LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 18Feb22 22:30

Hi Ow-Ow, thanks for playing.

Your ideas are filthy, which means they intrigue me :). I do kind of wish I had added another glory hole scene, but I did not. I also didn't add a scene where Richard brings Lisa to a gangbang, though I do like the idea. Except that I would not write it as rough as you say. I don't think Lisa would like it to be that rough (just a little manhandling, not a lot). I did write a scene about Lisa with two guys, and she does enjoy it very thoroughly. So even though it does not include very rough throat-fucking, I think you will like it and can look forward to it.

I appreciate you posting about my games, and I try to read everyone's ideas, but I've said this before: I feel possessive of the game and the characters, so I don't like to use other people's ideas. That would make the game feel less mine. I hope you understand. That being said, every once in a while I do get an idea from someone else, but I change it a lot to make it my own. For example, someone suggested hidden video cameras in LWT1, and I used that idea in LWT2.

One final note about this: the script is already written, and it took a very long time, and a lot of energy. I am not planning on adding anything more, so any ideas posted here really don't have any chance of making it into the expansion. I'm done with it, and I don't want it to be delayed even further by writing new scenes.

If you didn't catch my post in the beach but are hungry for more information, here is most of it, cut-and-pasted from September 27, 2017 (I'm deleting the original post because it contains too much personal information - I was drunk):

" I don't want to make any bold declarations right now, because I'm not going to fact-check myself, but I think the expansion script is the largest script I've ever written. There are so many new scenes. Let me get organized here to tell you about it. But also, please realize that no scene is set in stone - Leo has the final word on which scenes are worth keeping and which are not worth putting into the game. So some of what I'm telling you may never see the light of day.
At this moment in time, in this state of mind, I think the main criticisms of LWT2 were the following:

1) there was not enough character development
2) it did not feel very big
3) There was not enough build up (slow burn)
4) it was kind of mean

Ok, so I tried to address these criticisms with the expansion. I'd say the one I did best at addressing is number 1. There is a shitload of character development in the expansion. The way that the expansion works is that there are some new days, and on those days instead of going out to do some big event like horseback riding in the alps, you hang around the mansion and have opportunities to engage in conversation with different characters, or pairs of characters. This has the new effect of building RELATION with characters, which affects what scenes you can get, but also, and maybe more importantly for some of you, it gives you reasons for the way everyone acts. So, why do Justin and Richard fight all the time? Why is Lisa so much more sexually aggressive this year compared to the first game? These kinds of questions are answered with dialogue in the LWT2 expansion.

To address point 2, I added new days. AS I already said, these days are not days that involve major events, rather, they are days in which you can explore the mansion and have conversations. I have to warn you: it still won't feel as big as LWT1, because LWT1 was a stat grinder that makes the game feel big by making you repeat certain actions over and over. LWT2 expansion tried to be something different. You could consider the conversations stat grinding (the RELATION stat) except that at least you get content for that kind of grinding. That is, sometimes when you talk to Richard, you will just get Richard RELATION +1, and a narrator line like "you and Richard feel closer to each other." But for most conversations, you get content. You learn about the characters, get flashback sex scenes, or unlock current sex scenes. Again, there is a ton of new content to see in this aspect of the expansion.

Point 3 was tough. The game was never conceived of as something that could produce the slow burn again. People were asking for more scenes, that's all. So I made a sequel with a ton of hot scenes, but then the complaint came: it didn't build up slowly like in LWT1. Well, with Lisa and Tracy that is pretty hard to do when the story left off with you fucking Lisa in the bathroom while Tracy was in the next room, or going to the swingers club with Tracy. So I tried to add some build up in this one. A good example is Lisa's story. In this one, when you get a chance to talk alone with Lisa, she tells you about the past year, and in particular, about how her affair with you (Justin) fucked her up. She tells you a (sort of) depraved story of her affair with two co-workers, and it unfolds over several conversations, with each rendition getting more raunchy. I tried to include a few examples of stuff like that, and I hope it contributes to the slow burn for those that want it.

Finally, point 4. I think this is the point that I really logged in to talk about. why is it mean? It is, I admit it. I did make the expansion a little less mean. For example, you have to spend a certain amount of time with Charlie and with Tracy, or you get an ending like "bad father" or "bad husband". But even so, it's still got a lot of nasty in it. And I don't really know why. [Back when I wrote LWT2] I feel like I was a happy-go-lucky guy, and I'm not sure why LWT2 contained those undertones of mean-ness.


