LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 18Nov21 04:16

stcro1 wrote:
FacelessOne wrote:Am I the only one who noticed that the child (Charlie) is blonde (recessive trait) while his mom has black hair and his dad brown?
And while I know that it's still possible for 2 dark haired parents to have a blonde child...let's say the odds are better to win multible times in a row in the lottery - or that it's simply an oversight by the devs but yeah... That would be an EA-Level fail... So no... I think it's on purpose.

It's not oversight or fail,I think Iksanabot said a while back that they couldn't find proper model for Charlie so they just used pre-made one

Hmm this is very interesting to me. Thanks for playing the LWT games, thanks for thinking intelligently about them, and thanks for posting about them.

Part of me thinks I should say nothing, because appreciating a story is subjective. It's fiction, there is no objective reality, each person owns their own version of the story that is very much their interpretation. I will say that stcro1 is right, I didn't intend for the Charlie model to look like that, but not necessarily because of the hair. it was the age I didn't like - the game was supposed to take place a year after LWT1, so Charlie should have looked younger.

I will also add that it was very much my intention that Justin's choices influence Tracy's personality development over the course of the game. What I never thought of was whether Justin's choices should influence who Tracy was before she met him. I think I wrote Tracy feeling that there was ONE TRUE Tracy and the player learns who she is intimately by learning how she'd behave in a multitude of situations by playing through the game many times. So it's one Tracy, who would swing with Justin in certain situations and be happy, or would be happy with monogamy in another, etc.... But I also like the idea of multiple versions of Tracy, for example, a Tracy that cheated on Justin before the game and gave birth to a son that isn't Justin's, and a Tracy who never in her life cheated on anybody. Theoretically, you control Justin, so you define who Justin is, and so why shouldn't that affect the character of someone Justin, *your version of Justin*, decided to marry? Though I suppose I wouldn't want to change Tracy TOO much, I do kind of love her... Anyway, it's an interesting idea. If we do another expansion of LWT1, I'll consider putting in some choices that give proof of two different past Tracy's. I'm not promising that I will, I'm just saying I'll consider it. Of course, we've all done one thing in one circumstance that we might not have done in a different mood, so maybe even the ONE TRUE Tracy could have made some different choices in the past that Justin's choices reveal...

Please share your thoughts. But I won't see them for a few days as I'm camping for a few days. And it might be even longer before I contribute again because I have a looming real-job deadline.

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby stcro1 » Wed, 18Nov21 23:37


Always nice to hear from you and to hear your thoughts about the discussions here.
About what you said here,I agree with you that appreciating a story is a thing of subjective matter. I always saw and loved Tracy as she was written and developed through the course of the story of both games,since Justin is the PC I liked how you made her to go along with his,or our, choices and actions and how was she influenced by them,meaning that she could be normal,loyal wife and mother or gangbang loving swinger. But the idea of multiple different Tracy's is interesting, even though if I'm honest I don't like the idea of her giving a birth to a child that isn't Justins that much, I feel Eleanor is the girl who would fit in that scenario better. But her having one last sex with her ex or Justins best man in wedding dress,in church,for example would be interesting to see for different version of Tracy.
And it's exciting to hear you mentioning another expansion to LWT1,I hope you'll have time for it and that we will see original game getting expanded even further some day! If I remember correctly there were two expansions originally planned...

Enjoy the camping!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby redle » Thu, 18Nov22 06:54

Porksword wrote:
FacelessOne wrote:
Am I the only one who noticed that the child (Charlie) is blonde (recessive trait) while his mom has black hair and his dad brown?
And while I know that it's still possible for 2 dark haired parents to have a blonde child...let's say the odds are better to win multible times in a row in the lottery - or that it's simply an oversight by the devs but yeah... That would be an EA-Level fail... So no... I think it's on purpose.

A lot of people with dark hair are born blonde then it slowly darkens over a few years. Both myself and my brother for example were born blonde and our hair didn't really darken until 5/6 years old

As Porksword said, many dark haired people with 2 dark haired parents spend the first 5 or so years of their lives with very blonde hair. It is not uncommon at all. And if both parents actually carry blonde genes in their recessive form then it is pretty easy to actually get a true blonde child. Not lottery level odds in the slightest.

