Translating RfJ

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Thu, 16Jul07 04:22

Hi Massi84. Thank you for your offer.

I'm going to convert RfJ into the new AC2 format. I've kind of been waiting for the German language translation to be done, but maybe I'll do it first and convert the German later. If you're going to start from scratch on a new translation, I would prefer that you do it on the AC2 version and that you do the translation in AC2. Give me a few days to convert the game before you start. If you want to get started on learning the AC2 tool, take a look at the Translating DwE thread ( That's the tool you'll use, and if you download the current DwE, you can open it in AC2 and look at the how it works (DwE already has a Spanish translation you can look at).

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Jul10 04:38

I've converted RfJ to AC2. Chessy, how far away from your German translation are you? I'll need to convert that too. If you've still got a long way to go, I may need to have you send what you have so far, let me convert it, and have you switch to working in AC2.

Massi84, you said you had questions about AC2. What would you like to know?

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby muttdoggy » Sun, 16Jul10 05:55

I have a suggestion regarding translations. Due to lexical similarities, it is easier for an italian, portuguese, or spaniard to translate a French version of RfJ. They are all Romance Languages and are derived from Latin. How I know.. I was adopted by an Italian family. Plus, I have Canadian friends who speak French fluently. And I am familiar with Spanish since I dated 2 mexican gals and lived with and next-door to a Mexican family for 2 years. So I'll admit that its always challenge to do a word for word translation but sending a French or Italian translation to a Spanish-speaking person would be easier because they wouldn't have to try to translate the sentence structure as well.
Note.. I said easier. But I have come across people who are native French or Spanish speakers who can speak English so well that it's difficult to catch the accent. For example, my friend from Canada was mistaken as a person from New Orleans. But that makes perfect sense since many people there speak French, too.
Makes me want to go cook up some poutines and jambalaya. Wish me luck!! :crazy:
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Massi84 » Sun, 16Jul10 19:25

Yes, I guess for those like me that never used a tool like this before we'll appreciate if you make a tutorial of it. It's like when you start to use a new program and you don't know how to begin to use it. i read the first steps and i have many doubts. Maybe if you post some image it will be easy for me and everyone else that are not acquainted with this kind of tool. sorry for the inconveniences
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jul11 01:00

Okay, first download the new AC2 version of RfJ and unzip it. That's here: ... h/

Next do the following steps:
1) Launch AC2
2) Pull down File->Open...
3) Navigate to the "files" directory in RfJS and select "" (Note, that's es for "espanol" not "en" for "English")

Two new windows will show up. One will say "1361 pages unfiltered" at the top. This is the game view. You select pages to translate in by clicking the bold page names in this window. You'll also notice a lot of text in red. Those are translation errors. They are places where the translation is the same as the English. Any page that has translation errors will also say "Loc Needed."

The other new window will say, "Translating from en to es" at the top. That's the loc view. You make your translations here.

4) In game view, click the bolded text "_menu"
5) In loc view, you'll get a series of text boxes where you can type with English text in them. Convert the English to Spanish and hit "Ctrl-S"
6) Note that the _menu entry for game view now shows translated lines in green and, assuming you translated everything, no longer shows any errors.
7) Click the next page (_restart) and repeat until you've done all of the pages. is a text file that you can open in a text editor if you'd like. You can even make your changes there instead of in AC if you really want to, but you've got to be very careful. If you break any of the formatting (add a word wrap, accidentally delete a ], etc) game won't work and your efforts will be wasted. It's safer to use AC2. At the very least, make backups often and try it frequently to make sure you haven't broken anything.

In AC2, whenever you save a page, it makes a backup of in the ac folder. If something goes wrong, stop immediately and grab the backup. If you save something bad twice, you can overwrite the backup.

Does any of that make sense?

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jul11 01:04

Incidentally, if anyone hasn't played RfJ in a while and was thinking about replaying it, it would help me if you played the new version I just uploaded ( ... h/ This is identical to the original, but in the new game format. I've tested it, but it would be good to get another few pairs of eyes trying it out to make sure I didn't miss anything in the conversion.