LWT2 is a little mean, and the LWT2 expansion is a little mean as well. There is BDSM. There is humiliation. There is more cuckold, and you can cuckold Tracy in this one. It's definitely mean, but I want to tell you: I'm not really that mean. I guess I just think that mean, when it comes to sex, is kind of interesting... I don't think I'm finished writing about this, but for now I will bow out. With one final plea to your opinion of my mean-ness: I swear to you, If I had a choice between getting a BJ from a girl who loved watching me enjoy her suck me, or a girl who loved getting throat-fucked until she gagged, I would prefer the former. In any case, there are some of both in the LWT2 expansion."
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Ow-Ow » Fri, 18Feb23 00:42

I get what you mean when you say you don't want to use someone else's ideas. They could be good ideas, but they're not your ideas.

About your four points.

1. I don't really see how there can be much chracater delveoplemt in a few weeks. There could be some sure, but a total about face in chracartization?
2. I thought it was a little small to start with, but I understant that you were under pressure to release it, seeing as it had already been so long then.
3. This is kinda related to the chracater development too. How can there be much development with Lisa and Tracy? If you chose to have sex with them both, then how could you further it any more? With Gabriele and Antoniette there could have been more, but there was such a small window I don't know how it could even work. As it stands I think it makes sense.
4. Well duh it was mean. How can you find a way to make "sorry I fucked the au-pair in the ass, but she really liked it," sound nice? It's adultury! It's mean, Richard may be more dominering than Justin, but he really isn't any meaner. Tracy too for that matter. That's not an issue thought, at least for me.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby vkalvkal » Fri, 18Feb23 21:11

Nice to hear from you, iksanabot! I hope you're well and that writing this expasion after all the unfairly criticism (in my opinion) didn't tire you out.

I want to address your points here:

iksanabot wrote:At this moment in time, in this state of mind, I think the main criticisms of LWT2 were the following:

1) there was not enough character development
2) it did not feel very big
3) There was not enough build up (slow burn)
4) it was kind of mean

Ok, so I tried to address these criticisms with the expansion. I'd say the one I did best at addressing is number 1. There is a shitload of character development in the expansion. The way that the expansion works is that there are some new days, and on those days instead of going out to do some big event like horseback riding in the alps, you hang around the mansion and have opportunities to engage in conversation with different characters, or pairs of characters. This has the new effect of building RELATION with characters, which affects what scenes you can get, but also, and maybe more importantly for some of you, it gives you reasons for the way everyone acts. So, why do Justin and Richard fight all the time? Why is Lisa so much more sexually aggressive this year compared to the first game? These kinds of questions are answered with dialogue in the LWT2 expansion.

To address point 2, I added new days. AS I already said, these days are not days that involve major events, rather, they are days in which you can explore the mansion and have conversations. I have to warn you: it still won't feel as big as LWT1, because LWT1 was a stat grinder that makes the game feel big by making you repeat certain actions over and over. LWT2 expansion tried to be something different. You could consider the conversations stat grinding (the RELATION stat) except that at least you get content for that kind of grinding. That is, sometimes when you talk to Richard, you will just get Richard RELATION +1, and a narrator line like "you and Richard feel closer to each other." But for most conversations, you get content. You learn about the characters, get flashback sex scenes, or unlock current sex scenes. Again, there is a ton of new content to see in this aspect of the expansion.

Point 3 was tough. The game was never conceived of as something that could produce the slow burn again. People were asking for more scenes, that's all. So I made a sequel with a ton of hot scenes, but then the complaint came: it didn't build up slowly like in LWT1. Well, with Lisa and Tracy that is pretty hard to do when the story left off with you fucking Lisa in the bathroom while Tracy was in the next room, or going to the swingers club with Tracy. So I tried to add some build up in this one. A good example is Lisa's story. In this one, when you get a chance to talk alone with Lisa, she tells you about the past year, and in particular, about how her affair with you (Justin) fucked her up. She tells you a (sort of) depraved story of her affair with two co-workers, and it unfolds over several conversations, with each rendition getting more raunchy. I tried to include a few examples of stuff like that, and I hope it contributes to the slow burn for those that want it.

Finally, point 4. I think this is the point that I really logged in to talk about. why is it mean? It is, I admit it. I did make the expansion a little less mean. For example, you have to spend a certain amount of time with Charlie and with Tracy, or you get an ending like "bad father" or "bad husband". But even so, it's still got a lot of nasty in it. And I don't really know why. [Back when I wrote LWT2] I feel like I was a happy-go-lucky guy, and I'm not sure why LWT2 contained those undertones of mean-ness.