Although who knows, maybe the whole thing is one big setup for the future non-incest game whereby Charlie comes of age. He wonders about his blonde hair and other random features and traits that seem to match neither parent. He goes on to discover that in the hospital he was baby swapped at birth.

Justin and Lisa were having another summer fling and trying to squeeze in a little fun alone time. He was getting some action on his way home from picking her up from the airport. At the moment of climax he lost focus; ran a red light; and the dump truck barreling down the cross street had no chance to react at all. Sadly, Justin did not survive.

Charlie, recently confused and lost in a world where his parents are not his parents and one of his not-parents just died searches for an emotional bond from somewhere, anywhere to begin building a new foundation and gain some mental stability. Tracy, lost and alone, falls into a deep depression. She loses interest in sex in a world without Justin. Her sex drive screams from the withdrawal of a release. Getting hornier with each passing day, Tracy's need is bursting at the seams, but even looking at a man or a woman and thinking a sexual thought brings her to sob-wracking tears for the man she will never see again.

Tracy and Charlie turn to each other for support as the only people who understand their mutual plight. As the weeks pass and their bond grows stronger, Tracy's need to release some tension causes her to start throwing innuendo, flirtations, and advances his way. With no intent for it to actually go anywhere, but with no one else she can even look in the eye, Tracy just can not help herself.

At first Charlie is not quite sure what to make of it. As he ponders the question he thinks back upon how good Justin was for him growing up and how he can only hope to grow into a man just like him. Charlie feels how heartbroken Tracy, no matter how hard he tries the word mother is simply lost from his vocabulary, is. He wants to help her. He knows Justin would know how to make her happy once again. And so he decides that to honor Justin's legacy and to get a fresh outlook on life himself, Charlie is going to do everything he can to step into Justin's shoes and make the world right again.

Will Charlie and Tracy end up together? Did Lisa survive the accident, and if so, will she come between them? Will Justin spend several weeks on life support before finally losing the good fight? I am not sure if it was during visits to a recovering Lisa, visits to the comatose Justin, or if Charlie has gone pre-med, but did you see that nurse?

Play and find out for yourself in LWT 3: The Next Generation
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 18Nov28 16:18

lol wow redle, nice promo. I am sure your idea would sell very well, but I could not write it.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Porksword » Fri, 18Dec14 23:19

New teasers are out on the blog. Looks like there will be some sharing between Richard, Justin and the girls as well as some Richard/Lisa scenes. I do really like the sound of that. I can't help but feel that the lack of true "competition" between Richard and Justin was the biggest what-if that was left unanswered in the original game. I truly do hope that the expansion plays around more with the idea and there's a sense of urgency in the game.

Richard in LWT2(1) felt pretty lackluster. Tracy cheated on you without much buildup in the plot and I think Lisa/Gabrielle mentioned wanting to hang out with Richard once. There was very little interaction between the girls and Richard outside of the dinner events.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby xsandman78 » Sun, 18Dec30 21:06

Porksword wrote:New teasers are out on the blog. Looks like there will be some sharing between Richard, Justin and the girls as well as some Richard/Lisa scenes. I do really like the sound of that. I can't help but feel that the lack of true "competition" between Richard and Justin was the biggest what-if that was left unanswered in the original game. I truly do hope that the expansion plays around more with the idea and there's a sense of urgency in the game.

Richard in LWT2(1) felt pretty lackluster. Tracy cheated on you without much buildup in the plot and I think Lisa/Gabrielle mentioned wanting to hang out with Richard once. There was very little interaction between the girls and Richard outside of the dinner events.

Not a huge fan of the competition aspect as it can be pretty damaging in terms of character of the girls and the portrayal of their relationship with Justin. Really hope it is handled sesnitively and that they can also show zero interest in Richard.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Porksword » Sat, 19Feb02 06:28

Newest post on the blog mentions that Ele3 will take another 3 months to develop. Starting to look like we'll be lucky getting the LWT2 expansion this year
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Mon, 19Feb25 03:33

Holy crap! I guess I'm behind the times. I never paid attention to any other adult game forum before, but I just happened upon one now, and got curious about what people were saying there about games I've written. (I was googling a producer/writer name for something I saw on a legit pay site, but couldn't remember the game name). I'm happy to see that LWT1 seems to be universally loved, but man, the posts there are substantially more negative about LWT2 than they were here or on the blog. Fucking pirates! I do acknowledge that there was some criticism here and on the blog, but in both cases, it was a fairly small majority. The negative posters were fewer, but they tend to post over and over, so it seems like more. But over there where I just was, it seems like every poster hated it! No wonder some of the negative posters kept making claims like "everyone hated it". They were seeing comments on other forums. I wonder what the difference is? Over there they are stealing it, so maybe they have to be more negative to justify not paying to themselves. Or maybe people here and on the blog feel like they know me, and so wanted to spare my feelings? I suspect a little of both. Thanks to those here who really cared about how your criticism might make me feel.

