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Re: General Chat

Postby JeuxKen » Wed, 18Apr11 17:31

PinkVendeta wrote:Just watched that Tom Cruise movie The Mummy, it was another movie slammed by the critics, so I assume there wont be a part 2 to it now :(

I thought it was pretty good.

isn't this movie the first one from the dark multiverse or something like that?
it is not perfect but I liked it too and was waiting for the sequels...

ok so after some digging it is "dark universe" and it is not in a good way :/
after the momie fail it lost 2 main realisators
lately the scenarist of "invisible man" quit the project
didn't find anything about a total abandon but it is not looking well
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Thu, 18Apr12 22:36

Thanks for the info and update, I figured once the critics slammed it, that a part 2 would not be on the cards.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Fri, 18Apr13 02:38

I bet the problem is really that Tom Cruise's head can no longer fit into the entrance of a pyramid -- after all, any short arsed actor who insists on playing Jack Reacher just has to be suffering from major delusional macrocephaly! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

He's probably still sulking because he didn't get to play Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies.
Last edited by Greebo on Fri, 18Apr13 14:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Fri, 18Apr13 06:52

PinkVendeta wrote:Thanks for the info and update, I figured once the critics slammed it, that a part 2 would not be on the cards.

My wife and I were just talking about why the new Mummy movie didn't do as well. Part of the problem is Brendan Fraser did such a great job of hamming up his part, it made it a hard act to follow. But, more than that is the chemistry between him and Rachel Weisz. They made it a fun ride.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 18Apr13 07:22

Greebo wrote:I bet the problem is really that Tom Cruise's head can no longer fit into the entrance of a pyramid -- after all, any short arsed actor who insists on playing Jack Reacher just has to be suffering from major delusional macrocephaly! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

I bet he's still sulking because he didn't get to play Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies.

Bilbo Baggins could have played Jack Reacher better than Tom did, and Bilbo is even shorter :D :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 18Apr13 07:27

Joe.Pizza wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Thanks for the info and update, I figured once the critics slammed it, that a part 2 would not be on the cards.

My wife and I were just talking about why the new Mummy movie didn't do as well. Part of the problem is Brendan Fraser did such a great job of hamming up his part, it made it a hard act to follow. But, more than that is the chemistry between him and Rachel Weisz. They made it a fun ride.

I loved the first 2 Mummy movies that had Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz in them, they clicked on screen great, when she didnt appear in the 3rd movie and they had Brendan Fraser with a new wife, a son who was a fully grown man, and Brendan Fraser had not aged at all and was bouncing about like a spring buck, I was somewhat miffed :D .

The story in part 3 was great beginning to end, with the above exceptions as I said.
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Re: General Chat

Postby JeuxKen » Fri, 18Apr13 13:49

PinkVendeta wrote:
Joe.Pizza wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Thanks for the info and update, I figured once the critics slammed it, that a part 2 would not be on the cards.

My wife and I were just talking about why the new Mummy movie didn't do as well. Part of the problem is Brendan Fraser did such a great job of hamming up his part, it made it a hard act to follow. But, more than that is the chemistry between him and Rachel Weisz. They made it a fun ride.

I loved the first 2 Mummy movies that had Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz in them, they clicked on screen great, when she didnt appear in the 3rd movie and they had Brendan Fraser with a new wife, a son who was a fully grown man, and Brendan Fraser had not aged at all and was bouncing about like a spring buck, I was somewhat miffed :D .

The story in part 3 was great beginning to end, with the above exceptions as I said.

I'm a fan of Brendan Fraser's momies too.
Tom Cruise's momie is not in the same universe. It is more like " The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ". Exept that I loved much more the League :p
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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sat, 18Apr14 03:57

PinkVendeta wrote:I loved the first 2 Mummy movies that had Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz in them, they clicked on screen great, when she didnt appear in the 3rd movie and they had Brendan Fraser with a new wife, a son who was a fully grown man, and Brendan Fraser had not aged at all and was bouncing about like a spring buck, I was somewhat miffed :D .

The story in part 3 was great beginning to end, with the above exceptions as I said.

I don't think I saw third movie. (Getting old means I tend to forget things). I guess I would be miffed not seeing Rachel. I would mind bouncing around like a spring buck. Heck, I'll take moving around like an Autumn buck. :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 18Apr14 10:43

JeuxKen wrote:The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ". Exept that I loved much more the League :p

Good movie - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen , having them all in it, kind of like the movie Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 18Apr14 10:50

Joe.Pizza wrote:I don't think I saw third movie. (Getting old means I tend to forget things). I guess I would be miffed not seeing Rachel. I would mind bouncing around like a spring buck. Heck, I'll take moving around like an Autumn buck. :lol:

It was a good movie, had 3 Yeti in it who were funny and smart, and a lot of other stuff also.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Sat, 18Apr14 12:54


Oglaf cracks me up :crazy:
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greyelf » Sat, 18Apr14 23:18

re: Tom Cruise and his action movies like the Jack Reacher series

The casters keep surprising me by how they are still able to keep find enough new people short enough to (try and) make him look big and tough, the same goes for the camera operators & directors and the filming angle magic they need to use. I also keep wondering how much of the special Hobbit-to-Human sizing effects they need to use in a Cruise movie, and where/how they keep hiding the box he must be standing on.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sun, 18Apr15 01:56

Greyelf wrote:re: Tom Cruise and his action movies like the Jack Reacher series

The casters keep surprising me by how they are still able to keep find enough new people short enough to (try and) make him look big and tough, the same goes for the camera operators & directors and the filming angle magic they need to use. I also keep wondering how much of the special Hobbit-to-Human sizing effects they need to use in a Cruise movie, and where/how they keep hiding the box he must be standing on.

Did a Google search on Cruise's height. Pretty much the consensus is 67 inches. He insists he's 69 which is not much if he wants to appear as the dominant male. Have to say I'm not impressed when I have sisters and nieces that are taller. :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Sun, 18Apr15 02:06

Hey JeuxKen,

I love your avatar. It's wickedly funny using the Barbie style dolls. Reminds me of the Small Soldiers movie where the Gwendy dolls had gone Randy.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 18Apr15 10:00

Greyelf wrote:re: Tom Cruise and his action movies like the Jack Reacher series

The casters keep surprising me by how they are still able to keep find enough new people short enough to (try and) make him look big and tough, the same goes for the camera operators & directors and the filming angle magic they need to use. I also keep wondering how much of the special Hobbit-to-Human sizing effects they need to use in a Cruise movie, and where/how they keep hiding the box he must be standing on.

:lol: poor tom :lol:
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