Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby tlaero » Thu, 18Jan04 21:19

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. An extra special thank you to Link for letting me know that I had some typos. Apparently I'm incapable of seeing that I misspelled "Chloe" as "Chole" and, even more surprisingly, apparently my spell checker is totally fine with that spelling.

I've slipstreamed in a fixed version with the few places fixed. Only change is the spelling, so I wouldn't re-download the entire thing over again for this. But the updated version is on the same link as the original.

BloodyMares, can you PM me the issue you found? I just played through what I think you're saying and it seems to be acting the way I expect it to. Thanks!

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Hero1 » Thu, 18Jan04 21:35

tlaero wrote:BloodyMares, can you PM me the issue you found? I just played through what I think you're saying and it seems to be acting the way I expect it to. Thanks!

I guess he meant this part
(major spoiler)
**edit since now obsolete**
Last edited by Hero1 on Fri, 18Jan05 16:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Brocho » Thu, 18Jan04 22:05

I've played through all the secondary paths now, and I absolutely loved them. If that's all the game was, I would have been happy, and yet I still have the main story to play through, which I'll save for tomorrow. There were parts which got me genuinely emotional, and I found myself caring much more about the characters and stories than any of the sex scenes, although they were an incredibly hot bonus. Remarkable work once again by you and Mortze. You should both be incredibly proud of the exemplary series you've created.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby tlaero » Thu, 18Jan04 23:44

Hero1 wrote:
tlaero wrote:BloodyMares, can you PM me the issue you found? I just played through what I think you're saying and it seems to be acting the way I expect it to. Thanks!

I guess he meant this part

Oh boy. Yes, there is a bug there. Thank you BloodyMares and Hero1! I've fixed it and replaced the download in the original link.

This one is a bit more serious than the typo fix, but isn't game breaking. You folks can choose whether you want to download the game again for it or not. The result of the bug is that, if you take a certain oblique path that I obviously never tested, on one page you'll have an option you shouldn't have. <embarrassed>

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Lalelu » Thu, 18Jan04 23:55

Love this game. Right amount of size/sex/story, beautiful as always, the fluff around the gameplay is neat (10 saves is plenty, and the thumbnails make it easy to keep track), and the gameplay itself feels way more natural than the previous score-clickery. Having the freedom to choose dialogue options without following some arbitrary score calendar that forces me into a one-dimensional personality is .. bliss [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Not sure if this very minor bug was mentioned/fixed yet, but under Menu>Save, it says "Return to game with saving", instead of "Return to game without saving" at the bottom.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Incognito » Fri, 18Jan05 00:05

Sweet! I can't wait to give a try. I've enjoyed them all so far, I'm sure you've turned it up a notch, yet again.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Nightshade09 » Fri, 18Jan05 03:39

Ok played one divergent path and the primary path playing a nice character. Not much sex in those. But Outstanding!

(And I see there are alot more outcomes from a peek at the images)

Outstanding guys!!

I have to agree what others have said. This is turning out to be the BEST of all four.

From the instant you hit start to end credits (haven't gotten to bonus yet) You forget its a game/computer graphics. You get the feel your interacting with real people in a real universe. Diving into an intense plot and story.

This was without a doubt the most engrossing one of all four.

Yet since you guys are Artists both in written word and graphics design and in order to hone your craft better. Some critical feedback.


The big plot reveals/question reveals. Seemed to be all lumped in together once just after a quarter into story and then again three fourth's into story. It's like handed to you in large sack of potatoes. Tossed into your arms in one large sum and told to do with it as you may. That was a bit distracting.

I feel the plot reveals could have been more spread out over the entirety of game.

Example without giving away too much of the story. Chloe and Paul in the Secret room. Paul's like 'what the hell is that?' And Chloe is like 'oh that? Oh didn't you? Morland is such and such and I'm not exactly what I appear to be either.' Now deal with it and lets get on with the mission.

It kind of leaves you like poor Elsa in the gym scene standing there dumbfounded as why she's glowing along Xera while the others are not. An Xera refusing to explain.

The reveals could have been more gradual giving the player/reader more time to process I feel.

Still its not an major issue that distracts from the over all game yet noticeable. And its understandable granted you two were working under time restraints and not a novel.

Graphics: Background Scenery:

The Background Scenery was alot more two dimensional instead of three dimensional. It wasn't all the way through the game though. Yet noticeable and gave you an artificial feel. Unlike Finding Miranda were they were superb 3d effect through out.

Did love though the more gritty and dirty inner city scenes with the trash in street. That worked out rather well.


These two things don't change my opinion that this one is Best of all four. The good stuff cancels out the minor flaws.