I think point 1 is kind of linked to point 3. I'm looking forward to the RELATION thing you did. As for the lack of character development, I kind of agree when we're talking about the new characters. But as for Justin, Tracy and Lisa, they already had a lot of development in the first game. When I saw people complaining about the lack of character development here, I also saw as a complain to Eleanor 2 being extremelly similar to Eleanor 1 and we basically having to do the same things from the prequel. I'm kind of confused why people would complain about two different opposities of the same thing.

Now, point 2 is something that I totally disagree with. I think you nailed what people were complaining about here: "LWT1 was a stat grinder that makes the game feel big by making you repeat certain actions over and over". There's no way in hell that LwT 2 was shorter than LwT 1. And this criticism isn't fair because I believe that people were comparing the original game LwT 2 to the LwT 1 original game+expansion. As a critic of the stat grinder kind of games, I was very happy to see LwT 2 being something totally different. If we were to compare the game's "story" and "character's interactions", I'm sure that the sequel was bigger than the prequel. Only the stats grinding aspect that gave the illusion of it being bigger.

As I said, I think point 3 and point 1 are basically the same thing. The build up follows the character development. There wasn't anything to build between Justin and Tracy/Lisa. He already conquered them in the first game. I only agree when talking about new characters. I think the RELATION stat will be an interesting thing to see here.

Point 4: I loved that the game wasn't too "vanilla". Comparing it to LwT 1, "mean scenes" were only introduced in the expansion, right? I actually enjoyed that it was meaner (does this word exist? I'm not a native English speaker) than the prequel. I have to say that my favorite ending was the one in which Richard slept with Tracy. I love cheating wifes, so I hope we'll see more of this kind of scenes on the expansion. :)
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby stcro1 » Sat, 18Feb24 18:26

vkalvkal wrote:There wasn't anything to build between Justin and Tracy/Lisa. He already conquered them in the first game. I only agree when talking about new characters. I think the RELATION stat will be an interesting thing to see here.

agree with rest of your post except this little part,if you choose that you didn't cheated with lisa in lwt1 then it would be nice to have the ability to build up relationship with her. Building up the tension and desire between them two was the best thing in lwt1,it would be nice to experience it again if you choose to go on lisa route. I understand that maybe it would be difficult to implement it from the start to feel like in lwt1 but flirting and teasing between justin and lisa should not be problem.

I really like what i read and what Iksanabot said. This will not be just simple expansion,but basically complete overhaul. I'm looking forward to new days and especially interactions and exploring as that is something i felt was neccessary to have in lwt2. It's clear to me that it can't feel big as lwt1 but addition of this stuff will definitely make the game lot bigger,atleast for me. I appreciate all the work you and the rest of the team put into making this game.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby xsandman78 » Sun, 18Feb25 01:51

iksanabot wrote:Hi Ow-Ow, thanks for playing.

At this moment in time, in this state of mind, I think the main criticisms of LWT2 were the following:

1) there was not enough character development
2) it did not feel very big
3) There was not enough build up (slow burn)
4) it was kind of mean

Ok, so I tried to address these criticisms with the expansion. I'd say the one I did best at addressing is number 1. There is a shitload of character development in the expansion. The way that the expansion works is that there are some new days, and on those days instead of going out to do some big event like horseback riding in the alps, you hang around the mansion and have opportunities to engage in conversation with different characters, or pairs of characters. This has the new effect of building RELATION with characters, which affects what scenes you can get, but also, and maybe more importantly for some of you, it gives you reasons for the way everyone acts. So, why do Justin and Richard fight all the time? Why is Lisa so much more sexually aggressive this year compared to the first game? These kinds of questions are answered with dialogue in the LWT2 expansion.

To address point 2, I added new days. AS I already said, these days are not days that involve major events, rather, they are days in which you can explore the mansion and have conversations. I have to warn you: it still won't feel as big as LWT1, because LWT1 was a stat grinder that makes the game feel big by making you repeat certain actions over and over. LWT2 expansion tried to be something different. You could consider the conversations stat grinding (the RELATION stat) except that at least you get content for that kind of grinding. That is, sometimes when you talk to Richard, you will just get Richard RELATION +1, and a narrator line like "you and Richard feel closer to each other." But for most conversations, you get content. You learn about the characters, get flashback sex scenes, or unlock current sex scenes. Again, there is a ton of new content to see in this aspect of the expansion.