I have a question. One of the big criticisms was that Tracy changed completely from game 1 to game 2. I really don't see how anyone could think that. If Tracy finished LWT1 getting gangbanged at the swinger's club, then she started LWT2 with the same mentality. But if you went the faithful route, she started LWT2 as faithful. Furthermore, she only cheats on Justin if Justin cheats on her. Her giving the camera the finger tells you that she knows: she knows about the surveillance and you should then infer that she knows he's been cheating (she's seen it), and so she gets revenge. Was that really not clear, in the game? I wonder if the pirates played LWT1 before the foreign affairs expansion, and so that is why the slutty Tracy came as such a shock. It's the same logic with Lisa.If you finish LWT1 fucking Lisa in the bathroom while Tracy is in the next room, and the depravity of the whole thing is turning Lisa on, then yeah, she's a total slut in the next game. Maybe going from that to the glory hole was a bit of a stretch, but I explain that all in the expansion to LWT2, you'll see. Anyway, I guess I'm curious to see if anyone else here wants to tell me their opinion about the character inconsistencies. Maybe we've already discussed it. Maybe I"m just venting in the moment because I'm stinging from seeing a bunch of ass wipes who stole the game complain that it wasn't good enough. Maybe I just wanted to call those guys ass wipes, but didn't want to grace that forum with a comment from me.

Bah, I'm done. I can't tell you anything about the LWT2 expansion except that the renders look great so far.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Mitch88 » Mon, 19Feb25 20:46

iksanabot wrote:Holy crap! I guess I'm behind the times. I never paid attention to any other adult game forum before, but I just happened upon one now, and got curious about what people were saying there about games I've written. (I was googling a producer/writer name for something I saw on a legit pay site, but couldn't remember the game name). I'm happy to see that LWT1 seems to be universally loved, but man, the posts there are substantially more negative about LWT2 than they were here or on the blog. Fucking pirates! I do acknowledge that there was some criticism here and on the blog, but in both cases, it was a fairly small majority. The negative posters were fewer, but they tend to post over and over, so it seems like more. But over there where I just was, it seems like every poster hated it! No wonder some of the negative posters kept making claims like "everyone hated it". They were seeing comments on other forums. I wonder what the difference is? Over there they are stealing it, so maybe they have to be more negative to justify not paying to themselves. Or maybe people here and on the blog feel like they know me, and so wanted to spare my feelings? I suspect a little of both. Thanks to those here who really cared about how your criticism might make me feel.

I have a question. One of the big criticisms was that Tracy changed completely from game 1 to game 2. I really don't see how anyone could think that. If Tracy finished LWT1 getting gangbanged at the swinger's club, then she started LWT2 with the same mentality. But if you went the faithful route, she started LWT2 as faithful. Furthermore, she only cheats on Justin if Justin cheats on her. Her giving the camera the finger tells you that she knows: she knows about the surveillance and you should then infer that she knows he's been cheating (she's seen it), and so she gets revenge. Was that really not clear, in the game? I wonder if the pirates played LWT1 before the foreign affairs expansion, and so that is why the slutty Tracy came as such a shock. It's the same logic with Lisa.If you finish LWT1 fucking Lisa in the bathroom while Tracy is in the next room, and the depravity of the whole thing is turning Lisa on, then yeah, she's a total slut in the next game. Maybe going from that to the glory hole was a bit of a stretch, but I explain that all in the expansion to LWT2, you'll see. Anyway, I guess I'm curious to see if anyone else here wants to tell me their opinion about the character inconsistencies. Maybe we've already discussed it. Maybe I"m just venting in the moment because I'm stinging from seeing a bunch of ass wipes who stole the game complain that it wasn't good enough. Maybe I just wanted to call those guys ass wipes, but didn't want to grace that forum with a comment from me.

