the max points achievable i've got 98 after several runs in hard mode?

Christine is one helluva girl and reminds of someone I once knew.

Thanks and kudos to phreaky and tlaero
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Josefus » Thu, 11Mar24 05:22

hi Phreaky and Tlaero,

This game is qualitatively very good again.
Christienes Anatomy, just great ...

My favorite game remains date with Keely.
When Kelly was all styled clean. The actions of the character. Everything was compatible with the reality.

I do not like in this game the moral moments.

A shy man meets his dream woman, who mutates into all fucking nympho.

The young man, previously shy woman fucks like the end times three (known) women

Fuck at all costs may not be the meaning of even the good games.
Or did you create the longest game.

Then Adrian had actually even have to see bondage, or his male counterparts on the beach also have to fuck.

I'll say it again, this game is one of the leaders, if there was a scale.

Excuse my bad English, I hope that is understood as nothing wrong.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby jitgeo » Thu, 11Mar24 06:05

Amazing effort and it definitely shows through... a great game!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Thu, 11Mar24 06:16

M, thanks for the bug report. That is indeed wrong. It should go to home1.html instead.

ExLibris, thanks for catching the spelling mistakes. I'm updating the game with any bug reports people find (fortunately small so far). If we reach critical mass, I'll re-upload it.

Josefus, you forgot to look in game.js. (-:

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Thu, 11Mar24 07:26

I find it interesting that we're on the fourth page of comments without a single request for a walkthrough (just some perfectly fair game requests for subtle hints). At the same time, we don't have anyone saying the game is too easy.

It looks like we're making progress on finding the right balance with respect to difficulty. I think the score display (which we added about halfway through) helped there. We definitely have work to do still, but I'm glad to see the things we tried had a positive effect on the experience.

I understand the frustration with checkpoints after you had already failed. The sadism (-: wasn't intended. I just hate making one mistake in these games and needing to start over from scratch. I'm sure you prefer the checkpoints as is to none at all. That said, this is definitely a gameplay element I'm planning to focus on for improvement. My current thought is that things would be better if the score said "Your current score is xxx out of yyy" and have yyy increase after every checkpoint. I changed the way I work with variables pretty significantly in this game, but my current method doesn't really support that. I'll work on it more for the next one.

By the way, the max achievable score in the game is 115, but you only need 90 to get to the end. So if you've just squeeking by, you're missing a lot of points.

OchoCinco, I kept saying "Wait, there's MORE?" too. (-: Writing these games is always exhausting, but this one was particularly so.

I see that Christine's characterization really ruffled some feathers. Good. (-: As a storyteller, my goal is to cause an emotional response in you. Even though Keeley is a FAR better person, twenty years from now, none of you are going to remember her. But half of you will still remember Christine (even if it isn't fondly). Dislike is a strong emotion, and, yes, I'm purposely toying with your feelings by subjecting you to it. Guilty as charged, but every storyteller does it.

I won't make it a habit of plucking this string, though. The next game we're planning to do is a Keeley one. She'll be less uncomfortable. But the one after that ... watch out!

Re my personal prefrence in people: I don't talk about my personal life very often, but I will say that, in the real world, I really appreciate competence. Competence with confidence is even better. Competence with confidence that falls short of arrogance is better still. (-:

A good, real-world relationship in my book is one based on mutual respect and admiration. That doesn't stop me from writing about non-ideal relationships though, especially if it serves some other gameplay purpose (in this case, the ability to do some wild scenes).

As for the requests to put more romantic situations in this one, you'll need to wait for Keeley 3. In my mind, there's no romance whatsoever in a threesome or a foursome, so a game with one really can't have the other. Remember this when the next game is romantic, so I refuse to do those kinds of scenes...

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Arnulf » Thu, 11Mar24 08:21

Hi, Tlaero, I think, it's a real sensation to look at the multiple responds to you for the release of your new game. For me, it's clear to express my admirance for the ideas and the huge work, you did. This also is told to Phreaky too! But I only would say, that the sensation lies mainly in the habitual and permanent lazyness of the lagooners! It is meaning a lot to have so many answers! Congratulations!! [img]kator/smiley229.gif[/img]
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Jiimbojones » Thu, 11Mar24 08:27

That was a fun game, I finished on hard, but would love if someone could give me a hint about how to find the secret ending.

As for the checkpoint issue, I don't know if this is possible, but maybe make it so that there are multiple checkpoints that you can return to, so that if you want to go back you can say, "go back to date 3" instead of only being able to go back to the last one. This would also be fun because it would be a way to go back and replay the scenes you want to without diving into the files.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Werehunter » Thu, 11Mar24 10:10

The sole reason I don't feel sorry for Adrian for the things Christine put him through, such as the testing, is because Adrian is a perv due to his actions at the start of the game. For that reason alone I think these two might be prefect for each other.
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