Point 3 was tough. The game was never conceived of as something that could produce the slow burn again. People were asking for more scenes, that's all. So I made a sequel with a ton of hot scenes, but then the complaint came: it didn't build up slowly like in LWT1. Well, with Lisa and Tracy that is pretty hard to do when the story left off with you fucking Lisa in the bathroom while Tracy was in the next room, or going to the swingers club with Tracy. So I tried to add some build up in this one. A good example is Lisa's story. In this one, when you get a chance to talk alone with Lisa, she tells you about the past year, and in particular, about how her affair with you (Justin) fucked her up. She tells you a (sort of) depraved story of her affair with two co-workers, and it unfolds over several conversations, with each rendition getting more raunchy. I tried to include a few examples of stuff like that, and I hope it contributes to the slow burn for those that want it.

Finally, point 4. I think this is the point that I really logged in to talk about. why is it mean? It is, I admit it. I did make the expansion a little less mean. For example, you have to spend a certain amount of time with Charlie and with Tracy, or you get an ending like "bad father" or "bad husband". But even so, it's still got a lot of nasty in it. And I don't really know why. [Back when I wrote LWT2] I feel like I was a happy-go-lucky guy, and I'm not sure why LWT2 contained those undertones of mean-ness.


LWT2 is a little mean, and the LWT2 expansion is a little mean as well. There is BDSM. There is humiliation. There is more cuckold, and you can cuckold Tracy in this one. It's definitely mean, but I want to tell you: I'm not really that mean. I guess I just think that mean, when it comes to sex, is kind of interesting... I don't think I'm finished writing about this, but for now I will bow out. With one final plea to your opinion of my mean-ness: I swear to you, If I had a choice between getting a BJ from a girl who loved watching me enjoy her suck me, or a girl who loved getting throat-fucked until she gagged, I would prefer the former. In any case, there are some of both in the LWT2 expansion."

Thanks for the head up. Think i’ll Skip expansion as it still sounds like it’s still going to be mean without affection/ love. Lisa detailing over multiple conversations that time where she was double teamed by a pair of guys doesn't seem do much to develop of sense of feeling for Justin that seemed absent in the sequel. Maybe the affection with Lisa & Justin in the original was all in my head.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Sun, 18Feb25 20:49

@Ow-Ow @vkalvkal @stcro1
Thanks for your thoughts, guys.

@xsandman78 - Not to try and change your mind about playing the expansion, but for the sake of clarity, there ARE pathways through the expansion that focus on love and affection, both between Justin and Lisa, and between Justin and Tracy. I call it mean because there are mean paths too, and those paths are... mean.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby xsandman78 » Sun, 18Feb25 21:34

iksanabot wrote:@Ow-Ow @vkalvkal @stcro1
Thanks for your thoughts, guys.

@xsandman78 - Not to try and change your mind about playing the expansion, but for the sake of clarity, there ARE pathways through the expansion that focus on love and affection, both between Justin and Lisa, and between Justin and Tracy. I call it mean because there are mean paths too, and those paths are... mean.

Thanks for that clarification, makes me more positive about giving a go.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Ow-Ow » Mon, 18Feb26 22:37

I hope there is are a few more detailed threesomes. It would be great to finish the tease of a threesome with Gabriele and Antoinette. Or Tracy and Anoinette. I hope our dreams are fulfiled and we do get to fill Gabriele's tight ass with cum. I figure there has to be more Lisa/Richard and Tracy/Richard interactions too. Like more build up than just a lower score and Tracy going to Richard's room and letting him go to town on her. I hope there is a similar scene with Lisa too. Where maybe if you have a lower score with her then she will go to Richard and let him do whatever he wants to get back at you. I realize that things could get rough for Lisa, but she's a bad girl. She should know better than to fuck married men, if they're the ones who have to teach her, well then thats whos gotta do it.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby stcro1 » Tue, 18Feb27 01:14

Ow-Ow wrote:I hope there is a similar scene with Lisa too. Where maybe if you have a lower score with her then she will go to Richard and let him do whatever he wants to get back at you. I realize that things could get rough for Lisa, but she's a bad girl. She should know better than to fuck married men, if they're the ones who have to teach her, well then thats whos gotta do it.

nooo,i want lisa only for myself (or justin to be more precise)
but on a serious note i think there will be richard/lisa scenes,if i remember correctly it's been pointed out in the days after the release. one thing is sure though,i'm gonna avoid such an horrific path :D
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Ow-Ow » Tue, 18Feb27 05:44