In that version, if you click the "Play in Spanish" button, it'll actually play in English. The Spanish translation hasn't been done yet. French and Italian are real, though.

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Massi84 » Mon, 16Jul11 02:12

Now i got it. That's great, thank you.
So, i'm not going to talk about dates. I'll be working on it, when i finished i let you know. I want to do it right, so i'll check it out many times if is that necesary.
Thanks again we are on touch. cheers
pd: i'll write to you if that's what i need.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jul11 07:04

Cool. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Chessy, how are you feeling about your German translation. Should you send me what you have, let me convert it to AC2, and have you finish it there? Or are you close enough to done that we should just wait and have me convert it when it's done?

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby muttdoggy » Mon, 16Jul11 09:07

Played the English AC2 version of RfJ labeled RfJS. It worked fine and I had no issues. I didn't listen to the sound because I have shoulder/neck/back issues that cause headaches but everything worked great so the sound probably did as well. Enjoyed playing the game again. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]
Oh I run Windows 10 Pro 64 on a custom rig if that helps.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Mon, 16Jul11 21:57

tlaero wrote:I've converted RfJ to AC2. Chessy, how far away from your German translation are you? I'll need to convert that too. If you've still got a long way to go, I may need to have you send what you have so far, let me convert it, and have you switch to working in AC2.

Massi84, you said you had questions about AC2. What would you like to know?


Speaking for us both here, because we're talking mainly via Mail, rather than in this forum. As I've posted earlier, a first version has been completed for quite a while now. (100% texts changed to German) And the first round of proof reading is done too. Expect the final release after I've done my proof reading in about 2-3 weeks. But I guess there's no problem in sending you our current version so you can convert it right away. Just one question: Can I continue the old version and somehow import the changes I made there until you converted it to AC2? If import isn't possible or practical, how long of a "pause" can I expect to wait until you're done?

Also how to send you the files? Can you PM me your E-Mail or should I upload it to some hosting site?
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Mon, 16Jul11 22:15

Bonsoir à tous,

J'ai de nouveau parcouru la majeure partie du jeu avec toujours autant de plaisir sans rencontrer de problème (hormis qqs fautes oubliées malgré les multiples relectures, pardon...).
J'espère pouvoir trouver le temps nécessaire pour réaliser une version Française de ... Miranda quand le jeu sera prêt... [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]


I have played a large part of the game in the new release (French) without any problem and always a lot of pleasure.
I hope to find time for French version of ... Miranda, when the game will be ready, if Tlaero and Mortze agree... [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Marco ;)
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Tue, 16Jul12 02:50

Thank you MuttDoggy and Marco for playing the updated version. I'm glad to hear it's working. My first pass at it had a lot of problems, but I found and fixed them in my testing. It's good to get confirmation that I probably caught them all.

NudeRaider, how about you send me what you have now, and I'll take a look at it and make sure there aren't any issues. Then we can discuss how best to get from there to the final one. Probably what I'd do is convert it and add it to the current RfJS download, then re-convert it when you're done. (So you can keep working as you currently are.)

I only need the german files. You don't need to send me the images or the English files, etc. Please upload it to MediaFire or someplace like that. They're free and easy.

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Mortze » Tue, 16Jul12 15:53


Have you notice Marco's avatar pic is? Such a cute heart.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Tue, 16Jul12 16:55

Mortze wrote:Tlaero,

Have you notice Marco's avatar pic is? Such a cute heart.

"All You Need is Love..." [img]kator/smiley211.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley207.gif[/img] mon cher Mortze. ;)
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Fri, 16Jul15 03:15

NudeRaider sent me what he's got so far and I translated it to AC2. If anyone would like to try the beta German version, it's here.

Massi84, if you download this you can get to the Spanish translation on the start page by clicking the right side of the picture. Before I ship the game with 4 languages, I'll have a better solution than this.

Nude and Chessy, if you want to continue with AC1, that's fine. I'll re-translate it when you're done. If you'd rather switch to AC2 (which is much faster, more stable, and better color coded), you can use the above version with it.

Thank you again, everyone, for your translation efforts.


PS: Yes Mortze, I'm a fan of Marco's image...
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