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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Chaotic » Mon, 10Sep13 20:03

Hello everyone.

Following the problems with yahoo I have relaunched my website as www.VDateGames.com or "virtual date games". I felt it was easy for people to type and remember, plus it was available and the domain "VDG-offsite" would still make sense.

There's a few techinal upgrades to the site (i.e. the blog is there now rather than hosted separately, I've added a favicon, plus a few other things), but you won't find the new content just yet.

Plan A is to get the Lucy date working by the end of the week, but to be honest I'm not too confident it'll be ready. The game works on an engine similar to arianeb and I'm simply not used to it. On top of that, I've tried to add extra game mechanics such as a clock to tell you what time it is, and that just makes it even more confusing.

Plan B is to go back to Crystal. Back in June I started work on a "Crystal Part 2", with the theme of a date mainly set in one place, namely your home. My other dates have mostly sprawled over various locations, and I thought this would be a good experiment. It won't be entirely set at home, you'll be able to have quick trips out to places. Think something similar to ariane but without the parts downtown.

Since the locations are limited, I could finish the game pretty quickly (making the images is the most time consuming part), and so, if I decide Lucy will take too long by the end of tomorrow, I'll just go back to that and hopefully have it finished by mid next week.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Rikwar » Mon, 10Sep13 21:17

Hey Chaotic nice to see you back with your new website looking forward to Lucy !

Cheers !!
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Slipstone » Tue, 10Sep14 00:48

A welcome return of an excellent site. Looking forward to new ventures. Best of luck with plans.....
have you tried
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby ihutch » Tue, 10Sep14 01:20

Yippe .... its back :)

and i will be watching ...

Also good luck with everything
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby cheese101 » Tue, 10Sep14 02:03

glad to see it's back,good luck with it :)
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby phreaky » Tue, 10Sep14 05:57

Chaotic, that's great

Waiting for crystal or lucy :D
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Son-of-Odin » Tue, 10Sep14 06:42

Hi chaotic, welcome back online ;-)
I´m really glad to see you back again because i love your games and I´m looking curiously to your new release. I´m sure it will be great as ever.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby tlaero » Tue, 10Sep14 10:18

Hey Chaotic,

Any chance of you taking a look at my AdventureCreator? I wrote it with you in mind, and it would make the process of writing these games a ton easier than what you've been going through. It also solves all the cookie problems so you don't need to write different versions for Firefox and IE.

Phreaky can attest to how it saved him time.

At the very least, take a look at the example that comes with it. You make your life so needlessly difficult.

http://sharks-lagoon.aceboard.fr/215394 ... -games.htm

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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Thrain » Tue, 10Sep14 13:36

Glad to see you back, Chaotic !

It will be great if you take a look on tlaero's tools. I test it, it's really stick to your game structure (and Phreaky's game as you both share same game's structure)

Not for you very next game specialy if you are in hurry, but in long run, that will great for you, and your users ^^

I will play you next game whatever you chose Lucy or Crystal ^^
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby ihutch » Tue, 10Sep14 15:18

i play all of the games and love the vdg-offsite :)

long live "virtual date games"
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Synthus » Wed, 10Sep15 17:57

Looks like he's gone for the Crystal Pt II plan.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Craban » Thu, 10Sep16 02:55

Hey Chaotic,

I haven't been around here lately but just in time to find your new game site.
Virtual date girls Rachel kept me busy for some hours. What I really like is that in several occasions you can continue even if you've found out that you miss something. That makes it very entertaining because there are still options to explore and I found myself making a mental note what to try next time but could go on.
It's a very nice peace of work you've done!
Thanks for the game.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Son-of-Odin » Mon, 10Sep20 11:42

Hey Chaotic,
by looking your new site i was finding out that you were on "Plan B", that´s great. Does that mean, that you´ve only changed the order of your plans or have you buried Plan A? I really don´t hope so because I love your games and your "Plan A" sound very, very interesting.
Please go on with your great, great work. But please take all the time you need, we will wait patiently.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby Chaotic » Mon, 10Sep20 21:02

Does that mean, that you´ve only changed the order of your plans or have you buried Plan A? I really don´t hope so because I love your games and your "Plan A" sound very, very interesting.

I'm not too sure what will happen with Amy right now. I've never been too happy about the way the game plays (the amount that does play). The style ended up more like a game rather than an interactive story, which wasn't what I set out to do.

If you look at the arianeb game, Amy used too many sections similar to the clothes shopping part and less like what happens at home.

An alternative style, which I think I should have gone with, would be to have a more timid/innocent girl who you have to guide through the day, building her confidence until she manages to bed a man. You could start off with wearing a provocative outfit in public for the first time in her life, have a few naughty challenges along the way such as flashing her breasts in front of a crowd somewhere, then by the end she'll have the guts to ask a guy out. It would just make a lot more sense in my head, and judging by people's feedback about Kelly, they love being able to make a shy girl go naughty.

I'll decide properly once I have Crystal 2 finished, but I may try something like that and convert all the Amy pictures for use in a different game, possibly the next offsite one as I need to add something new there.
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Re: Vdategames.com

Postby MrVito » Tue, 10Sep21 07:42

@Chaotic, this idea is very intriguing. We like playing with all your girls, but the "good" girls are usually more difficult, and (IMO) more rewarding. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
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