I had an idea of the Lagoon being a professional business. Bear with me please.
The situation now is, a game is published each four months '3 games per year' Which i think is not enough.
Shark of course is busy due to his life. So we lagooners should help.
Assuming 10 lagooners pay €10 when a game is published. That's a hundred each four months which equals €300 per year!!
Obviously the work deserves more even if subscribers are a hundred.
So, how about, If Shark produces 12 mini games (One each month) along with the main games?
While discounting the subscrition to €5 per month, but on the other hand each month's game is exclusive for only 30 days. That way, instead of total contribution to the Lagoon of €30 per year, each lagooner will contribute €5 on monthly basis in return of a new game each month (60 per year instead of 30) which is not remarkable for us lagooners but it will motivate the team into making the Lagoon a more active/sustainable business for the team & a funnier place for us lagooners.
Hope you like my Idea, i will be waiting for your feedback & opinions, and are you up for such contribution?