LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby taytn » Mon, 16Sep19 12:55

Am I the only one who wants to see more of the hot maid ?
Any plans for this in the extension, Iksanabot ? :D
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby herkalurk » Mon, 16Sep19 15:30

taytn wrote:Am I the only one who wants to see more of the hot maid ?
Any plans for this in the extension, Iksanabot ? :D

Even just catching Richard doing her somehwere in the house. You know he is.....
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby bing6541 » Mon, 16Sep19 16:19

Thank you to those who have given me hints where I was stuck.

Now that I've played the game enough, I feel I can weigh in with some comments--for whatever they might be worth.

I approached this game as iksanabot wanted us to, I believe. It's a game that is really all about the sex. There is no chase. There really isn't much of a build up--unless you count some build up with the new characters, particularly Antoinette. But you can even go pretty far with her on Day Three. Even if you select that Justin had not cheated with Lisa, she still discloses on the plane that she's hot for him, and he can act on it in Day One at the cathedral, and go further on Day Two during the horseback ride. So while I miss the build up--and the payoff that comes after--I know that this wasn't that kind of game. I've enjoyed the game very much for what it is. There is a lot to explore that is well done.

As others have commented, I really didn't feel like I was in head to head competition with Richard for anyone's affection. Sure, Richard can help Lisa with the computer if Justin goes somewhere else the first afternoon, and Justin can choose to be angry to see everyone swimming naked. But, as of yet at least, I don't see how that has made women more attractive to Richard--until Day Six with Tracy. It just makes them less interested in Justin. I may have to experiment a bit more. I like the mechanic and the concept of competition. I just don't think it was competition for the women--especially Lisa who does more with Gabrielle and Tracy than she does with Richard no matter what Justin's and Richard's scores are.
She was going to blow the gloryhole dicks, flirt with the stable workers, flirt with Tracy, and fool around with Gabrielle whether Justin's score is low or high and whether Richard's score was low or high. The only people she doesn't flirt with are Antionette and Richard irrespective of anyone's score.
My primary criticism is that the game was rushed into production. Whether or not this was to appease all the people who were becoming increasingly impatient, I don't know. This could just be my personal preference, but I would rather have a complete game than wait for the expansion. LWT1 prior to expansion felt like a complete game. This one did not. So we were treated to a shortened game, or a game without all the options iksanabot had originally intended. So, at the end of the day, we're still going to have to wait to play a complete version of LWT2. This isn't a criticism on iksanabot because he had obviously planned to include more. Rather, it's a criticism on whoever or whatever pressured the game to be released in its current format. And that could be the issue with a subscription site.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby iksanabot » Mon, 16Sep19 17:29

bing6541 wrote: LWT1 prior to expansion felt like a complete game. This one did not. So we were treated to a shortened game, or a game without all the options iksanabot had originally intended. So, at the end of the day, we're still going to have to wait to play a complete version of LWT2. This isn't a criticism on iksanabot because he had obviously planned to include more. Rather, it's a criticism on whoever or whatever pressured the game to be released in its current format. And that could be the issue with a subscription site.

Hi bing6541, thanks for playing. I appreciate your comments, and I appreciate the tone of this post, which as the feel of you defending me and blaming the incomplete feeling of the game on some of the more aggressive complainers on the LOP blog. I'm grateful to you for this intention, but I don't deserve it, I'm afraid. I have to man up and say the only person to blame for LWT2 feeling unfinished is me. Let me explain.

I began writing the script for LWT2 in December 2014. I wrote through almost every day of my Christmas holiday, and got the bulk of it done then. Once I was back at work at my regular job after the holidays, work on LWT2 slowed down, but I think I finished it and sent it to Leo as a "complete" script around spring 2015. I don't think anyone was complaining on the blog then. The decision to call the script complete was mine and mine alone. I made the decision because I had reached a threshold in several ways which to me indicated that I should wrap the project up, even though I hadn't yet included scenes I wanted to include. First, I had put almost twice as many hours of work into it as I had into any other game I had written up to then. Second, I had written image descriptions for more than twice as many images as I had ever requested for a single game before. Three, the script was twice as long as any other script I had ever written before. So I called it complete because it was so big. The bigger it is, the harder it is to code, the longer it takes to make all the images, and the more likely it is that I will have made some sort of continuity error. We don't have enough resources to get editors to go through my work looking for inconsistencies. It's all me, and then Leo, and then the play testers. So basically, getting nay bigger would likely make it sloppier. Plus, what if people didn't like it? I didn't want to invest any more into it until I knew people liked it. Finally, if I invested even more into it, then I would have had to ask for more money for it, and I did not know how much money Leo would be comfortable paying me for one project. So I called it complete and sent it off, and that's the game you got. My fault.

