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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Tue, 18Apr17 02:25

PinkVendeta wrote:USA politics is badly flawed by having only 2 real parties to choose from and it is really the same shit endlessly no matter who is elected, Trump for the most part is an idiot for going on twitter and ranting off, his wall and close border policies are good policies, smart to protect his own country, but being blocked by the left now constantly and called racist, their favorite word for everything now, same for the 4 or 5 countries in Europe who are not member state of the EU who have closed their respective borders to migrants flowing in, EU is now trying to take them to the European court of justice for not following what the EU says in relation o their own borders :lol:

Dear, both you and the clueless man elected President, have skewed visions of the USA and Mexico. Let's try a hypothetical; you own property on the Douglas, Arizona/Mexico border. Some poorly informed clown is going to build a huge wall on the rear of YOUR acreage/lot... Are you going to welcome it? Are you going to be compensated for it? What about the turrets he wants to install (would we fire on unarmed aliens?)? Are you happy about those too? I'd estimate within short order there will be 4 lane highways under that stupid expensive wall. The drug dealers already have tunnels, They are of such high moral fiber they would never sell one-way trips to illegals, would they? Our northern border is completely unguarded, is that next?
Aliens of legal age, that enter the USA, stay until their visas expire, then continue to remain in this country and compete for jobs native Americans want probably should be deported. Should the innocent children of those aliens that have spent their entire lives here, also be deported? And to be honest I don't think the majority of those illegal aliens are of Mexican descent. But clueless ass doesn't bother to verify any facts he just shoots from the hip! If it's on twitter or the internet it MUST be true! Given enough time and latitude, I can find an argument for or against damned near any topic you can name. It doesn't make them valid!!!
Most farmers in the USA rely on migrant farm workers (Mexican citizens) to reap their crops. Donald Trump himself could not afford the wages an able-bodied American citizen would charge to pick fruit and vegetables! The people couldn't afford the produce!
There are enough problems in Ireland that we don't need or want your help here! Clean up your own backyard! If you cannot vote in the USA, I probably don't give a rat's ass what your opinion is!!!
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rikwar » Tue, 18Apr17 09:43

Lou I couldn't agree more, trump as been using 'some to this day hasn't been paid' immigrants legal or not for years for is own profit in most of is business, the salesman uses his wall to appease is base, what's next is space force [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 18Apr17 09:57

Wow Lou, your post begin so nice with Dear (it reminded me of when You and I were good friends mailing back and forth here and by email), and ended in a rant and a rave and a few jives aimed at little ole moi :lol:

It should have said You and the clueless man elected President and the 60+ million Americans who voted for him...

Online, on TV, on Radio, in Newspapers and in Magazines, there is so much fake news, that finding the actual truth is nearly next to impossible in reality.

Having only 2 parties to vote for is flawed, then again Ireland has only 4 main parties and a smaller number of parties to vote for also, UK has 3 to 4 main parties and a few smaller ones also, again it is all limited choice everywhere.

Having a free for all open border not just in the USA, but in every country in the known world, is a very dangerous policy in today's world, Sweden is one example since the EU told it to have open borders, it had become a country where its because of open borders the reality is Sweden if screwed and I could slap up actual facts but the world knows them now in reality.

Would You have voted for Hillary?, maybe You did, or maybe You said, screw that both are as bad and didn't cast a vote at all, which many could understand and would back You, in Trump You got the best of a very bad bunch in reality, that is a sad but true fact, he is not a great president at all, but he is better than what could have been in Hillary.

Every country has its own issues and its own clueless leaders, the USA does not hold the patent on that alone :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Tue, 18Apr17 21:45

PinkVendeta wrote:Having only 2 parties to vote for is flawed, then again Ireland has only 4 main parties and a smaller number of parties to vote for also, UK has 3 to 4 main parties and a few smaller ones also, again it is all limited choice everywhere.

