Hot Tub Fantasies

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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 11Sep08 07:26

The setting is a five star hotel in a small town in the eastern United States. There is an academic conference being held, and the hotel is crowded with graduate students and professors. On the first night of the conference there is a welcome reception but a lot of graduate students skip it because the want to get a little crazy and don’t want to do it in front of their professors. But in this rural location, a beautiful natural setting but a tiny town, there is not much else to do. The bars are lame and close early. Jack, Chris and Steve have flown in from the west coast and are looking to put their five star hotel rooms to good use. Sally, Megan and Jenny are also excited to be staying in such a nice hotel and want to have some fun with some guys. The guys and girls do not know each other.

[Mod edit: The only reason that this text is hidden is because when one navigates to this page it takes forever to scroll to the bottom, Sq]

[Mod edit: Oct 2, 2011 - minor spelling corrections, Newdood]

First Setting:
The guys and girls are all standing waiting for the elevator in a plush lobby. All six are a dressed up for the conference, the guys wearing dress pants and dress shirts, the girls wearing knee-length skirts and blouses. They all have suitcases and laptops, and are checking each other out as they wait for the elevator.
Jack speaks quietly to Steve and Chris: Check out these girls, oh my fucking GOD!
Sally speaks quietly to Megan and Jenny: Now those are some boys I’d like to spend some time with!

The guys and girls all smile at each other
Steve: Hi there! Are you girls here for the conference?
Sally: What conference?

Megan and Jenny Smile and giggle at Sally’s game.
Steve: Oh. There’s a psychology conference going on here, psychological scientists from all over the world are coming here to discuss their research.
Sally: Ooh, are you a scientist? That’s so sexy.

Megan and Jenny giggle.
Steve: Um, well sort of, I’m a graduate student. But I do research and publish in scientific journals, so I’m a scientist, just not a professor yet.
Jack: All three of us are scientists.

Megan steps forward to join in the fun.
Megan: Oh my goodness, three real live scientists right here in Springfield, Georgia! I thought all scientists were skinny and balding with thick glasses. But you guys are so handsome and athletic-looking. Are you lying to us?
Chris: No really, we’re brain scientists! You can test us! Use your phone to look at Wikipedia and ask us a question.

Ding! The elevator arrives. They walk into the elevator, ladies first, and as they do, Sally speaks.
Sally: Oh boys, we’re just kidding you, we’re here for the conference too!
The guys all blush.
Chris: Oh man, that’s embarrassing….

Next setting: In the elevator, all six people fit in, but it is a tight squeeze. Sally is behind Jack, and stands closer to him than she has too, pressing her breasts into his back. Her mouth it just at his left shoulder, close to his ear and she speaks softly.
Sally: But I do think scientists are really sexy.
Megan and Jenny are behind Steve and looking at his ass. Chris looks back and catches them staring. He speaks, drawing their eyes up and making eye-contact with them
Chris: So where have you girls come in from?
It’s Megan and Jenny’s turn to be embarrassed. Jenny bends down to fiddle with her suitcase, showing her cleavage to Chris and Megan answers.
Megan: Um, we’ve come from the University of San Diego.
Chris: No wonder you’ve got such gorgeous tans!
Megan smiles at the compliment.
Megan: You should see us in our bikinis.
Chris: I hope you brought them - this hotel has a hot tub.

Ding the elevator stops.
Steve: this is our floor.
Sally: This is our floor too!
Both groups get out.

Next setting. In a wide hallway, with a door on one side and a door on the other.
Steve: What a happy coincidence that our rooms are right across from each others!
Sally: Do you thing it’s fate Mr. Scientist-man?
Chris: So do you girls want to settle in and then come for a hot tub with us?
Megan: That sounds great!
Sally: Yeah, definitely.
Jenny: Yeah that sounds fun.
Jack: Awesome. We’ll knock on your door in about 20 minutes?
Sally: Sounds good.

