Little story...

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Little story...

Postby cj1015 » Sat, 16Sep03 04:49

No sex or anything yet just one of the many shorts that I'm working on...
I'll post some more crap if ya'll want.
She couldn't believe it! Sandra the prom queen, the hottest piece of ass in school had  gone camping with her boyfriend. it was supposed to be romantic. But there were bugs EWWW. and Mud EWW and all kinds of creepy crawly things and no shower. After four hours she demanded she be taken back home, but as she was filing her nails in the car waiting for Brent to finish packing up the gear. a big dog had slipped out of the woods. It was big and shaggy and it looked at her. She didn't like it. she threw her shoe at it and it had lunged at her it had her ankle in it's mouth for a split second and there was more barking in the woods the big beast turned and loped off into the woods. There was just the tiniest of scratches on her leg. She didn't think anything of it.

The next day she woke and her leg was on fire her ankle was big and puffy and painful to walk. She got her parents to take her to the hospital. Thirty minutes later and she could be shopping instead of waiting in the stupid hospital for some idiot to tell her nothing she didn't already know. The doctor examined her and gave her a shot of antibiotics and a prescription and also a rabies vaccine, she would have to get a second one in two weeks.

Nothing really eventful happened for some time, but she did get some very nice shoes on Sunday, and a hat, and a skirt, and two new blouses. She took her antibiotics regularly and the second rabies shot wasn't too bad. 

She woke up one morning she had four red bumps just on her body, just  slight like a mosquito bite. there were two in line with her nipples. she put some bug bite lotion on them and covered them with band-aids. She ran her fingers through her hair it felt stronger and fuller.

At least she had that going for her. She walked to the kitchen, and grabbed a couple of carrots. A few bites later she felt like she was starving. There was a left over pot roast in the refrigerator, the better part of half of it left. She took it out and walked to the counter and pulled some fibers of meat free and they were in her mouth before she realized what she was doing. Ewww Meat. More her body told her her fingers of their own volition tore a piece of the tender meat from the pot roast and she sucked it into her mouth. The taste and feeling sent shivers up her spine and twenty seconds later despite her internal objections about a vegan she was tearing the pot roast to shreds with her bare hands and stuffing it into her face. Her growls filled the room. She needed more there was some ham. some hot dogs, a whole link of sausage. She could feel her pulse pounding in her ears. She sucked her teeth and hurried to her room. She fixed her makeup and dressed in a skirt and heels. Her top was a new favorite with opal-colored buttons, and sort of a cream brushed cotton. She picked up her purse and climbed into her mustang. It had been a gift from her daddy. She pulled out of the driveway and was on the road in mere minutes. She turned off in front of a steak house. Locked the door and stepped inside.

“What will it be” the waiter asked looking bored, a single top and a woman, a woman who obviously watched her weight.

“What kind of steaks do you have?”

“We have a four ounce filet minion wrapped in bacon. And a six ounce new york strip.”

“Anything bigger?” she asked, “I'm having an odd craving”

“Uh we have a 12 ounce porterhouse, also 14 ounce. 24 Ounce ribeye.” he looked at her uncertainly

“The ribeye please?”

“How would you like that cooked?”

“Rare” Oh Mi god Ewww

“Yes Ma'am anything else?”

“No um a glass of water I guess”

“What about sides?”

“A salad, I think with bacon dressing and some asparagus spears please?”

“Yes Ma'am” the waiter seemed a bit more excited about his order now. He dissapeared and re-appeared with a glass of ice water that she gulped down. The waiter came back with a second glass. Her stomach rumbled when the steak appeared. She carefully used her knife and fork, everything inside her told her to just tear it up and eat it with her fingers. She finished her meal and the waiter looked astonished. “Anything else Ma'am?” he asked

“No that's all” he produced the check and she paid it with daddy's credit card and left the waiter a nice tip. She felt sated for now but she felt herself being drawn to the grocery store.
great white shark
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Re: Little story...

Postby muttdoggy » Sat, 16Sep03 05:57

Good start. She sounds like something I'd avoid at all times unless she's in heat. :crazy:
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Re: Little story...

Postby cj1015 » Sat, 16Sep03 06:04

Exactly the last person in the world you would ever want to have lycanthopy. And it was going to go towards that... eventually.
great white shark
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Re: Little story...

Postby cj1015 » Tue, 16Sep06 00:35

I suppose what I'm illustrating is I have a SHELF or five of Stories.... depending on your flavor that could be developed into a game or games.
If you want to let me know if you want to collaborate let me know... I've messed with Daz and the others with little effect and my programmig skills are limited...
So if you want to work on something let me know.
great white shark
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