My first game creation attempt

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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Sat, 10Mar27 01:15

This is my fist attempt for an adult orientated game.
This is an early beta version, so do not expect very much of it.
Let's' call it: Amy and Melisa beta 0.1
You can zoom this text area while holding and turning you mouse wheel.).
There are 4 scenes to discover with 2 different women.
There are no pictures included in the game but the game will automticly download the pictures and display them. They are saved on your harddisk and therefore folders need to be created.
The save/load functionallity I implemented rather quickly and I do not know how reliable it will work, if it will work at all on other computers.
Please provide feedback here on sharks-lagoon if you encounter any problems.
So have fun with what there is so far!

this is the version I tested on a different computer and hopefully it will work now: I apologize for the troubles, but I simply did not know the plugin policy of Qt.
picture pack:
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 10Mar27 04:27

--- moved to a location which would seem to better fit the author's need.

At the time of the move I made some comments to the author re image downloads, I was getting 4 byte jpgs and notifications of corrupt files. It seems that all locations to which I go the image appears in my image editor as being 4 bytes. I'm thinking that the address for images is not where the images are actually stored, I see at two locales at the moment, and the first is gone "farm*#$*" and now one at ""

There does appear to be a short "choose your own adventure" storyline here which needs encouraging.

Is VB the basis of the programming?

Take heart. As you've said you did a few things that appear to have shown as haste, but we can't blame you for trying.

[Oh. The computer I was using for this review runs XP Home, this message is being composed on an ME machine which complains when I bring the files across - missing some 'dll' file I think, probably part of 2000+ OSu]
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby xeron » Sat, 10Mar27 05:13

There is no picture for me...
It just say "corrupt file" in the text on the left side. :-(
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 10Mar27 05:28

See comment above.

I have recently added a
location from the gamewhich clearly shows to me that links within the game are not correctly programmed.

Now, that image appears to be an unaltered photograph. I trust that you have ownership or permissions to use others if that is the format of images at and, and which form the basis of you explorations.

And then too, Rapidshare allows a maximum of 10 downloads (think that number is right) unless you as provider have an account.

Looks like only 8 others can download this before you will have to upload again.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Sat, 10Mar27 12:57


I created it with QtCreator from Nokia (formerly Trolltec).

If you get the corrupted image message, then you could try to clear the picture cache, because if the file exists but is corrupted due to unfinished download the program cannot verify if it is corrupted or not by itself.
besides deleting all picture files you can yourself just delete the corrupted file to encourage the program to redownload it.

>> So, at this time _nobody_ was able to see any pictures at all? <<

If you are missing dll you can download the QtCreator yourself, which provides all possibly needed dll.

To the copyright concerns:
That is, why I let you download the images by yourself and not just give them to you. That ensures that all the images are made public. I am simply given you the right link. For the flicks and wikimedia images I took only those under public use license or higher (you can do whatever you like) plus I alway provide the source to the given picture in the headline, so I contribute to the author.

For the adult related images it is nearly the same. They are not taken from any illegal site and therefor considered promotion material which I use to promote since I there also give the source (maybe provide a direct link to the hosting picture sites later)

I do not intend to break any laws.

The rapidshare download should not be a problem.
For now while playing the game u should >> play slowly << !

On top of the picture there is an info line which tells you if an image is loading. If it is, then DO NOT Interrupt it. Otherwise it will result in a corrupt file which you need to delete yourself or use the clear cache button.

I will try to figure out a way to test the images of size...

While programming I was thinking about slower internet connections (I have about 20mb/s downstream) but I didn't expect it to be too big of a problem so I need to do some cleaning up there. Maybe implement something like a pre-cache and the problem that the files are created before the picture is completely downloaded. But that shouldn't be too big of a problem.
Also I can provide the source code if one is interested (I didn't quite understand that in the LGNU license agreement for QtCreator, but I think I need to give access to the source code...)

PPS: Ah, yes and the program is compiled under Windows7

PPPS: I just looked in the code and the corrupted file should be deleted which it does. Now I added the line for regetting the picture... That seems to work now. (I wonder why it wasn't there before ...)

Does the save load function work?
Would be some save slots better than the file choosing option?

If nothing else important until now I can recompile it maybe even today to make the image loading more convenient.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 10Mar27 14:33

Thank you for an excellent explanation of your work.

Unfortunately I cannot personally relate to it but others more qualified may be able to assist.

Please note that my intervention within your text is to highlight points that I consider might assist potential helpers.

Hope your project goes well.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Sat, 10Mar27 15:37

Thank you for the highlights. I think they will help a lot.

I implementet an "load all pictures" option during the download you will still be able to play and then all the pictures will be in your own cache. ... a_0.12.rar

Also I implementet an error message, when the picture can not be downloaded at all.
This may result in firewall or other restrictions.
The program should be able to download the pictures ... or I just provide a picture pack on rapidshare, maybe this will be of use.
To use this you will have to copy the contents in the download folder of the game and merge.

Hope this helps getting the program to run on other computers than my own.

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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby xeron » Sat, 10Mar27 17:28

It doesn't work...
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Sat, 10Mar27 21:06

could you give any error message?

I will try it on a XP machine tonight.
Hopefully I find something useful.

I'm still wondering why it does not work on other machines.
It works under linux and Windows7 with the given .dll's

HA! Good news!
I figured out where the problem is. It has something to do with the jpeg plugin of Qt, which is obviously not statically build an therefor missing on every machine how has not installed the Qt Development Software.
So, I will look into that matter and hopefully provide a working version soon.
Sorry, but I didnt encounter the problem, because I have obviously the Development Version installed ...

update: Yeah!
I think I managed it. At least I testet it on another computer without Qt installed and it worked. (it did not work before and no images were displayed as discribed by you)
Problem was, that a plugin for jpeg images was needed, which I did not know since it did not ask for it as it did for the already included dlls.

New link, please try again!
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Sun, 10Mar28 01:18

still doesnt work?
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby Squeeky » Sun, 10Mar28 03:33

Yes it works now on the Home XP.
Since WinZip does not extract rar under ME I extracted under XP and moved the files over to ME. Unfortunately it still looks for QTCore4.dll which was moved over but the KERNEL32 is not recognising its presence.

I understand that time and money play a role in your idea. I haven't delved very far but I did meet Amy! There I have a problem. I'll voice that in a PM since I realise that you are developing and not promoting a game.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby moonkee » Mon, 10Apr05 23:19

I like the premise... but the game pics didn't load and wording was jumpy... any way to merge pics AND text would be good (i.e. RAGS system).
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby shark » Tue, 10Apr06 00:27

It work fine for me, with the pictures pack,
But in downloading mode, the pictures are very long to load, and they do not follow any more the story.That creates errors when an image must be charged during another is still on standby.

I do not think that this system of pictures loading can function… The duration of loading is too different between the various players connections.
Maybe, it would be necessary to program the loading of a pictures pack before each part of the game.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby traude » Thu, 10May13 18:49

That would be the best idea in deed.
To have a reasonable download size for the first download and options to get additional pictures.

But since I'm really busy right now I don't know whether oder when I'm going to do that.
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Re: My first game creation attempt

Postby psycho72 » Wed, 10May19 11:47

really cool
works great on vista
there are 2 girls is that correct
one at car wash and one on train
am i missing anything after that
would love to see more
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