Lastly. I would have given Morland and Crow a more gruesome ending. As evil villains go. These two rank up there with Roman Emperor Caligula. In Evil and Depravity. After Caligula was murdered by his own men the Roman citizens dragged his body out of town and fed it wild dogs. Morland and Crow deserved something similar. Instead they got a fictional spanking.

But that's just my opinion.

I noticed one character got away again. I suspect we haven't heard the last from him? :)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Nightshade09 » Fri, 18Jan05 03:46

ps.. Chloe's new hair do? Damn that look is so hot on her. ALL women should have it. :)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Nightshade09 » Fri, 18Jan05 09:10

Hate to be a Joy Killer n Preachy here..

But playing Saving Chloe the second time through and the intimate scenes of Paul and Chloe back at Paul's house.

It got me thinking of women out there in the real world that face something similar each and every day emotional and sexual abuse as well as physical. How many real life Chloe's there are out there.

You know crime statistics here in the USA state that 1 in 5 women will face some type of sexual or physical abuse by the age of 21.

It kind of makes you feel disgusted as guy to think that there are others of our gender out there doing this. Out there hurting and cause life long pain and suffering like that.

An women and yes girls have had to put up this for ages of human history.

There should be more Paul's in this world. Guys with morals, convictions and a true spine to stand up and get involved to stop it. No matter where we see or encounter it. An for those of already doing that in real life. We gotta do more.

Just some thoughts.

That's why maybe all four of these games are so fantastic.

They make you think!

And yes also each Female lead character shows you how much more powerful and beautiful 'Making Love' is as opposed to Just Sex. Sadly something no other 'adult' game out there does.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Marco6661 » Fri, 18Jan05 12:11

I continue to quietly discover the different game's paths and I just got the Martial Art achievement.
All tastes are in nature, but this training scene between Xara and Paul is for me a must of eroticism. Absolutely awesome ! :roi: [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby L1nk1980 » Fri, 18Jan05 13:02

you know

I play the canon path for the second time and I didn't care about the sex scenes. the story and the renders are so good that it is just that good of a story.

Tlaero you make the canon path very good of a closer to the story. the other paths are also that good for an other end of the story. it's just the realistic way of human nature that can you decide to going on that path. great novel.

Mortze the renders you make are great. every game you are better and better, the face impressions and the details in the background.

great work you two
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Brocho » Fri, 18Jan05 15:39

I finally played through the canon path, which took me a while to find because when I was playing yesterday I completely missed that there were two options on the page which separates it from the final secondary path. I'm curious whether most people found it last like I did or much earlier. The order in which I found all the endings was: 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9.

I was really impressed with the secondary endings, but I absolutely loved the canon path. It answered so many questions and tied up the loose ends nicely, and I was engrossed throughout. At times I completely forgot it was an erotic game until a sex scene came along, and then I wanted to play through those quickly to continue with the story. It goes without saying that the bonus scene was super hot, but my favourite part was the conversation at the end, which almost brought a tear to my eye. Thanks Tlaero and Mortze for all the work you've put into these games. I'm delighted that we'll be seeing more stories from this universe in the future.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby BloodyMares » Fri, 18Jan05 15:39

So I guess it's time that I share my thought on the complete game. It's going to be looong so I apologize.

I think you've outdone yourselves with this one. If it's possible to have a crush for art/people who made it, then I'm in love. The first major crossover game, 'The Avengers' to your Elsaverse. The amount of content is overwhelming. Some non-canon branches are done just as well, if not better than the canon path. It was amazing. Given that it was the last game in the Phase 1, the choices and multiple endings seemed appropriate. I am happy that you're not giving up on Elsaverse as I'm certain there's a lot of potential for more stories/character interactions. Now into the review. If you feel like I'm being a bit negative, it's just easier for me to focus on the stuff that I didn't enjoy/enjoyed less because everything else I love. I hope to be constructive and if at some point I'm not, then it's on me for having unrealistic expectations.

