Summer Time Saga

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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Thu, 18Nov29 18:18

0.17.1 Hotfix release is out now, get it while it is all hot and sweaty :lol:

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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Wed, 18Dec19 15:50

I see 17.5 is out now for Christmas.

If you don't want to replay Diane's story to access the new content, here's a save file for 0.17.5: from the game Dev.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 18Dec24 10:47

As much as I love this game, and I do love it, the Dev needs to sort out the save game option so saves from prev games actually work fully, cos it is becoming a pain in my ass to have to replay through the entire game each time a new release comes out, as the game is huge now.

Also the Dev needs to work on the early story lines that have been ignored, like the lifeguard. she has been in the game from the get go, and no real movement on her story, and same goes for others also, I fully understand the Dev is at the whims of his patreons as they are the big payday so to speak and they seem to dictate a lot of the new game content, but cmon Dev early story lines need to happen along with the save game function.

Anyway, love the game, just needs a few things to be done to be one of the great games overall.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby Greyelf » Mon, 18Dec24 21:36

PinkVendeta wrote:the Dev needs to sort out the save game option so saves from prev games actually work fully,

While the Developer keeps modifying content that occurs before the current end-points of each of the different story lines, then Save's will keep getting corrupted.

A Save is just a snap-shot of the History of the current play-through, that history is made up of Moments that represent each step (page/screen/event) along the path taken by the Player though the story, and each Moment tracks both the ID of the step as well as the state of all known variables at the time that step was taken.

eg. The saved History's path could look like.
Code: Select all
... > Day 6 > Your Bedroom > Hallway > Sister's Room > Use Computer > Read Email > Learn About Thing!

Saves can potentially become corrupted if the Developer:
a. Changes the order of the existing steps/events. eg. If the Dev change the story so that it isn't possible to read the sister's email before Day 10.
b. Adds a new step to an existing order (or Deletes one). eg. The Dev adds a 'Login' step between 'Use Computer' and 'Read Email'.
c. Changes the initial value of a variable.
d. Changes either where or the amount a variable is changed.
e. Changes the gating condition of an existing event.

Trying to programatically 'fix' a corrupted Save so that it continues to be playable can be a complex undertaking (potentially impossible), especially in a non-linear game like this one.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 18Dec25 05:13

The Dev said he is not going to expand the game map, so at some point the game will be finished in the next 100 years or so [img]smile/eek.gif[/img] :lol: and saves will work then fully :lol:
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby Hero1 » Tue, 18Dec25 11:44

Well, the savegame incompatibility between versions was explained by one of the coders: ... o_hard_to/
So until the "old" code gets reworked you'll need to restart the game.

Since a lot of people complain about it the devs started providing a savegame on their site which has most of all the previous content unlocked (minus the branching selections).
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby Greyelf » Tue, 18Dec25 21:45

Hero1 wrote:Well, the savegame incompatibility between versions was explained by one of the coders:

Their explanation was more technical than I wanted to make my own.

While the new implementation will overcome the issue of missing variables, it will only go part way to potentially solving the "correcting the current variable values" issue and the reason for this is that the step/event path taken by the Player can influence the expected current value of a variable.

How many events with Character X has the Player done? (could effect the MC's current rep level with Character X)
How many times has the Player visited Location Y? (could effect the timing of an event )
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby cj1015 » Sun, 18Dec30 09:31

Well aside from the three splits in the game where you should save because you can't undo the story.
(Get the neighbor boy a girlfreind) or have threesomes with the neighbor guy's Landlord
(Help the nun with the Neighbor Girl's Mother, breakup or makeup) with the father
and then there is one other split that I can't remember
Apparently you need ~30 days to reimpregnate your land lady's sister....
Aqua and the tentacle monster that slurps your dick very nice...
The threesomes with Roxy on Saturday's
Clyde screwing the tractor.... (Completely unexpected)
But all said and done very nice game takes about a day at present to get through all of it, if you know what you are doing... that is about 16 hours of gameplay and probably a little more to get some of the fun things. The building of the barn... not sure what else is coming but I agree is a really cool game.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 19Jan25 13:27

cj1015 wrote:Well aside from the three splits in the game where you should save because you can't undo the story.
(Get the neighbor boy a girlfreind) or have threesomes with the neighbor guy's Landlord
(Help the nun with the Neighbor Girl's Mother, breakup or makeup) with the father
and then there is one other split that I can't remember
Apparently you need ~30 days to reimpregnate your land lady's sister....
Aqua and the tentacle monster that slurps your dick very nice...
The threesomes with Roxy on Saturday's
Clyde screwing the tractor.... (Completely unexpected)
But all said and done very nice game takes about a day at present to get through all of it, if you know what you are doing... that is about 16 hours of gameplay and probably a little more to get some of the fun things. The building of the barn... not sure what else is coming but I agree is a really cool game.

Agreed, great game but, when I read fully the minor changes to 17.5, and the change to events in the barn, I decided to wait for version 18 to begin playing it all again, as 17.5 just didnt seem worth the time and effort.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby alteus » Sun, 19Feb03 18:17

Exceptionally good game, also flawless from coding prespective. There are some great solutions there.
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Re: Summer Time Saga

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 22Jan03 21:22

I always said the game needed someone with talent at coding and rendering, to do a game mod for this game, but having chatted to a few people about it, they all said having checked the games present coding, it is an utter mess to wade through it all to get a full game mod in place, they said it would take months to code a game mod for the game with the usual choices that everyday game mods have these days.

So am not hopeful for a full game mod for this game anything time soon :(

And as the game grows, the Dev as said before needs to sort it so all saves work, cos the game is a monster now in size, beginning a new playthrough is way to time consuming.
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