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Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Sep14 04:40
by tallpine62
a progress report on Geraldine and Gregory would be greatly appreciated.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Sep14 04:59
by Greyelf
tallpine62 wrote:a progress report on Geraldine and Gregory would be greatly appreciated.

The Geraldine and Gregory image was posted on Twitter less than a month ago, it may be a little soon to start asking about progress and possible release dates. *smile*

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Sun, 16Sep18 20:40
by tallpine62
release date? Who asked anything of a release date? *smile* *wink wink* *smile* really guys, why does all inquiries have to be answered with negative response? I am sure Mr. Shark did not intend his site to be such, i was only wishing for a reasonable conversation on a new subject, this is a forum is it not? Mr. Shark or a member of his team need not get involved but his lagoon members should be able to exchange observations in a light and non barbaric manner.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 16Sep19 07:08
by paquito
Thanks for the new pictures!

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 16Sep19 14:55
by tallpine62
Innocent Geraldine has been placed in a dungeon, what crime could she have committed? What trickery could have placed her there? Shark's Lagoon ADVENTURES continue!

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Tue, 16Sep20 03:42
by Greyelf
tallpine62 wrote:why does all inquiries have to be answered with negative response?
in a light and non barbaric manner.

I am sorry that you found my comment on your request for a progress report as negative, it was meant more as a suggestion to "wait for that sort of information to eventually appear as the project gets closer to being released." [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

Progress on a software project (like these ones) is quite a vague measurement, because it assumes that the total amount of work required is a 'known' quantity (eg X of Y done). Where as things like: the number of scenes; the number of background images; the number of figure and animated movements; the amount of dialog/story text and the translation of that text; and the amount of coding required all can change on a regular bases right up to the first version is released. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Tue, 16Sep20 19:50
by tallpine62
Good answer Greyelf, and what would your observation be i/r poor Geraldine being placed in a dungeon? This excites the imagination as to what our sweet girl might be into.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Sep21 06:01
by Greyelf
what crime could she have committed
In the period the adventure is set you did not have to actually commit a crime to end up in a place like that, you just had to have something that someone in power wanted. lol
what our sweet girl might be into
Some bondage and discipline perhaps? [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Sep21 10:55
by tallpine62
Greyelf wrote:
what crime could she have committed
In the period the adventure is set you did not have to actually commit a crime to end up in a place like that, you just had to have something that someone in power wanted. lol
what our sweet girl might be into
Some bondage and discipline perhaps? [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

a very good point indeed and some light torture with lots of sex would be the ticket.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Fri, 16Oct14 09:19
by Rocca83
Salut à tous, alors c'est pour quand ce nouveau jeu ? :)

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Fri, 16Oct14 10:12
by paquito
Voilà une manière bien abrupte de demander... Il sortira quand il sera fini semble être la réponse de vigueur dans ce genre de situation.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Fri, 16Oct14 12:55
by kokinous
Shark nous mettra des nouvelles images sur twitter quand il aura le temps et il nous tiendra au courant aussi je pense

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Fri, 16Oct14 14:58
by tallpine62
We become aware of completion when next game is completed, not much more info can be obtained. That is just the way it is, we must display patience. Mr. Shark is a very gifted person with an amazing ability of creating the games, we become masters of waiting. Explore other avenues of the Lagoon, per chance one can find something interesting to read about.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Oct19 16:28
by Solid Snake
Cher(e)s et Honorables Membres du Lagon,

Tout le monde pose la question "A quand le prochain jeu de Maitre Sharks ? ..." avec la plus grande im-patience.

Rappelez-vous la dernière phrase qui conclut "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo" d'A.Dumas :

" Jusqu'au jour où Dieu daignera apprendre l'avenir aux Hommes, toute l'humaine Sagesse tiendra dans ces deux mots :

Attendre et Espérer !"

A bon entendeur, Salut !

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 16Oct19 19:18
by tallpine62
Solid Snake wrote:Cher(e)s et Honorables Membres du Lagon,

Tout le monde pose la question "A quand le prochain jeu de Maitre Sharks ? ..." avec la plus grande im-patience.

Rappelez-vous la dernière phrase qui conclut "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo" d'A.Dumas :

" Jusqu'au jour où Dieu daignera apprendre l'avenir aux Hommes, toute l'humaine Sagesse tiendra dans ces deux mots :

Attendre et Espérer !"

A bon entendeur, Salut !

Well said Solid Snake, so now we wait for Mr. Shark and team to complete the next game and hope for a short consumption of most precious commodity of all, time.