1) Gameplay. I think you nailed it with this game. It was a good balance between giving agency to the player and telling the story. It was a huge improvement over Finding Miranda. This time I felt in synch with the character like in a good RPG with a defined protagonist. Which is very impressive, considering you don't have the gaming studio with an entire team of talented people working with you. Being able to flesh out the character's personality through words without screwing up the story felt nice as well. If you ever want to go this route again and have a one-off game with choices (in one-off games every path is canon), this is the way to go.
However, I felt like you overdid it with the amount of choices, there were just too much of them. I know, it sucks being a developer, some say it's too little, some say it's too much, go figure.
The more common issue is with the dialogue which is a bit unfair to complain about as it is common with every big RPG that offers dialogue options. Though, for the sake of honesty, a few dialogue options are unnecessary as they don't have any roleplaying value and by that I mean, those are just different wordings of the same thing and all three options are conveyed in one neutral tone with no difference in personality. In my opinion when you struggle it's better to just leave one option instead of forcing yourself to include three empty options for the sake of gameplay. In my opinion RfJ handled dialogue options the best in that department.
The less common issue was with the actual choices and branches. I can't think of several instances right now but just one example that comes to mind is the 'choice' during the bonus scene. I can't think of any reason for it to be there other than troll the player into thinking there is an alternative bonus scene.
And, it's just my wishful thinking and I can't speak for everyone, but I thought that some branches could've been integrated into the canon path to tell a better (richer) story and have more character interactions. Some side branches provided truly interesting content which was too good not to be included in the canon path IMO. My explorer nature made me get all of the other endings before I reached the canon path and when I got to it, I often found myself thinking "Damn, that one thing was handled way better in the other path" or "I miss a certain character from an alternate path". But again, some might disagree, as it makes the side branches unique and makes them worth playing. I am going to complete the canon path once again just to freshen the memory about the distinctions from other paths.

2) Characters. First, I'm going to say congratulations to Mortze. You did an amazing work, as always. You managed to make Chloe look cute.
Now on the writing. I liked the protagonist and his little secret. It was a nice change of pace compared to previous games, being on the other side of the story. I think you nailed the personal stories and interpersonal drama perfectly. Chloe was connected to each of the previous characters and all of that got resolved, although I had my doubts because there were soo many loose threads from the previous games. Everyone felt so alive that I had a certain voice in mind for each of the girls (Ashly Burch for Chloe, Camilla Luddington for Miranda, Lzzy Hale for Jess and Ellen Page for Elsa, even Grey DeLisle for Crow). As I said in the gameplay sections, some of the other branches handled character moments way better than the canon path. One in particular I loved very much. I wish we could see her again...
The main villian and his minions suck though, no offence. His threat level depended entirely on his mystery and once it was revealed, he got pathetic really quickly. I know that it was on purpose but still, I expected more from him, given his status. I'll go into details in the spoiler section.

I also thnk some characters were mishandled. Some were introduced just as alternative branches with no place in the canon path. Some were there but didn't really do much. The characters that mattered (Marc, Jason) were barely mentioned, I felt like they deserved better, especially Marc because of his immunity. Interacting with yourself is always fun, so there's hoping quadruple date/party is going to happen somewhere in the future. I also missed Sylvia and Sarah. That's not a problem though if we're going to see them again. I understand why they weren't present as they have little to do with the main plot. Maybe 'Sarah' could appear in a bonus scene? I guess there are limitless possibilities for games/stories to come.
Also, I assume that Lucas' dead wife is dead in the canon, she wasn't there helping Morland. And, someone could remind me if I forgot, what happened to the blondie boy that worked with Chloe in Dreaming with Elsa? Was it resolved back in the first game? I can't remember honestly, shame on me.

3) Sex (Mostly for Mortze)
Alright, there are 2 ways to go about it. First I'm going to talk about the entire game and then the canon path.
So, overall sex scenes were great. There was a good number of them, the hottest ones being Serena/Chloe threesome, Xara/Miranda/Lucas foursome (lost opportunity on some DP though, would seem appropriate...), training session with Xara (she's a perfect... you made me fall in love with a fictional character, Mortze and then tlaero took her away...) and the bonus scene. The dreamworld is the perfect place to explore any dirty fantasy or fetish, you really opened the Pandora's box ( ;) ) with this one. So many opportunities... The scene with short-haired Chloe was very sweet and intimate. Others were done really well, too, even the quickies during the break-in investigation (i found 3, tell me if there's more). Although I need to point out that during some oral sex, especially blowjobs, the shape of mouths looks kind of funny and unnatural. I know you can do better but with this game you can cut yourself some slack, it was massive and I can only imagine how you worked your ass off rendering everything. And you surprised me with animations as well. Although I was confused about why some scenes had them and why some were just pictures.

And cons in my opinion are that on the canon path there was little amount of sex scenes with Chloe for it being her story. I can recall the intimate scene in Paul's apartment, several quickies in Morland's place and one bonus-scene orgy (though she mostly made out with girls). Maybe it's intentional and done for the irony, maybe I forgot others or remember them as being side-branch specific. But I remember Chloe several times hinted at wild sex in the future and I don't remember that it ever happened. For that reason, I think it would be better to merge several quickies into one big sex (with some extra scenes) for an epilogue. Chloe is a sweet girl underneath but it's a shame to never use the experience that she has plenty of. That's why, again, I feel like integrating other paths more with the canon story would be better. I found it really curious that Xara has the most adventurous sex in an alternative path and not Chloe. Even Serena is somewhat kinky. But not Chloe. That's my only issue with it. Oh, and seeing Jess' confession about her voyeuristic streak was a surprise. Was it explored in RfJ at all? I guess she watched Sylvia and Marc but she participated more than she watched.

