Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure 1.04

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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99b

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 16Jul23 13:34

Right. I forgot I had removed the SEX counter. Nevermind :)
I am afraid you might be hit by a possible progression bug.
Sorry about that.

I have added Beta 0.99b to the frontpage. Assorted stuff and hopefully a fix for that bug above.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99b

Postby Jfbarbequer » Sat, 16Jul23 14:43

thanks that worked and i got some progression but find myself stuck again it said end of scruffy content and now i'm at a loss for what to do I've been everywhere at every time for several days in a row. my number is 208126172117113810. i feel bad asking for help so much but i dot know what else to do and you made such an interesting game i want to see the end.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99b

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 16Jul23 15:05

Alright. Good that it fixed your bug.
You should have event in the Lounge at 16 where Scruffy talks about the Alley. If you have already had that event you might want to check out the Alley at 16.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99b

Postby Jfbarbequer » Sun, 16Jul24 14:39

No such luck on either of those events triggering.
Scruffy isn't even in the lounge at 16 and like i said i got the end of content message for scruffy. rain is in the alley at 16 but doesn't trigger an event.
Last edited by Jfbarbequer on Sun, 16Jul24 14:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 16Jul24 14:46

Ok. I am going to send you a PM. Since I have to ask a bunch of questions and your number might have thrown me for a loop.

After a quick conversation it lead to finding a somewhat rare progression bug. Good stuff.
Added Beta 0.99c to the front page. Only affects you if you are pretty far in the game but only have had one event with the babe. See spoiler for details.
If Scruffy has turned 40 and you haven't had any events with Rain in the alley.

Love to get these out of the way in the final stretch of beta. :)
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby jojopistachio » Mon, 16Jul25 09:24

Awesome game! I love the open-world element to it. I was hoping someone could help me. I've gone around to every location at every hour of the day, but nothing seems to trigger. I was supposed to get kitchen access but it never came up. My number is 05209521714. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 16Jul25 10:06

Hiya jojopistachio

Thanks for the interest in the game.
You are still in the beginning stages of the game and I am not sure if you know that you can use the command "task list" to get some reminders/hints about what you need to do. As far as I can tell there should be some pointers there for you.
The task list should note that you should train in the Rec Area to improve your strength to continue with Gem's path.
It might contain other such notes.

I hope that helps and that you enjoy the rest of the game.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby jojopistachio » Tue, 16Jul26 09:00

I shortly after realized that there was the "check display" hint system after typing help. Genius me. Thanks anyway. Actually, what is confounding me now is finding help translating the deciphered code. Are there any bilingual employees? I'm looking forward to the final release. Keep it up!
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 16Jul26 09:35

Good to hear.
There is a bilingual character. It might not be an employee.
It might be easy to miss and there is no hint in the task list for the translation. One of the first paths has a tiny hint about it. I guess you can find the person from here :)
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby charlesb » Wed, 16Jul27 13:05

Hi Seztworks.

I've played your game since version 0.50 I think, it was a great experience. I think sequel
Himeros Island
will be much better and enjoyable.

Sorry to invade your topic about technical issues, I have one question for you about ADRIFT 5 since your game has inspired me to create mine [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] . It's a minor spoiler.
How did you manage to show different content when we read the tome or Rain's diary? Did you seperate them as tasks or alternative descriptions of the item? Here's what I try to do: I want to create a simple magazine and everytime the player reads it, I want it to show different content in random order. How can I do that?
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby Seztworks » Wed, 16Jul27 13:17

Hiya charlesb

Thanks for the kind words :)

Regarding your Adrift question:
Any multipage text has been implemented as alternate description in a task.
I use a unique variable to keep track of how far the player has come.
Example for your implementation. MagazinePageRead.
Each description page would have a requirement of a specific count like "Variable "MagazinePageRead" must be equal to 1"
The task then increases that variable by 1 and the next time the player uses the task it reads nr. 2 and so on.
The only thing you have to note here is that the "simple mode" version of Adrift will do the Actions of the task before printing the description. So it will increase the counter before checking what to print. This can be changed in settings or you just have to plan around it or you will have an "off by one" error.

P.S. just noticed that you wanted a random order. That will be slightly trickier. There are functions to randomize a number. But to make sure it only shows something once with rand I haven't tried to make work.

I hope that helps :)
Last edited by Seztworks on Wed, 16Jul27 13:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby charlesb » Wed, 16Jul27 13:41

Seztworks thank you for your help!
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 16Jul28 04:03

Minor bug:
Employee Lounge: Day 1 @ 14 o'clock

Celeste offers you the 'buy groceries' task, if you 'accept' the 'task' and re-enter the Employee Lounge within the same time period then Celeste (being a dumb blonde) will forget and offer you the task again, although she is smart enough to not actually allow you to accept it more than once. (so you can't use her forgetfulness to gain more money)
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby iamystic » Fri, 16Jul29 06:23

stuck at Cleanup from Daisy l:0510130102, restarting game for 3rd time. cant clean room, shower HELP!!!!!
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Re: Himeros Hotel - Adult Adrift Adventure Beta 0.99c

Postby jojopistachio » Fri, 16Jul29 19:41

I would really appreciate some help. A couple things are supposed to have triggered, but I feel like there's one event that's preventing them from doing so. Plus my display shows no tasks. L:47521716221956
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