"I cannot progress. What Now?" or "HELP! Help me, I'm Stuck"

here, you can speak about shark's games. (comment, need help...)

"I cannot progress. What Now?" or "HELP! Help me, I'm Stuck"

Postby LRM » Wed, 11May25 17:08

We ask you perform a search and perhaps read a little (back to front works best IMO) before asking any question; (once an adventure is in open release almost all possible queries have been asked and answered).

Shark embeds a help word some where in the first 5 pages (thus far 3 to (usually 5 or less) 6 letters, all lower case) in all of his games. Anytime the cross hairs are visible just type the word on your keyboard (enable pop-ups) and the action is reasonably demonstrated (not exact).
If like me you hunt and peck as you type, look at the screen as you type the last letter or you may miss the display. Shark in the early pages of every thread discloses the word, Type any word you think it might be until you discover what the word actually is.

The help word is solely Shark's to disclose and he may disclose it as clandestinely as he pleases. DO NOT post the word! Shark derives a little pleasure by stimulating thought while teasing us. He deserves this enjoyment for providing the adventure.

An edited copy of a post by Shark follows:
To help players not accustomed to my games, the following are common controls and their use (a new game may include a new control):

Any time the cursor is visible, you have to carry out an action by using the following controls:
1. The "simple click":
Find a hot spot and click on it. Keep the button pressed to continue the action. The "excitement bar" rises to indicate that the action is effective.
2. The "double click":
You find a hot spot and you proceed as with a "simple click" ... But when you release the mouse button, the cursor becomes visible indicating that the action is not finished. That means that you must quickly find a second hot spot.
3. The "Click and move":
Find a hot spot and click on it and then, without releasing the mouse button, move your mouse in the direction where the action must occur.
4. The "come and go":
Works like the "click and move", but the mouse movement must be a coming and going action...

Please PM me (Shark, or any moderator) with suggested changes or additions.
There are quite often many hours between your request and any response. Please try a search, read the Q&As (I suggest from back to front) and keep trying to find a solution. You can solve your problem without our cryptic assistance (the odds of getting a click here answer are very slim).
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