Despite the feeling of incompleteness, I think LWT2 is worth the money. I won't call the expansion script "complete" until I feel it is worth another subscription. And I think the expanded game will actually be worth the combined cost of subscribing for the first, and then subscribing again for the expansion.

So thanks again for defending me, even if I didn't deserve it, :)
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby bing6541 » Mon, 16Sep19 18:19


Thanks for the thorough and thoughtful reply. Not being a game developer, it's easy for me (and others) to not fully appreciate all of the work that goes into a game--and you've outlined all of that very well. The game is enjoyable to play and has a lot of replayability, which is always a plus for me. What I appreciate, and what others will eventually, is the variety of options the player has at many points in the game, and how that affects options at subsequent times. That took a lot of detail work, I'm sure. And, as you wrote, making the game any bigger would have meant even more complicated paths to keep straight.

At the end of the day, I'm glad there are people like you and other developers who give us entertainment that is enjoyable.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby ddf » Mon, 16Sep19 19:25

First of all - than you guys for amazing game.

I really love the new mechanics where you don't need spend all game to develop PC to get a result, I'd like to see this in your other games and sequels (maybe Sensual Hunting 2?).

I have a couple of ideas for expansion and I cannot hold them:
- there would be nice to have a "Friendship with Richard" ending;
- in the erotic shop (while visiting the old town) it would be nice to be able to buy a sex toy (for optional use in Tracy-Lisa threesome scene or other) or condoms (for option to expand the Tracy stable scene);
- why there is no additional options for choosing "walk with stroller" in the old town? I think Justin could walk in into some quiet shop even with the stroller;
- there is no consequence for choosing "Vegas anal sex" in beginning, while "Vegas gangbang" leads to Stable scene. It would be nice to see an optional scene with Tracy for that option too;
- in expansion Justin and his girls could unexpectedly decide to stay in Richard's place a little longer either because Air France workers strike or Jhuihuyubksbdfslfbjshb volcano eruption. I'd like to see what could happen if they stay after they said farewell and did all that nice things in their "last" night.

Thank you again for amazing game, guys!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby QcBern » Mon, 16Sep19 21:20

Iksanabot wrote:
I'm thinking we will also make the points requirement higher, so that you don't just have to be beating Richard, you have to be beating him very badly...
on wed, 14 sept. ‘16

HHumphff (disapprovingly)…I would advise against it. [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img]

FurryFanatic, on the LOP blog, had several interesting comments. On sat. 17th of sept. ’16, he wrote:’’ I don’t mind the change from stat building to convo choices but it takes away the feeling of accomplishment when the only stat I have to worry about is not being as much of a dick as the other guy. Is it really that hard? Apparently hard enough that Justin’s wife is ready to fuck the asshole within a week.’’

Further along, he specifies : ‘’Tracy. She’s more than willing to bare it all and allow someone other than her husband to touch her and not even say a word but deny it even happened. It also appears that her love life has gotten so bad that it only takes a week of someone known to be a arrogant asshole to play it cool and she lets him fuck her.’’

I concur.

(Hey, if some of you guys use WordPress, why not invite people from there to come over and share their thoughts on this forum as well ? If Leonizer and Shark are up to it, why not have an advertisement of the lagoon on the LOP blog ?)

Iksanabot, I think we’ve all figured out what you were trying to do, and the large efforts that were invested in the endeavor by the team and yourself. I think we can appreciate the work that was put into it. I myself liked the game in other ways, but the main premise fell flat.

In many’s (including my own) the male competition main theme did not succeed - and cannot be made to succeed - because the adversary’s character angle is fundamentally flawed.

Showing more of Richard for who he is won’t serve anything. Tracy, for instance, is a newly-promoted lawyer, a modern woman who counts, as you may recall, politics as one of her favorite subjects of interest, and thus, it is doubtful that she would ever be a Donald Trump supporter. Her chances of falling for someone similar are rather unlikely.

(For the record, were I an American, I wouldn’t be too thrilled with Hillary Clinton either)

And what of Lisa ?

Based on the conversation on board the airplane she had with Justin, the same could probably be said of her own disposition towards this one’s cousin. Oh, you might say: isn’t Richard an accomplished individual ? Yes, but he is also an arrogant, pompous S.O.B., which makes him less of a man; precisely what Lisa doesn’t seem to want.
Oh, and wasn’t it mentioned that she had a minor in woman studies, in addition ? (If so, see above statement on Tracy).