Bah, I'm done. I can't tell you anything about the LWT2 expansion except that the renders look great so far.

NTR haters have a small but obnoxiously loud crowd, so I'd ignore the commentary on the girls, as they would climb Mount Everest just to b%tch about it. Only people that insecure, to take a game seriously, are almost universally teens, so it makes sense that you would find that kind of trash talking on a piracy website.

That being said, the gripe that I had with this episode was that it took so much time to come out and now again, we've been waiting for more than 2 years for an expansion and chances are low that it will come out this year it seems... I don't really understand why LWT is not at the top of the dev list since it's by far one of the most popular porn games, but here we are, time is cruel to any game as it only raises the expectations bar and when it doesn't deliver, backlash ensues.

Most of the whining that I've found was that the game was short (which was to be expected since no grind) and to some degree I also felt the same. A lot more could have been done on building the new characters and one scene was a bit too sudden, which was the Tracy gangbang one. You just go to her and she's in the mood to screw guys that you've only seen once, the scene was incredibly sexy but it could've been so much more and the same could be said about the 8 frames we get with Lisa and the stable guys, where she undresses and then nothing...same with Antoinette, that week of gameplay that we get was simply not enough time to work on the characters but by the sounds of it, that should get fixed in the expansion.

From what I understand Leonizer is in charge and although I don't know how the new games are doing since I stopped subbing, he should really put a lot more attention on what works vs new and experimental as I won't lie, the characters in the new games coming out are rather forgetful and it doesn't help out that a lot more people are making porn games now and you see the same girls in every title.

LWT should have a major release at least once a year as it's definitely an untapped resource, but that's my opinion.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby vkalvkal » Mon, 19Feb25 21:04

Nah, that pirate forum is full of hypocrite comments. It is full of people complaining about characters banging any other that isn't the MC (which they wrongfully think is NTR) and shit comments about the developers from games they get for free (like LOP).

About the characters, the only scene I thought was out of character was Lisa's gloryhole scene. I didn't see any scene in which Tracy was out of character compared to LwT 1.

The short feeling is that it doesn't have the grinding from status building games. I already said it before and I'll say it again: there is no way that the base LwT 2 is smaller than the original LwT 1 (without the expansion).

The timeframe of one week being too short is a valid criticism. One week is really small period of time for a happy couple to start cheating on each other. But I remember Justin quickly cheating with Lisa's blonde friend at LwT 1, so if it wasn't a problem there, it shouldn't be here.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Tue, 19Feb26 01:53

Ha! They hate cheating wives, but love incest. I do not have my finger on the pulse of that crowd...

@ Mitch88 - if I could write full time, we could do that, but I don't write full time. It takes me a ton of time to write a script, and I really have to scrounge the hours together around my regular job, social and family life.

@ vkalvkal I think I manage to make Lisa's glory hole experience seem more natural with the expansion. We'll see I guess.

Thanks guys!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby stcro1 » Wed, 19Feb27 01:04


I think I know which forum you're talking about and if it is the one I think it is then I must agree with you. I've been registered there for a short time, LOP games in general are usually being flamed all the time and you can't have normal discussion about them over there so I rather stick to the blog and Lagoon,which are far more civil,when it comes to LWT and other LOP games.

I've stated my remarks about LWT2 on the blog,maybe even here too,and they are the fact that game is rather short ( not small,short - 6 days really is not enough for LWT2 story ) and lack of free roam and interactions with characters and environment, and from information you and Leo gave us, both of my remarks will be worked on in the expansion.

The criticisms you mention,Tracy and Lisa completely changed and different from the original - I can understand why would someone think that but in my opinion they are related to what I've said above,story too big to tell in only 6 days with one choice per morning/afternoon/evening format,not everything could have been fleshed out - it should be fixed with expansion.
For what you've said about Tracy I agree on most part but I'm not sure that she cheats Justin only if he cheated her,I should play again but if I'm not mistaken she will cheat if Richard ends with more points. I guess that middle finger was unexpected for anyone,maybe it was that why many think she's too different,not the fact she cheated back on Justin.