Next setting. In the guy’s room.
Jack: I’ve got the redhead; she totally came on to me in the elevator!
Chris: The other two were checking out Steve’s ass on the elevator. I think we’ve found some girls who really want to party here!
Steve: Oh yeah, maybe I’ll take them both, and Chris, if you’re nice I’ll let you watch.
Chris: Fuck you, they were checking out your ass, but they were giving me big smiles too. And the quiet one totally gave me a peak at her cleavage.
Steve: Fine - you have the quiet one, I prefer blondes to brunettes anyway.

Next setting. In the girl’s room.
Sally: Oh my GOD those guys are so hot!
Megan: That was so cute when they tried to explain being scientists to us! Which one do you like best?
Sally: I like them all, but if I had to choose one I’d take the guy who first talked to us. I’ve already flirted with him anyway.
Megan: Ooh, I like him too, but I also like the quieter guy, and actually, the other guy too (my god that ass!). Seriously, I would fool around with any of them.
Jenny: I want the quieter guy. I liked how he was so direct when he caught us looking at the other one’s ass, it made me wet right there.
Sally: Ok Jenny, bordering on TMI there.

Now the girls have changed into swim suits.
Sally: What are we going to do if we do end up fooling around with these guys? We only have one room, and so do they?
Megan: Shoot, yeah. I guess if it were just one of us the others could pretend to be asleep.
Jenny: And there is the shower too.
Sally: And I guess if one of us went to there room the other guys would pretend to be asleep too.
Megan: Or have sex with all of them.
All of the girls laugh
There is a knock at the door.

Sally opens it and the three guys are standing in the hall.
Jack: Wow! Looks like you are ready!
Sally spins around
Sally: Yes we are!
Jack: Wow again! I’m Jack, by the way, and this is Steve and Chris.
Sally: I’m Sally, she’s Megan, and she’s Jenny. Nice to meet you, now let’s go get wet!

Next setting. They are standing in the bathing suits with towels in hand, looking at the door to the hot tub. A sign says the hot tub closes at 11:00 pm.
Jack: Closed! I can’t believe it’s already eleven! I’m on West coast time and it’s only eight for me.
Sally: Us too. That sucks, I really wanted to hang out in there.
Steve: At least we got to see you in your bikinis.
Steve smiles and the girls laugh
Megan: Thanks. You look pretty great in your bathing suit too. And oh my, do I see something that suggests you are really, really enjoying looking at us in our bikinis?
Steve blushes and puts his towel in front of his crotch.
Steve: I... um…
Chris: Oh you girls are way too much fun to let this evening be ruined by a closed hot tub. Why don’t we all head out on the town?
Sally: It’s Thursday night in butt-fuck nowhere, I bet all the bars are shut down, and even if they weren’t they would be full of our professors, and I don’t want to party with my advisor, thank you very much.
Megan: Why don’t we hang out in the hotel room?
Steve: Yea.
Sally: And do what? The minibar will be ridiculously expensive.
Steve: I’ve got a bottle of Rye from duty free (we came in from Canada).
Jack: And I’ve got deck of cards, we can drink rye and play cards. Do you girls like poker?
Sally: What kind of poker? She smiles widely.
Chris: Texas Hold’em. Unless you have a game you want to play?
Megan: For money or what?
Jack: Actually, I have chips because we were intending to play after the conference but before our flight, we could buy in for 20 dollars each and have a 120 dollar pot.
Sally: So you want to try and take all our money?
Chris: If you’d rather we tried to take all your clothes we could definitely make it strip poker.
Everyone was thinking it, but Steve and Jack are still surprised Chris said it out loud, and even Sally is surprised though she was hinting at it.
Sally: Well this is sounding very interesting, let’s just see what happens.