My voters' pamphlet and ballot contained candidates representing probably a dozen different parties. I could have cast my vote for any of them. Unlike you, I can not/will not speak for anyone outside of Pierce County, Washington State, USA because each state and possibly county (county not country) can and do things their way with regard to voting.
While I'm uncertain and wouldn't claim to be expert concerning any other country, Ireland and England too I think cast a vote for a party. That party then selects representatives based on the percentage of all votes cast for that party by all voters in that country...
We do not do that! We vote for an individual that represents us! I vote for one member who hopefully votes for my interests in the House of Representatives and 2 Senators that represent the entire State of Washington's interests. When one of MY representatives (can be any party) does not do what I think is best; I can and do contact her/him!!! When it becomes time for me to vote I actually find out whether MY representative voted as I wanted. IF he/she voted for the betterment of business and to the detriment of me he/she will not get my vote when up for reelection!!! Unfortunately, the majority of the voting public is too damned lazy/busy to do their due diligence!!! They look at the ballot and vote for the name they most recognize. All too often that is the incumbent who since getting elected has been fucking them long, deep and continuously. Trump had enormous name recognition!!!
Not that it's any of your business, but I did vote for Hillary... In my opinion; the world would be a much better place had she won! I'll wager even the party you voted for is in agreement with me... Anyone not bothering to cast any vote is deserving of whatever the governing body does to her/him!!!
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Re: General Chat

Postby shark » Tue, 18Apr17 23:00

LRM wrote:Anyone not bothering to cast any vote is deserving of whatever the governing body does to her/him!!!

Totally agree...
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Tue, 18Apr17 23:25

LRM wrote:...but I did vote for Hillary...

I gather the overall majority of American voters did too! Makes me wonder whether the Electoral College is a sensible tool or a really bad idea. Mind you, at least you have a popular vote for your leader in the US even if it does get compromised in the name of "fairer state representation" -- in the UK that decision has no popular input whatsoever, we get no vote for the PM! [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon5.gif[/img]

shark wrote:
LRM wrote:Anyone not bothering to cast any vote is deserving of whatever the governing body does to her/him!!!

Totally agree...

But what do you do when none of the options available to you are worth a shit? Vote for the least bad? They don't give the option "None of the above."
Last edited by Greebo on Tue, 18Apr17 23:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 18Apr17 23:30

Lou :lol: You may choose not to speak like me as You say, which is your god given choice to make, but it is also my god given choice to speak freely with regard to any country and most times I dont, and a few times I do, weather You like what I have to say or dont, You above all other should be upholding the right to free speech, which is not just allowed by law in your own country, but is allowed by law in most democratic countries in the known world.

A dozen different parties, and yet in congress only the main 2 are always in power.

Here is how Irish voting works Lou:

AS PEOPLE GET set to vote in the general election tomorrow, we’re going to take a look at how the Irish voting system works.

In Ireland, all elections – Dáil, Seanad, presidential, European and local elections – are decided through proportional representation with a single transferable vote (PR-STV).

Voters indicate their first and subsequent choices for the candidates on the ballot paper by marking the relevant number in the box beside a person’s name. You indicate your first choice by writing ’1′ opposite that candidate and ’2′ opposite your second choice, and so on.

By doing so, you are instructing that your vote be transferred to your second preference if your first choice is either elected with a surplus of votes over the quota or is eliminated.

If your second choice is elected or eliminated, your vote may be transferred to your third choice, and so on.

You can order some or all candidates or stop at just one. If there’s someone you really DON’T want to see elected, it’s best to give preferences to everyone but them. As the count continues and the number of non-transferable votes add up, the number of votes required to be elected decreases.

How are the votes counted?

At the count center, all the ballot papers are mixed and then sorted according to first preferences. Spoiled papers – which Citizens Information lists as those without an official stamp; those which do not indicate a clear choice, for example, if you have indicated number 1 twice on the paper; or if anything is written on the ballot paper by which the voter can be identified – are removed.

The quota, the minimum number of valid votes each candidate must get to be elected, is then calculated.

The Department of the Environment notes that in a three-seat constituency, for example, the quota is a quarter of the valid votes, plus one – only three candidates can get this number of votes. In a four-seater, the quota is a fifth of the valid votes, plus one, and so on.