As for Lisa though,when I gave it a thought now,she did changed quite a bit from first game. In first game Justin was Lisa's only desire,even when she was with Derek it was Justin who she craved for all the time. The way you written their build up remains my favourite bit of story telling. So for someone who wanted only Justin it is big change in character to suck every dick in glory hole or to flash workers in stables. In my mind fucking in bathroom while Tracy is next door with the guy she wanted whole summer,and making him cheat on his wife in general,is not reason to become total slut in sequel.
I wish her character was also split like Tracy's here,one Lisa who Justin fucked in first game and who will become slut and suck everyone in glory hole and other,tamer, Lisa who still desires only about him,gets too excited when they go hiking or kiss in church and is willing to do anything to seduce him if she didn't succeeded in first game.

You said it will everything be explained in expansion so I cannot wait to see what you've prepared for us.
Good to hear from you as usual.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Mitch88 » Wed, 19Feb27 11:05

stcro1 wrote:
The criticisms you mention,Tracy and Lisa completely changed and different from the original - I can understand why would someone think that but in my opinion they are related to what I've said above,story too big to tell in only 6 days with one choice per morning/afternoon/evening format,not everything could have been fleshed out - it should be fixed with expansion.
For what you've said about Tracy I agree on most part but I'm not sure that she cheats Justin only if he cheated her,I should play again but if I'm not mistaken she will cheat if Richard ends with more points. I guess that middle finger was unexpected for anyone,maybe it was that why many think she's too different,not the fact she cheated back on Justin.

As for Lisa though,when I gave it a thought now,she did changed quite a bit from first game. In first game Justin was Lisa's only desire,even when she was with Derek it was Justin who she craved for all the time. The way you written their build up remains my favourite bit of story telling. So for someone who wanted only Justin it is big change in character to suck every dick in glory hole or to flash workers in stables. In my mind fucking in bathroom while Tracy is next door with the guy she wanted whole summer,and making him cheat on his wife in general,is not reason to become total slut in sequel.
I wish her character was also split like Tracy's here,one Lisa who Justin fucked in first game and who will become slut and suck everyone in glory hole and other,tamer, Lisa who still desires only about him,gets too excited when they go hiking or kiss in church and is willing to do anything to seduce him if she didn't succeeded in first game.

I completely agree with the middle finger scene and it would've been perfect if you did actually cheat while in the mansion and then got that part, compared to getting it regardless if you were faithful or not, because then you'd know that Tracy saw you cheat and she did it out of revenge rather than her being slutty.

The Lisa part actually made sense with the whole glory hole scene as in the first game you had a bit where she kept teasing you about blowing 10 guys while you watched, so Lisa is still pretty much a nympho spurred on by the french chick whose name I completely forgot in LWT2...pretty sure that it was done as a fan service actually so I for one wasn't really bothered by that to be honest.

That being said I'm not 100% sure if Lisa actually loves Justin and vice-versa, as it feels more like a lust thing to me so an exclusivity thing between the two of them might feel off...that being said, we do have the person who wrote the characters here and he's better suited at confirming this :lol:
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 19Feb27 16:21

stcro1 wrote:@iksanabot

You said it will everything be explained in expansion so I cannot wait to see what you've prepared for us.
Good to hear from you as usual.

Yikes, maybe I should walk that back a bit, lest expectations get too high. I've added conversations to the game that shed light on both Tracy and Lisa's attitudes, but I'm sure many people will still think it is inadequately explained. And I've added 5 days to the game, bringing the total to 11. It should make the game feel a little longer, but still way shorter than the standard 30-day grinder. Even though - yes, I guess I'll say it again - there is way more content (as measured by image counts, or lines of text) in LWT2 than in LWT1.

@ Mitch88 and @ stcro1: One thing to understand is that everyone interprets the characters in their own way. So for some, I would never be able to explain the glory hole scene because in their minds, Lisa would never ever do that. For others, they think Lisa should have invited 10 guys over to blow in front of Justin in the first game. Most people probably have an impression of each girl close to what I have myself, but there will be a ton of variability in either direction around that middle ground. And though I do feel like they are mine, and I should have the authority to tell you exactly who they are, it's better to let people keep their own interpretations.

Thanks for playing and for being engaged.

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby vkalvkal » Wed, 19Feb27 16:59

Tracy will only show the finger if Justin previously cheated on her...
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