Next setting, back in the guy’s room, the six people are sitting around a round table by the window, with poker chips and cards on the table. Everyone is still in their bathing suits.
Steve: Um, so, are we going to play strip poker then? Or, um …
Sally: I’m not sure I want to play strip poker when I’m only wearing two pieces of clothing. It seems like it would be over too fast.
Jenny: But the boys only have one piece of clothing so we have an advantage!
Sally: A little eager to see our new friends naked, aren’t you Jenny?
Chris: Look, why don’t we start with chips, and if someone goes bust, they can buy back more chips by taking off a piece of clothing.
Jack: That sounds like a good idea. And I may be wrong, but we’re probably more experienced poker players than you girls, so the having only one piece of clothing for us makes it more fair.
Sally: A little cocky, aren’t you. Fine, that sounds good to me. Girls?
Megan, I’m in!
Jenny: Me too!
Steve: Shuffle up and deal Jack!

A little while later… The bottle of rye is only about two thirds full now, and there are glasses around the table with varying amounts of rye in each. There are stacks of chips in front of everyone, with a noticeably bigger pile in front of Sally, and the smallest one in front of Megan.
Jack: I’m all in.
Jenny, Megan, Steve and Chris: I fold.
Sally: I call, I have a full house.
Jack: Fuck!
Sally: Ok cocky-boy, you’re out of chips! Lets see where you cockiness comes from!

Jack starts to slip out of his swimsuit where he’s sitting. Megan looks under the table to see him.
Sally: No, no. You’ve got to stand up and make it a show – you can’t hide it from us!
Jack stands up and takes his suit off, revealing a fairly large penis.
Sally: Oh my!
Megan: Oh, that is quite impressive.
Jenny: Wohoooo!
Jack: Ok, but I’ve got to sit down sometime.
Sally: Ok, give us a little twirl and then you can sit.
Jack spins and then sits down. Megan looks under the table again.
Jenny: Megan!!
Sally: yeah, maybe we should say that once the person is sitting down again you can’t just keep looking under the table.
Chris: Sounds good: No looking under the table.
Jack: Ok, give me some more chips. What happens if I lose again?
Sally: Well, I guess we’ll get another show, maybe something more.

A little while later, the Rye is down a little more.
Megan: I’ve got a pair of Aces.
Steve: Three jacks, I win.
Jack: Oh hoooo Megan, it’s your turn my dear!!

Megan stand ups and takes off her bikini top, revealing some very nice breasts. She does a spin and sits back down. The guys all stare with open mouths.
Sally: You guys should see yourselves right now – you’d think you’d never seen a woman’s chest before.
Chris: Maybe not one so lovely.
Megan: Why thank you, Chris!

A little while later. The rye is half gone and the girls are all bare-chested. Megan is completely naked, and so are Chris and Steve.
Jack: I’ve got two pair.
Jenny: I’ve got a straight, you lose!
Jack: Oh fuck. Ok, now what do I do?
Chris: That should be up to Jenny.
They all look at Jenny, in agreement.
Jenny: Well, I guess you should get up on the table and dance for us.
Jack: Oh what?! I’m not the dancing type.
Jenny: Too bad, tonight you are. And I didn’t get a good look at that monster of yours when you first stripped, so when you get on the table I want you standing right in front of me.
Sally: Way to assert yourself Jenny!
Jack gets up on the table and dances in front of Jenny. She leans forward to bring her face very close to his cock and playfully blow a puff of air at it. He starts to get hard.
Megan: Oh yeah, do it Jenny, make him hard!!
Jack bends his knees to get closer but Jenny giggles and turns away, losing her nerve.
Megan: Oh you chicken!
The others laugh, and Jack embarrassingly covers his semi-hard-on and sits back down.

