Darkness Falls Ep4 released to patrons

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep1 public release

Postby ShadyGroves » Tue, 18May01 03:00

Oh oh you gotta put a little Garry and his wife in there too! LOL They are fantastic. I know couples like that always on the verge of breaking up but always somehow working it out and sticking together.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep1 public release

Postby AlexGe » Wed, 18May02 17:38

CG are awesome.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep1 public release

Postby jccb89 » Fri, 18Jun01 19:48

First off I want to say that I have liked every game that Tlaero has worked on, with RFJ being my favorite. This game does not disappoint. The writing is fantastic and the artwork is amazing. I personally like the episode releases. I was hooked on this game from the time I met Jannike in Ep1. Cant wait to see the next episode.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby tlaero » Sun, 18Jun17 03:44

I've just released Darkness Falls Episode 2 to the public. You can get it here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/o3aets8wu5t5bmc/DF.zip/file

I hope you enjoy it!

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby tlaero » Sun, 18Jun17 03:47

These episodic games have been an experiment for us, and the reception has been ... lackluster. So Mortze and I have decided to stop releasing the episodes publicly. DF Ep2 will be the last. We'll continue to release episodes to our patrons (one per month), but won't release to the public until we get done with the entire game. Then we'll release it in its entirety for free, as we've done with our other games.

If you'd like to keep up to date on our games, please consider becoming a patron.
$1/month patrons get weekly progress reports on what we're working on and a monthly "Tales from the Elsa-Verse (AAA)" text-only short story.
$5/month patrons get a weekly image created by Mortze and the ability to participate in a weekly caption contest for those pictures.
$10/month patrons get a monthly episode of one of the games we're currently working on.

If you're interested you can find our Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/tora

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby ShadyGroves » Wed, 18Jun27 08:18

Episode releases are like reading a book one chapter at a time over months.

Might work if your a prisoner of war somewhere.

Doesn't work for games.

Still it was a interesting concept.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby philip » Fri, 18Jul20 23:43

There are lots of adjectives like "fantastic" and "amazing" in previous posts on this topic. I agree that they are well deserved. I try to read everything you guys issue, sometimes I get sidetracked and miss one for a while, but eventually come upon it.

I look forward to each new release!

Just one additional comment: I'm not sure that lack of posts indicates lack of interest or appreciation. Let's face it, we are dealing with the human race here and many do not show themselves to be caring, thoughtful and considerate by posting a comment to say that they appreciate your efforts. I admit to being guilty of that sin of omission myself, as I have read all your stuff and I think that this is the first time I have left a comment for you, and for that I apologize. I can understand that it must be frustrating, and disappointing to put your heart and soul into a story, release it and be met with . . . nothing . . . There must be thousands of folks out there who have read your stories and thought they were excellent, but just never took the time to let you know.

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby tlaero » Sat, 18Jul21 00:19

Thanks Philip!

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby neon » Sat, 18Jul21 04:41

just wanted to add that i've also enjoyed what I've seen of DF/Christine, but for me, it's hard to get excited when you play a little bit then know that you won't see any more for 2 months (or I guess now, whenever they are completely finished). I personally would've found the episodic structure more engaging if you were just working on a single game at a time and updating it every month.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep2 public release

Postby kuado » Fri, 18Aug03 21:09

tlaero wrote:These episodic games have been an experiment for us, and the reception has been ... lackluster. So Mortze and I have decided to stop releasing the episodes publicly. DF Ep2 will be the last. We'll continue to release episodes to our patrons (one per month), but won't release to the public until we get done with the entire game. Then we'll release it in its entirety for free, as we've done with our other games.

If you'd like to keep up to date on our games, please consider becoming a patron.
$1/month patrons get weekly progress reports on what we're working on and a monthly "Tales from the Elsa-Verse (AAA)" text-only short story.
$5/month patrons get a weekly image created by Mortze and the ability to participate in a weekly caption contest for those pictures.
$10/month patrons get a monthly episode of one of the games we're currently working on.

If you're interested you can find our Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/tora


After lurking here for a bit, and reading Tlaero's statement saying response has been lackluster, allow me to give a little feedback.

I am thoroughly enjoying the story of Darkness Falls, as much as I did the other stories (Elsa-verse and Keeley-verse). The episodic nature of these new games lends itself to be divisive, as some wish to get the whole story all at once, and are willing to wait the 6-12 months for it, while those of us that are OK with the stop-start nature of episodic content are happy with the updates to the story every 2 months.

