Envying Celina

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Sat, 16Dec03 05:52

Thanks very much!

Originally, the game was going to be focused on obtaining said threesome. I was actually originally inspired by... I forget the game, but it was a 3D thing where a couple had a threesome with a flight steward. I liked the idea of a female seducing a couple so I tried it.

As time went on, it just didn't work and I morphed the story to be more about how April was stuck on Luke. You are correct in that, in my mind, the David ending IS the good ending. The point of the game is that April is stuck on Luke. The way I see it, the "Good" ending isn't getting with David. For all we know, they don't work out. It was just supposed to be moving on. That's why I purposefully did not do the sex scene between the two. I felt it'd cheapen said point if she just immediately jumped into bed with him (even if there was a time jump, to the player it would be immediate). I wanted the point to be moving on, not fuckidy fuck.

I'm sure that's very controversial for sex games. In fact, the entire reason I wanted to make this game was because I wanted a "happy threesome" game if that makes sense. But it just didn't work with the way my writing went.

gameplaywise... I really screwed up with too many variables and not planning enough. I mean, there is a variable for relationship with luke relationship with celina, lesbian curiosity, celina's suspicion of april's love for luke, april's lust... and that's just off the top of my head. And I use them a handful of times in a single playful, so no wonder people are having trouble finding the correct path.

What I want now is to make a more fantastical story with more "normal" gameplay around a much more simple relationship system. Which honestly would play more to my personal wishes for gamedesign. We tried using this same engine to make a very basic demo for exploration and combat, but really doubt could make turn based combat in this interesting enough to be worth it so yeah. Regardless, I will try and loosen up on invisible varialbes in the future. Probably would be fr the best to jsut transform this into a choose your own adventure game at this point... somehow...
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby botc76 » Mon, 17Feb13 19:55

Well, Super. I liked your first game a lot and I like this one. Not as much as the first one, but that's only because I really like positive endings, but I also want April to hook up with Celina (at least for sex) and would have loved to see a modern relationship ending where they all try to live together.

Nevertheless, your writing is so much better than a lot of the games out there. Well, anybody who manages to offer a story that makes you think about more than the sex is doing a better job than about 75% of this kind of game out there.

All of that is a compliment, just to be sure you don't misunderstand.

And April is gorgeous. Celina is cute, but April is super-sexy.

I'll definitely continue to play your games.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Mon, 17Feb13 20:54

botc76 wrote:Well, Super. I liked your first game a lot and I like this one. Not as much as the first one, but that's only because I really like positive endings, but I also want April to hook up with Celina (at least for sex) and would have loved to see a modern relationship ending where they all try to live together.

Nevertheless, your writing is so much better than a lot of the games out there. Well, anybody who manages to offer a story that makes you think about more than the sex is doing a better job than about 75% of this kind of game out there.

All of that is a compliment, just to be sure you don't misunderstand.

And April is gorgeous. Celina is cute, but April is super-sexy.

I'll definitely continue to play your games.

Thank you so much :) I originally made this because I wanted to make a "happy threesome" ending, but I just couldn't make it work in the context of the rest of the story...

I am making something new, but it may end up being too complicated and big a project so let's see. Thanks for saying I did good writing though, I tried my best there
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby lucky loser » Sun, 18Sep09 18:47

I really like this game & strongly encourage you to make more! It's definitely a thoughtful game.

That said, like others in this thread, I'm having trouble sussing out what answers get me where. I'm gonna try the question breakdown that Brontozaurio posted on page 3 of this thread- hopefully that will help?

By the way, IS there a walk-through?

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby lucky loser » Sun, 18Sep09 20:55

Even with those hints I've only really unlocked one more scenario. Any walk-through would be great to get to anything besides the "you're drifting apart" ending and the "moving forward" with Dave ending.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Sun, 18Sep09 21:12

Why thank you very much for your kind words. Unfortunately, back when I written this, I seemed to have a very bad grasp of game design and didn't even plan out how to get to the "Good" ending. So I really can't help you, because I don't even know if there IS a way to the "best" ending. I apologize, but planning was apparently not my forte.

As for making more- well, I'll be lying if I said I didn't want to make more, but a mix of me being unable to do art, my own crippling self depression and my anxiety of not being good enough to surpass my own expectations of myself keep me from actually doing that

Thank you for at least saying you like the idea behind this game though.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby lucky loser » Mon, 18Sep10 16:38

Super wrote:Why thank you very much for your kind words. Unfortunately, back when I written this, I seemed to have a very bad grasp of game design and didn't even plan out how to get to the "Good" ending. So I really can't help you, because I don't even know if there IS a way to the "best" ending. I apologize, but planning was apparently not my forte.

As for making more- well, I'll be lying if I said I didn't want to make more, but a mix of me being unable to do art, my own crippling self depression and my anxiety of not being good enough to surpass my own expectations of myself keep me from actually doing that

Thank you for at least saying you like the idea behind this game though.

Well, you've got talent and imagination, and are getting positive, honest feedback from a lot of people who've played a lot of these games. You should take that recognition & embrace it. Use that to pull yourself up, along with more realistic expectations and maybe therapy (if you're not already). That can help a lot, just to have someone who is not part of your daily life hear your situation & help you recognize problems and solutions. (Personally, I've never gone the psych med route, so I don't know if that works- I've only gone to a psychologist, not a psychiatrist)

Also, the good thing about the Lagoon is that there may be someone out there who has SOLVED all of the endings and may be willing to POST A WALKTHROUGH! Er, sorry. That's a not-so-subtle hint to the rest of you, ha ha ha... I can't read code etc so I can't figure it out myself.

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Sun, 18Sep16 22:57

To be honest, I wouldn't worry too much about getting the "Good" ending. It's not that good. The best ending is supposed to be April moving on by talking to that one guy, but there's not even a sex scene there it's just supposed to be the best by moving on. The threesome ending ends up being a wet dream that ends up with the friendship breaking so, yeah, not really a "good" ending.

But yea, I'd like to make a new game, but I can't really fathom visual art and I don't know what to do by myself.
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