Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 3/11/2021

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby tlaero » Sat, 20Jan11 21:55

Hey JFR. Good to see you too. In my defense at spelling Chloe "Cloe" I'll say that I've been working hard on a story involving a character named "Claryce," so the "Cl" just kind of rolled off my fingers. (-:

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby JFR » Sun, 20Jan12 06:38

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby lydia02 » Mon, 20Jan13 19:02

tlaero wrote:Download size is the biggest reason for Compression. Not everyone has superfast internet, and not everyone has unlimited. So, if you can reduce your game size by 90% without humans being able to see a difference, it's a win. To a smaller degree, there's also size on disk. We've all got big SSD cards these days, but when I'm cleaning up, I'm more likely to throw out the game that's 1/256th of my hard drive than the one that's 1/2560th.

And, even with a relatively fast internet, some download services rate limit to slow down downloads and encourage people to buy their "premium" services. I literally stopped playing Starship Inahana because I was annoyed at the time it took to download compared to the number of pictures.

And, for you, some download providers will limit how much bandwidth you're allowed to use before they charge you. Compressed images potentially would let 10 times more people download the game.

Then there's places like NewGrounds, which have a size limit on games you upload to them.

Finally, if you have a "play online" (not download) option, there's a better chance of your animations being jerky if the images are huge and you have to download a large number of them to see the animation.


Great points and I'm all for making quicker downloads. But I've seen multiple players post that they are judging the amount of content, and whether they will try a game, based on file size. Which I suppose I could work around by offering a separate compressed version. But when I received control of my thread on another site, they are already wanting multiple download sites for pc versions and mac versions. Wish there was an easier way to try and reach people with my game.

I looked at another game for how they handled dream images and came up with a couple of options below:

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby tlaero » Mon, 20Jan13 20:45

There are some great people on *****. And there are a lot who are ... less so. Anyone who refuses to play your game because the download size is reasonable probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.

As for the dream sequences, those pictures you posted look great, but I'm not 100% sure they'll do what you need. A lot of strange things happen in Earth Girls so there's a point where the player just decides that all strange things are "normal." I THINK (I'm not sure) that you want to be able to distinguish between "strange thing really happening to the MC" and "MC dreaming."

Some examples:
Talking dog. In most games, you'd assume that was a dream sequence. Here, it's real.
Phone salesperson turns black and white with a Ouija board on her chest. Not a dream sequence, real.

Now go to "Friend with angel wings." Is that enough more strange than a Ouija board for a salesperson for someone to understand it's a dream?
Now go to "Hot cheerleader inexplicably wants to kiss you." In this genre, that's the least strange thing that I've listed yet.

Then, when you add in the saber, things that are even more strange start to happen.

I think you need something mechanical--something that is distinctly different than the reality bending stuff that happens in the game. For instance, in most First Person Shooters these days, they letterbox the cut scenes. The cut scenes are rendered on the fly in the game engine, so there's no technical need to letterbox them. They just do it so that you, the player know not to try to control the game at that point.

Something I've done in the past is to italicize all text that's coming from outside of the reality we're seeing. For instance, if Jason is describing something that happened and the images are what he's describing, then his words are italicized. That way, when you switch to the words matching the images (you're in the narrative) you stop italicizing and that transition is clear.

Then again, in THIS game, maybe the saber blurs the line between dreaming and not enough that you DON'T want to explicitly mark dream sequences as such. Up to you, of course, though this is still good to think about, since you'll undoubtedly do future games where different things are appropriate.

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby lydia02 » Mon, 20Jan13 22:51

tlaero wrote:There are some great people on *****. And there are a lot who are ... less so. Anyone who refuses to play your game because the download size is reasonable probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.

I believe some people are using file size to indicate the amount of game content. The version number should tell them the game isn't a first release. I need to remember that I can only help people so much as you advised me earlier.

As for the dream sequences, those pictures you posted look great, but I'm not 100% sure they'll do what you need. A lot of strange things happen in Earth Girls so there's a point where the player just decides that all strange things are "normal." I THINK (I'm not sure) that you want to be able to distinguish between "strange thing really happening to the MC" and "MC dreaming."

Some examples:
Talking dog. In most games, you'd assume that was a dream sequence. Here, it's real.
Phone salesperson turns black and white with a Ouija board on her chest. Not a dream sequence, real.

Now go to "Friend with angel wings." Is that enough more strange than a Ouija board for a salesperson for someone to understand it's a dream?
Now go to "Hot cheerleader inexplicably wants to kiss you." In this genre, that's the least strange thing that I've listed yet.

Then, when you add in the saber, things that are even more strange start to happen.

I think you need something mechanical--something that is distinctly different than the reality bending stuff that happens in the game. For instance, in most First Person Shooters these days, they letterbox the cut scenes. The cut scenes are rendered on the fly in the game engine, so there's no technical need to letterbox them. They just do it so that you, the player know not to try to control the game at that point.

Something I've done in the past is to italicize all text that's coming from outside of the reality we're seeing. For instance, if Jason is describing something that happened and the images are what he's describing, then his words are italicized. That way, when you switch to the words matching the images (you're in the narrative) you stop italicizing and that transition is clear.