Surplus votes

If a candidate receives more than the quota on any count, the surplus votes are transferred to the remaining candidates in proportion to the next available preferences indicated by voters.

Citizens Information has given this breakdown as an example:

If candidate A receives 900 votes more than the quota on the first count and, on examining their votes, it is found that 30% of these have next available preferences for candidate B, then candidate B does not get 30% of all candidate A’s votes, candidate B gets 30% of A’s surplus, that is, 270 votes (30% of 900).

Where a candidate is elected at the second count or a later one, only the votes that brought them over the quota are examined in the surplus distribution – i.e. the votes last transferred to the elected candidate.

The manner in which the surplus is distributed depends on whether the number of transferable papers is greater than, less than or equal to the surplus. You can read more about that here.

If two or more candidates exceed the quota at the same time, the larger surplus is distributed first. The surplus must be distributed if it can elect a candidate or save the lowest candidate from elimination or qualify a candidate to recoup their election expenses or deposit.

Candidates at most elections can recoup their election expenses (up to a maximum of €8,700 at a Dáil election), provided the number of votes they receive at the count exceeds one quarter of the quota.

The last seat can be filled either by a candidate exceeding the quota or being elected without reaching the quota because it is clear that they are ultimately going to be elected.

Candidates can ask for a recount of a particular count or of the entire count.

Pros and cons

Some people argue the PR-STV system is too candidate-focused and leads to localism – i.e. TDs focusing on issues in their local area, rather than pursuing a national vision.

A 2011 Oireachtas report found that this might deter nationally-minded individuals from entering politics, as well as poor national planning “as legislators clamour to deliver services to their own areas”.

However, the report also notes there are “equally profound problems with the likely alternatives to PR-STV”, stating:

If local accountability is reduced, a clearly articulated ‘national interest’ to which parliamentarians are accountable is needed.
It has been argued the current system leads to more variety for voters – i.e. TDs being returned from a number of parties. However, in constituencies that elect fewer TDs, it can be very difficult for smaller parties to gain a significant foothold.

As a result of PR-STV, coalition governments are very common in Ireland. The last single party government here was the 1987-89 Fianna Fáil administration.

First past the post

PR-STV is relatively unique, Ireland and Malta are the only countries to use it.

The first past the post system in single-seat constituencies is the second most popular voting system in the world. It’s used in the UK, US, India and Canada.

The candidate with the most votes in each constituency becomes an MP. All other votes are disregarded. This type of voting is also known as single member plurality, simple majority voting or plurality voting.

The Oireachtas report mentioned above also looked into various other types of voting, such as alternative or preferential voting, and the closed list system.

I watched the coverage of the us election on various American tv channels, and most channels were constantly saying one clear thing, Trump will never win, no way, wont happen and You can take that to the bank and so on, and these were all high profile people and then Trump was out 5 to 6 times a day compared to Clinton's 2 times a day and he covered some states she didnt bother with at all, and I watched all these high profile people literally stunned into silence when they knew he was winning and he had won, and then watched the usual bs from hollywood stars saying they were leaving for Canada, not that Canada would want them :lol: plus they never left.

I watched all the Trump/Clinton debates, she said in one debate, its a good job Trump in not in charge of our criminal justice system and he replied yea it is as You would already be in jail by now, sorry lou, the world is a tragic place right now and that cannot be blamed on Trump, it was this way since Obama , but it is better off even now without her in power, You want an example of Hillary in power, look at Merkel in Germany, Germany is on the verge of a internal war from open borders and Merkel was considered to be the most powerful politician in Europe, but now, her approach to the refugee crisis has her under fire at home in a major way.

I voted for an all Irish party, and they had no interest in who got in, in the USA, till whoever got in and then it is back to the normal working together.
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Wed, 18Apr18 00:46

Greebo wrote:
LRM wrote:...but I did vote for Hillary...