To sum it up, Someone like George Clooney would be more of a nemesis to Justin than Richard ever would. The latter just isn’t credible.

Am I missing someone ? Oh yes ! Antoinette, poor Antoinette (well, figuratively, at least). Although she seems like an extremely kind, well-mannered, very learned and refined ‘’yummy-mommy’’, it is although she has given up, resigned to her lot in life; Richard dishes out meanness, and she takes it without so much as an ounce of protest, albeit rather reluctantly. Always accommodating, never raising her voice.

‘’Oh poo !’’ As Tracy would say. She should give him the boot !

How’s this as an Idea for an expansion : Make Richard pay for his impudence !

P.S. Iksanabot, I’d like to thank you for having disclosed where, in Canada, Lisa actually hails from : elle est une Québécoise ! :D

It’s been consistently shown, be it by polls, studies, surveys, etc. that Québec women are the most liberally attitude-minded women in all of Canada.

It would be great if that could somehow be alluded to in some way in the future.

Living in a suburb of Montréal, a Québécois myself,

À la prochaine !

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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby DroopyLoving » Mon, 16Sep19 22:53

iksanabot wrote:
DroopyLoving wrote:I noticed something today that has been bugging me...
I selected 'shared tracy' at the beginning which means Justin had a vasectomy, but I'm still able to impregnate Lisa.

It's possible that Lisa has been sleeping with other men of course, but in the related ending it says the baby is definitely Justin's.

I know. Someone on the blog caught it too. I didn't. It's a continuity error that I can easily fix with a line about Justin haven't his vasectomy reversed in anticipation of having a second kid with Tracy. It bugs me too, I will correct it in the expansion.

I don't think that would work as a fix, it sort of ruins the Gangbang-pregnancy plotline with Tracy (which, I think is only available if you shared her, if not, my mistake) and the None-pregnancy Lisa/Tracy ending where they go to the sex club (as they wouldn't be able to still be members if he had his vasectomy reversed). The better fix (I feel) would be to have the achievement blocked off if you shared Tracy, but have a way to get the Tracy gangbang without having shared her in the first game, which would mean you would be able to get both women pregnant in the same playthrough. You could possibly add a choice when shopping to take Tracy & Antoinette OR Lisa & Gabrielle to the sex shop (and the other set going to the fashion/oil shop), and then have Justin watching Tracy blow someone in the gloryhole. Which sets up the not shared Tracy BECOMING shared Tracy.

I've (obviously) played this through a few times since I wrote my initial review. It's grown on me a bit. The art and the writing are both fantastic(as they were always going to be). I still do feel like the game is a little lightweight (even if it's *bigger* in terms of images, i'm spending nowhere hear as long per-playthrough as I did with LwT).

I agree with a lot QcBern's comments about the game, especially regarding Richard not being the kind of man Tracy (or Lisa) would go for. I guess if Richard proves to Tracy that Justin is cheating on her then she might throw him a revenge fuck, but I'm still not convinced about it.

I think the whole scoring system needs a bit of an overhaul if i'm being completely honest. I think it was designed to be simple, but it's gone too far. I would prefer it if each girl had her own Richard/Justin meter which would counter my earlier complaint of being able to get the Lisa/Tracy ending, without ever sleeping with Tracy (as Tracy can be pissed at you, but Lisa still dripping). You could gain points for the women who appreciate you being an ass with Richard (Antoinette, Gabrielle maybe (although, I'd have Gabrielle's stats hidden, until you find out her secret at least)), and lose them for the others.

I like Tlaero's idea of seeing who was in a room and being able to back out, but their should still be an option of being able to spend time their in case someone shows up (like the Sauna Antoinette/Richard scene), I don't know quite how it would work but some scenes shouldn't take a full turn (my main example being the security camera scenes (and especially discovering Richard doesn't lock his door).

Anyway. I'm rambling again. Thanks for the great game guys. I'm looking forward to whatever you guys put out next.
Droopy Out
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby asskid247 » Mon, 16Sep19 23:34

Hey guys. I'm a big fan of LOP, this series especially. The thing is, I've played the new game a good bit and I've only managed to get 3 achievements. The devs don't plan on releasing a walkthrough or something like that, do they? Can I get some help here? I'm kind of an idiot. Thanks.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby DroopyLoving » Mon, 16Sep19 23:42

asskid247 wrote:Hey guys. I'm a big fan of LOP, this series especially. The thing is, I've played the new game a good bit and I've only managed to get 3 achievements. The devs don't plan on releasing a walkthrough or something like that, do they? Can I get some help here? I'm kind of an idiot. Thanks.

