About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby 9-corto » Sun, 18Apr29 17:52

Good nights.

I'm Enaitz, from Spain, and have registered only because I really apreciate the games made by Arizona (yes, there are only two of them, but they're way beyond standards), and would like to be informed when he realeases any new game.

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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby DonDimon » Tue, 18May01 10:08

I'm an aspiring game developer. I am 30 years old. Not so long ago I began to be interested in 3d erotica. The process fascinated me. There are many good 3d erotic games. I like games from Tlaero and Mortze. They focus on the plot of the games and it attracts me. And I want to create my own games. There are many plots in my head that I think should be transformed in games.
I found out about this site from the official website of the developers Tlaero and Mortze.
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby wizks » Sun, 18May06 13:29

Hello :)
I'm a french man from south of France, I discovered this website few months ago and I decided to register because I have a project of a new game. I'd like to find someone to work with, a graphist, and maybe I'll find here :)
I like shark games, and I'm always impatient to discover the next features x)
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby hentami » Wed, 18May09 20:46

Say who you are, and how you found the website, etc...

Hello! Hentami here, longtime contributor to games over the years. Found this website from a friends post.

Look forward to enjoying all!
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby Alexis3f » Sat, 18May12 21:20

I'm from Russia, I found this site when I was looking for the source of distribution of one of the games presented on your forum.
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby jccb89 » Mon, 18May21 17:59

HI everyone. I'm a 23 year old guy from the USA. I found this site while searching for information on the writer and creator Tlaero.
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby Fulando » Tue, 18May22 20:17

[quote="funny"]Say who you are, and how you found the website, etc...

I am 30, and from the Brazil
I have a job that engineering

I found this forum by chance
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby rudeboyuk » Wed, 18May23 10:47

Hello all. 40-something from the UK here.
Used to work in IT but not for some years now.

I found this forum after playing some of the older games way back when.

Cheers all,
Game in Development: Will of the Vampire
Current Releases: Online Girl
Past Projects: The Apartments
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby CherryGazer » Fri, 18May25 17:34

I'm a 40 something from the USA.
I work as a software developer / I.T. generalist for a small company; I've worked in I.T. since 1993.
I dabble in indie game development from time to time.
Once in a long while I actually produce something really small, but semi-playable/fun.

(Rudeboyuk: Congratulations on your escape from I.T.! I wonder how you did it?)

I was a Shark's Lagoon member many years ago, but my user was lost in the crash, and I'm not sure if I introduced myself before.
I came across the site as a result of playing old erotic flash games like Sweet Annais.

I have a number of ridiculously ambitious erotic game designs that I've written at great length about and have had in mind pursuing over the years, but they would probably require a full time effort on the part of a full team, so they're pretty much pipe dreams. Sadly, grand ideas aren't a dime a dozen, they're more like a penny a million, while the wherewithal to effectively pursue one is $10,000,000 for 1. Still, it would be nice to have some place to post them, on the off chance that anyone has any interest in working with me on them or maybe working some of the ideas in them into their own games.
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby fleet » Fri, 18May25 19:03

CherryGazer wrote:...

I have a number of ridiculously ambitious erotic game designs that I've written at great length about and have had in mind pursuing over the years, but they would probably require a full time effort on the part of a full team, so they're pretty much pipe dreams. Sadly, grand ideas aren't a dime a dozen, they're more like a penny a million, while the wherewithal to effectively pursue one is $10,000,000 for 1. Still, it would be nice to have some place to post them, on the off chance that anyone has any interest in working with me on them or maybe working some of the ideas in them into their own games.

Post your ideas. There are some talented artists here who might be willing to work with you.
Check out my latest adult visual novel "After She Left"
at http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4363
I moderate at http://undertow.club
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby rudeboyuk » Fri, 18May25 19:38

CherryGazer wrote:I'm a 40 something from the USA.
(Rudeboyuk: Congratulations on your escape from I.T.! I wonder how you did it?).

It's not been financially beneficial, but quality of life went through the roof ;)
Game in Development: Will of the Vampire
Current Releases: Online Girl
Past Projects: The Apartments
sirens hunter
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby CherryGazer » Fri, 18May25 23:12

CherryGazer wrote:
I'm a 40 something from the USA.
(Rudeboyuk: Congratulations on your escape from I.T.! I wonder how you did it?).

It's not been financially beneficial, but quality of life went through the roof ;)

HAha I see. Well I don't know how you manage it, I can barely make ends meet for the family and all that as it is.
Last edited by CherryGazer on Sat, 18May26 00:31, edited 1 time in total.
sirens hunter
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby CherryGazer » Fri, 18May25 23:15

fleet wrote:
CherryGazer wrote:...

I have a number of ridiculously ambitious erotic game designs that I've written at great length about and have had in mind pursuing over the years, but they would probably require a full time effort on the part of a full team, so they're pretty much pipe dreams. Sadly, grand ideas aren't a dime a dozen, they're more like a penny a million, while the wherewithal to effectively pursue one is $10,000,000 for 1. Still, it would be nice to have some place to post them, on the off chance that anyone has any interest in working with me on them or maybe working some of the ideas in them into their own games.

Post your ideas. There are some talented artists here who might be willing to work with you.

Should I just post them in Projects? But they have no.. nothing done on them.. other than a whole bunch of written description.
sirens hunter
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby fleet » Sat, 18May26 02:35

CherryGazer wrote:
fleet wrote: . . .

Post your ideas. There are some talented artists here who might be willing to work with you.

Should I just post them in Projects? But they have no.. nothing done on them.. other than a whole bunch of written description.

I'm not a moderator here, but the Projects section sounds like the right place.

Check out my latest adult visual novel "After She Left"
at http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4363
I moderate at http://undertow.club
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Re: About You (Introduce yourself in this topic)

Postby lawn_dolphin » Sat, 18Jun09 13:22

Hey everyone,

I'm in my thirties, live in Germany, and I don't even know any more how I found the Lagoon, because I've played Shark's games for years now. But somehow, I never visited the forum, until now. So, hello. :-)
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