Shortly after.
Chris: I’ve got a flush.
Megan: Shit! Three of a kind!
Chris: Well, well.
Megan: Another table dance?
Sally: She’s already done a table dance; she needs to do more now.
Megan gets on the table facing Chris and brings her knees up, putting her hand on her upper inner thigh.
Megan: Want me to rub my pussy?
Steve: Oh man!
Jack: Holy shit!
Sally: Oh Megan, you are so wild!
Chris: No.
Megan, Jack, Sally, Steve, Jenny: No?
Chris: No, I think you need to go even further. I want you to get under the table and suck me off.
Jenny and Jack: What!?
Megan: Oh. oh… oh really?
Sally: Oh my God that is hot!
Megan: You want me to give you a blowjob, right now, right here in front of everyone?
Chris: You’ll be under the table, so nobody will actually see you do it.
Megan: Just for a bit, or until you cum?
Jenny: Oh my God Megan, I can’t believe you’re thinking of doing it! You are crazy!!
Chris: Until I cum. You’ve already got me pretty hard just sitting there naked, if I don’t try to hold back it won’t take very long.
Megan: I’ve got you hard right now
Megan’s hand goes to her pussy, rubbing
Chris: Rock hard, I’m dying to feel your mouth on me.
Steve: Me too.
Jack: Yeah.
Sally: Oh you boys don’t get any of this action, settle down. Do it Megan, this is so erotic!
Megan gets off the tale and crawls under. We see a side view of her kneeling between Chris’s legs and taking him into her mouth. One hand rubs his inner thigh and the other caresses upward on his chest so that the others can see her hand moving over his chest. Chris is looking down at her smiling and the others are all looking at him, fascinated. Chris moans.
Jack: I can hear her slurping noises.
Jenny: Me too, this is crazy. I’ve never seen a guys face from this angle while he was getting head.
Sally: I can’t wait to see his face when he cums.
Megan pulls off and licks the entire shaft, moving one hand to jerk him and lick the tip, before speaking to the others
Megan: This is making me so horny, I’m dripping.
One of Megan’s hands moves to her pussy and she masturbates.
Megan: I’m going to cum when he cums. I’m going to cum when you explode into my mouth, Chris.
She goes back to sucking hard, with one hand masturbating her pussy, and the other grabbing his lower back, pulling him forward into her mouth.
Chris moans.
Chris: Oh that’s incredible, I’m going to cum. Oh man, oh God, here I come. OOHH YEAAAAHH.
Everyone is touching themselves now, trying to hide it, while Chris shoots a massive load into Megan’s mouth. A lot spills out the sides and runs down her chin, dripping to her chest. With her mouth full of cum she still manages to moan loudly.
Chris: That was amazing.
Sally: yeah...
Megan comes up from under the table and falls into her chair, leaning back with her legs open. There is a large amount of cum dripping from her lower lip down her chin and on one of her tits.
Megan: that may have been the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had without actually having a cock in me.
Jenny: I’m jealous.
Sally: Um Megan, didn’t he say you had to swallow?
Megan: What? Oh…
Megan uses her finger to move some of the cum from her chin into her mouth. Jenny reaches out and touches the pool of sperm sticking to Megan’s nipple.
Steve: Oh sweet Jesus!
Sally: Jenny, that wasn’t for you!
Megan grabs Jenny’s hand and licks her finger. Jenny moans.
Steve: Jenny, I uh... I mean if you want to…
Sally: Hold on everyone! Let’s not get out of control here. The rules have changed a bit, but we’re still playing a game and there is 120 dollars to win here.
Jack: How do we win if we just keep letting people buy back in? And what the hell is Megan going to do to top that if she loses another one?
Chris: Why don’t we say that’s Megan’s last buy back – next time she loses she’s out permanently, so all of us, after we lose our clothes, can buy back in only three more times.
Jack: Easy for you to say, you want to keep playing because you’re already been relieved!
Sally: My dear boy, if you need to be relieved, then just win a hand!
Jack: Oh you… I’m going to take you down sweetheart, and wait until I see what I get you to do.
Sally: I’m quivering in anticipation.

