The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby qbv8 » Mon, 09Jun22 17:56

Great work D(au)éfunt!
Thank you very much. I will incorporate the text into the first page above, so that I have to maintain the links only once (and thus avoid inconsistencies.

Thanks a lot! [img]smile/tracker.gif[/img]
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby Jackadict » Mon, 09Jun22 18:00

De rien.
Mon travail n'est que peu de chose par rapport au tien.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby co90921 » Mon, 09Jun22 23:26

qbv8 & D(au)efunt:

I have to be careful not to be away for a long period of time, I missed quite a lot of information here in the Lagoon.

To both qbv8 and D(au)efunt, congratulations!! :clap:

Like all of the kudos listed above, you did excellent work. A large amount of time and effort went into your work and it shows. These instructions/help aids cannot be any more precise than the way you put them together here. [img]smile/thumb.gif[/img]

Again, great work!! Image
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby coder » Wed, 09Jul15 15:22

Lesen bezeichnet das Vermögen, sich Sach- und Sinnzusammenhänge, die in Texten ihren Niederschlag gefunden haben, zugänglich zu machen. Dabei werden Buchstaben, Laute, Wörter und ganze Sätze in Gestaltabstraktionsprozessen gewonnen.

Babelfish translates this text to:
Read call themselves the fortune, special and sense connections, which found their precipitation in texts to make accessible. Letters, sounds, words and complete sentences during shape abstraction processes are won.

Google translate does a bit better job:
Read means the assets are tangible and meaningful relationships, which are reflected in texts have found accessible. Here are letters, sounds, words and whole sentences in the form of abstraction processes gained.

But like Freud already quoted in his book "Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten - Der Humor"

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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby qbv8 » Sat, 09Jul18 15:16

Can somebody please review my french sentence on 2.0 first bullet (ArianeB 5.8)?

Thank you very much.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby coder » Sat, 09Jul18 16:23

· ArianeB 5.8 peut être trouver à sous le titre "Dating Simulator Game". La dernière extension des fans UP16 est téléchargeable ici.

I'm not french, but I think this is a bit more correct. I'm not sure about the "dans le sujet"- part

On peut trouver ArianeB 5.8 à dans le sujet "Dating Simulator Game". UP17, La deuxième extension des fans, on peut télécharger ici.
FYI: peut-être bedeudet vielleicht.

This brings back memories. Quand j'ai travaillé en Allemande I had a German colleague, who switched zwischen Deutsch, Nederlands, Englsih et Français in einer Satz. Qyute confusing für die meiste Leute.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby luke » Sat, 09Jul18 20:12

Ci-dessous la proposition d'un français :

ArianeB 5.8 peut être trouvé sur le site sous la rubrique "Dating Simulator Game". La dernière extension des fans UP17 est téléchargeable ici et installer également UP17 Patch 1 .
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby qbv8 » Sat, 09Jul18 20:33

Merci bien, luke.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby vic 1364 » Mon, 10Dec13 22:58

bonsoir, je viens en fin de terminer le jeu grâce à vos réflexions sur le jeu, il faut être assez perspicace, et jouer avec tout les moyens mis à la disposition, merci et bonne amusement
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby Squeeky » Tue, 11Mar15 01:19

Removed last entry - duplicated in Sharks games
Squeaky is clean, I'm just a tad messy!
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby qbv8 » Wed, 11May04 20:37

So ... with the transfer of the posts to this new forum, all the links in my first post are (naturally) pointing to the wrong entries. I will try to update the first post during the next days/weeks and post a note here when it is up-to-date again.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby Trucla » Wed, 11May04 21:10

qbv8 wrote:So ... with the transfer of the posts to this new forum, all the links in my first post are (naturally) pointing to the wrong entries. I will try to update the first post during the next days/weeks and post a note here when it is up-to-date again.
Even with a search engine that works it will be a hell of a work, my dear! Thanks for coming back! [img]kator/smiley57.gif[/img]
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby lucky loser » Tue, 11May10 18:27

qbv8 wrote:So ... with the transfer of the posts to this new forum, all the links in my first post are (naturally) pointing to the wrong entries. I will try to update the first post during the next days/weeks and post a note here when it is up-to-date again.

Thanks! I was about to send you a PM.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby nimrodlepord » Sun, 11May15 13:57

Yeah g'day,
I'm currently babysitting at the exciting level with 70 points. Unfortunately I'm stuck, Lola shoves her arse in my face and then my girlfriend walks in on a somewhat compromising situation.
I could do with a hint, do I need to return to a previous level, or am I missing something. great hand job by the way.
Some advise please, thankyou.
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Re: The "I'm-stuck-and-need-quick-help" overview

Postby Rikwar » Sun, 11May15 14:21

nimrodlepord wrote:Yeah g'day,
I'm currently babysitting at the exciting level with 70 points. Unfortunately I'm stuck, Lola shoves her arse in my face and then my girlfriend walks in on a somewhat compromising situation.
I could do with a hint, do I need to return to a previous level, or am I missing something. great hand job by the way.
Some advise please, thankyou.

nimrodlepord please ask your question in the appropriate thread ;)
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