Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby gstreet » Thu, 16Dec08 07:43

It was pretty bad. Probably one of the worst ones he's made, shame because I was a big fan of his games from awhile back but it seems like they've gone down in originality and quality of gameplay, other then the graphics which are top notch.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 16Dec08 13:21

gstreet wrote:... quality of gameplay, other then the graphics which are top notch.

I would guess that's because he creates visual novels these days (has for a while now) and not games as such.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby AlexGe » Sun, 17Dec10 23:00

gstreet wrote:It was pretty bad. Probably one of the worst ones he's made, shame because I was a big fan of his games from awhile back but it seems like they've gone down in originality and quality of gameplay, other then the graphics which are top notch.

Just tried it. The same feelings. I think he is getting tired. Or he is not getting enough income from the people so he is not motivated to do a good stuff.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby kessie8dn » Sat, 17Dec23 18:14

Mortze wrote:Afraid not. He won't put any more games in the free section of his site. Any new release will always be in the membership sections.

Surely a mistake on his part - Since he's removed the last vestiges of any "game" element it hardly seems worth paying for the benefit of being able to play one new instalment. Their interest value has plummeted so much. I'll be waiting at least until BPR 4 has been released before I consider subscribing again... I doubt I'll be the only one.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Greyelf » Sun, 17Dec24 00:55

kessie8dn wrote:... paying for the benefit of being able to play one new instalment.

Some people may be "paying" for an instalment, and others may be just donating their money to support the creator's passion in the same way that people support creators on Patreon.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby PinkVendeta » Thu, 17Dec28 07:45

kessie8dn wrote:
Mortze wrote:Afraid not. He won't put any more games in the free section of his site. Any new release will always be in the membership sections.

Surely a mistake on his part - Since he's removed the last vestiges of any "game" element it hardly seems worth paying for the benefit of being able to play one new instalment. Their interest value has plummeted so much. I'll be waiting at least until BPR 4 has been released before I consider subscribing again... I doubt I'll be the only one.

Hmmm, maybe he needs a shove so to say, he should join up on Patreon clearly as a creator, this then means his pledgers have a much bigger say into his games and the ideas pool becomes much bigger then in reality, then he wont be stuck in his own set mindset creating hard to play games and endless next parts, he can create, many more new games and have a constant supply of ideas to aid him from people who pledge to him on Patreon.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Tao Dude » Thu, 17Dec28 13:09

PinkVendeta wrote:
kessie8dn wrote:
Mortze wrote:Afraid not. He won't put any more games in the free section of his site. Any new release will always be in the membership sections.

Surely a mistake on his part - Since he's removed the last vestiges of any "game" element it hardly seems worth paying for the benefit of being able to play one new instalment. Their interest value has plummeted so much. I'll be waiting at least until BPR 4 has been released before I consider subscribing again... I doubt I'll be the only one.

Hmmm, maybe he needs a shove so to say, he should join up on Patreon clearly as a creator, this then means his pledgers have a much bigger say into his games and the ideas pool becomes much bigger then in reality, then he wont be stuck in his own set mindset creating hard to play games and endless next parts, he can create, many more new games and have a constant supply of ideas to aid him from people who pledge to him on Patreon.

Good idea, has anyone suggested it to him?
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 17Dec29 12:53

Not sure if anyone has said it to him exactly like that :lol: but Mortze does have his ear from time to time, so maybe he could say it to him as a friend to a friend [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Mortze » Fri, 17Dec29 23:23

PinkVendeta wrote:Not sure if anyone has said it to him exactly like that but Mortze does have his ear from time to time, so maybe he could say it to him as a friend to a friend

It's not for lack of trying from my end.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Greyelf » Sat, 17Dec30 20:40

I can understand why people might like things to be different but I don't understand why people think he has to change how he does things, and why people have problems accepting that his visual novels don't contain (many? any?) game-play elements. They are his creations so he can do whatever he wants with them, which is true for any other creator.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 18Jan13 01:23

It is really a pretty simple case of listen to the majority and what they are saying and suggesting and listen to what your very good friend Mortze is saying and suggesting and move forward with the times and change for the betterment of yourself and thus your games or virtual novels or whatever, or in the long term or ignore what everyone is saying and in a few years time be sitting there wondering why next to no one pays for your games anymore, why next to no one plays them anymore also and wonder could all of those people have actually been right?, were they actually trying to help with a friendly shove into the future of adult gaming?.

But really at that stage it will be to late and will be a clear case of, Pride Before A Fall.
Last edited by PinkVendeta on Sat, 18Jan13 10:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby ut1stgear1 » Sat, 18Jan13 06:31

Good thoughts. I started my adult gaming with Poosoy and went through that period where he became frustrated with his games being plastered all over the net. His games or VN's were the best out there at the time. He sort of went into a cacoon and I think he hasn't come out. Too bad because he has a lot to offer this industry. It's up to him though.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Greyelf » Sat, 18Jan13 21:51

It is really a pretty simple case

I have never spoken directly to that creator about exactly what motivates them to produce their creations, nor about exactly what goals they hope to achieve by creating them but there are a lot of assumptions in your statement.

. Like if you're not doing what the majority of erotic game consumers want then you're doing the wrong thing.
But is Lady Tlaero doing the wrong thing when she makes one of her excellent creations (with Mortze) while refusing to pander to the "we want to have sex with all the ...." majority?
Is Shark doing the wrong thing when they makes their excellent games using lower definition/detailed models instead of pandering to the general demand for higher definition artwork?

. That the only target audience for their content is the one they currently have, or had in the past.

. That you must keep improving yourself and "moving forward with the times", that it is wrong to find a level of competence that suites you.

While it is important to listen to the advice and suggestions of those you trust, and equally important to consider why they are saying it, it is up to the creator to decide what is relevant to their motivations and goals.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 18Jan14 11:22

Greyelf wrote:
That you must keep improving yourself and "moving forward with the times", that it is wrong to find a level of competence that suites you.

The real betterment of ones self and constant growth in whatever field of excellence You find yourself working and earning in, is built into us as humans to grow, to learn constantly, to not sit and stagnate, adult gaming is just one example used that is ever changing and growing top to bottom, people in it can either move with the times and grow and learn or sit and allow the weeds to grow around them.

Also it would have been nice if a Mod had deleted my long reply but left a reason as to why it was actually deleted :lol: so others know what we are actually allowed to say and what is not allowed to be said, all it contained was simple truths.
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Re: Pusooy - Beach Party Reunion

Postby Greyelf » Sun, 18Jan14 21:00

PinkVendeta wrote:The real betterment of ones self and constant growth in whatever field of excellence You find yourself working and earning in, is built into us as humans to grow, to learn constantly, to not sit and stagnate...

I agree that the betterment of oneself is a behaviour that is generally built-in to most people, but I also believe that each person should be able to choose for themselves which aspects of their life they (currently) want to improve and which they would prefer to leave as is. While it is true that

Each person has a natural maximum level of excellence they can achieve in any single activity that they choose to improve, after which point they either stop becoming better or they reach their "level of incompetence" (to use a business term) and actually become worse.

eg. people can train to improve their running ability but not all of them can become world class runners, and if they overextend themselves they can become permanently injured.

PinkVendeta wrote:... people in it can either move with the times and grow and learn or sit and allow the weeds to grow around them.

This assumes that there are only two options (a. move with the herd or b. become obsolete) when it comes to achieving one's goals, where as life's experience (and the porn/fashion industries *smile*) has shown us that there are any number of ways to do this. (different market segments want different things.)
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