Then again, in THIS game, maybe the saber blurs the line between dreaming and not enough that you DON'T want to explicitly mark dream sequences as such. Up to you, of course, though this is still good to think about, since you'll undoubtedly do future games where different things are appropriate.


There are certainly odd going ons for humor purposes that redefine what is normal in the game. I was hoping that the clouds would be good for image indications of fantasy and dream bits. The wings for both Julia & Britney were to indicate angel and devil trying to advise the MC on what he should do. There are moments such as Calc class and in the Art Studio that needed the scene setting so they didn't have the visual indications. I've tried to indicate that these scenes are fantasy/dreams with the text. Italics certainly sounds like it would help indicate when material switches to fantasy.

The MC doesn't know if the saber visions are fantasy or recalled memories that the Eternals have blocked for the contest. Either way, they would seem to fall into the italics version category.

So would dreams/fantasy without a needed setting work well with the clouds and italic text? And those that need a setting would also show as fantasy with italic text?
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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby tlaero » Tue, 20Jan14 00:58

lydia02 wrote:So would dreams/fantasy without a needed setting work well with the clouds and italic text? And those that need a setting would also show as fantasy with italic text?

It's hard for me to answer that, since I already played the game and was able to figure out, for the most part, what was dream and what wasn't. This discussion is for making the game more accessible to people who pay a little less attention to the story but are still interested in it. Doing anything would probably help. I just don't know if it will help "enough." (-:

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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby lydia02 » Tue, 20Jan14 17:28

tlaero wrote:
lydia02 wrote:So would dreams/fantasy without a needed setting work well with the clouds and italic text? And those that need a setting would also show as fantasy with italic text?

It's hard for me to answer that, since I already played the game and was able to figure out, for the most part, what was dream and what wasn't. This discussion is for making the game more accessible to people who pay a little less attention to the story but are still interested in it. Doing anything would probably help. I just don't know if it will help "enough." (-:


Thanks. I'll give it some more thought to see if I can come up with additional options.
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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 1/07/2020

Postby lydia02 » Mon, 20Apr06 16:51

Hi. I hope everyone is safe and well. I've revised many of the scenes and recreated renders for Earth girls V0.07. This was to address player feedback as well as making various changes that I feel improves my game. I would appreciate constructive feedback. I hope that you like the update.

pc:!2cUSwCYQ!kT7U_txmcU5d ... -c-51l833M

mac:!eQUAyYjK!esRrdmVA9mDe ... 9i65i2r7Ts


*Recreated many of the renders to address Iray material issues and character mods.

Day One:

*Revised the Giles intro to provide info on the Eternal's and the reasons for their Earth invasion.

*Revised the Julia wake up scene to better illustrate their relationship.

*Revised the school greeting scene.

*Revised Lincy's school hallway confrontation scene.

*Revised the school registration scene.

*Revised Julia school hallway scene.

*Revised the Britney Chemistry check out scene to include new images

as well as face and breast check out options.

*Revised the Lincy English Lit check out scene and to use a new scroll image.

*Revised the Britney Marketing check out scene and to use a new scroll image.

*New lunch images for Lincy and Julia.

Day Two:

*Rewrote and created new images for the Religion scene.

*English Lit scene.
lagoon predator
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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 11/12/202

Postby lydia02 » Thu, 20Nov12 16:31

Earth Girls V0.12 is released. The update is summarized below in the changelog. I hope you enjoy my game and will consider leaving constructive feedback. Thanks.

pc ... Ubn1ld373o

mac ... uRJcpHDoYs

Earth Girls
Changelog V0.11-0.12

*Caterina challenge scene.
*Eternal scene.
*Martin & Nicci scene.
*Martin tutorial scene.
*New main menu image & format.
*New journal & inventory.
*Added 37 songs to provide music for the entire game.
*Added the option to name your save files.
*Changed the icon text to make it more readable against
different colored images.
*Julia & Lincy library scene.
*Amy, Lyra, & Nicci scene.
*Julia & Lincy lunch scene.
*Britney, Lyra, Caterina scene.
*Caterina & Eternal scene.
*Julia & Britney, & Lyra scene.
*Lyra scene.
lagoon predator
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Re: Renpy Free/Donation/Patreon Earth Girls Update 3/11/2021

Postby lydia02 » Thu, 21Mar11 23:04

Earth Girls V0.14 is released. The update is summarized below in the changelog. I hope you enjoy my game and will consider leaving constructive feedback. Thanks.



*2 Britney & Lyra scenes.
*2 Britney scenes and added a gift option.
*Halia scene.
*2 Charlie scenes and added a gift option.
*Sex animations for the hj & bj Calc fantasy scene on day 1 recreated
and extended using all new renders and nearly 40x more images per animation.
*Lowered the required score to win the Caterina Eternals challenge.
*Reviewed game scoring which lead to an increased in awarded
relationship and class points for many scenes.
*Revised the naming screen to provide for custom naming of the MC or
taking the default name.
*Revised the description for the deduction stat so that it will match
the menu options during the game.
*Added a background to the stat bar to make the stats easier to
*Created filters for various images to better indicate dream
*Added relationship points with Lyra for supporting her by
purchasing gifts items.
lagoon predator
Posts: 105
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