A little while later the bottle of rye is gone. Megan still has a noticeable smearing of cum on her chin and tits.
Jack: All in!
Sally: I fold.
Chris: I call.
Jack: three Queens!
Chris: Four twos, I win.
Jack: Dude, you better not even think of trying to get me to blow you.
Sally: Oh do it, make him suck your dick Chris!!!
Chris: Dude, I’m not gay. There’s nothing I want to see you do, maybe I need a female volunteer?
Jenny: I’ll do something with him!
Sally: That’s not really the way we’re playing, you can’t make someone who hasn’t lost do a sex act.
Chris: Fine, I won’t get her to do anything that relieves him, so it will be more like torture than sex. That alright?
Sally: Ok.
Chris: Jenny, I want you to sit on the table facing Jack and open your legs like Megan did to me before. Jack, you have to pull back from the table so Jenny can see you cock, and you have to stroke t for her. Jenny, you masturbate until you orgasm, and Jack, you
CAN’T cum.
Jack: What?
Sally: I like it!
Chris: You can’t cum. You have to stroke it and you can’t stop until Jenny orgasms, but if you stop stroking or you cum, you lose the game. You’re out of the poker game for good.
Steve: That’s a good one, man.
Jack: Ok.
Jenny: Ok.
Jenny moves in front of Jack and looks down at his large cock. She starts rubbing herself as he jerks.
Jenny: Oh my God, this is torture for me too! I just want to slip off this table onto his lap and impale myself on that monster.
Jack: Oh shit girl, don’t talk!
Jenny starts working two fingers in and out of her pussy.
Jenny: OH God, look at that gorgeous cock! I want it in me so bad. Look at how wet I am! I’m gushing all over my fingers! I want to feel that shaft inside me. I want to feel you pump my pussy full of cum. Oooohhh
Jenny orgasm as the others all watch, and Jack suddenly spasms and starts shooting too.
Jack: OooohhhHHHH FUCK!
Jack’s first shot flies upward landing on Jenny’s thighs as she watches him go off, her fingers still in her pussy. Quickly she slides down from the table to kneel in front of him and press her tits into his still erupting cock. Another shot hits her lips as she moves in. Then a few shots splash in between her tits until she rubs her tits downward on his cock and takes the head into her mouth.
Sally: Well, you weren’t supposed to do that! But Jack, you lose.
Jack: I don’t care.
Jenny: Me neither.
Chris: Ok, well I guess there are 5 of us still competing for the pot.
Jenny: Thank God I came – I don’t think I could play anymore if I had to wait for relief.
Steve: Yeah, this is killing me!!
Megan: yeah, I’ve already cum once and I’m still dying for more.