Come on, don't you want to see a hot college girl get bent over and destoryed in the best possible way? There was only a little anal with Lisa durring the threesome with Justin and Tracy, but we want more. Richard is just the guy to give it to Lisa, really make her work for it. It would just be unfair if Lisa got off scot free, Tracy has been cheated on, Justin has been cheated on, I think it's only fair that Lisa take her punishment. It might be a little degrading, but I think we would all like to see Lisa get a little degraded. I know Inksanabot said that Lisa wouldn't like it that rough and that isn't where he is going with the story, but it's still great to fantasize about Lisa just diving right into being Richards sex toy for the summer if Justin ignores her.

All i'm saying is that I hope this reworking of the base game really opens Lisa up, as you may be able to tell, she's my favorite. sure she has sex, but I want this sex crazed nympho to really go to town and get filthy!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby stcro1 » Tue, 18Feb27 09:02

Ow-Ow wrote:Come on, don't you want to see a hot college girl get bent over and destoryed in the best possible way? There was only a little anal with Lisa durring the threesome with Justin and Tracy, but we want more. Richard is just the guy to give it to Lisa, really make her work for it. It would just be unfair if Lisa got off scot free, Tracy has been cheated on, Justin has been cheated on, I think it's only fair that Lisa take her punishment. It might be a little degrading, but I think we would all like to see Lisa get a little degraded. I know Inksanabot said that Lisa wouldn't like it that rough and that isn't where he is going with the story, but it's still great to fantasize about Lisa just diving right into being Richards sex toy for the summer if Justin ignores her.

All i'm saying is that I hope this reworking of the base game really opens Lisa up, as you may be able to tell, she's my favorite. sure she has sex, but I want this sex crazed nympho to really go to town and get filthy!

eh,no..getting "destroyed",receiving punishments and getting degraded is not my cup of tea,never was..even when it comes to bdsm,i only like it basic and vanilla and not dark and crazy stuff
and especially when it comes to lwt characters and lisa,it's revealed in sequel that she's got naughtier and much more open to sex,but i'd like that side of her to show with justin and tracy. Obviously everyone has their preferences and it seems that expansion will offer even more choices and paths. It will be fun to explore wilder things,but as long there is normal path focused on love and affection as iksanabot said i'll be more than happy.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Ow-Ow » Thu, 18Mar22 22:31

New images on the blog look great! Like the direction that Tracy is going in! It would be great to see the other girls, especially Lisa, in similar positions! I love that the threesome teased with Antionette and Gabrielle is finaly going into the game, hope its nice and dirty!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Porksword » Thu, 18Aug02 00:56

Has there been any news since March?
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 18Aug02 15:41

Porksword wrote:Has there been any news since March?

Hi Porksword, thanks for your interest.
Keep up to date by checking the LOP blog (lesson of passion blog). That being said, there haven't been any posts about the LWT2 expansion there for quite a while. I don't have explicit permission to say anything, but I don't think I'm divulging major secrets when i tell you that production of the images for LWT2 expansion was delayed because the same artist was tied up finishing the Real Love 3D update. I think things should move forward again now that RL3D is out, but I don't know for sure. (I hope so, I'm probably more excited to see the completed game than you are).

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby vkalvkal » Thu, 18Aug02 23:02

iksanabot wrote:
Porksword wrote:Has there been any news since March?

Hi Porksword, thanks for your interest.
Keep up to date by checking the LOP blog (lesson of passion blog). That being said, there haven't been any posts about the LWT2 expansion there for quite a while. I don't have explicit permission to say anything, but I don't think I'm divulging major secrets when i tell you that production of the images for LWT2 expansion was delayed because the same artist was tied up finishing the Real Love 3D update. I think things should move forward again now that RL3D is out, but I don't know for sure. (I hope so, I'm probably more excited to see the completed game than you are).


That's the problem of focusing on different sites/works with a small team. I have extreme doubts about this vision of work. And I'm not into that 3D game at all. I thought the animations and images were actually weird, so I didn't play it. Well, it seems to have received positive feedback, so I'm happy the team got a good return on it.

But I'm skeptical about adding another site here. I already thought 2 sites were a lot (LOP and S&G), now add a 3rd one, and the games that I'm actually looking forward to will take even more time to be released.

Well, at least my favorite artist from the team (stoper) started developing his own game and I'm supporting him.

I hope you're well iksanabot! I wish you all the best and I'm also looking forward to your finished work.
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