4) And finally, the Story.
I know that it's mostly a sexy game about Chloe and the focus is on making her happy by helping her deal with her issues and saving her from the abusive father. I already said that I love everything about it in the character section of the review. It is brilliant. It is touching and highlights social issues such as bad parenting. I also enjoy the lore of the Elsaverse, the backstory of the conflict, the sci-fy/magic elements, all that. Nightshade already touched on that and said that canon path dealt with exposition not ideally while side branches were much better at it. Going with Elsa into Xara's and Chloe's dreams was so satisfying, as well as Xara's explanations of other universes sounded more organically in my opinion than the infodump from Chloe. And although it's not really a main story, it pretends to be one so I'm going to talk about Morland and his plan. So, he's the king/emperor/commander/whatever from the other universe, wants to dominate the realm of humans and is a big deal...Then we learn that his scale is really small. The bomb in RfJ made him seem very dangerous but then he just wants to put a puppet into politics...Isn't it kind of too common? You don't have to be a superpowered evil genius from another universe to do that, you can just be very rich and powerful. And Morland is hard to take seriously when he can just be shot by Paul and Chloe alone. I can't imagine why anyone followed him in his universe. He doesn't have anything against the team. It is just my subjective view of it. I guess Hollywood spoiled me and now I expect every big bad to pose threat to the entire world.

I also wanted to mention the character use in the canon path. Theresa came as a surprise, because I just knew her as a waitress from DwE and didn't expect her to have powers. Though she was useful in the very first meeting and then kind of useful but unnecessary when checking Chloe for honesty. Other than that, she felt useless to the story and it would be mostly the same without her. Serena was kind of cut from the game to add different choices. I think she deserved a place in the canon path, at least as a supportive friend. It would give some weight to Paul's character. Without her, he is really obsessive over Chloe and not in a healthy way. And having her around in the canon path could also give a more organic transition into the Three path and they wouldn't have the need to leave. I am also kind of sad that so much good stuff from Xara's path didn't happen in the canon path. I think it's not far-fetched that some things from that branch could take place in the canon although with alterations. I could totally see Xara and Paul talking alone in the cafe or have them together with Miranda and Lucas, just minus the sexual/romantic stuff. And as I said in the character section, having other boyfriends in the group would open up many more opportunities for social interactions between them. It's hard to imagine the time spot to place it in the story but I'm sure it could be done. But that would make a much bigger game and we probably wouldn't see it come out until the next year.

So, here it is. I got a bit carried away. It's probably too long for the forums. Maybe I should better start writing blogs...Again, I'm sorry if some things sound a bit harsh. Despite all the things that I took as cons (or had different expectations of), I enjoyed every moment of it and it truly deserves the title of your best game ever, maybe even the best game of the adult genre. Thank you Tlaero and Mortze for your very hard work. A round of applause from me. I wish you all of the best and hope this year brings some bright ideas for all of your future successful projects.
Last edited by BloodyMares on Fri, 18Jan05 16:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Brocho » Fri, 18Jan05 15:54

I only found two bonus sex scenes in the chateau. It didn't even occur to me that there might be more, but then I was a lot more interested in advancing the story than looking for additional sex scenes. I do have a save between finding the clues and leaving though, so I can quickly take a look for more.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Mortze » Fri, 18Jan05 16:52

Thank you all, for playing the game, and taking time to speak your mind.

I won't deny that this game was the most intense to make. It's the biggest in pictures number, and had many different settings and characters to deal with. In comparison, Dreaming with Elsa only had her apartment, the bookstore, the street and Delfino's, along with Elsa, Jason, Theresa, Chloe and the blonde dude whose name I also forgot. And Tora. Sadly Tora didn't got a part in Saving Chloe :(
But Xara was kind enough to leave him with Elsa; a happy destiny for Tora. Who wouldn't like to be Elsa's cat? I know I would.

I'm happy this series ended with Chloe. I've always cheered from the start, Tlaero being my witness, that this is Chloe's story. All the other female characters had their importance and personal issues, but Chloe is the one that was the saddest to me, and I'm glad we've managed to give her some happy things like
true love, a family, friendship, closure and freedom

Some of you have already mentioned it. Although we don't want to put politics or social problems in our games (they're for fun after all), we want to give them a feel of realism nonetheless.

We hope to keep making fiction and erotica that mean something.
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