They deal out another hand.
Megan: I’m all in. I’ve got a pair of fours, can anyone beat it?
Sally: Oh you quitter. I call. I’ve got a pair of queens.
Steve: I call too, I’ve got a pair of kings.
Chris: You guys suck at poker. I call, I’ve got a flush.
Megan: I don’ suck at poker, I want my next sex act.
Sally you busted all of us, but I still have my bikini bottoms.
Sally stands up and takes off her bottoms.
Megan: So can I fuck Steve then?
Steve: hell yeah!!
Chris: But I won. I guess, you’ll have to take us both on!
Chris stands up to reveal he’s ready to go again.
Megan: I’ve never done this before, but I KNOW I’m going to love it.
She crawls over the table to where Chris is standing and puts her mouth against his cock.
Megan: Hello again!
She takes him into her mouth. Steve moves around behind her and puts his hands on her ass. He leans in and licks her snatch. She moans and arches her back.
Steve: She is sopping, SOPPING wet.
Sally: There is going to be nothing left for me!
Jenny: Or me!
Chris: But at least you won, right?
Steve eases his cock into Megan doggy-style she continues to slurp on Chris’s cock.
Sally: No, I want in on the action too.
Chris: Well, you could concede defeat…
Jenny: I concede defeat. I want two guys too!
Sally: Fine. Fuck you. I concede, you win, someone please lick my pussy.
Chris: You can take my spot. Megan, I think you need to lick Sally’s pussy for a while, but don’t worry, You’ll get more cock in a minute.
Megan: I don’t care what you put in front of me anymore, I just want everyone to cum everywhere.
Sally: Oh God, I’m not a lesbian, but eat me Megan, I need to cum!
Chris moves over to Jenny and takes her hand, standing her up facing the table with her hands on the surface. Cum is still dripping from her tits. He rubs her pussy for a second and then slides his dick in. Jack gets up on the table and stands over top of Megan and in front of Sally, who is sitting back on her hands on the table getting licked out by Megan. His dick is only semi-hard, and still sloppy from tit fucking Jenny. He puts it against her lips. She opens her mouth and sucks him inside. Steve is pounding away at Megan’s’ pussy from behind.
Steve: Fuck, I’m already ready.
Megan: Do it, I’m on the pill! Cum inside me!
Steve and Megan: OOOHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH!
Steve sits back in the chair. Megan continues to moan, her cheek resting against Sally’s pussy.
Sally: Keep licking.
Jack: Don’t worry sweetie, I’m ready for you now.
Jack gets down to lie on top of Sally and enter her in missionary position. Chris is still fucking Jenny, Steve is resting. Megan moves around the table to Sally’s head.
Megan: Turn about is fair play!
Megan straddles Sally’s head and puts her dripping pussy over Sally’s mouth. Steve’s cum is dripping out all over sally’s face. She sticks her tongue out and laps at it, until Megan crouches lower and gets her pussy pressed tight to Sally’s mouth, moaning.
Chris: I don’t know if it’s too soon for you Steve, but Jenny here requested two cocks, and I’m sure you’d like to oblige her.
Jenny is watching Sally get sandwiched while Chris fucks her.
Jenny: Yes, give it to me, I want two at once.
Steve gets hard and walks over to Jenny, who grabs his cock, and then leans further forward to get it in her mouth.
Chris stops fucking her and sits down on the chair.
Chris: Come here Jenny.
Jenny faces Chris and straddles him, lowering herself onto his cock.
Chris: Take her ass Steve.
Jenny: Oh My GOD! I didn’t think I’d ever in my life do anal sex, but do it, but it in my ass!!!
Steve licks his finger and rubs her asshole, then pushes his dick in. Jenny screams in pleasure. Megan looks over.
Megan: I’ve got to try that.
Jack: I think we can take care of you too.
Jack gets off of Sally and sits on another chair. Megan straddles him. And then looks over to Steve.
Megan: Give me a turn too, ok?
Sally: What about me now?
Chris: You can have a turn too.
Steve moves to Megan and starts fucking her ass. Jenny gets off of Chris and Sally gets on, bucking wildly. Jenny starts rubbing Sally’s tits from behind.
Megan cums thunderously. Shudders and goes limp.
Megan: And that orgasm just beat my previous record… I’m exhausted.
Steve pulls out and grabs jenny, lifting her onto the table and fucking her in standing missionary. Jack moves Megan off of him and comes over to fuck Sally’s ass.
Jenny: Oh god I’m going to cuUUUUMMMMM!
Jack: Me tooooOOOOOOOOOO!
Chris: Here I cum againNNNNNNN!
Everyone orgasms. The girls are dripping cum out of their pussies’ and Sally’s got it in her ass too. All the girls also have cum smeared on their faces and Jenny tits are also still wet with cum. Everyone is smiling. They all crawl over to the huge bed and lie down.
Sally: Let’s do that again tomorrow morning.
Jenny: Lets do it all weekend!
Jack: Yeah, fuck the conference!
Last edited by iksanabot on Thu, 11Sep08 07:48, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby MSK » Thu, 11Sep08 07:29

Greebo wrote:[img]smile/eek.gif[/img] TMI! :lol:

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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 11Sep08 08:30

Young girl - But I am so young and inexperienced.
Older woman - Yea I know.
Young girl - Will you like teach me stuff?
Older woman. Yea.
Young girl - I am a bit afraid, but yet...