I do have to say that I have been completely drawn into the Elsa-verse, and cannot wait for the next installment for AAA, as well as DF ep4. I know, Ep 3 was just released, but the story is really great.
Now, Back to trying to get the achievement in Ep 3. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep3 released to patrons

Postby tlaero » Sat, 18Aug04 05:32


A few days ago I released "Darkness Falls Ep3: Bombtrack" to patrons. This episode ties together the major storylines between the Elsa-verse games and Darkness Falls.

It's available to $10 patrons now. When this "Season" is done, I'll release the whole thing to the public for free, but that's a number of months down the road. If you're interested in becoming a patron, check us out on http://patreon.com/tora.

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep3 released to patrons

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 18Aug04 07:34

Most game Devs have gone down the route of releasing episodes for their games and for some it does not work well, and for others it works great, though even at a low point, your earning per month were above $3750 and at a high point above $4250 per month, I have never dealt with what makes a game a success in terms of money per month, but surely even at a low of $3750 per month or $45,000 per year, has to be some form of a success in reality, sure it is not what DarkCookie is earning per month & per year total, but the genre of game in totally different in reality.

In money or $ terms do You believe per month, per year, your games have been a success either full released games or episodes?, as I believe they have been a success from the stats above.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep3 released to patrons

Postby tlaero » Sun, 18Sep09 18:33

Sorry Hannah, I missed your response earlier.

I guess that success is in the eye of the succeeder. I met someone online who told my that my games helped her get through a very difficult time in her life. In my book, that's Success with a capital "S" (and it was emotionally powerful enough to make me cry). Also, our games have let Mortze pursue the career he really wants, and that too is serious success.

It's hard to put a monetary value on success, so I don't really try. I guess there is some degree of comparison to others. It's hard not to do that. And while some of the games that earn a lot absolutely deserve it, I feel that others don't. But "deserve" is in the eye of the beholder too. If the market wants something, and I refuse to give it to them, then I'm the limit of my own monetary success.

But the main thing I get out of creating these games is the enjoyment of reading the discussions about them, hearing what people liked and didn't like, and seeing the crazy theories that only people who are really into something could come up with. In that realm of "success" the episodic games have been less successful than the previous ones. We'll see what happens when we finish them and post them in full.

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Re: Darkness Falls Ep3 released to patrons

Postby Crane » Sun, 18Sep09 22:29

Hi Lady Tlaero,

I'm not a creator but i do feel you when you talk about the Success with a capital "S". And i'm sorry your games seems to incite not as much discussion as before. But maybe it's not the fault of the episodic release. The episodic release should give the players more reasons to discuss about it, to talk how right or wrong their predictions were and make other predictions about future episodes etc.
The fact is that Lagoon unfortunately is not that frequented as before. Another reason is that there are more and more games now. Sometimes i think there are more "alpha version" releases than adult game players.
And even the market have changed. You want more discussions? Put NTR in your games. Half of players will write infinite comments how much they hate it, the other half will write even more comments defending their fetish. And then there is always someone who will ask "What does NTR mean?" and then there will be another endless fierce argument what is and what is not NTR.

In short, you aim making erotic games. While the market is overflown by porn games.
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Re: Darkness Falls Ep3 released to patrons

Postby moskys » Wed, 18Sep12 16:24

But we can discuss them anyway ;)

I must say that I really like this game so far. Obviously it's not a porn game and even the erotic content is quite rare so far
but please wait for it.
But we all know that from the start: this is just a spinoff, another view, more story-based, at the Elsaverse which is now a real universe thanks to DF and AAA stories. So we have to analyse how the game itself is presented and how it merges with (and expands) the Elsaverse, and not in terms of dating/sexual content. And I'm quite happy with the results.
The characters are cliches, but you have stated that was your intention as creators so I feel you succeeded on it. We have the old and dispassionate investigator, his young and impulsive yet smart partner, and a range of supporting characters with their own trait (also, I have reasons I can't explain yet to believe there are quite a few ones with unnatural powers, including Blake). They all are trying to come through a difficult past, and we're still learning about those pasts and their demons just as we'd do it on a classic TV series, which is the way DF was conceived. The gaming thing is not a big deal, we just have a couple of choices available in each episode that determine our success, but at this point I don't think any Tlaero fan follows her games because of 'agency', but story. And this is the big 'yes' of DF. We are presented some cases we already know from Elsaverse games and other cases involving characters we know from AAA. We are watching how the police handled them (actually, we are handling them), so we can expect a grand finale in which everything connects. And anticipation is growing on me.
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