I gather the overall majority of American voters did too! Makes me wonder whether the Electoral College is a sensible tool or a really bad idea. Mind you, at least you have a popular vote for your leader in the US even if it does get compromised in the name of "fairer state representation" -- in the UK that decision has no popular input whatsoever, we get no vote for the PM! [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon5.gif[/img]

If I haven't completely lost my memory Gore also got more popular votes than did Bush.
I've lived my life here in the USA in a populous state or as an absentee voter from a populous state. I realize if I'd voted in a sparsely populated state the injustice of having some other state usurp my vote... I don't necessarily like the electoral college but I understand why it exists. I do believe ANYONE that's part of that system and does not vote as he/she swore to should spend time as Bubba's or Babbs cellmate!!! I see no valid reason for maintaining voters! Remove the politics, make it an automated system and I think we'd be better off.
shark wrote:
LRM wrote:Anyone not bothering to cast any vote is deserving of whatever the governing body does to her/him!!!
Totally agree...

But what do you do when none of the options available to you are worth a shit? Vote for the least bad? They don't give the option "None of the above."

I can always write-in anyone my heart desires. If enough people also write in that name he/she would become President.
The past few years IMO presidential elections have become voting for the lesser of evils not necessarily the best candidate. Trump with his thumb on a nuclear holocaust scares me to death... I'm not sure I'm any more secure if it were Pence. were that to happen I fear morality would become regulated!
PinkVendeta wrote:Lou :lol: You may choose not to speak like me as You say, which is your god given choice to make, but it is also my god given choice to speak freely with regard to any country and most times I dont, and a few times I do, weather You like what I have to say or dont, You above all other should be upholding the right to free speech, which is not just allowed by law in your own country, but is allowed by law in most democratic countries in the known world.

Nothing in my constitution requires I listen!!!
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Re: General Chat

Postby JeuxKen » Wed, 18Apr18 01:06

Joe.Pizza wrote:Hey JeuxKen,

I love your avatar. It's wickedly funny using the Barbie style dolls. Reminds me of the Small Soldiers movie where the Gwendy dolls had gone Randy.

Thank's :)
I'm using it because in urban french, "ken" also means "fuck" :p
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greyelf » Wed, 18Apr18 07:30

Greebo wrote:(The 1966 attempt starring Monica Vitti as Modesty and Terence Stamp as Willie Garvin ...)

That was made in the same vain as films like "Our Man Flint", which is to say soft-porn that could be viewed in general cinemas of the time.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Wed, 18Apr18 10:36

Greyelf wrote:
Greebo wrote:(The 1966 attempt starring Monica Vitti as Modesty and Terence Stamp as Willie Garvin ...)

That was made in the same vain as films like "Our Man Flint", which is to say soft-porn that could be viewed in general cinemas of the time.

I saw that movie Our Man Flint, did it have an actor in it called James Coburn?
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Wed, 18Apr18 17:42

Yep -- it did, Hannah. (Mind you I hardly think it could be considered any more soft porn than the Bond films!)
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Wed, 18Apr18 23:52

Greebo wrote:Yep -- it did, Hannah. (Mind you I hardly think it could be considered any more soft porn than the Bond films!)

Aww ok cool, and like Gerry said, ref: soft porn, it seems most movies from that era leading up to now had mild sex scenes in them from what I have now read on that.

On a side note: I have been watching the new series season one of lost in space, it is worth a watch just to see what Dr Smith is actually like in it [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Thu, 18Apr19 21:59

I gather that, like Dr Who, Dr Smith has changed sex and is female (Probably a good idea since most dangerous spiders are)

Maybe Austin Powers would be a closer porn comparison than Bond for Our Man Flint (I think there was also In Like Flint as well -- can't remember if there were any others)
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 18Apr20 00:31

Greebo wrote:I gather that, like Dr Who, Dr Smith has changed sex and is female (Probably a good idea since most dangerous spiders are)

Maybe Austin Powers would be a closer porn comparison than Bond for Our Man Flint (I think there was also In Like Flint as well -- can't remember if there were any others)

From literally episode one of lost in space, I became really aware of Dr. Smith and her personality, and simply put, she is bat shit crazy in a dangerous way towards everyone around her :lol: adds a who other twist to the story entirely.
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