Nah perhaps not [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Greebo » Thu, 11Sep08 11:00

I was thinking something similar to iksanabot's previous post. I'm not sure that I'd be too good at writing the "Hot Pool Fantasies" type of stuff, because I'm not really geared to think along the usual "fantasizing couple" type of scenario.

I do have an incomplete SciFi story that has the main protagonists -- a female Earth astronaut trainee and a semi stranded alien interstellar pilot of unusual abilities -- joyfully fulfilling various fantasies whilst enjoying themselves sexually, but because of somewhat off the wall, hyperadvanced emergency treatment of a life threatening injury on her part and deliberate modification for pilot enhancement on his, they do both happen to be dual sex metamorphs, so capable of some rather bizarre love acts.

I tend not to be happy with much going on outside a stable monogamous relationship, though I find I can write a little outside the box if a story demands it. Give me a rough plot line and I might be able to pretty it up verbally!
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Loup Garou » Thu, 11Sep08 11:19

Oh... a scene from the animated movie Heavy Metal ran through my mind as I read your thoughts, Greebo. If you haven't seen it, you should... a series of stories by different artists for the magazine Heavy Metal, all sci-fi, all centered on a sphere that varies from size to size but is always present. It is a sphere of evil. There is one story in which, at one point, you are on a spaceship of pirates zooming through the universe. In the bedroom of the stunningly attractive female human pirate, you see her sharing her bed with a dorky looking little humanoid robot (NOT an android... very metallic). I forget the dialogue, but they are discussing their love life together and the fact that she loves his.......... equipment. To which he responds something like, "I am glad I could help you," and basically demonstrates his tool by giving the universe his middle finger... which is very large... very metallic... and very phallic.. and... well, you get the story.

If you haven't seen the movie, get it. It is really very good. Some cool stories and interesting animation. But even if you have seen it, see it again and look for the scene. Trust me. 8-)
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Greebo » Thu, 11Sep08 12:31

Heh! [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Dyonisis » Thu, 11Sep08 17:51

@ RK: Very nice and very detailed as ususal
I Like it
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Yamato » Fri, 11Sep09 03:18

Hi RK,

This is Kronn the bad boy of the Lagoon :crazy: [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Just wanted to let you know that the hot tub story is once again fantastic.

I love your wonderful art...character expressions, positions etc etc:
Regarding the script, at first I thought the setting was pretty typical and was almost ready too move on to something else when the black guy came in thinking how unrealistic it would be for a stranger to come in and suddenly the wife would be interested in sex. I thought that a woman would be absolutely petrified! to the phone or neighbor and call 911.
I went along and kept reading. Ohh the very pleasant surprise (very pleasant) when it turned out to be a fantasy. You got me there. :roi:
The dialogue and the build-up was realistic, and of course, arousing. In particular the black guy's change of tone as he started to fuck her etc. All in all very very well done!

Think Dirty Thoughts....
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 11Sep09 03:40

Hah! Yes!

I guess I was a victim of the broken/erroneous link. I thought I was being left in suspense when I was left with Beth having mouthed the black guy!

I do understand that this story may never be revisited, and now also your intended concept of short stories.

With dolerhyde7 proposing his stories at "The Dragon loins" maybe we need two forums, and Artists' Gallery and a Writers' Shop?? [The Artists' Gallery forum is certainly in place, but the latter appears to be of need].
Squeaky is clean, I'm just a tad messy!
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Re: Hot Tub Fantasies

Postby Hey Chief » Fri, 11Sep09 07:39

Squeeky wrote:Hah! Yes!

I guess I was a victim of the broken/erroneous link. I thought I was being left in suspense when I was left with Beth having mouthed the black guy!

I do understand that this story may never be revisited, and now also your intended concept of short stories.

With dolerhyde7 proposing his stories at "The Dragon loins" maybe we need two forums, and Artists' Gallery and a Writers' Shop?? [The Artists' Gallery forum is certainly in place, but the latter appears to be of need].

[img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] I concur that makes the most sense to me also.
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