There will no doubt be a walkthrough eventually, but people on here are quite helpful. What are you struggling with?
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby asskid247 » Tue, 16Sep20 00:30

DroopyLoving wrote:There will no doubt be a walkthrough eventually, but people on here are quite helpful. What are you struggling with?

Pretty much every achievement except Running Wild, More Than a Steam, and Threesome Worth Waiting For
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby muttdoggy » Tue, 16Sep20 01:56

asskid247 wrote:
DroopyLoving wrote:There will no doubt be a walkthrough eventually, but people on here are quite helpful. What are you struggling with?

Pretty much every achievement except Running Wild, More Than a Steam, and Threesome Worth Waiting For

Went sniffing around the LOP blog found here...http://blog.lessonofpassion.com/
Got this put together for you.
Achievements -
"Creamy Absolution" - Get blowjob from Lisa at the Confessional at the Church. You need to have chosen that you cheated on Tracy with Lisa on the plane.
"Tracy is Pregnant!" - Extension of Ending 4 - She's pregnant with another dude's kid! On the plane, you have to choose that you shared Tracy with other men. On day 3, do not go to the stable in the afternoon. But if you do, do not arm wrestle them. Then on day 5 afternoon, visit Tracy at the pool and start the stable scene. During that scene, have her rub her pussy and then start fucking her harder. Choose to cum insider her. That should trigger a gangbang where you're being held back while watching Tracy love every second of it. On the evening of day 6 when you talk to Tracy and Lisa, keep quiet. Enjoy your emasculation!
"Evil Exposed" - Expose Richard's surveillance system. Visit the office once and get thrown out. Visit again and it says Richard uses the bathroom. Visit it a third time and you should be alone. It asks for a password which is GOD. Then choose to expose Richard's surveillance system. Bear in mind this locks you out of the office permanently.
*The other option is to use the footage for yourself which sets up 2 other endings but won't trigger the "Evil Exposed" achievement.*
"...And Lisa too!" - Ending 6. Lisa has your baby! You need to see Gabriele sabotage Lisa's pills by watching the video system on the evening of day 4. Then at the end of day 6, you need to suggest a threesome to Lisa and Tracy and cum in Lisa's pussy.
"That Hurts So Much!" - Ending 7. Lisa cheats on you with Richard and you lose your "man card". You need 3 conditions... have access to the surveillance, keep a worse score than Richard, must have cheated on Tracy with Lisa or anyone else. On the afternoon of day 6, go to Richard's office and it should show a scene where you watch Richard and Tracy really loving each other. You have to choose that you keep watching and do nothing.
"Super Hot Tub" - Ending 1. Get caught during the hot tub scene by doing the following... On day 4, choose to have Richard babysit and then go shopping with Gabriele and Lisa. If your score is high enough, they will offer to do a gloryhole. Choose to use the gloryhole. After the fancy dinner, go to the hot tub and Lisa shows you pictures on her phone. Watch all the pictures all the way to the end and then have a scene with them that leads to Tracy walking in on it.
"Double Cum Shot" - You and Guillaume both ejaculate on Antoinette's face! On day 6 morning, choose to stay and watch Antoinette and then when you hear moaning in the locker room, peek in to discover Antoinette getting rear-ended by Guillaume. If your score is high enough, she invites you to join in. DO SO! Very Important - finish by making both you and Guillaume cum on her face.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby asskid247 » Tue, 16Sep20 03:15

That is helpful, muttdoggy. Thanks!
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby AceSpiral » Tue, 16Sep20 03:32

iksanabot wrote:Plus, what if people didn't like it? I didn't want to invest any more into it until I knew people liked it.

Iksanabot, LWT1 was so successful. I don't understand why you would think that honestly. You should've been more confident in yourself and wrote LWT2 with everything you had planned in it. If anything, your LOP GOLD games have been a hit so far.

EDIT: Plus, from the discussions in this thread, you might rework/re-code some of the game mechanics from scratch. So why not do it right the first time. And so far I like your mindset about the expansion and what you're planning to add. Go big this time.
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Re: LWT 2: Foreign Affairs

Postby Spluts » Tue, 16Sep20 05:20

Fun game so far! I'd like to post more but I'd save it for a few more playthroughs. Thanks to the dev team for producing another LWT game! I truly hope it gets more expansions as time goes by; it's a very interesting world with interesting characters.

May I ask for some help from the community in compiling all possible intimate scenes? I noted that the achievements don't necessarily lead to all possible sex scenes in the game. It would be nice to figure out how to access the scenes except I don't know what is available. Sorry for the spoilers! ^_^
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